Insensitive and numb

Not Like the Movies

Chanyeol stopped in front of Baekhyun’s house. After driving back to the ice cream parlour and only to find out that Sooyoung went home, Chanyeol decided to take Baekhyun home.

“Thanks for the ride Chanyeol.” Baekhyun said in a low, shy tone.

What’s with this awkwardness again? Chanyeol asked himself. When Baekhyun was about to leave, Chanyeol stopped him.

“Hey.” Baekhyun looked at him. “We’re cool right?”

Baekhyun bit his bottom lip. He still wasn’t sure if he felt that way as of the moment but, guessing with how Chanyeol gripped onto him, he didn’t have much of a choice. Baekhyun just felt sad that Chanyeol still didn’t understand him. He sighed and gave up.

“Yeah, sure. Whatever you say Chanyeol. Thanks for the ride.” Baekhyun gave him a forced smile and went out of the car. “Good night.” The small boy smiled again and walked inside his house.

Chanyeol wasn’t sure if he was really forgiven, but he had to accept what was given to him. He drove off and went to Sooyoung’s house.

Baekhyun entered his house, only to be welcomed by no one. He was expecting his friends to be there, but instead, there was no one. He entered the living room and noticed a small piece of paper resting by the table. He took it in his hands and read its content.

Dear Baek

We were here, and well, you were taking so long. Kyungsoo was getting impatient so he and Jongin left. Me and Myung were supposed to wait for you, but Myung had an important photo shoot. Really sorry Baek, we’ll just see you tomorrow okay? - Jongie

Based on the neat penmanship, Baekhyun knew it was Sungjong’s.

His hand writing is just too perfect. Baekhyun chuckled and went up to his room. As he passed doors, he suddenly remembered something, more like someone.

Oh no, Suho hyung! Baekhyun suddenly remembered about the person he was with a while ago. He rushed to Suho’s room, only to find the latter sleeping. Baekhyun felt a bit relieved but soon guilt started to creep on him. He left Suho without a word. He felt guiltier when he remembered that Suho brought him to the ice cream parlour to cheer him up.

Baekhyun found himself standing beside Suho’s bed. His eyes started to trail Suho’s neck, up to his lips. His lips.

Baekhyun gulped as he swallowed to rehydrate his dry throat. An image of him kissing Suho suddenly entered his mind again. Why the hell did he kiss me?

Baekhyun continued to observe the other’s lips. They were slightly open, and those pair of lips looks so...inviting. When Baekhyun realized what he was thinking about, he vigorously shook his head.

What the hell am I thinking? When he was done acting like an idiot, he suddenly noticed Suho’s eyes meeting his. The latter has been awake for quite some time now, observing the spaced out Baekhyun.

“Yah” Suho said. “How long are you going to stare?”

Baekhyun suddenly felt embarrassed with what he was doing.

“I-I-I’m sorry h-h-hyung.” Baekhyun said as he stuttered. Suho sat up and chuckled.

“Did you come here to seduce me with your cuteness Baek?” Suho said with a smirk. Baekhyun blushed even more and tried to answer back.

“Wha- How- Ugh! I came here to apologize. Not seduce you.” Baekhyun turned around but a pair of arms stopped him from moving, making Baekhyun feel flustered. “H-h-hyung?”

Suho smiled, he liked a cute, embarrassed, and stuttering Baekhyun.

“Where did you go?” Suho asked.

“Oh, well, Chanyeol drove somewhere.” Baekhyun said carefully, not wanting to say anything. Suho cocked an eyebrow. He knows when Baekhyun’s hiding something.

“Well, what did you do?” Suho asked, wanting Baekhyun to spill something.

“Oh....well, we talked.” Baekhyun said in a low, sad voice. Upon hearing this kind of tone, Suho dropped the topic. He didn’t want to make Baekhyun even sadder. Instead, he hugged Baekhyun tighter and burrowed his face on Baekhyun’s neck.

“Hey Baek” Baekhyun hummed. “Want to go out this weekend?”

“Sure hyung. Where to?”

“Oh you know, movies, dinner, like on a date.” Suho said greasily. The word date made Baekhyun feel nervous for some reason. “You already agreed, so no take backs.” Suho said, not wanting Baekhyun to suddenly back out.

Baekhyun bit his bottom lip. He didn’t want to go, but he already agreed to it.

“Okay hyung.” Suho dragged Baekhyun to his bed and cuddled with him. “Hyung!”

“Thanks Baek.” Suho closed his eyes. “Now, cuddle with me. After leaving me there in the ice cream parlour with Sooyoung, I felt lonely.” And Suho wasn’t lying.

Baekhyun felt the guilt crawling back, so he decided to agree to Suho.

“Let me wash up hyung. I’ll be back, I promise.” Baekhyun smiled reluctantly at Suho. The latter nodded. Baekhyun rushed out of the room and went to his room to wash up.

He took a short shower; he brushed his teeth, and changed his clothes. After doing all that, he slowly walked back to Suho’s room. As the door slowly creaked, he saw Suho was already sleeping, arms extended and not moving an inch. Baekhyun sighed and carefully positioned himself next to the sleeping figure.

As soon as Suho felt Baekhyun next to him, he wrapped his arm around the small boy’s waist. Baekhyun felt a bit shocked, but he was too tired to protest.


It was 6;30 in the morning, and the two couples were already on the way to the Byun’s residence. They felt guilty about not waiting for Baekhyun to get home.

“But we did leave him a letter you know.” Jongin stated.

“I know, but still...” Kyungsoo said, feeling a bit guilty. Jongin wrapped around his arm around Kyungsoo’s waist and kissed him on the cheek.

“Aish, so greasy.” But still, Kyungsoo blushed and appreciated his boyfriend’s greasiness.

Myungsoo and Sungjong, on the other hand, were quiet, more than usual. Myungsoo was in the driver seat, eyes fixed on the road, and Sungjong was staring blankly beyond the window.

The couple at the back knew they were quiet, but they were never this quiet and distant.

“So....” Kyungsoo said, trying to start a conversation. “How did Myungsoo’s photoshoot go?” Jongin swore he saw Myungsoo stiffen for the first time in his life.

“It went great.” Sungjong said, sarcasm evident in his tone. “In fact, I think that was the best photo shoot ever.” Sungjong added, rolling his eyes as he said it. Myungsoo sighed and decided to stay quiet.

“Is this the very first Myungsoo and Sungjong fight?” Jongin asked, feeling a bit amazed. This is the very first time they fought.

“Jongin.” Kyungsoo said, hushing his boyfriend.

Myungsoo sighed and shook his head. They never fight, ever. His relationship with Sungjong had always been smooth and quiet. It wasn’t perfect, but they never fight. And Myungsoo realized that there’s always a first time for everything.


Myungsoo and Sungjong arrived at the studio for another photo shoot. Myungsoo loves taking pictures, but he also loves modelling, so he decided to be a free lance model. Sungjong always goes with Myungsoo for support.

“Oh, you’re here Myungsoo.” The photographer said.

“Hey Sungyeol.” Myungsoo replied.

“Oh, hey Jongie.” Sungyeol smiled at Sungjong.

“Hey hyung.” Sungjong smiled back. This was the usual scene in this studio. They would talk for a while, and then, things would start to progress.

But this time, things were a bit different. Sungjong’s eyes landed on a girl sitting on a small chair, eyes locked on her phone. Sungjong’s eyes slowly squinted. The girl was a new face here. Sungyeol noticed Sungjong staring at the girl.

“Oh, right. Introductions.” Sungyeol gestured the girl to come to them. “Guys, this is Suzy.” Myungsoo and Sungjong smiled at her. “So this is the girl you will be working with.”

“Hello.” Suzy said in a sweet voice. She took her hand out for a handshake to Myungsoo, but the latter looks a bit frozen, still staring at Suzy. Sungjong raised an eyebrow with the sudden change in mood.

“Myungsoo” Sungjong said.

“Oh, right.” Myungsoo took Suzy’s hand, blushing. “Nice to meet you too.”

‘The only thing she said was hello.’ Sungjong rolled his eyes.

“So, how about we get started then?” Sungyeol asked.


The photo shoot was going great. Myungsoo and Suzy had a lot of chemistry, which for some reason, Sungjong hated. It may not show, but Sungjong is actually the jealous type, especially having an ulzzang boyfriend like Myungsoo. But Sungjong chose to be quiet about it, because it getting jealous over things like that makes Sungjong feel pathetic.

“I think we need to retouch your make-up. Five minute break.” Sungyeol announced. He went to sit beside Sungjong. “You okay with all this Jongie?”

Sungjong nodded and lied at the same time. “Of course hyung.”

“Wow, you’re the best boyfriend ever. Even though he requested Suzy to be here, you’re still okay with it.”

Sungjong froze. ‘Myungsoo requested her?’

“Yeah, it’s only for work hyung.” Sungjong gave him the best believable smile he can give.

“Well, better wrap this up.” Sungyeol stood up and went back to work. As Sungyeol left, Sungjong couldn’t help but feel hurt.

How long has he known Suzy? Why did he choose her? Why didn’t he tell me? All these questions started to play in Sungjong’s head.


“Thanks Myungsoo.” Sungyeol said. “I’ll just send the payment to your bank account.”

“Thanks hyung.” Myungsoo smiled.

“It was nice working with you Myungsoo.” Suzy said in a natural way. “I hope we can get to work together again sometime.” Myungsoo blushed.

“Yeah, just ask Sungyeol hyung if you need anything.” Something inside Sungjong broke. He took the keys from Myungsoo.

“I’ll wait in the car then, you finish work first.” Sungjong rushed to the car. He pressed the button and went inside.

‘How dare he flirt in front of me.’ Sungjong blew his hair up. Minutes after, Myungsoo followed.


The ride home to Sungjong’s house was quiet, too quiet. Myungsoo had been trying to talk to Sungjong, but the latter was practically ignoring him.

“Jongie.” No response. Myungsoo gave up and stopped the car.

“Why are we stopping?” Sungjong asked.

‘Why are you ignoring me?” Myungsoo asked back. Sungjong sighed.

“Did you request for Suzy?” Sungjong asked. Myungsoo was taken aback with the sudden question.

“Yes, I did.” Myungsoo said in a low voice.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Tell you what?” Myungsoo asked, starting to feel irritated.

“That you requested her to be your partner.” Sungjong spat back.

“How did you...” Myungsoo stopped. “It was Sungyeol wasn’t it?”

“That doesn’t matter. Why didn’t you tell me?” Sungjong said, also feeling irritated.

“Why does it matter Jongie? I’ve had other projects with women and you didn’t complain about them.”

“That’s what I’m wondering. Of all girls, why her?” Sungjong asked. “Oh wait, now I know. Maybe it was the fact that you were blushing and stuttering as you talked to her.”

Myungsoo stopped himself from answering back, because Sungjong did have a point, so he decided to be honest.

“I’m sorry Jongie.” Myungsoo sighed.

“Do you have a crush on her?” Sungjong shook his head. “No, scratch that. That’s obvious.” Sungjong said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes and took his mp3 out. He plugged in his earphones and decided to ignore Myungsoo. The latter knew an angry Sungjong is a stubborn one, so he gave up and continued driving.

End of flashback

The gang arrived at Byun’s residence. Jongin and Myungsoo went to the kitchen, while the other two went to Baekhyun’s room, only to find no one in his room.

“Where could he be?” Sungjong asked.

“How about we ask Suho hyung?” Kyungsoo and Sungjong went out of the empty room and walked up to the said person’s room. Sungjong knocks thrice before slowly twisting the door knob.

“Hyung?” Sungjong asked in a whisper. He slowly entered the room followed by Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo suddenly fell on the floor when Sungjong suddenly stopped.

“Yah! Why did you suddenly stop?” Kyungsoo said, whispering.

Sungjong didn’t bother to answer as he was surprised to see what was happening.

“Yah! Kim Joonmyeon!” Sungjong shouted. “What do you think you’re doing?!”





Hey guys! Here's the update! Sorry if things are progressing a bit slower. I don't know why, but for some reason, this is the story I really think about carefully. And well, I guess I've been busy with a lot of things. Lol, anyways, Imma give you guys ideas on what I've been doing kpop related.

I've been watching Good Doctor, I love that new drama <3

I downloaded Good bye by Dasoni <3 That is a very good song, the vocals are just wow.

And I hears BTOB, NU'EST would be having a comeback soon!!! <3 YEY.

Anyways, please leave your comments okay? I love you guys! Saranghae! <3

Song for this chapter is Good bye by Dasoni, try listening to them! FIghting!

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Chapter 25: Suho be like „Tomorrow is our date, let‘s not talk about Chanyeol then“. A few moments later “Suho organised a double date with Chanyeol and Sooyoung”
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Chapter 1: even chapter 1,I felt pain and sad
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Chapter 47: This story is absolutely beautiful. it so much...thanks for sharing...♡♥♡♥
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400th sub! I can't wait to read this story~ ^o^