Pet dog!

Personal Butler


" Ram, meet your personal butler " your dad said as a guy beside him bow toward you. " Waahh! Is he going to work here like Sora eonnie? " your dad ruffles your hair " Nope cutey. He's a butler just like Minho . But he'll be by yourside wherever you go. " " Ahh! Then what about Minho oppa? What will he do then? " " Aigoo.. He'll still here working like usual. But this guy will take care of you since appa and eomma is very busy. Minho couldn't take care of you too now. " " Awww... " you pouted " Don't be sad cutey. I'll make sure we'll have some time to hang out with you em? " he smiled. " Nae! " your dad turn to the guy and pat his shoulder. " Im counting on you. Dont make my girl hurt or i'll hurt you " he chuckles. " Yes, sir. " your father left both of you. " What should i call you? " you asked. " Anything mistress " " Oppa then! Whats your name oppa? " " Jeon Jeong Guk " he smiled. " Jung Kook oppa! Hehe~ bangawoyo~ " you showed your hand signing him to gave you a hand shake. he smiled and shake hands with you. 
Your name is Jney. 15 years old child living with your parent , older brother Changjo, a butler Minho , maid Sora , chef Roy and now your personal butler Jung Kook. Your parent really wealthy. Both are. But they never shows their wealthiness to other ppl. You even go to a normal school. 
-end of intro- 
Since that day people starts talking about you and there'll be many girls asking you about your butler and gave you stuff to pass it to your butler. " Just ignore them mistress. " " I did! But its annoying. They keep asking me about you and bla bla. Aishh Why you have to be so attractive? and.. can't you just stay away from me when im at school so they wont be clinging at me? " your arm crossed. " Aww~ *ruffles your hair* Im sorry mistress. But i can't leave you. Its my duty to be around you. " you got pissed and went into your room. ' *sigh* She must be very annoyed. I have to do something to cheer her up! ' 
The next day you went to school without him. Your old butler Minho was the one sent you. " Where is Jung Kook oppa? " " I think he's a bit busy today " " Busy? But isn't he my butler oppa? " " I'm not sure what he's doing right now. We're arrived now. " " oh okay. TQ Minho oppa! " " Have fun at school sweety " " Nae! " you gave him a kissed on the cheek like usual and went outside. Things went the same but diff question now. " Where's the guy that you always with? " " Where is Jung Kook oppa? " " Why is he not with you? " " Is he sick? " " Is he stop working with you? " those question pissed you off. Just like your butler said, you totally just ignore all the question. But something makes you uncomfortable. Your butler. You're very curious why he isn't with you today. After school end, instead of riding cars to home. You bought your skateboard along and rode it. You stop by at an ice-cream shop along the way. After you paid the ahjusshi, he gave you a piece of note paper. " Whats this ahjussi? " " Just take it and have a look at it while walking home. " " okay! Bye bye ahjussi " you skate back to your house. you went into your room and jump onto your bed. you took out the note paper and took a look. 
" Dear mistress, 
                                if you dont mind would you go to the nearby playground? I'll be waiting there. Im sorry for making you feel bad yesterday. Oh! And buy me an ice-cream along the way~ hehe :P "
"What?! He's the butler . Why is he giving me instruction now?! Pfft~" you changed your cloth into a hoodie , short pant and shoe. you grab along your backpack which you always have around you. 
You skate back to the ice-cream stall and bought two ice-cream and went straight to the playground around the corner. You reached there and found its empty. Theres no one to be found. " Mistress you're here~" you startled " Oppa!! you shocked me! Here your ice-cream. " you pass him his ice-cream and grab your skateboard " What do you want me to be here oppa? " " Oh yeah! come along. " he walks toward a bench and you just followed behind. " lets sit here. " you just followed what he did. he then whistle and a dog came running toward him. " Omo!! " its your favourite kind of dog.  Its a big fluffy shepherd dog! " Good boy~ " he patted the dog. " Where did oppa get that dog?!! " you half shout in excitement. " Woah chill mistress. I bought it last evening. Its for you. He's very kind and i already trained him so it'll make you easy to get along with him. " you get nearer to the dog and gave him a hug " Awww!! He's so fluffy and big!! Does he have a name? " " Well its for you so i didn't give him a name yet. " "BAOZI!!! " " Thats quick mistress. " " Hehehe~ *giggles* Well i always wanted a dog and i'll already though of a name if i get one! " he just smiled at you playing with the dog " Thank you Jung Kook oppa! " " No problem mistress. As long you're happy" " Im super duper happy now! " 
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