Birthday problems

Pabo Boys

Jordan's POV: "Ok, Everyone take five." I said stretching my arms above my head. As if it was a switch, everyone collasped on the floor. I laughed and shook my head. My black bangs were plastered against my soaked forehead. "My feet hurt...." Seungjin complained as he flopped on the waxed floor. I glanced at him and smiled. "You'll survive." I said glancing at my friend like he was crazy. Seungjin is so funny... He  flung his arm over his face and sighed heavily. "What if I don't? What if my feet fall off? Then you'll have to carry me around for the rest of your life." He said flatly. I blinked a couple times at him. Were does he dream this stuff up? I rolled my eyes and slowly sat down on the soothing and cold waxed floor. My body seemed to ach but I ignored it as I leaned against the huge mirror. Seungjin scooted closer to me and rested his head on my shoulder, and pressed his body against mine. We've gotten closer lately...Ever since the incident that happened between his  brother and ex girlfriend. It seemed to bring us closer... I blushed as he gave me a smug half smile. Everyone was sprawled out in different directions. They have made a lot of progress to...They've all gotten better at dancing. If they get better, they won't need me. I looked down at Seungjin who fidgeted, resting his head on my thigh now. He was texting on his phone  and he squinted at his bright screen. I hope they never leave.. 

                  "....Cute couple...." Kimchi whispered. I looked up to see the others huddled close together as they whispered to each other. They whispered in each other ears while shooting us glances. Why do they keep looking at us like that? I titled my head at them and strained to hear them. "Why don't they just date?" Heechul whispered to J-Hyo who shrugged. Do me and Seungjin really look like a couple? I looked down at my best friend who was still looking at his phone. He is really cute....Any girl would want to date him..He's really cute and funny to. He looked over at me and stared at me curiously. "Is there something on my face?" He asked alarmedly. He sat up and stared at me worriedly. I shook my head and realized I must have been staring at him like a retard. "No, your fine." I said shaking my head. He raised a eyebrow and slowly layed his head on my thigh once more. I looked up as a shadow fell over me. Seyong was standing in front of me with a amused smile on his face. "I need to talk to you, Jordan." He said making chills go up my back. Oh great....What did I do now? I followed him towards the back of the practice room. I gulped nervously but made myself hold his serious stare. "Are you two dating?" He asked unexpectedly. I felt my jaw drop a little, and my eyes widen. I gave a shaky laugh and held my hands up. "N-No, were just friends." I objected. Seyong nodded slowly and looked down. Does he even believe me? "You totally like him." J-Hyo said appearing from behind him. "N-No! Were just good friends..." I said casually. It's the truth! I sighed. 

                          "You guys would be so cute." Kimchi said doing a face palm. I rolled my eyes as they all joined in. "Were just friends." I said intterupting their gushing. J-Hyo put his hands on his hips and rolled his eyes. "It's obvious that he likes you." He said making my face turn three shades of red. "No he doesn't." I said looking over my shoulder were he was sitting innocently. He looked at us curiously and he titled his head. "We'll see, now won't we?" Heechul said daringly. I nodded and sighed heavily. There's no way he likes me... "Were throwing him a huge birthday party. We need your help-" Seyong said but I held my hand up cutting him off. "It's his birthday?" I asked staring at them wide eyed. No one tells me anything! They all nodded and I looked down. I need to buy him a present... It has to be something that he likes..."It will be the best present ever!" I blurted out pumping my fist in the air. The others stared at me blankly. J-Hyo laughed breaking the silence. "Well were all going to be buying him something. Can you do me a favor and buy some supplies?" Seyong asked glancing at Kimchi. I nodded and smiled. I need one of them to come with me so that I know what to buy him...Before I could ask them, they all partnered up and talked rapidly to each other. "I think Sungjae can help you out. I don't think he's doing anything." Heechul said as he walked towards the door with the others following him. I looked across the room at Sungjae who was puting on his shoes. "Hey." I said as I walked up to him. 

              "Hey, What's up?" He asked looking up at me. I akwardly looked down and sighed. "Can you help me find a perfect birthday present for Seungjin?" I asked keeping my voice down. Sungjae nodded and smiled hugely. "Sure, I don't mind." He said cheerfully. I turned around and beckoned him to follow me after I gave a greatful nod. I stopped as someone called my name, making me turn around. Seungjin was standing behind me and he looked lost. "Do you want to hang out with me since everyone left?" He asked hopefully. I opened my mouth to say something, then closed it. I don't want to give anything away. I don't want him finding out about his birthday party.... "Well, Jordan and I were going to hang out together today." Sungjae said quickly. Seungjin's hopeful smile fell and he stared at us blankly. "Oh..I see." He said flatly. I fidgeted uneasily and glanced at Sungjae. "I'll be back soon." I said reassuringly. Hopefully he doesn't get th wrong idea about this... I turned around but stopped as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him. "See you later, princess." He said his warm breath making me shiver. I blushed heavily and looked down. I rested my hands his, not knowing how to react. "S-See...Ya." He finally let me go and I gulped nervously. His arms are strong and protective...I felt safe. I shook my head and looked down. What am I thinking?! I sighed.

                 Sungjae's POV: Does she like him or something? I looked over my shoulder at Seungjin as we left. He narrowed his blue eyes at me, jealousy written all over his face. Once we were outside, the bright sunlight beated down on us. I squinted my eyes and raised my hand above my eyes. "It sure is a hot day." She commented, tilting her head back and letting the sun beat down on her pale face. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked suddenly making her glance at me. It seems like her and Seungjin are close...He must be her boyfriend...At least I think he is. "Are you and Seungjin dating?" I asked glancing at her as we walked on the white side walk. She looked at me quickly, her blue eyes wide. "No...Were just friends." She said looking down. We both fell silent and I glanced at her. Her long black hair blew slighty in the wind and I stared at her and smiled. She's really pretty, and boy would really like her. But it's obvious that Seungjin might like her. "Sungjae, where do you think we should go?" Jordan asked suddenly making me jerk out of my thoughts. "How about the outlet malls?" I suggested with a shrug. She smiled hugely and nodded. "Great idea. And it's just up the road." She said cheerfully. I wish I could open up to her...I'm so shy around girls. In the distance, the outlet mall stores towered above us. People of all different shapes and sizes were walking around. Jordan stopped and looked around. "What store should we go into first?" She asked glancing at me. He really likes shoes...."How about Foot Locker?" 

                       She smiled hugely at me and grabbed my hand. "Great idea!" She cheered before she dashed off towards the store. I stumbled clumsly after her. I struggled not to fall and keep up with her. People stared at us wide eyed as we ran past them. "Jordan! Slow down!" I laughed as we swerved around people. She came to a sudden halt and giggled at me. We were standing in front of a huge store that had 'Foot Locker' in big red letters. "Are you sure? This store is very expensive." I said cautiously. I don't want to her to blow all of her money... She smiled and nodded. "If it will make Seungjin happy." She said before walking inside the huge store. ( I looked around in awe. This is a very huge store...Jordan was already looking around at the different brands of shoes. I stopped as I spotted a pair of gray addidas. These are so cool...( Jordan was busily looking at shoes while shaking her head approvingly or disaprovingly. "Finally!" She said excitedly. She ran towards me and held up another pair of addidas. ( "Wow...Those are nice." I said gentle the leather. She smiled and nodded.

                        "I'll pay real quick, you can wait outside if you want." She said pulling out her colorful wallet. I smiled and walked out of the store. He's going to love those shoes...He's going to have to share.. I squinted in the bright sunlight and looked down. It's a shame his parents won't buy him anything for his birthday. They hate him... I looked up as I heard a hauntingly familiar voice. I looked up to see Jung Kook talking to a co worker for one of the stores. What is he doing here?! I akwardly looked down. I hope he doesn't see me... Jordan walked out and smiled hugely. "Ok, we can leave." She said happily. I junped as Jung Kook said her name. She spun around and went wide eyed as she saw Jung Kook standing behind her. "What are you doing here?" She asked her voice high with shock. He smiled innocently and shot me a dirty glare. "Fine, no hello." He said irratatedly. She crossed her arms and glared at him. "What do you want?" She asked angerily. Jung Kook ran his hands through his black flippy hair. "I just want to say I'm sorry. We didn't exactly get to fully understand each other." He said pushing me aside. I glared at him and Jordan rolled her eyes. "Sorry I can't. I got to get back before Seungjin's party starts." She said nudging her way past him. "I just want to be your friend." He called after her. She ignored him and looked down at her feet. Guilt and regret was written all over her face. "Maybe we should give him a second chance..." She said looking up at me. I gasped and stared at her wide eyed. "No way." 

                     "But everyone deserves second chances." She objected staring at me challengingly. I've given him many chances....More then a second chance. "I don't trust him. I don't think you shoulder either..." I said resting my hand on her shoulder. "Look, I know you are still upset about the incident. And I'm really sorry...I just want to buy something for my brother on his birthday." He said innocently. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk. She can do what she wants, but I don't trust him. I hate the way he treats Seungjin... And I will never forgive him for that. "Sungjae!" Jordan yelled before running towards me. I looked over my shoulder at her and stopped. "Please...give him another chance." Jordan said pressing her hands together and looking up at me beggingly. I rolled my eyes and looked down. Seungjin would be upset and furious if he saw us with him. I looked up at Jung Kook who gave a tiny smirk. "Fine." I said through clenched teeth. Jordan stepped on her tippy toes and kissed my cheek quickly before beckoning Jung Kook foreword. I avoided his triumphant glance he gave me. "What all are you buying him?" Jung Kook asked staring at Jordan. She sighed and shrugged. "I made him something...But I don't know if he'll like it." ( She said holding out the necklace. Jung Kook held it in his hand and the metal angel wing. "It's awesome." He said reassuringly. I looked down and grunted.

                                    Jordan's POV: I leaned foreword to stare at Sungjae. He was studying his feet and mumbling something to himself. I surpressed a sigh and looked down. I know he's probably not happy right now...But Jung Kook seems like he can be a nice guy if he's given the chance. I looked at my purple vans. The image of us roller blading flashed in my head and I blushed slightly. He seemed so nice.... "I can leave if you want..." Jung Kook said suddenly making me look up. I jumped and jerked out of my thoughts. "Your fine...I was just thinking." I said holding my hands up. I hope the others will be ok with me bringing him to the party. "Oh wait, I'm going to go in here." He said holding his arm out in front of me. I nodded and watched him walk in a fancy clothes store. I glanced at Sungjae who seemed to have become more quiet. "I'm sorry." I said softly to him. There's go my friendship with him....He probably hates me now. I jumped as Sungjae sighed. He walked over to me and tilted my chin up, making me look at him. "No, I'm sorry." He said apologetically. I gave a small smile and he smiled back. "I..I just don't like what he's done in the past." Sungjae explained swaying side to side. I nodded slowly and looked at the sunset. The pink and orange sky seemed to give the white buildings color. "Me either. But I'm glad your giving him a second chance." I said hugging him. He hugged me back and sighed. Hopefully everything works out. "Am I interrupting something?" Jung Kook asked softly. 

                        I blushed and stepped away from Sungjae. "No." I said quickly. Jung Kook chuckled and held his arm out were a white bag was hanging around his wrist. "What did you buy him?" I asked excitedly. I opened the white bag and held up a black 'Monster' hoodie. "Wow, it's really cool." I said observing it. Jung Kook smiled. "Nice choice." Sungjae said taking Jung Kook by surprise. We all stood there akwardly and I cleared my throat. "How about we get to the house?" I suggested clapping my hands together. They both nodded and we walked down the road once more. Hoepfully Seungjin won't be to  mad at me. The sunset casted shadows behind every building and I listened to the heavy footsteps of our feet against the pavement. "I'll call and see if the party started." Sungjae said pulling out his white iphone. I gave a small nod and looked around. The huge white house was towering above us in the distance. "...Well ok." Sungjae said unplugging one of his ears. He sighed heavily and hung up. "Yeah, but no one has really arrived yet." He said softly. I gave a happy nod and walked towards the house. The back yard had bright lights flashing everywhere. We all walked around the back of the house. The grass tickled my legs and I smiled and waved at everyone. There was a wooden picnic table that had presents piled on it. I gentle sat down my present and smiled hugely. Two huge speakers were rested against a huge rotted oak tree. "What is he doing here?" J-Hyo snapped glaring heavily at Jung Kook. 

                                Jung Kook stood beside me and stared at them expressionless. "I wanted to be here for my brothers  birthday party."  He said flatly. The others glared challengingly at him. "Guys, let's all try and get along. It's Seungjin's birthday party." I said annoyedly. Seungjin should deserve everyone to get along for once. "He better not come ten inches of us." Heechul said glaring at Jung Kook. I watched them all walk off and sighed heavily. "Thanks." Jung Kook said resting his hand on my shoulder. Great...Now those guys are probably mad at me. "The party has arrived!" A voice yelled in front of us. A cute boy with flippy blonde hair was standing beside a boy with dark blue hair and dark brown brown eyes. "SeokHoon!" Seyong yelled before running towards the blonde hair boy. The boy named 'Seokhoon' smiled and high fived him. He looks so familiar....I feel like Iv'e seen him from somewhere. I jumped as I realized Seokhoon's friend was staring at me blankly. He narrowed his eyes as if he was in deep thought about something. "Seungjin's coming!" Kylie said ducking behind the picnic table. I squealed as Sungjae shoved me and Jung Kook behind a thick trunked tree. I landed with a loud thud on the ground. God...He couldn't say 'Hide'? I opened my eyes slowly as the spinning feeling stopped. I felt my face turn three shades of red. Jung Kook was laying on top of me, his hands on both sides of my head. He went wide eyed as he saw me. "S-Sorry..." He stammered. I gave a small nod and forced a smile. I gulped. 

                         Instead of getting up, he gentle my face. I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it. What can I say?! I don't want to be mean.. I stopped as he pressed his soft lips against mine. Alarm swept through my whole body. I blushed heavily as he slipped his tongue inside my mouth and our kiss became more passionate. Jordan! Do something! I akwardly opened my eyes, making him do the same. He gave me a tiny smirk and stood up. "Sorry, I couldn't resist." He said holding his hand out to me. I grabbed it and stood up and wiped dirt off my shirt. I akwardly looked down at my feet in deep thought. Great...Hopefully no one saw us. I walked off and jumped as I heard someone scream my name. I jumped and turned around quickly only to have someone crash into me. I screamed and landed on the ground with a loud thud once more. I looked up to see Seungjin. He had his arms around me even though we were laying down. I blushed as I realized his lips were only inches away from mine. Why do I have the urge to kiss him? He looked at me and I blushed as his smile fell and his blue eyes grew soft as he looked into mine. "Come here birthday boy!" Kimchi said loudly beckoning him over to him. Seungjin got up and pulled me on my feet. I followed him and smiled hugely. "Mine first!" I screamed making everyone laugh. I hope he enjoys his present.. And I hope this is the best birthday for him. I hope he isn't mad at me. He means alot to me... Everone smiled and laughed at me and I blushed heavily. 

                                 Kevin's POV: After presents, everyone was chilling and hanging out with each other. "The fireworks are supposed to start soon." J-Hyo said staring at the black starry sky. I nodded and casually took a sip of my fruit punch. I my lips and Seokhoon walked over to me. "It's not like you to be out of the fun." He observed making me smile. He's right... "I'm just thinking." I said looking down at the ground. The image of Jung Kook kissing Jordan flashed in my head. Why didn't she push him away? Then again....Jordan's to nice... She's lucky no one else found out about it. "It's a shame she doesn't remember me." Seokhoon said leaning against the tree. I grinned and shook my head. "It was seven years ago." I said flatly. Seokhoon, Jinwan, me and Jordan used to be best friends since we were kids. But things have happened that split us up. "It still hurts..." Seokhoon said looking down flatly. I rested my hand on his shoulder and smiled. "She'll rememeber." I said hopefully. I jumped as a blast of color appeared in the sky. "Wow!" Jordan said in awe. Everyone was already climbing into our huge thick oak tree. It was the best view ever... I beckoned them to follow me. I grunted and struggled to get a grip on the smooth bark of the oak tree. The branches thinned out to reveal a high view of the clear sky. Everyone clung onto their branch and looked in awe at the scenery. I glanced at Seungjin and Jordan. He was wearing his necklace Jordan made him. He smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her on his lap. She blushed heavily as he held her in his arms. "Wow, those two must be dating." Jinwan said observingly. I smiled as she layed her head against Seungjin's chest as he let one foot dangle out of the tree. "I wish...But their both pabo's." I said sitting down on the branch. They nodded. "You to.." 


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Chapter 1: Oh Kylie and her do seem to b getting in a tense situation now 0___0
But I'm sure nothing will happen between them as long as Kylie also feels special..
hahaha they should have at least the lights when they were watching the movie xD
kitkat_bunnytime #2
Chapter 1: awe~ that's so cute! I hope kylie doesn't become her enemy! O.O
but they are so darned cute~
even if they are pabos~