
The Last Of My Kind
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Baekhyuns P.O.V

Three days passed me. The humans was so busy this three days, so they let me be alone. Luhan was like normal, what I could tell. But Kai and Minah was acting a little weird, like something was wrong. Sehun was avoiding them both, I didn't understand why.

We was working for that crazy farmer and nothing has happened yet. Minah didn't notice the farmers weird stares, but though he wasn't around her that much. Kai and Sehun was always around her, I was always helping that annoying farmer. He knows somewhat that animals (only some of them) are calm around me, which isn't weird. Sheep and some cows going sometimes crazy around me, but these sheep and cows like me.

The farmer always told me to never walk into a special room in the barn. I'm a curious young werewolf, he shouldn't told me to not enter that room. I tried to not think about it, but every time I passed it I couldn't help but wonder what's in there.

A weird sound was heard from Minahs bedroom. I learned after the first early morning it was hers alarm clock. I looked up, tired as hell. Tonight going to be full moon, I must sneak out if I want to be sure that I don't hurt any of the humans. The night before full moon, I get so damn tired. I was just lying in my bed when someone knocked at my door. I got up and sat in front of it, half asleep.



“Baekhyun! Wake up!”
“Kai, you never learn. You must open the door or he gonna sit on the floor the whole day.”
“Oh, right.”


Kai opened the door and looked curious at me. I smiled a little tired and walked out to the others. I almost fell asleep when I sat down to eat something. Sehun petted my head and smiled a little.


“You seems extra tired today, didn't you sleep well?”
“Maybe he was disturbed by someone?”
“Maybe he's just tired.”
“Maybe you four should hurry. You gonna be late again if you don't start to get ready. Look at the time.”


Lucky me, Luhan came. Lately they all three seems to start to fight at any second right now. Luhan is really good to keep to calm anyway. Without Luhan, the whole house would explode if all the argues. Minah and Kai always tease each others, Sehun and Kai starts to argue almost every day, Minah and Sehun doesn't even talk to each others that much. Still, Luhan made them all calm down and just smile.

When we left Luhan and the house, the first thing that happens is that they all three separate. I stopped and got first confused and then furious. I had enough! I gonna make them go together and they gonna stop this stupid thing that going on! I ran after Minah first. I actually stood up at two legs and lifted her up. She was to shocked first, but when I started to walk fast to Kai and Sehun, she understand.


“Baekhyun, I think we should let them be.”
“What the hell? Baekhyun, let Minah go.”


Kai looked confused when I came to him. I let her down and got Sehun. I dragged him over to them three and I gave them a warning glance. I showed with the hand that they must stay, all three.


“Can't we go alone?”


I shook my head and walked with them all. They all looked at each others and soon, they started to talk and seemed to solve things. Finally, humans today. They only fight, fight and fight. But it seems like the gonna have some peace for now.

The farmer was late today, he came 8:13. He told us what do to do and then he dragged me away. We passed the absolutely forbidden room. I looked curious at it, wondering if I ever gonna see what's inside. The farmer stopped me behind the barn and pointed at the roof.


“Listen. You parents have worked here. I know that your family is extremely strong and are extremely dangerous. I never asked any questions or anything, all I requires is that you help me out. I want you to climb up at the roof and fix the hole. Can you do that?”


I nodded and he looked strange at me. He heard him mumble 'Idiot, why doesn't you speak?', I tried to not get angry at him. I climbed up and started to fix the hole. When I was done I looked around. I could see the little village up from here. I didn't pay attention and suddenly, the roof started to crack. I looked down and the cracks turned into bigger once. I hurried to stand up, but I fell right throw it. My instincts took over and I grabbed after anything. I managed to grab a weird rope thing and held tight. That was close.

I jumped down and looked around. The room was dark, the one light came from the hole that I made in the roof. I decided to use my werewolves eyes. I looked around and saw things that I shouldn't had seen. It was weapons, knifes, and chains everywhere. I heard someone come outside the room, it's the farmer! I hurry to jump up at a beam and climbed up to the hole. I managed to climb up and started to fix the whole again. I pretended that nothing just happened. The door opened and I heard the farmer scream.


“Boy! Are you alright up there?!”


I nodded and continued to repair the hole. The room under me, what was that? Or what was that for? Mom and dad was right about the farmer, he's not like others.


At the lunch, the farmer let us go home. He payed us for our work and we walked shocked home. I looked all the time back, wondering what he was going to do. But my attention turned to Kai and Sehun who started to argue again.


Minahs/Yours P.O.V

You got a little surprised when the farmer let us go early. But you wasn't surprised that Kai and Sehun would start to argue again. Lately, they two have started to argue more often. They even avoiding each others to not start to fight. But Sehun also avoid you, which you didn't understand.

You got tired of hearing them argue and stopped. They both stopped and looked at you, worried. You wanted to scream at them, but still it wouldn't help. Even Baekhyun seemed to get tired of them both, and he has only been with you guys for four days.


“Is something wrong Minah?”
“You two only argue and fight all the time. Why must you argue all the time. Even Baekhyun si tired of it, and that's bad.”
“We doesn't argue all the time.”
“Well, you do that anyway. I gonna stop talk to you until you solved your problems. I'm tired of seeing my best friends fight.”


They both looked worried and almost nervous. Baekhyun looked around, wondering if anyone was around him. You grabbed his hand and made him walk on two legs. You wanted to go with him, not with two fighting friends. Baekhyun was shocked, but tried to walk as normal as possible.

When you came home, you let Baekhyuns hand go. You walked in and straight up to your room. Luhan looked worried at you when you didn't say a word to him. You thought it was time to visit your parents, but it would be to soon. You decided to just hold out and see if they gonna stop argue.

Later on the evening, Baekhyun sneaked into your room. You almost screamed when you saw him. You hadn't notice him walk in. You smiled and sat down. You started to wonder, maybe you could teach him to talk. You should teach him to talk and write! Yeah, in that way you can avoid Sehun and Kai easy.


“Baekhyun, can I teach you how to talk and write? Please?!”


Baekhyun was shocked, but he nodded. That you didn't know was that he always wanted you to teach him. No one else, only you. You smiled when he nodded, you couldn't stop smile. You hurried to get a book, maybe he can read! If he can't you was about to teach him! 


“Baekhyun, can you read?”


He nodded, but then blushed. You couldn't stop smile, he was just adorable right now. You didn't know that Baekhyun could blush or look so cute. You took some papers, pencils, books and sat down. You really was excit

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Chapter 17: it's very awesome story. high imagination. great job authornim. <3
Chapter 17: what inspired u to write this story?
ChiMarie #3
Chapter 17: This is awesome !~
Just a few grammar/spelling corrections and this can be featured :))
I liked this story so much I hope you continue writing awesome stories Fighthing!!~ >.<
Hani_InfinitExo #4
Chapter 17: I love it! Can you make a sequel to this? I really don't want this to finish already ×/ The best FF I've ever read!
Chapter 17: Yay! Loved it! XD Hmmm... I hope there's a sequel! -ω-
Mio-senpai #6
Chapter 10: I love it!!!!! <333 can it be that's Kai's friend Taemin from SHINee???