The Route

Whose Existence Vanished


Whose Existence Vanished


“Sunggyu? Are you in there?”

Woohyun stood in front of Sunggyu’s door, scratching his head because of the sudden outburst earlier from his Leader. He didn’t have a clue on what he’d done, and the others were giving him weird looks.

He sighed silently before knocking on the door again, “Hyung, did I do something? I’m sorry for it! Can you please open this door?”

Woohyun heard muffled screams and some thumping, stepping back with shock. He heard a faint yell of, “Don’t say those words to me!” and then silence.

He shook his head, completely baffled on what to do. Usually he’d be the one throwing a fit, not Sunggyu.

Am I usually like this? Wow, I should really stop…

“Hyung?” he came back up to the door, grabbing the knob, “I’m going to come in, okay?”

Hearing nothing in response, he carefully opened the door, jumping when a spear fell from the other side and made a loud clank on the floor. He supposed it was the fox that put it there in haste while he was freaking out. Walking into the room, he picked up the weapon and placed in onto the wall neatly. Looking around he found his little fox on the bed, face first into the pillow.

“Hey,” Woohyun casually said, but got no reaction. He huffed, sitting beside him on the bed, “Sunggyu, don’t sleep like that. You’ll have trouble breathing.”

Moving to help him into another position, the fox slapped his hand away, coming out of the pillow to glare at him, “Did I give you permission to enter my room?”

“No?” Woohyun smiled funny, “But you did call me an for no reason. I came to see if you’re okay. You gave us all a spook earlier.”

The fox’s face turned into a frown, looking away from Woohyun to stare at his hand. He heard mumbles and could make out some retort that sounded like, “You made me scared out of my wits, stupid hypocrite.”

The newbie Letter Bee the side of Sunggyu’s arm, “Did you have a nightmare?”

His leader stiffened and covered his face with the pillow again, trying to ignore Woohyun. He chuckled a little bit before asking again, “What was it about?”

“Nothing,” Sunggyu tersely replied before peeking out of the pillow, “Do you hurt anywhere?”

Woohyun checked himself, a light throbbing on his chest where the clock is started to come back when he woke up. “Yeah, this is acting up again.”

The fox sighed, removing the pillow completely before sitting up, “Take off your shirt. I’ll recast for the pain to go away.”

Woohyun did what he was told, ing the cotton shirt and rolling it off his shoulders. Shifting his spot so he was facing Sunggyu a bit more and put the shirt in his lap.

He saw Sunggyu’s cheeks become pink and a cough from his elder companion before the fox shifted to a better position himself. But he didn’t do anything, just staring at him.

“Uh, Hyung?” he felt weird under the gaze, “Are you gunna start?”

Sunggyu snapped out of his trance from his question, looking away, “Yeah. Just stay still.”

He chuckled a little bit when a small pale tan light began to form in Sunggyu’s hand, touching the tattoo on his chest. He felt the warmth spread, replacing the pain and clearing out toxins, though it couldn’t remove the curse. Light ribbons swirled around him, pale and delicate.

“Hyung, did you have a nightmare about me?”

The fox stared hard into his chest, focusing, “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Why?” he moved his own hand up to touch the arm that was extended to him, “Is touching me so much more interesting that talking less important?”

“Just…” the fox looked him into the eye, whispering, and he saw uncertainty flicker in those dark brown irises, “ Sit there silently, I beg you.”

His mouth closed shut and stared at Sunggyu who hung his head low, breaking the eye contact. He never heard him ever beg for anything. It was always commands and orders from the strong leader that the fox was. The feeling he received was unwavering confidence and charisma; the strongest glares that never failed to shut him up, powerful kicks that never held back in fights. That was the Sunggyu he knows.

Kim Sunggyu, the strongest he’s ever met.

To see him in such a vulnerable state made Woohyun feel too strong. He didn’t have this kind of effect, to make someone down. He was the one who lifted the mood, the love shared and happiness spread.

Still he sat with utter silence, complying with Sunggyu’s plea. To go so far as to beg, he would do it.  He didn’t like the feeling though, seemed too off. As the ribbons started to fade, he stared at the tuff of light brown hair, the hand still on his chest even though the light was long gone.

Slowly, he traced his hand that was still on Sunggyu arm up, enclosing his own around the fox’s paw. The other hand felt cold, shaking and unsteady. He took it off his chest and clasped for the palms to meet. He waited, holding Sunggyu’s hand, for an answer, an explanation, or even a fight from the other. But got a slow head tilt up, looking back into his eyes.

He heard a breath enter through the both of them, exhaling at the same time, warm breaths mingling. Leaning closer, he allowed their foreheads to touch; soft and easy. Sunggyu’s didn’t break away, staying in the comforting position. Another sigh left the fox, squeezing his hand once just to get a feel that Woohyun was still there.

“I dreamt,” a low voice started, their close proximity letting the two hear every sound the other made, “No, I feared. Woohyun,” he shivered a bit when he heard his name being called with this voice Sunggyu was using. His other hand landing on Sunggyu’s waist.

“Feared what?” Woohyun breathed out, his gaze still on the other’s.

“That you would die under my watch,” the confession slipped out, a shaky breath following, “That you would leave without my consent. That I couldn’t stop it from happening. Another family member leaving me without me saying goodbye.”

The hand he held gripped tighter and the fox clenched his teeth, “Another person I let into my heart break away from me, and I can only stand, watching the entire thing. Everything I say, my opinion; ignored and forgotten in the wind.”

Woohyun hummed, letting his hand wander up Sunggyu’s back, their bodies steadily getting closer. “I wouldn’t leave in such an undignified way. I would go with a bang.”

“Really?” Sunggyu’s eyes glued onto his, their emotions connecting and converting to the same entity.

“Yeah, and besides,” his hand that held Sunggyu’s lowered onto the bed, slowly making the fox lean back down, “I can’t leave without defeating you.”

The fox never wavered, but he allowed Woohyun to gently push him back onto the bed. “Is that another promise?”

Their chests met, Woohyun’s bare front flushed against the cotton black Sunggyu wore, “It’s a vow.”

“I’ll hold it over your head then.”

Woohyun brushed his lips along Sunggyu’s, “Sure thing.”

Before Sunggyu’s eyes could flutter close, and Woohyun almost claiming him as his, a scream tore the mood and traveled to their ears, snapping them out of the trance they slipped into.




Sungjong’s voice reached his ears, and he immediately ripped his gave from the alluring brown orbs. He pushed Woohyun off, running to grab his spear and sword, making his way to the deck fast. Woohyun right behind him, putting back on his shirt.

Entering the top, they found Lavi and Sungjong on the floor, struggling to stand with their eyes up. Sunggyu followed the gaze only to find Hoya limp under a grip of a griffon high in the air, and a crazed rider on the back.

“Sunggyu, the bastard has Hoya!” Lavi shouted, his green eyes burning with hatred.

Sungjong had blood running down his arm, “He can do petrification and dark magic!”

Sunggyu gripped his spear, pushing the magic sword to Woohyun, “I’ll deal with it.”

Woohyun stared at the fox, “You can’t go alone! How the hell will you reach up there?! Sunggyu think!”

“I am!” Sunggyu turned and looked at Woohyun desperately, “Shut up and listen! This isn’t a game, Woohyun! Get you, Sungjong, and Lavi under cover by the captain’s cabin.”

Woohyun stood, staring at him like he was crazy. So he pushed him toward the two injured on the deck.

“Now Woohyun!”

Once he saw the dark haired prince run to grab the others, he started up the ropes to the lookout platform. The crazed demon rider cackled above him.

“What’s a petty half-breed gunna go? Throw his spear at me?” the griffon rider laughed, “Like you can do anything!”

Sunggyu hauled himself onto the platform, the griffon flying above his head as he stood and let his tail balance himself on the rails. Hoya had his eyes closed and he saw a bit of blood dripping from the other’s head. Growling, he stepped back and bent his knees, focusing energy toward the bottom of his boots.

The demon swirled around in the air, “Is the fox gunna fly up and catch me? Ha, what a joke! You can’t even stand without your tail touching something! This job was too easy, I shouldn’t have accepted.”

“Job?” Sunggyu growled, “Did that witch send you?”

“Yeah, how’d you know?” he snorted, “She said some crazy about a prince, but there’s never been one. Are you him?”

“Sure, whatever,” the fox glared, “Give me back my messenger.”

The ugly demon scoffed, his distorted face lifting into some form of a smirk, “How about, no?”

Sunggyu didn’t wait any longer and pushed himself off the platform, the energy exploding from beneath him and launching him straight toward the griffon rider. He swung his spear in the front, following the flow of air around him and stepping once more for a second jump in the air; propelling him faster.

The other just widens his overbearing eyes and tried to cast a weight against Sunggyu but it was too late. The fox flew past him in height, cutting one of the griffon’s wings off. The creature screeched and faltered in the air, blood dropping heavily from the wound.

Sunggyu bent his knees and held footing as he faced back, pushing the energy off and cutting through the air again toward his enemy, slicing the second wing off. As he floated below, his movements seemed too fast for even gravity to keep up; a blur sliding in the air. Sunggyu quickly cut the talons off; grabbing Hoya from the now lifeless claws and pushing them up again through sheer pressured energy, stabbing through the creature and his rider.

The action seemed to only last moments, the enemy falling into the river with blood following. Woohyun saw Sunggyu hold Hoya, back toward the deck. If left alone, the fox would fall onto his back with extra weight, might even break his spine.

Woohyun stood up fast, running below them to have Sunggyu crashing down on him from the air. He groaned, feeling the pain and weight of them both atop his body. Sunggyu’s harsh breathing, Hoya’s silence, and the sticky blood from the enemy all fell onto him.

Lavi came over, after breaking his only Cure Magicite on him and Sungjong. Sungjong hauled Hoya off him, and the red head carried Sunggyu off.

If the Magicite was raw, in its original orb state, it will break after one use. The Magicite needs to be purified and controlled into something that will stabilize it or else the breaking will be inevitable. No one has been able to do this yet, except Sunggyu’s friend. The proof of it on his body, the two earrings and sword.

Woohyun sat up, wincing but glad to see Sunggyu on his knees tending to Hoya. The turquoise ribbons flowing around the cat’s head and the wound disappearing into the air.



“Is everyone okay?” Woohyun asked.

Sungjong shrugged, already better, while Lavi shrugged, pointing to Sunggyu.

The fox was still panting harshly, finishing up tending to Hoya’s wounds. His companion beginning to wake up.

“What?” Hoya had one eyelid half open, “The just happened?”

Lavi clicked his tongue, “We got ambushed. I think that witch isn’t going to give up on your life, Woohyun.”

“How’d you know?” the prince made his way beside Sunggyu, rubbing circles on his back.

“That isn’t the point,” Sungjong helped his brother to his feet, “We need to get to Shella pronto. That was just one enemy after us, and look what happened. If Sunggyu-hyung was asleep, what would’ve been the result?”

“It’s alright,” Sunggyu standing with the help of Woohyun, “I’ll always be in earshot. But that isn’t the only problem.”

The fox glanced back to where Woohyun’s clock would be, “The small hand has already made its way to Six, and two days ago it was at One. We need to speed things up. By this rate, it’d take another 4 days to ready Shella. Woohyun would be dead by then.”

Lavi pushed Sunggyu fully into Woohyun’s arms, “God, you guys are just such a tease,” he smirked, “I’ll get us there in one more day, Gyu. Stay calm.”

Sungjong eyed Lavi with suspicion, “And how would you make that feat?”

“I’ve got lots of new toys I made!”



“Oh you’ve got to be kidding.”

“I’m not!”

Sunggyu slapped his own face for this stupidity, “I’m not getting in there!”

“Oh come on, Gyu! The others are already in position; it’s just you we need!” Lavi yelled from the steering wheel.

“Bull! I’m not going down there!”

Woohyun whined from his spot in the front, “Gyu, you want me to die?! I’m hurt!”

Sunggyu snapped at him, fire spitting from his mouth, “Do not call me that, you ty prince!”

“Come on now, Gyu-hyung! It fits you so well!” Sungjong called from the side.

“You’re our main Leader, Kim Sunggyu!” Hoya smiled out encouragingly.

Sunggyu groaned, regretting the fact he could step off energy. The ship had folded out, creating two pedal wheels on the side and a running board in the back. Hoya and Sungjong would become tigers and run on the wheels, making the boat tread through currents. Woohyun was on lookout for anything, and Sunggyu would be in the back of the boat, barely skimming the water holding a bar connected the ship. Bursting energy off the back into the water, propelling the ship forward. Like a type of hamster running in the back for power.

Everyone was fine but Sunggyu, thinking this was going to be overbearing and tiring. But hearing all the calls from the others, it made him think there was no other choice. If he didn’t do this and reach Shella in time, they’d have a corpse in their hands.

He sighed, rolling his shoulders before going down the latter in the back of the ship.

“Okay, dips! I’m ready when you are,” Sunggyu yelled back at them, seething.

He heard laughter, and a couple of start yells from Woohyun and Lavi. He began running on the water, pushing with each step of energy to make the ship glide through water fast though choppy.



After what he felt like years of physical labor, the three fell onto the deck, chest heaving for a breath of oxygen and the night covering them. Sungjong and Hoya beside him in a similar manner.

“This is slave labor, I swear.” Sungjong complained.

“I haven’t ran in that form in forever,” Hoya rolled around, “Now I feel weird.”

“ everything,” Sunggyu panted, “Where the are we? If we aren’t crossing the border into Widal, I’m cutting Lavi’s balls off.”

“Relax, my fox. Lavi said we’re about to cross now. We’ll be in the port by tomorrow,” Woohyun smiled, sitting beside him and handing off water to everyone.

“Yours?” Sungjong smirked, “Really?”

Hoya whistled, “Whoa there. I think we’ve got two lovebirds here.”

Sunggyu grabbed Sungjong and shook him, “The hell are you hallucinating about?!” Dropping his collar, Sunggyu shot out to grip Woohyun’s shirt, “And who are you calling yours? Stupid prince! I’ll destroy you!”

Woohyun took this time to wrap his arms around the fuming fox, bringing Sunggyu to his chest and muffled the string of unbound curses, “You should take this time to run, my young brothers.”

Hoya laughed, picking himself up and went to his room. Sungjong followed suit, winking at Woohyun before disappearing behind his door.

He let Sunggyu pop his head back, and he was greeted with a glare and maroon eyes.

“Nam Woohyun, you’re dead!”



“Ow, Sunggyu! Your kicks are too strong! They leave terrible bruises.”

Woohyun openly complained while standing beside the fox and the others on the side of the ship. They were all dressed with full uniform, unlike the two days on the ship. Full letter-filled bags, all addressed to people across Widal. Lavi was busy trying to find a place to stop the ship and get them on shore.

Sunggyu huffed, his glare and crossed arms back in his usual posture, “Then think twice about the words that leave your mouth.”

All traces of the Sunggyu he saw yesterday were gone, all reverted back into the same fox he always knew. He was glad, no doubt, that his leader is back to normal. But he had this nagging feeling in the back of his head.

He wanted to be the only one to make Sunggyu like that again.

There’s this desire… to hear Sunggyu beg for me, on a bed. No barriers to his milky skin, legs spread, eyes filled with lust. Desperate for only my touch and--

He shook his head, his fantasies getting out of hand.

I need to get my head out of this fantasy. Even though it’s such a sweet… alluring… y fantasy of a certain fox that continues to just mock me every day with his perfection and body! Dammit!

“Alrighty, my Letter Bees! We’re here in Veo Lu! Just walk a bit to the crossroads and Shella will be on the left!” Lavi shouted, walking down from his post to join them on the side. “I’ll be staying in Shella until you guys are done with your business.”

“Wouldn’t your ship be in trouble?” Hoya helped set out the wooden plank to the dock.

“Nah,” Lavi replied, finishing the latch, “The Yukes here are people of class. They have regular guards around here, and wouldn’t want anything on my ship anyways.”

They made their way down, greeting a Yuke who was station on the side of the entrance and exit of the dock. They walked over toward the crossroads, turning left like the route leads.

“Have you been to Shella before?” Sunggyu asked the two cats.

They shook their heads and Lavi dug into his pocket, “Woohyun obviously haven’t, but since the two of you also never have… I’m glad I came prepared.”

They stopped and Lavi held out three small, curiously shimmering cubes that had a interlace design on them.

“These are your ticket into the city. No one gets in without the Mark of Shella on them,” Sunggyu explained, ushering them to take a piece.

They pasted by the old sluice beside the road, not going anywhere near it. Sunggyu told them that with this sluice the Yukes constructed, it channels rivers and water to everywhere in Widal. Making the land the most fertile and crop holding in the country.

Finally coming to the entrance of the city after half an hour, it was what looked like the beginning of a stone bridge, but the middle cut out.

“Wait, how are we supposed to get in?” Woohyun cried, tired.

Hoya slapped his back, “Shush!”

An old Yuke guardian stepped forward from the shadow of a pillar, his helmet a pointy shape and dark on the inside. Huge fuzzy hands holding a staff.

“Who requests the permission to enter the city?” he asked.

Sunggyu stepped forward,” Letter Bees from Lyvriè. We’re here to visit Jang Dongwoo.”

The old magician nodded, “Please show your marks.”

They group held up a piece and the old man nodded, Woohyun could feel the smile that was unseen. The magician lifted his staff, glowing slowly as the bridge suddenly appeared before them. Shimmering and glowing under the magic.

“Enjoy the city, travelers.”

Walking in, Woohyun gaped at the translucent bridge and saw the raging waters beneath them. Hoya shoved him ahead toward the city’s gate and the bridge disappears. Looking into the city, the roads twisted and turned around buildings and the crystal in the middle. Yukes flocked everywhere, with that occasional Lilty or Clavat. 

Lavi parted ways with them, heading off to a motel for a drink and long sleep.

“Alright,” Sunggyu pushed them toward a winding wooden staircase, “Let’s go visit my friend.”



“Gyuzizi!~ My HamsterGyu! You’re back!” A yell came from upstairs as they finally reached the top of the long staircase and into the house on top.

“Oh my, Sungjongie is here too!” loud steps came rushing down, a figure slamming into Sunggyu and Sungjong, bringing them both into a hug.

“My friends! Welcome back!” they twirled and Woohyun saw sparkles bouncing off the stranger, “You both look beautiful!”

“Nice to see you again, Dongwoo-hyung.” Sungjong greeted, hugging back with one hand.

Sunggyu shoved Dongwoo’s face away from him, “Get off me. I was just here.”

“Oh yeah!” Dongwoo moved off them, “Why are you here? I haven’t sent any requests.”

Sunggyu sighed, “Dongwoo, meet my new messengers, Hoya and Woohyun. We have a situation here.”



“This is particular.”

“Can you do anything about it?”

“Well, this type of magic isn’t my expertise.”


“Calm down, GyuGyu. What I mean is that I can’t fully take it away, but I can stall it.”

Dongwoo and Sunggyu sat in front of Woohyun, upstairs in the jumpy magician’s bedroom/library/laboratory. Sungjong and Hoya on the side couch with a cup of coffee in their hands.

“Stall? The best magician I know can only stall this thing?” Sunggyu poked the clock with his finger, making Woohyun imagine different situations the finger could be doing instead.

Dongwoo scratched his head, leaning back into his chair, “I’m no white mage. We’re gunna have to travel to Tierabia.”

Sunggyu sighed, “I knew I should have headed there…” he looked into Woohyun’s eyes, “Sorry. I think I put your life on the brink of death now, Woohyun.”

Dongwoo laughed, standing up to go over to his desk, cluttered with various papers and objects Woohyun’s never seen. A sheet of paper fluttered over to him and Sunggyu, picking it up to inspect what it was; a completely filled piece of paper with various different languages written in no specific order or spot. Little doodles here and there, it made Woohyun confused and he set it back down.

“Too complicated?” Sunggyu asked, looking at the paper as well, sitting beside Woohyun.

He nodded, “I don’t know what the process of perfection is, but it looks way too much for me.”

The fox scoffed with a smile, “Never in a million years will you ever become a scholar. You’re too stupid.”

Woohyun frowned, “Well, do you understand it?”

“A couple of languages, but the dialect it too complicated and messy to read. I know that this is a doodle of the old Lilitian Pyramids.” Sunggyu pointed to a triangular shape, “He’s been researching about how they were able to build it without magic.”

“He told you that last time, right?”


Dongwoo came back, his navy blue robe opened in the front showing the white cotton underneath, and he held a small vial with purple shining liquid, in the other hand a weird dream catcher.

“Alright, Woohyun, I’ll need you to lean back, Sunggyu, go over to Sunjongie and Hoya-ya.”

“Who you calling Ya-ya?” Hoya snapped, placing his cup on the coffee table.

He laid back, the bed plush around his bare upper body. Dongwoo sat close to the side of the bed and rubbed a clear gel onto his chest. It felt cold and slick, giving him an image of Sunggyu in position, his own hand covered in a similar substance and ready to enter the fox’s—

Suddenly a quiet snicker slipped from the magician and Woohyun sneaked a glance at the others. His companions were on the couch, chatting away. He looked back at Dongwoo, who was still giggling to himself, preparing the purple liquid.

“What are you giggling about?” Woohyun asked, feeling a bit awkward on the bed.

“At you.” Dongwoo smiled, putting the dream catcher on the tattoo.

He made a face, wondering what was so funny. Was it his body? Did he look weird?

“Not like that, silly,” the Yuke whispered, “It’s just I see that you have a dirty mind for Gyu-hyung.”

“W-what…?” Woohyun cluttered his mind as the other poured the liquid on his chest.

Are you reading my mind, Dongwoo-sshi?

Green mist lightly rose from the liquid, burning him a little and winced. “I’m glad you can make the connection, Woohyunie.”

He smirked, indiscreetly stating, “You’re reading my mind. The beautiful mind of your Prince, indeed, is filled with a certain fox over there.”

“Ew,” Dongwoo made the liquid a little hotter, making the other yelp and the Letter Bees turn their way. The magician smiled, waving to them happily, “I don’t want to hear any more of this ‘Fantasy Gyu’ running around in your head. Understand?”

Woohyun sat through the torture, unable to decide if the person before him was an utter genius or total idiot, “I can’t even fantasize about him? That’s hell, Dongwoo-sshi!”

“Then keep it down!” Dongwoo wacked his head, “Geez, your thoughts are so loud; I didn’t even need to read your mind to know. Those looks you’re giving him are too obvious!”

Finishing up the remedy on his chest, Woohyun noticed that the dream catcher was securely attached to cover the clock, and the hands stopped moving.

“Really?” Woohyun sat up, “Then how come Sunggyu doesn’t notice?”

Dongwoo shook his head, cleaning his hands with a towel, “He never really had the time for love. Running around on deliveries all this time or sleeping. That’s the kind of guy he is,” Patting the prince’s back, he handed him the shirt back, “You’ve got it tough. He doesn’t know what the sign of intimacy is or when you’re trying to get him in bed.”

Woohyun let his crazed thoughts escape just for Dongwoo, knowing full well what he was planning to do. “It’s alright. I’ll just get him and we’ll go from there.”

“Whoa whoa,” the magician covered his eyes, “Gross, man! Don’t picture it!”

He laughed, putting his shirt back on; while the others stared at him weirdly. He waved them off, giving a thumbs up at the end that earned eye rolls.

Sunggyu came over, asking if Dongwoo stopped the clock for now. He got a nod of approval and a stuck out for Woohyun. The fox chuckled, ruffling the magician’s pink tipped dirty blond hair. Thanking him.



They gathered downstairs for some desserts and tea. The table filled with different slices of cake and cookies; chrysanthemum honey tea steaming from little cups. Dongwoo waved his hand, pulling out chairs for everyone and sat; following suit.

Sungjong loved this part of visiting Dongwoo. The guy always had many cakes; his mother made them from her bakery, and would always have a lot in his house.

His favorite was always the double lemon cream cheesecake and lemon tarts. The same chrysanthemum honey tea warmed his body and lemon candies at the end to go.

Dongwoo was just a year younger than Sunggyu, and they always had some sort of crazy chat while here. Last time he was here was half a year ago, and they had a long talk about the different types of lamps that were around. He mentally sighed at their fascination on interior design.

Dongwoo loved the star shape, basing his house off the revolving solar system. Sunggyu liked a simple design, bright wood and white covers; or the opposite. He matched colors more than shapes.

But Sungjong would always shop around Shella; admiring the different accessories here that shimmered and moved through the magic casted on them. He liked their earrings the best.

Thinking back to all his hyungs, they were all caring to him, but a certain fox was beyond clueless in the view of romance. Sunggyu-hyung was just this stoic messenger, his only goal to protect and delivery. He sighed at his hyung.

Woohyun, good luck. I hope you can make him less harsh and maybe just softer in the heart.

He glanced to Hoya, his brother. He hadn’t seen him for those two years, and he barely changed. Sungjong changed a lot, his attitude, life, and morals. Hoya was still the respected and mature cat he knew. Though a bit more dance-y than before.

Dongwoo hyung was a great guy, silly and free willed, the man knew when to be happy or serious.

They should talk more, Dongwoo and Hoya. They’d make a great team in battle.

Sungjong went back to a lemon pudding, cutting the soft surface with a spoon.

Maybe I’ll find someone as well… After all, Sunggyu-hyung is a messenger.



Hoya was surprised at the different varieties of sweets, watching his brother grab lemon desserts and already starting on the treats as if in his own home. He wondered if it was the right thing to do, Dongwoo already being kind of offering coffee. He looked over at the man, who was laughing along with Sunggyu.

Their eyes caught each other’s for a second after the laughter died, and Hoya looked away quickly.

Those are too enchanting, you wizard! Don’t use magic on your eyes!

“What? I’m not. But I’m thankful that you find my eyes pretty.”

The cat snapped up, staring at Dongwoo. Don’t tell me…

“I can read minds? Yes. And I can communicate back? Yes.” He smiled.

Hoya smirked, reaching over to cake a plate of raspberry cheese cake. That’s quite a feat.

The magician wiggled in his spot, reaching over to also grab a plate of the same cake. “I tend to make many amazing feats.”

Is this a result of one of your own research?

“Well yes.” He got the mental message back, sticking a bite of cake into his mouth, “After all, I am the city’s best student.”

The cat coughed, quickly sipping some tea before he caught his friend’s attention. The top magician this generation?

“Yep. HamsterGyu and Jongie were here for my graduation last year!”

Hoya barely could believe it. The guy gave out embarrassing nicknames and was happy all the time. It seemed as if the male would be the biggest jokester, not top student. He stared at his cake, trying to list any accomplishments he’s done. But none came to mind, and he sighed. How was he going to even compare to the guy?

“Don’t sulk! You’re amazing just by being you, Hoya-ya!”

He shook his head, silently laughing. Still going to use that nickname, based on what was already my nickname?

“Of course! You don’t need any awards to be my friend~ Just be yourself, Hoya!”

Lifting the small tea cup, he saw the Yuke do the same, giving him a short raise of brows and a slight nod. Tipping the cup toward him back, they took a sip at the same time.

Hey, I have a question.

“What is it, Hoya-ya?”

That name… whatever. During the time when you were helping Woohyun, what was he thinking?

Dongwoo covered his mouth, and he assumed it was from either laughter or disgust.

“That little sneaky ert!”

I suppose it’s something bad?

“The Prince had various ideas of Sunggyu-hyung in very promising situations or positions! How could he? Fantasizing without restraint around me, even though he knew I would notice!”

 Hoya laughed, finishing up his cake.

How about Sunggyu or Sungjong? Do you ever read their minds?

Dongwoo across from him sighed, tapping his fork on the plate twice.

“I respect Sunggyu-hyung, and leave him to his musings. If he found out I knew what’s in his head, I wouldn’t live another breath, haha. Sungjongie is cute; I listen now and then on what’s in his mind.”

Will you be talking to me like this a lot?

The magician smiled. “We’ll see.”



“So, does it still hurt?”

“Nah, I’m feeling much better. The clock stopped for now.”

Sunggyu sighed, sipping more tea rather than eating. Woohyun beside him, tasting small bits of different sample cakes, either liking them or not.

“You’re going to get fat,” Sunggyu reprimanded.

The prince took another bite, sticking out his tongue at him, “You can’t talk with that squishy belly of yours.”

The fox twitched the corner of his mouth, “Oh, really? Since when did you peek at me?”

Woohyun widened his eyes and went back to stuffing his mouth. Sunggyu smiled in triumph, the stupid prince too easy to play.

He thought about how it would have been if he and Sungjong weren’t at the side of the forest that day; deciding to not take the nap and venture forward. The usual decision that he’d do. What if he never met Woohyun and Hoya? Where would he and the cat be now?

Shaking his head, he nodded his head to Dongwoo, who smiled and waved his hand letting a plate of strawberries float across the table and to Sunggyu’s spot. He picked up a little skewer that had a small cat design on the top. Stabbing a couple strawberries and munched on them. The juicy red fruit sweet on his tongue.

“Only strawberries, Hyung?” Woohyun questioned.

Sunggyu nodded, staring at one piece, “It’s much healthier than a sweets, and tastes just as good. Besides,” he waved the strawberry in front of Woohyun before putting it into his mouth, “I deserve a reward for the ship ride.”

The prince scoffed, going to take a mouthful of tea. “Strawberries are your reward?”

“Yep,” he glared at the other, “Nothing can beat it.”



“Are you sure?”

“Stop asking questions before I seal those lips shut.”

“I’d rather you shut them up another way.” Woohyun winked.

Sunggyu lifted his brows, “You want me to burn them off? Alright then…”

“No, Sunggyu-hyung, not like that.” He grabbed the fox that was standing to go get his sword. He hear Sungjong stifle a laugh in the background.

Sunggyu sat back down, a bit suspicious of Woohyun, “You’re acting weird these past few days.”

The prince stiffened at the remark, but was able to relax as Sunggyu muttered something about Woohyun being too stupid for anyone to handle.



The magician was running back and forth the next day while the Letter Bees stood on the porch, Woohyun and Sungjong dreading the walk down.

“Dongwoo, you don’t need to pack so much!” Sunggyu yelled into the house.

The male came rushing back, clad in a stylish, black sleeveless leather jacket; coupled by a white belt, straps carrying a couple different pouches, navy blue jeans and leather black combat boots. He carried a small bag and a short staff in the other hand.

Hoya walked over to help carry the bag, which was a bit heavy for its size.

“Hat?” The fox reminded, fixing his scarf.

Dongwoo gasped and snapped his fingers; a lofty dark blue magician’s hat popping on top of his headwith goggles at the base. A pair of leather gloves adorning his hands as well.

Woohyun poked the jacket, “Isn’t this a bit too stylish for travel?”

Dongwoo scratched his head, laughing, “I don’t have anything else suitable for outside the city. And if I wanna keep up with you guys, I’m going to have to feel comfortable.”

Sunggyu started pushing them all toward the stairs, Sungjong making a silent fuss with his hair.

“Alright, save the chatting for the road.”



“Gyu-hyung, where are we headed now?” Sungjong bit his cotton candy he bought off a street vender.

Hoya came running back from the corner with Woohyun, “Lavi said it was alright, we can leave. He’s staying in Shella until we make it back.”

“Don’t worry, Gyuzizi! I’ve got a basket of strawberries for the road!” Dongwoo cheered.

Woohyun fiddled with the blade on his back, “Where are we going anyways?”

Sunggyu sighed at the kids; they mingled and got along with Dongwoo straight away unlike with him.

Maybe I should try smiling more? Like Woohyun or Dongwoo?

“Hyung, stop tapping your lip and let’s go!” Woohyun pushed him along the street. He stumbled a couple steps before getting his footing.

After they had delivered the majority of the letters and all packages in Shella, their bags were fairly empty; Sunggyu holding the rest of the letters.

They made it to the edge of town, after refilling some water pouches and food rations, and left the magical city of Shella. Walking down a dirt path with fewer and lesser signs showing them the way; dew fresh on their boots from the moist grasses. Sunggyu took out his compass, setting it beside his map as he stopped on a rock beside the rushing waters of the sluice.

“We’re here,” he stated, pointing on the map to a little spot beside Shella on the South of Widal, “And we are heading for the hot springs in Tierabia.” Sunggyu finished, moving his finger along a long trail with many different paths to take, having his finger land on a spot somewhere beyond the North borders.

The country was a round shape, the middle a small circle defining the Providence. The Sections were divided by rough border lines that twisted and turned because of the terrain. The names speak for themselves for where they are, but the cities and towns were hard to pinpoint the exact locations. The map was a vague idea, and shouldn’t be too relied on in a journey. A compass and the stars are your trusty guides through the dangerous terrain.

“I assume it’ll take us about two weeks to reach there by foot,” Sunggyu heard a groan from someone, and he snorted, “There’ll be breaks at some towns, kids. We won’t be camping with too many caravans this time.”

Sunggyu placed the map back into his bag, straightening the cap on his head; motioning for everyone to follow, “We’ll try to stop by the Fields of Fum, so stop whining. Though I’m sorry, but it seems the Selepation Cave and Tida will be inescapable if we are to reach the Vale of Aliftaria.”

“Oh god, not Tida!” Dongwoo cried, “No, Gyu, find another path! Please!”

Hoya and Sungjong sighed, shaking their heads. Woohyun was left clueless on why Tida was so bad. Wasn’t it the most cheerful, sunny village in the entire country?

“I know that look,” Sunggyu broke his thoughts, “And no, Tida is not happy-go-lucky like in the stories, so stop thinking that now.”

Woohyun came up behind him, adjusting the chalice in his arms, “What happened?”

Sunggyu nudged Dongwoo, since he was tired of talking, and the Yuke sighed; turning to him with a sad face. “The village of Tida was decimated. Yes indeed, it was once the happiest village in all the lands, but it fell through a bitter end.” He shivered, Dongwoo’s sad tone bringing him down also.

“The sun once smiled on the village more than any other. But one day, their crystal’s blessing faded. The villagers eagerly awaited their caravan’s return. But for them, the crystal would never shine again…
It is said that not a single one of them tried to escape. All stood fast, waiting for the caravan. Hoping to the very end.”

Woohyun walked with his head low after hearing the tale from the magician. He felt the weight of his burden, a caravan’s burden, like never before. What if they were to die out here, in the wild, whilst their village slowly dies out from the miasma?

Sunggyu slapped his shoulder, making him yelp as the fox went ahead, “No time for sulking. What’s done is done, and we are moving on now. The caravans work hard for that to never happen again”

Sungjong smiled at him, moving ahead too, “And if we are to ever encounter a tree; we are getting the drop no matter what.”

“This is our job too now, Woohyun. We’ll make sure this never happens again. These letters hold precious words that are bonds from one to another,” Hoya passed him as well. 

Dongwoo brought his hand out, asking for Woohyun to join them, “The Tale of Tida is to remind us that we cannot be too secured. Adventure is out there, we were born to explore it, no matter the danger. It has brought us knowledge, stories, and life together. So, Woohyun, let’s be on our way to a new place!”

Woohyun stared at the four people in front of him. He’d never thought of such people would be travelling with him, helping along every step and telling him information that was only known to the travellers and villages. The Providence too protected and scared of the outside. These people were special in their own aspects, endearing and close to his heart.

He smiled, grabbing Dongwoo’s hand. “I want to try out my sword soon!”



For the next week, they hitched rides from two caravans. The first one a team of Yukes from Shella, going north and dropping them off at a lone intersection. They had to trek a whole day before finding another caravan, a group of Clavats, thankfully heading home to the Plains of Fum.

The sights were amazing to Woohyun. They past many small streams that were never recorded on the map, refilling water from them. The nights were filled with so many more stars than he’d ever seen. They fought alongside the stranger caravans to get rid of bandit demons or anything else. Receiving the ultimate housewarming greetings from the caravans, surprising Woohyun; Sunggyu told him that Letter Bees were more respected in the Sections than the Providence, since they and the caravans were the only means of communications past the outskirts of towns.

They received food when it ran out, and rest in the wagons after long walks. Sunggyu was the only one who slept the entire time in his turn on the wagon.

Finally, they reached the gentlest place in Widal, the place of farming, the Fields of Fum. Woohyun had heard that the Fields produced more crops and livestock than any other, supplying food for nearly all the Sections. The Providence had their own greenhouses, so he’s never seen the vast fields of wheat and barley. The stalks of corn, bushels of other vegetables or berries, and orchards of fruit trees; it was all grand and new for Woohyun.

They thanked the caravan, and Sunggyu lead them around the village, delivering the letters to the people. The prince felt warm, seeing the families smile at the words from their relatives across the country. Their surprised faces when one woman announced that her daughter’s pregnant, or the laughter from photos and words.

Though not all of them were happy. One man cried, clutching Sunggyu’s uniform in a cross between yells and tears. Begging his Leader to say the letter wasn’t for him, that it was a mistake. But it was for the man; announcing his brother’s death in Paradam. An invitation to the funeral later that year.

He felt cold for that one, wishing how it was possible for Sunggyu to deliver the sad message with a straight face, patting the man’s back in comfort. Even he, the prince, shed a few tears for the sad news.

After the delivery run, they finally sat down at a small shack beside a farm, hearing the cow’s moos and smell of their waste. Woohyun and Sungjong complained in their heads, but didn’t dare to voice it. Not knowing what Sunggyu or Hoya would do to them is they opened their mouths.

Dongwoo seemed happy, making small talk with Hoya and snapping a few pictures here and there. “For my mother.” He told them.

Sunggyu ordered them all drinks, fresh milk for Hoya and Sungjong, two fruit milk smoothies for him and Dongwoo, and a milk tea for himself. Everything was made from the cows in the little shack, and Sunggyu didn’t want to order meat; seeing the cute little cows grazing beside them, he couldn’t do it.

“Yo, Sunggyu!” the owner greeted, “What’s you going here? Deliveries?”

“Just stopping by. Will the cows race soon?”

“Yeah!” the man jumped up, his hat nearly falling as it sat tilted on his head, “I’ll go round dem up for ya. Go ahead and bet!”

Woohyun watched the male disappear into the barn, bringing out slowly eight cows with a different flag on them. “Does everyone know you wherever you go?”

“Pretty much,” Sunggyu eyes each cow, the other’s doing the same, “I’ve been to a lot of places, they remember me. It’s simple really.”

Sungjong placed down ten gold coins, “I bet number 4!”

“I say number 6,” Hoya placed ten down as well, “He looks way tougher than the others.”

Dongwoo nodded, “I second for number 6. He looks healthy.” And placed nine coins.

“I place bets on cow 8,” Sunggyu smacked five coins down. “Because he has on the tarp with a bunny.”

They laughed while waiting for Woohyun’s say. But he sat confused, “What race? And bunny, really Sunggyu?”

Dongwoo sighed, “Oh even I know this. How can the Providence hold you from all this?!”

“It’s ok, man. The race is with those cows over there,” Hoya pointed, “We bet on it because it’s an incredibly slow race, horses have a lot of other jobs to do outside than race. It’s fun and exciting because the race never goes one way. We could all lose if the cows choose not to move or go past the end line.”

“It’s a traditional watch!” Sungjong exclaimed.

Woohyun took a good look at the cows, wondering if what they said were true. The cows looked plump and funny, different blends of white, brown and black. The tarps were either different by color or design, Sunggyu choosing one that had a bunny.

“I’ll go with number 3 then. It looks determined,” he said, sitting back.

The others looked at him ridiculously, before Sunggyu picked up a coin and flung it at his forehead, “You need to bet as well, stupid.”

He threw down ten coins.



The day ended eventfully. Woohyun strangely won the bet on the cow race somehow. Cow number 3 with the blue and white tarp finishing first, and Sunggyu’s bunny one finished fifth. Cow #4 came in eighth, and Cow #6 finished last.

Woohyun earned all the money, but gave the most of it to Sunggyu, since he didn’t know how to haggle out here. They piled into a stew house, drinking thick creamy soups and fresh breads straight from the oven. He’s never eaten such fresh foods, the vegetables crisp and fruits divine.

They ended up in a small motel, Sunggyu planning on setting out first thing next morning. He settled onto the fluffy quilt on the bed he was staying in. It smelled warm and of flowers from a day’s basking in the sun. He and Sunggyu were sharing a room. The other three in another.

“Did you wash up?” Sunggyu came back with a towel around his hair, his hands shuffling it to get the water out.

He nodded from his place on the bed, sleep crawling on the side of his eyes, “Yes I have. Thank god they actually put hot rocks in the basins, unlike your stream of hell bound cold.”

Sunggyu rolled his eyes, throwing the towel onto his face, “Well, sorry for not being the richest bastard for your highness’s requests. I have more important things to spend on, like food and water.”

“Yeah yeah, I understand.” Woohyun threw the towel off him. He thought of all the things Sunggyu’s done for him and smiled, liking the fox that was wearing the black t-shirt and white shorts for bed. The cute little stretch he always does before sleep, lifting his arms above his head and standing onto his tippy toes.

He silently walked over and hugged him from behind; then falling back onto Sunggyu’s bed.

“What is it now, Woohyun?” Sunggyu sighed, patting his arms that circled the fox’s belly. “Are you still hungry?”

“No,” He snuggled his face closer in the crook of Sunggyu’s neck and shoulder, “But let’s sleep like this, Hyung.”

He felt Sunggyu shudder a little, before sighing once again, “I spoil you too much.” And the fox reached over to turn off the lamp.

His Leader shifted a bit under his arms, before getting into a better position and pulled the covers over them both. He smelled like vanilla from the soap the other borrowed, and skin smooth against his. He had no dirty intentions for tonight, too tired from the already long way up to just the Plains of Fum. Sunggyu was pretty much his most favorite person to cuddle up with now, even though the fox said it was too touchy-feely. Maybe he was too tired to complain tonight since he complied so easily.

Woohyun wondered a little bit, thinking what if Sunggyu had never helped him. Had never put up with his tantrums, his emotions and left him alone in the world with Hoya. What would he be doing now? The prince didn’t like the thoughts, but it all seemed that he came to the same conclusion for every situation.

He’d be dead.

Death would have been inevitable without this fox around. He was the one pulling him back onto his feet, directing him toward the right path, and teaching him about things that should be first in life. Morals, manners, and many other lessons about life.

Sunggyu, don’t leave my side, ever…




Thank you all just for being here~ 
I didn't reach my goal of 10,000 words for this chapter... but did you enjoy this 8,402 words of story? 

I was going to make Woohyun and Sunggyu do some y times, but i decided not to yet. I'll save for later? haha. 
And then a an idea of a kiss was mentions... but i could only make them cuddle for now. Woop. 

Thanks as always~ -no edits-


ps: Can you guys guess who's the next peoples going to show up?! 

tumblr_m0kpatctzD1r4fnj8o1_r1_250.gif   tumblr_m7o2g6PqUZ1rsye1y.gif

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theres a sequel to Whose Existence Vanished peeps. just saying. do some work, its on my profile. thanks!


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gyutheleader891 24 streak #1
Chapter 7: it's crazy how good this story is <33
DaniaOthk #2
Chapter 7: One of my favorites forever🤧💕 thiswas amazing💕
DaniaOthk #3
Chapter 6: I loved this 😭😭🤧🤧💕💕💕
Woohyun returns to Sunggyu💕
DaniaOthk #4
Chapter 4: I really really love this💕💕💕
DaniaOthk #5
Chapter 1: I'm excited and yes, Sungkyu is really cute🥰💕
694 streak #6
Chapter 7: so beautiful ❤️
Chapter 7: Oh my god this is a very well written story! how come i just crossed this?? how you write the settings in all details, the plot and its development, the adventures with all those fights but also humours, everything is perfect! I love it very much. Can’t wait to read the sequel! Thank you for writing and sharing it with us!!<3
Chapter 7: It was nice😭
Chapter 7: re read again this masterpiece! i just couldn't get enough this is really one of the most beautiful woogyu fanfics ever ^~^
This story was written beautifully authornim, I really like it a lot! Thank you so much for writing <3