
Crossing Boundaries

♦♦♦ Chapter Three ♦♦♦

" I'm afraid you're going to have to go back to 2013 Seoul."

Baekhyun felt like he had just been saved from a three-hundred foot drop from a cliff, only to be dropped again at the last minute. He had just made up with Chanyeol, now Kris drops this on him without any kind of warning? The shock must have shown on his face, because Kris suddenly looked really apologetic and guilty, looking at Chanyeol instead, a frown on his perfect face.

"What?" Baekhyun whispered, unable to form any sane thoughts.

"Baekhyun, please lis--

"No. I'm not going back." Baekhyun snapped, surprised at his own confidence.

"It's not like you have a choice. You need to go back. Like you said, you don't belong to this time."

"Yeah, sure, I don't belong to this time, but I belong to Chanyeol." He said quietly, and he felt Chanyeol lace their fingers together.

"Please just accept the truth, Baekhyun. You have to go back. For everyone." Suho pushed on, looking at Baekhyun helplessly.

"No. I-I...I'm sorry, but I don't want to be apart from Chanyeol any longer."

"Don't be selfish, Baekhyun. You have to go back. Forget about us, but you have to do this for Chanyeol." Kris said, and Baekhyun could see Luhan fidgeting uncomfortably beside a tense-looking Chanyeol.

"I'm not the one being selfish here! I just want to be with Chanyeol!" Baekhyun whined, acting very much like a schoolgirl who wasn't allowed to go to her idol's concert.

"You being with Chanyeol could lead to ty things, Byun Baekhyun." Kris sighed exasperatedly, running his hand through his hair as he looked at Baekhyun seriously.

"Baekhyunnie, what Krissie's trying to say is...well...I'm sorry, but Chanyeollie could--

"Stop. Everybody just shut up." Chanyeol interrupted, his deep voice loud and clear.

"Ch-Chanyeollie...?" Luhan piped up meekly, staring at Chanyeol.

"....Baek's staying." He said simply, standing up and pulling Baekhyun along.

"What? You can't be serious, Chanyeol! You know the consequences." Kris reminded him, standing up from his seat as well and placing a hand on Chanyeol's shoulder.

"I know, okay?! I know the consequences very well. Baek...I'll be responsible for him. Just please...get off his back, will you?" Chanyeol stared back at Kris, a pleading look on his face.

" whatever you want, Chanyeol, but I warned you. Don't make me say I told you so." Kris sighed in defeat, massaging the bridge of his nose.

"Don't worry, Krissie, I won't." Chanyeol forced a smile as he led Baekhyun out of the lounge, the smaller boy looking very worried despite his previous words.

As soon as the two were out of the room, everybody engaged in hushed conversations, worry painted all over their faces. Luhan was looking very guilty as he soon realized the effects of his rash actions, and Sehun was whispering things to him, trying to reassure him that everything was fine, that Chanyeol would pull through with whatever was going to happen.

Kai, for once, was looking very serious and grim. He was the closest one to Chanyeol, and he deemed the other as his best friend. D.O. was by his side, holding his hand and looking very worried at the younger boy's sudden change in attitude. His large eyes were wide with worry and confusion, and had it been any other situation, Kai would have made fun of him.

Kris looked like he had a major headache coming on, and Tao just sat beside him quietly, rubbing Kris' arm up and down soothingly. He'd occasionally brush a stray strand of hair away from Kris' face, to which the taller boy would let out a small smile. They talked in hushed whispers, conversation filled with worry for Chanyeol.

Chen, like Kai, was quietly sitting on the corner of the couch. He looked deep in thought, listening to the others as they discussed the problem at hand. Xiumin was looking very worried, too, his brows furrowed and his cheeks puffed out. Suho had his head in his hands, knees bouncing up and down. Lay was biting his nails, eyes darting back and forth from everyone.

Something suddenly beeped, and Suho raised his head, looking at the glowing watch on his wrist. He groaned, and he threw Kris a look that made everyone groan as well.

"Guys, head quarter's having a meeting. All teams must be present. Come on. And get Chanyeol." Suho ordered, and Xiumin quickly jumped up from his seat, jogging after Chanyeol.

"I don't want to go back...I'm sorry."

Chanyeol stopped in his tracks and turned around. Baekhyun was looking away, a guilty look on his face. As they walked out of the lounge, Baekhyun realized how bratty and selfish he had been. Kris was making him go back for a reason, but he let his feelings get the better of him, and somehow, he knew his decision was going to lead to something terrible.

Chanyeol cupped his face, making him look at him. His face was unreadable as he stared at Baekhyun's face, his thumbs softly tracing circles on the smaller boy's face. Baekhyun was about to cry, and Chanyeol didn't want that.

"Don't be sorry, Baek, it's not your fault."

"No, I feel like . Maybe I should just go being here can't mean ing rainbows and fairy dust for you guys." Baekhyun mumbled, and Chanyeol pulled him into a hug.

Baekhyun habitually buried his face on the crook of Chanyeol's shoulder, hands automatically holding on to the sides of Chanyeol's jacket. The taller boy kissed the side of his head, swaying them around gently as he felt the boy in his arms shake with silent sobs.

"Y-yeol..." Baekhyun s his arms around Chanyeol's waist, pulling him closer.

"Hm?" Chanyeol ran his fingers through Baekhyun's blonde locks, feeling the soft strands between his fingers.

"I don't want to go, but I don't want you to get hurt..." His voice sounded strained and nasal with his sobbing.

Chanyeol pulled away a little to see Baekhyun's face, and he was torn between wanting to see it again or not. Baekhyun usually looked like a little diva- on her period, what with his constant usage of eyeliner and natural face, but seeing him teary-eyed, sniffling with his cheeks flushed and lips upturned into a pout woke up the sadist in Chanyeol. He hated to admit it, but Baekhyun looked absolutely adorable at that moment and he wouldn't mind seeing this side of him again.

"Don't you trust me, Baek?" He pressed their foreheads together, looking at the blonde's eyes.

"Of course I do, you ing idiot." He pouted more, and Chanyeol smiled.

"Then trust me, I won't let anything happen to you, to me, to us. We'll be together, okay?"

"...okay." Baekhyun wiped his tears with his sleeves.

"...may I kiss you?" Chanyeol chuckled softly at the blush that painted Baekhyun's cheeks.


Chanyeol leaned down and caught the smaller boy's lips in a kiss, nibbling on his lower lip and pulling him closer by the waist. Baekhyun slid his hands up along Chanyeol's chest to his neck, lacing his fingers together at the back of the taller boy's neck and pulling him closer. He felt Chanyeol's tongue his lip, and he opened them ever so slightly, granting access to the other.

Chanyeol gently pushed him to the wall, hands cupping Baekhyun's face as he deepened the kiss. It was bliss for him to taste Baekhyun again after three ing months. Talk about raging hormones. He let his tongue slide over Baekhyun's, exploring every inch of the wet cavern of the blonde.

Baekhyun mewled softly as he ran his fingers through Chanyeol's hair, making the latter press their bodies together. Baekhyun suddenly moved his leg by accident, brushing his thigh against the taller boy's groin. Chanyeol groaned from the touch, and they quickly broke the kiss, panting and blushing. Baekhyun wanted to slap himself, and Chanyeol, too. What were they, in high school? Jesus, they already ed each other, for 's sake. Why where they so shy now?

Chanyeol had his hands on either side of Baekhyun's head, a makeshift cage for the blonde. Their lips were swollen and red from the kiss, and there was an uncomfortable feeling in their pants, but they remained quiet, staring at each other as they tried to catch their breath.

It was only a cough from someone behind them that made them jump away from each other.

"You guys done?"

"X-Xiumin! How long have you been ing standing there?!" Chanyeol blurted out, face red from embarrassment.

"Long enough. Now let's go, lover boy. Head quarter's calling for a meeting." Xiumin had a knowing smirk on his face, and Baekhyun wanted to bury himself under ground.

"Just go, Yeol." Baekhyun said, pushing Chanyeol by the shoulder.

"B-but..." Chanyeol pouted, and Baekhyun knew what he was thinking.

"Aish, this ! Just go! Keep that thing in your pants for now." Baekhyun crossed his arms over his chest, and he couldn't help but roll his eyes at Chanyeol's pout.

"Yeah, listen to the princess. You're going with Suho, Kris and Luhan. We'll keep princess company." Xiumin smiled, patting Chanyeol on the back.

"Keep your slimy, steamed-bun paws off of my Baek, Xiu." Chanyeol joked, and Xiumin rolled his eyes.

Chanyeol sat in the backseat with Luhan, an uncomfortable silence filling the spaces in the car. Kris was driving silently, and Suho was fiddling around with his watch, the hologram screen going on and off at random times making him groan and curse under his breath. Chanyeol raised his eyebrow and tapped Suho on the shoulder. The older boy looked back, an annoyed look on his handsome face.

"Something wrong with your watch?" Chanyeol quipped, pointing at the said item.

"Yea, actually. It won't freaking stay on holomode. It's frustrating."

"Just buy a new one, Gramps." Chanyeol dodged a flying empty water bottle as he grinned back at Suho.

"Aish, I can't believe you're this calm when the meeting's probably about you." Suho retorted, and Luhan audibly sighed from beside Chanyeol.

"I'm really sorry. I wasn't thinking when I brought Baekhyunnie here..." He said quietly, and the car went silent.

" bet you weren't." Chanyeol started, and Luhan threw him a sad look.


"...but it's okay. I'll make this work, Lu. So no more sad faces, alright? It's a crime for you to not smile." Chanyeol grinned, his face twitch making its appearance once again and making Luhan smile.

"...okay. I really hope you make this work, Chanyeol." Luhan said, and Chanyeol slung his arm over the pink-haired boy's shoulder, pulling him closer.

"I will! Doesn't anybody trust me in this family?" Chanyeol fake sobbed, making Luhan roll his eyes with a smile.

Suho, and even Kris, smiled at how he referred to their team as family. It was really like that. They've been through bigger problems than this, and screw everything if they were going down without a fight. Kris stepped on the gas pedal just a little harder, earning the push that he needed to solidify his resolve to fight for his family.

"Are you wearing eyeliner? Isn't it bothersome?"

Baekhyun sighed, both tired and amused at Xiumin's childishness. He kept on staring at Baekhyun's face, eyes boring into his lined ones. He was starting to feel self-conscious, but he ignored it and answered the boy with the chubby cheeks for the nth time that day.

"It's not, Xiumin. At first it was, but I'm used to it. I can do it in two minutes tops." He stood up from his seat and made his way to the large windows, leaving Xiumin pouting by himself.

The view outside was, to say the least, breathtaking. Buildings were literally piercing the skies, the tops disappearing high into the clouds. Lights blinked everywhere, and the New York skyline was probably nothing compared to the glow this 2145 Seoul had. Roads for the floating cars were twisting here and there on top of one another, but it still looked orderly. Judging from the height of the window, Baekhyun assumed he was somewhere on a thirty-something floor. The people below looked like ants from his view. He pressed his nose and fingers against the window, eager to take in every little detail.

"Do you want to go outside?"

Baekhyun turned around to see Sehun looking at him expectantly, bright eyes staring back at him. He nodded his head, and the serious looking boy with the silver and bluish hair smiled. Chen jumped up from his seat, dumping his controller somewhere and running around as he kept on cheering 'Yay, we're going out!'. D.O. was mumbling to himself at how irresponsible his friends were as he carefully picked up the controller, neatly placing it back on the table. Tao was already busy picking which jacket to wear. Lay was helping D.O. clean up Chen's mess. Kai was following Sehun to the door, and Xiumin was grinning at Baekhyun.

"How come we only met you now? You seem like such a fun person." Xiumin mused, and Baekhyun couldn't help but snort.

"Dude, I'm from the ing past. Of course you won't just naturally meet me."

"True. Do you believe in destiny and stuff like that?"

"I don't know. Do you?" Baekhyun started following Sehun and the others as they all started to prepare for a day out.

"Maybe? I mean, it wouldn't be really stupid to say that its destiny that brought you here. Like you said, you're from the ing past, but now you're here." Xiumin said, smiling at his own words.

"Good point. You know how people sometimes think they're born into the wrong body?" He found himself grinning back, and the others were watching them with amused eyes, into their random conversation.

"What about it?"

"Maybe I was just born in the wrong time."

"But if you were born here, then you wouldn't possibly meet Chanyeol." Xiumin retorted, eyeing Baekhyun's face scrunched up in deep thought.

"I beg to differ."


"Destiny will find a way. Am I right, or am I right?" Kai chuckled at Baekhyun's proud look as he held up his hands for high fives, and D.O. found himself grinning.

"Aish, young love." Xiumin said, laughing as they made their way out, closing the door with a soft click.

Kris, Suho, Chanyeol and Luhan sat rigid on one of the sides of the table, backs straight and not a hair out of place. Coming to the head quarters wasn't always the best thing for them, and the presence of some of the best timedrop teams just made their stay more awkward and scary. Kris maintained a calm composure, and Suho did his best to smile and do the same. Chanyeol and Luhan never made eye contact with anybody, but kept their heads up.

"Now that we're all settled, we can begin the meeting." The head of the organization, Ko Hyunjung, was a middle-aged woman who had a pale, round face. Her looks may come off as someone nice, but one word out of and you know she's not all flowers and daisies.

She stood up from her seat, fingers spread out and pressing lightly on the steel table as she observed everyone at the table. Immediately to her right was the four-member team headed by Jung Yonghwa. He nodded his head, a plastic smile on his face to match that of Hyunjung's. Next to Yonghwa's team, sat Kris and the others. Her gaze lingered a beat too long on Chanyeol, and he knew he was in deep .

In front of them was the team where Key, the subject of Chanyeol's previously failed mission, belonged. They once had five members, but happened, and now the number decreased by one. Their leader, a soft and fair skinned boy called Onew, held a serious expression on his face. The man sitting next to him, a tall guy with big eyes, had his head in his hands as if he was dozing off. The boy with the plump lips behind him poked him on the ribs as soon as Hyunjung had her eyes on them, and he woke up, sending a small smile at the other boy. Chanyeol made a mental note to tell Baekhyun that even in this time, Taemin and Minho were still together.

Next to them sat the only all-girls team. The four member team that Luna lead. Her members sat beside her quietly, looking very prim and proper as they nodded their head at Hyunjung. She cleared , and everyone let their gazes fall upon her.

"I called upon you all for one thing. Consider this meeting a poll of some sorts as we will each vote on what to do about a certain issue. Park Chanyeol, will you please stand up?" She said, not even sparing a glance at him as she turned around, taking a remote control from her assistant and clicking a button.

In the centre of the table, a little blue dot appeared. After a few blinks, it zoomed up into a huge hologram of graphs, numbers, tables and texts. It made Chanyeol's head hurt from looking at it, but he knew very well what it was.

"Luhan, will you please explain this image for us?" Hyunjung's voice was like ice slicing through the silence as Luhan swallowed nervously, relaxing a little at Taemin's smile of encouragement.

Luhan stood up, facing the hologram image and feeling Chanyeol's hand slipping into his, squeezing it gently. You can do it, Lu.

"It's a graph showing the past month's timedrop activities. The little orange dots are minor timecreases and have already been dealt with, and that little red dot over there's a timecrease that should be taken care of as soon as possible."

"And when did that little red dot happen?"

"...J-just...two days ago."

"Thank you. Now, Onew, will you please tell me what makes a timecrease appear as a little red dot on the graph?"

Onew stood up, hands clasped behind him as he looked strangely at Park Chanyeol who was still standing. Hyunjung tapped her fingers on the table impatiently, her face holding a smile that never reached her eyes.

"A timecrease is considered dangerous if a living person, significant or not in history, is to be brought into the future, or anywhere along the timeline, thus ruining the natural flow of time and creating the possibility of an influx of flaws, or permanent timecreases, in the timeline."

"Thank you. Please sit down."

Onew sat back down, his eyes still trained on Chanyeol who was fidgeting uncomfortably beside Luhan who looked equally as worried.

"Now, Park Chanyeol? Please refer to your watch. Kindly read to us the specifications on that little red dot." Hyunjung commanded, and slowly, Chanyeol lifted his watch to his eye-level, a picture of Baekhyun smiling up at him.

Nothing really goes under the radar in this ing place, he thought, feeling everyone's eyes on him as he stared at the holographic image being projected from his watch.

"Byun Baekhyun, 20, male. Original time period: 2013, Seoul. Timedropped into the future (2145 Seoul). Time spent in the future: approximately fifty hours." Chanyeol read, voice low and quiet, and Luhan took in a sharp intake of breath.

"I've had my assistants look into this situation, and I know who is behind this. I am giving your team a chance to redeem itself. Explain yourselves as to why this stupidity happened." Hyunjung finally dropped her smile, a cold look flitting across her face as her words slipped out of .

"No stupidity whatsoever happened. Byun Baekhyun is an insignificant person in history. Him timedropping into this period means nothing." Kris spoke up, pulling Chanyeol by the elbow gently and making him sit back down along with Luhan.

"On what proof are you basing this ridiculous argument on?"

"My guts."

Chanyeol wanted to shove his foot down Kris' throat. Luhan wanted to knee him in the balls. Suho wanted to throw him off the Seoul Tower. His guts? They sometimes doubted Kris' ability as a leader, but they remained quiet.

"Excuse me?" Hyunjung raised her eyebrow at Kris.

"We will take responsibility for whatever damage will be caused by Byun Baekhyun's stay in this period, but we ask you to please not touch him." Kris was on a roll, and Chanyeol was staring up at him with adoration because everything, Kris was defending him and Baekhyun. Luhan wanted to cry with pride.

"This damage you speak of will not only cause inconvenience to you, but to the rest of humanity as well." She retorted, spinning her pen in her hand.

"If I may, Ms. Hyunjung. The mere presence of one insignificant boy couldn't possibly tip the timeline off-balance. It's an absurd idea, and I don't think we should get worked up over it too much." Luna interjected, raising her perfectly manicured hands and glancing at Kris and the others, a faint smile dancing on the corner of her lips.

"If there were even to be any damage at all, I think it's safe to say that it wouldn't be that problematic, and a few tweaks here and there could fix it." Yonghwa added, nodding his head.

"...very well. Kris, let me remind you that you will be the one to take responsibility for any damage that occurs. You know very well of the consequences of your actions. I will keep my eye on your team, and especially on that Byun Baekhyun. You are dismissed. Submit your timedrop reports on time, and keep your watches activated; there are new missions for each of you." Hyunjung quipped, a hint of annoyance lacing her voice.

They all filed out of the room quietly, and as soon as the doors closed, Yonghwa, Minho and Sulli jumped on Chanyeol, grins on their faces as they desperately asked for details. Chanyeol was at a loss, confused as to who these childish people were when just a few seconds ago, they were ing acting like Greek gods in their seats.

"Soooo, who's the kid? You had this look on your face when you saw his picture!" Sulli gushed, tugging on Chanyeol's arm excitedly.

"He looks so adorable, man! Is he your little brother or something?" Yonghwa added, pushing Sulli to the side a little and earning a quick jab from the girl.

"Dude, is he your boyfriend?" Minho asked, a smirk on his face.

Chanyeol blushed as Luhan giggled behind him, an amused Kris and grinning Suho beside him. Sulli and Yonghwa let out huge gasps, and they started clapping their hands like retarded seals. Sulli reached up and pinched Chanyeol's cheeks, and Yonghwa punched him lightly on the shoulder.

"You guys look cute together! Take care of him!" Yonghwa grinned.

"I knew I made the right decision when I told Luna to get that off your asses." Chanyeol's eyes widened at Sulli's apparent potty mouth.

"We'd love to talk, but we need to go now. I don't know what those other dorks at home are doing, and I'm scared of finding out. Thank you for backing us up, guys." Suho said, pulling Chanyeol away from Sulli's grasp.

Before Chanyeol even took a step, a boy with platinum blonde hair held him by the wrist. There was a broken look on his face, and Chanyeol could feel the loneliness even without words being spoken. He moved closer, and spoke in a low whisper.

"Is Key..." He started, and Chanyeol knew.

"...he's fine. He's happy with...someone from the past." Someone who looks so much like you.

"...thanks." He murmured, and Chanyeol swore he saw tears threatening to fall from the shorter boy's eyes.

Suho finally pulled him away, and as they left, Chanyeol bowed his head at the others, feeling a huge weight off his chest. However, he couldn't take Hyunjung's words off his mind.

I will keep my eye on your team, and especially on that Byun Baekhyun.

D.O. stared at Baekhyun who was eating his fifth serving of a double-scoop ice cream. He couldn't believe that this seemingly light-eater and lean boy was such a glutton. He picked up a sheet of tissue and carefully pressed it against Baekhyun's cheek, not wanting to look romantic or anything. The blonde looked up, mouth full of ice cream.

"Y-you've got a little...there...yeah." D.O. muttered, eyes wide.

"Is something wrong?"

"'re eating so much, will you still be able to eat for dinner?"

"Depends. If the food's good, I'll always have space for that." Baekhyun grinned, lips smeared with chocolate.

"D.O.'s a good cook, I swear. I love his kimchigae. Absolutely heavenly." Kai interjected from the table beside them, his cup empty while Xiumin was trying to spoon a slice of banana from his banana split.

Chen was busy taking pictures of themselves, snapping random shots here and there. Lay was trying to make a unicorn with his ice cream (Baekhyun still couldn't guess the foundation of his love for unicorns), Tao was staring longingly at a Gucci shop across the street (Gucci's still alive?) and Sehun was busy sipping all the tapioca pearls from his bubble tea. To say that Baekhyun was having fun was an understatement; he was having a wonderful time.

"I'm looking forward to dinner then, Kyung-- I mean, D.O.." Baekhyun grinned, and Kai suddenly leaned over.

"What's this Kyungsoo guy like? Is he like D.O.?" He asked, and D.O.'s ears perked up at the question, eyes wide with curiosity.

"He's...well, yeah, kind of the same, but he's more...I don't know, more of the nagging type? Jongin always gets an earful from him when he leaves his clothes on the floor or something." Baekhyun kind of missed his dorky friends back home.

"And what's Jongin like? Why would he leave his clothes on Kyungsoo's floor?" D.O. asked, genuinely interested.

"Well, Jongin's a quiet guy at first, but really hyper once you get to know him. Like, you'd think he was on crack or something. And it's not just Kyungsoo's floor; it's their floor. They live together."

"Are they brothers?" Kai asked, horrified.

", no. They're dating."

And Baekhyun never thought he'd live to see the day that a living person actually spat out his drink out of surprise. Moreover, two of them. Thankfully, he wasn't in D.O.'s and Kai's range of target, so he remained dry, but Xiumin couldn't say the same.

"Yah! Guys, that's so disgusting! Oh my God, my OCD's kicking in. Ugh." Xiumin groaned, looking at his drenched shirt helplessly.

D.O. and Kai had these really cute blush adorning their faces, and Baekhyun couldn't help but smirk knowingly. He pointed his spoon at the two, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oooh. two, huh?" He teased, and D.O. turned an even deeper shade of red while Kai looked away.

"Ah, so cute." Baekhyun mused, and Chen came over to laugh at Xiumin's demise.

While D.O. and Kai were busy blushing and being awkward with one another, Sehun moved his seat closer to Baekhyun's, tapping him on the shoulder. Baekhyun looked over to him.

"Hey...uhm, don't be mad at Luhan, okay? He didn't mean bad when he brought you here." He started, and Baekhyun frowned.

"What? I'm not mad at Luhan. Why would I be?"

"Well...what he did is...Chanyeol's a selfless idiot and I'm sure you know that."

"What are you getting at?" Baekhyun shifted in his seat to face Sehun properly.

"What Luhan did, he did it for you and Chanyeol, so if someone were to be puni--

"Sehun, don't." Tao cut in suddenly, catching everyone's attention.

"Don't? Don't what?" Baekhyun looked up at Tao, a sad look on his face.

" should let Chanyeol or Kris tell you this." Tao replied softly, not meeting Baekhyun's eyes.

"Their words are as good as yours. What is it?" Baekhyun pushed on, and Chen was the one to answer, voice devoid of any humour.

"Luhan taking you here is considered a major crime amongst us timedroppers. And sadly...well, death penalty is legal in this time period, unlike in yours."


"When worse comes to worst, Chanyeol, being the selfless idiotic giant that he is, will not let anything happen to you or Luhan...please don't make me say it. You of all people should know what Chanyeol is capable of with that idiot mind of his." Chen added sadly.

"...Chanyeol may die if I stay here? Is that it...?"

" layman's terms, yes. But things might go well in the meeting?" Lay chipped in, a hopeful smile on his face.

Baekhyun remained quiet for the day. He knew something was up when Kris was so adamant on him leaving, but he didn't think it was this heavy. When they were on their way back, he excused himself to go the lavatory. Minutes passed and he still hasn't come back, and Xiumin was getting worried.

"Guys, which lavatory did he go to?" He asked, looking around.

"I don't know. You want to check?" Chen asked, pushing himself off the lamppost that he was leaning on.

And so the eight of them went on a short search party, and after futile attempts, ended up with nothing. Lay and D.O. were about to cry, Kai's face was unreadable. Xiumin had his head in his hands, and Chen was still frantically looking. Tao looked worried.

Baekhyun wasn't anywhere to be found.

"All I have to do is jump, right? I mean, drop. Timedrop, yeah. Luhan didn't do anything special, and he didn't have any kind of special gadget when we dropped so...maybe I can do this. I'm going back. I'm sorry, Chanyeol...I don't want anyone dying because of me being the little that I am."

Baekhyun stood up on the ledge of some building he managed to go into. He felt bad for sneaking away from the others knowing full well how Kris, Suho and Chanyeol (especially him) would bombard the poor eight boys with questions on where the he was. But he couldn't tell them what he wanted to do, because for sure, they'd stop him.

He looked down and boy, was that a long fall. But he wouldn't really die, right? He's going to timedrop, right? Baekhyun closed his eyes, took a deep breath...and stepped back, falling to his knees. Who was he kidding, he doesn't know about timedropping or whatever. He looked up helplessly, feeling more useless by the second.

"How the do you timedrop....I just want to go home and save everyone from all this mess..."



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YukiiOnna #1
Chapter 16: OMG I was SOOO ready for the action but.. but.. whaaat OwO there is no chapter (¡.¡) .. authornim i know it's been long buut pleaase do not abonden this story it is amaazing! I hope you will update again, some day! Hwaiiting \(^~^)/
this seems like a great fic. i love the description. i hope you wont abandon this fic though ><
Chapter 16: I didn't wanted to read this because it wasn't finished still and the last update was soooo long ago but the moment I read the first chapter I just couldn't stop. Oh my god. Pleaseeeeeeee don't abandon this fic! A timetravelAU and MamaAU with the main OTP as my major ultimate ship– GAWD THIS IS EVERYTHING FOR ME ;ω; The action is only starting ashdiskbJakbgskn please I'm dying for you to continue it! ;;;;;ω;;;;;
kimbyun94 #4
Chapter 7: Are you perhaps a filipino, author-nim?
ozwalkr #5
Chapter 16: You have a really great story going. Please don't abandon it. Take your time, make it what you want. If it takes a year, so be it, but such a good start deserves an ending.
ozwalkr #6
Chapter 9: So THATS who the little girl is! An AI robot keeping tabs on Baekkie. This is getting GOOD! Not to mention, the Powers! I have seen the powers used ALOT, but I think I like this take on them..
kilaaa #7
Chapter 16: Hmmm this is getting interesting I hope you will update soon authornim *^▁^*
When will you update?
EXO_planet12 #9
i wanna read this But the Author is not updating anymore,,why?.. T_T
zhiyenkpop #10
Chapter 16: Pls update!!!