I love you more than my husband


"If you and I are together , we can make it where ever" - Baekhyun


"I thought he was the one, but maybe it's someone else now" - Solbi


"You're my property" - Husband




"Having a wife as well as those wandering eyes, 

A girl whose tired of all those lies

A boy who just wants love

But above all who will get the last cry?"




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Chapter 2: Is it Luhan? Uwaaahhh! My heart's breaking for the wife. Why does he beat her up so much? T^T
DanShortyShort #2
Chapter 2: WHY ON EARTH IT SHOULD BE LUHAAAAN? O__O ohmygod he's my ultimate bias *crying in the corner of my room* ahahaha :D
Chapter 1: Wow... what Baekhyun said at the last part took me completely by surprise. Waaahh! This is so intriguing. ><