` Made yet another woman cry

☼ °~♪ Summer Shuffle [Graphic Challenge]


●●● Made yet another woman cry by 2BIC

The fifth one of this challenge! So I tried out the grain effect  e u e I couldn't figure out what to do with the borders, but I didn't want to remove them, so yeah.. First the guy was on the bottom of the poster, but that didn't worked out for the 2 ladies, so I repositioned them and this is the result! First time trying to make a sad poster... xD

The bench in the left corner is to fill up the poster and indicates the loneliness of the main character who is lonely without the right person B| I dunno I am just writing crap to talk the bench right XD

I love the lyrics, the mv of this song and the song itself! Watch the mv if you haven't done that yet. The storyline was quite weird, but the acting was really good to my opinion!

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/stalking your graphics tbh;
Chapter 9: YOU MAKE GRAPHICS?!?!
How much more talented can you get XD
I want to learn but the photoshop I downloaded doesn't work *sobs*
Chapter 2: Great~~I love this..After ZE A's song beautiful girl , what is the tittle of the second song ?