Chapter 1

My First Love

Its was early in the morning and there were two handsome boys walking in the street to go to their school. They lives in Seoul,Korea. Itwas Kim Jongin and Oh Sehun. Both of them are in the same aged. Kai and sehun are childhood friends from school. Its been 15 years they become friends. Kim Jongin also known as Kai. Kai is a romantic boy and he is good at dancing. When there is a dance competition, he will probally joined the competition. While Oh Sehun is known as Sehun. He is a shy and the one with full of his cuteness. All girls in their class really liked both of them.



One day when they went back from school, they sae a ppretty girl walking beside them. Then sehun telling kai to approach that girl. When sehun want kai to approach that girl, kai started to felt shy. Sehun kept forcing him to do it. 'Kai, just approach her and we can become good friend with her.' he told kai. 'Sehun-shii, how could I approach her ? I'm too nervouse right now! kai replied with full of nervouness on him.



After a few minutes later, Kai began to approach that girl. 'Hye. Can we know each other? Don't worry i'm not a bad boy.'  He told her. 'Hye. Ofcourse we can know each other.' She replied with full happiness in his face. 'My name is Kim Jongin. People do call me kai so you can also call me kai if you want. Oh and what is your name?' Kai told that girlwith his happy face. 'Oh your name is Kai. Nice to meet you kai. My name is Im yoona. People do call me yoona sometimes.' Yoona relied to him. 'Oh i want to introduce my friend to you. His name is Oh Sehun. People do call him sehun but be awrae that you will fall with all of his cuteness. Haha.' He told yonna about sehun. 'Hye yoona.' Sehungreeting yoona and winked at her. ' Hye sehun. Nice to know you.' Yoona said to sehun and smiled at him. Then all of them walking together and headed to the coffee shop for some drink.



They just safely arrived there. Actually kai wanted to treat yoona coffee unfortunately yoona didn't liked to drink coffee.Then sehun was treat by kai. He didn't want to treat sehun but he knew that sehun wanted kai to treat him because he can looked that sehun do aegyo infront of him and that take kai attention. Sehun have brightly smile when kai treat him and he looked happy after that. While waiting for the coffee,they sit together and continue to know each other to make them closed. 'Yoona what is your dream ? Sehun asked her. 'My dream ? Umm...I wanted to be a singer. A great and powerful singer. Oh and also i wanted to be a great dancer. What about you sehun ?' Yoona replied to his question and asked him back. 'I don't have any dreams for now but I will tell you my dream oneday.' Sehun replied with sad face on him. 'What about you kai ?' Asked yoona. 'My dream is to be a dance teacher maybe hahaha. I'm just kidding. My dream is just liked you, the same as your dream yoona. Hehehe.' Kai answered her. ' oh I think I gotta go now caus eI have my dance class after this. See you guys tommorow.' Yoonna told them in a rushed.



When yoona left th e shop, kai speechless after that because yoona was not here with them. Kai looked sad and sehun began to felt something strange about him. He is not like this before if he meet with others girls. His expressions turn happy when his first time meet with yoona. When he meet with others girls, his expressions just normal. Sehun knows that he is falling in loves with yoona but actualle he also liked yoona. Sehun asked kai id he liked yoona or not but kai answer him with soft intonation. 'Maybe' is his answered. So sehun force him to answer his question honestly then kai answer 'Honestly I really liked her when I saw he for the first sight. I think that he has pretty faceand she have a good attitude.' Sehun looked so sad when he heared that from kai. So he decided to tell him that he also liked yoona that much. 'Kai-shii, actually I also liked yoona from my firdt sight.' He tol kai. Kai look supriesed when hearing that from sehun. Yonna is kai and sehun first love.



Whe they went back from the cofee shop, sehun and kai didn't talking to each other not because they fighthing but they didn't feel uncomfortable to be togehter after what they just heard about yoona from each other. They only smile from far distance. Both of them walking together and talking to each other but right now the atmosphere change. They didn't talking to each other from the cofee shop. Whan kai go to his house, he wave his hand to sehun and say ' Bye sehun see you tommorow' and sehun reply 'Oh yeah bye kai, see you tommorow morning.' After they safely went back to their home' sehun is thinking of what will yoona do this night. While kai is thinking about how to gwt yoona heart. Then he plan to tell sehun that the one get yoona's herat can get yoona as their girlfriend and the one that didn't get yoona heart must search for other girls. Kai doing this deal early because he didn't want they were fighting ove this case. He didn't want one of them get hurt because of yoona. Kai soesn't want their friendship and like this.



It was late midnight now. Kai making a call for sehun at that night. Then sehun picking it up and say ' Yes ? Why are you calling me at this hour ?' Sehun asked him. 'Are you free tommorow ? I have something to tell you' Kai told him. 'Yeap i'm free tommorow' Sehun replied to him with his lazy voices cause he was too sleepy. 'So can you meet me at the coffee shop tommorow after school ?' Kai told sehun. 'Ok i will be there maybe around 1 or 2 o'clock' Sehun told him. Then kai replied 'Ok, I will waiting for you tommorow even thought you come late cause iI wanna tell you something.

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aprisa_pratiwi #1
yoonhun >_<
i hope it will be yoonhun >_<
JungVict #2
Chapter 1: yea an UPDATE!!! nice chappy author-nim!!! update soon! XD
#coffee shop!!!
JungVict #3
update soon author-nim!FIGHTING!!
mydestiny00 #4
update soon plssss :((
Update soon....pls
i wanna know the story
Snowyhappy #6
Yoonhun pls..... Update soon