Chapter 2: Cream and Sugar

Keep Breathing


Chapter 2: Cream and Sugar

Songs recommended for this chapter: 'Coffee Shop' by B.A.P and 'If The King' by MilkTea

Two Years Later

Sunshine peeked through the bland curtains that hung from the generic apartment window; they set light to the dark room and gave it definition. My tired eyes blinked in dryness and body ached as I tried not to fall back asleep. Slowly rising up from my warm comfortable bed, I groaned and began making my bed.

“Aish! So many bills… I hate being a grown up!” I complained to myself as I looked through my mail. Electricity… Water… Cable… Phone... It was more expensive here than in Busan, for sure! I ran my hand through my long dark hair before sighing and getting ready for the day. I took a quick shower and pulled my hair back into a long, low ponytail letting my thick blunt bangs and little hairs frame my face. I applied minimal makeup and put on my work uniform which consisted of a white button up, a thick silky chocolate tie, and a brown dress-like apron that I put over my dark skinny jeans. It looked somewhat bland on my thining figure but normally looked great on others. It also looked better paired with a smile.     

            As the usual pattern of growth; life became harder, minds became more serious, and personalities grew as wonder and imagination slipped away making room for cold, hard reality. My time was too limited for dreaming anymore; it was time for doing. Being a song writer with no gigs or official job yet was difficult, so I ended up taking a part time job at a small coffee shop just to pay the bills and put food on the table. My tired eyes felt stretched as they burned when I blinked—probably from lack of sleep. Sleep is for the weak! I thought as I resisted the urge to rub my eyes because it would make them irritated and red—which would not attract customers. I rested my head on my fist as I looked around the seemingly ‘rustic’ coffee shop; the place was illuminated with brightness from the large window walls in which bar seating rested against, there were also more secluded tables spread across the place accompanied by a nice seating area with nice leather sofas. The customers seemed cheerful with the usual grouchy non-morning people—in which I had respect for because I, myself, am not a morning person. I loved observing the customers at the shop; some were loyal customers—who I knew by name—others merely new-comers and random guests, but each person had something unique to them. Sometimes, I would make up back stories about some customers simply by observing them and their mannerisms. It made me feel somewhat closer and served as great inspiration.

            Soon, the morning rush was over. The coffee shop soon became empty of customers and life. I knew this was the perfect time to continue writing a song of mine. I took out my writing book and favourite pen out of my worn out tote bag. My book was a simple brown journal with a picture of a tea cup and on top it said ‘Sweet Brown Diary’. Flipping to the place the said written song was, I clicked my pen and crossed out various lines of writing. They simply made no sense today as they did yesterday. I mentally slapped myself for thinking so foolishly. I, soon, jumped at the sound of chiming bells. My boring brown eyes looked up to see a new customer. It was outlandish to see a customer at this time, it made my mind wonder in curiosity. He was tall with side-swept, brown hair. A mysterious vibe lurked around him as his face was covered up with a black mask that looped around his ears and resembled one of a medical surgeon. Perhaps, he has a cold and doesn’t want anyone to catch it? I blew it off as I waited for him to come up and order, he looked down at his phone and, from what I guessed, texted someone. His eyes crinkled in a way that felt all too familiar as a ghost of a smile was hidden under his mask. A familiar feeling of longing came to me as butterflies swarmed in my stomach—where had I felt this before?

“Umm… I would like one tall hot lemon tea, two hot chocolates, one iced Americano, one coffee black, one caramel macchiato, and a slice of cheesecake.”

The words came out slightly muffled from the mask as he ordered; I nodded and noticed how his coal coloured eyes mentally watered at the sight of cheesecake. He must really like cheesecake… I thought as ghost of a smile appeared on my face as it brought a memory from the past. A slight twinge of pain was felt as I forcefully dismissed the memory from my mind with a simple ‘vamoose!’ I prepared all the ordered drinks, settled them in a cup holder, and put the cheesecake on the table.

“Sung Ha-Ri.”  I looked up in surprise at the sound of my name coming from the mouth of the masked, his voice and tone was familiar to me as well. It also reminded me of my past.

“You’re Sung Ha-Ri!” He pointed at me as I nodded and grinned in awkwardness. The familiar crinkle in his eyes came back as he smiled under the mask before pulling off the mask. My eyes widened in surprise, I couldn’t simply believe who stood in front of me. Pure shock, happiness, and anger filled me as I d for words to say. Questions and questions swirled through my mind as I couldn’t seem to find what to say. Finally, a simple name came out from my mouth,

“Jung Daehyun!”

Author's Note: My lovely subscribers, I'm so so so so---- sorry for not updating in such a long time! Life has gotten in the way and here I am at 1:31am updating -____- Personally this chapter was a little short, Sorry, it just seemed like the only place that was suitable to end it. Anywho, I will hope to be updating more and that's about all I had to say.

Until next time,



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Chapter 4: Omg I love this, update soo I seriously cannot wait
Update soon and good luck!
Seems interesting!
Chapter 3: Omg this is sooo good so far. I really like it! Can't wait for the next update