
Whose Existence Vanished


Whose Existence Vanished

A month later


“Woohyun, hurry up! Sungjong said that Sunggyu’s back!”

Woohyun struggled for a breath, running up the hill as his companion Hoya was already on the top; waving and calling his name in encouragement.  He grunted, picking up his feet in another sprint to the top.

After about three days of wallowing in sorrow when Woohyun found out after asking every villager, that indeed his existence was completely gone. No one knew who he was, except he was just Nam Woohyun.

Just Woohyun.

Sunggyu was fed up with his lifeless eyes and sighs, kicking him out of the house for another duel. Woohyun didn’t even try, getting beat by Sunggyu again. He didn’t want to bother, nothing held any meaning anymore. Everything just became things that reminded him of home, but he couldn’t even go back because he’d be killed for impersonating royalty.

Until Sunggyu really kicked him in the balls.



“Yah, is this your resolve?” Sunggyu yelled at him while he lay in the grass, completely still. The situation strangely familiar.

Woohyun covered his face with his arm, “Go away. You don’t understand. “He fought to control his voice, “I have nothing…”

He heard a very frustrated breath being in, and tensed out. He then heard fading footsteps and sighed in relief for some alone time.

But he thought too soon when fast thumping came his way and opened his eyes to see Sunggyu running toward him. He didn’t even have the chance to say anything as he was promptly kicked in the nut sack. Rolling a couple times, he grabbed his area in hurt, groaning loudly and tears escaping his eyes.

“Well,” Sunggyu panted, flicking his fringe again, “That hurt more than losing your identity, did it?”

Woohyun groaned out louder in pain, glaring at the fox. “You , that hurt!”

He saw those eyes narrow and sharp again as Sunggyu glared at him, “?” he repeated, getting dangerously close to Woohyun again, “You call me a ? I think you should think twice about that.”

Even with his hands at the site, Sunggyu kicked his balls again and it still hurt.

“I really don’t think you’re in any position to be saying such things. You’ve been living free under my roof, and I haven’t heard a single thanks since day one,” And then the fox crouched beside him, “You should really get your priorities straight, stupid.”

“How?” He squeaked, pain all over his face, “How am I supposed to do anything?! I’ve lost my name, my life, and my parents!”

Through the pain he saw Sunggyu’s gaze shift slightly off balance, he continued, “Hoya has Sungjong and his family in Paradam! You have your family here, your home village. You know nothing of what I’ve lost! What am I to call home? Who am I supposed to look forward to? Where’s my family?!”

He cried right then, feeling the significance of his loss. If only he hadn’t let Hoya leave his room, if only he stayed in his room, if only he didn’t look forward to adventure. Regrets pooled into his mind as a wave of sorrow enveloped him; No parents, no home, no name. If he never existed, who was living now?

Then he felt it, a hand on his forehead as he lay in the grass beneath the large tree. He opened his eyes only to see the same demon that had kicked his balls earlier, his face softened. No longer holding the hard glare like usual; looking a bit sad too.

“At least you didn’t have to wake up and find your parents just leaving you while they ran away on some fun filled escapee without you. At least you didn’t have to suddenly see your own father turn into a demon you never knew he was, and your life having to be flipped from human to demon. At least your parents don’t know you’re gone, so they can’t be in pain. At least…”

He looked on to see Sunggyu turning away, hand leaving his forehead and he felt colder without that warmth. “At least you still have people helping you and willing to fix this.”

Woohyun was confused at first when Sunggyu said all of that, but quickly put together the facts.

That’s what happened to the fox.

He didn’t know what came over, but he hugged the man before him; saying nothing. The other was soft under his arms, even though he could kick pretty hard.

Sunggyu continued though, “You keep saying ‘Who am I now?’. Well, your name hasn’t changed; your still here. This can become your home; I’ll make adjustments.” Turning to meet his eyes, Woohyun felt something inside him react, “Why don’t you just get stronger then?”

“W-what do you mean?”

Sunggyu sighed, removing Woohyun’s arms around him and stood up, tilting his head toward the vast sky, “I mean, become stronger than now. Set your goal that one day you can knock me to the ground, since you’re such a weak , and return to the country as a true prince with resolve.”



So Woohyun decided to listen to Sunggyu’s words, going into what training the fox made for the delivery service. He highly doubted that Sungjong went through this same hell. The boy looked too fragile for this.

Every morning, at 5am, Woohyun was shook awake by Sungjong and pushed out the door for a ‘light’ jog around the town and over the hills. And by ‘light’ he means complete sprinting and then jogging, a system that switches every minute; leaving a completely tired Woohyun. Breaks were only after every 30 minutes of straight running.

By 7am, the stopped by the bathing spot to clean off the sweat, Sungjong panting tired but Woohyun a complete mess. The water was freezing, and he got a cold once after not drying properly. They would go back to the post office after, taking in requests by the villagers and nearby towns and filing letters Sunggyu took back. The fox would either be present or gone on a delivery.

After whatever breakfast, he’d go to town with Sungjong or Hoya, helping out the villagers with everyday things. Sometimes going to the Clavatian farm and tending the cows or crops, stopping by the Selkie fisherman and fish all day; helping the Lilitian blacksmith or the Town Head.

When 6pm rolls around, he’d spare with Sungjong, who was great with knives; or Hoya, the cat was skilled in hand-on-hand fighting. And after all three would jog in the hills just once more; ending with another bath and dinner.

Woohyun actually learned the real name of the delivery service, and snorted. Turned out Sunggyu’s mother named it long before Sunggyu was born.

‘Dandelion Delivery Service’

The message was like the fluffy white flower that blew its seeds across the lands, just like they would do with letters. It was so fitting to Sunggyu’s name that he just laughed out of sheer amusement.

Hoya was sitting on duty in the post office, ready to take requests and do them if they were nearby. Most of these deliveries were from Tipa’s villagers to close towns like Lavender Town or Saffron City. Sometimes Woohyun would accompany to carry heavy things, but he and Hoya didn’t wear the uniform; Sungjong being the official Letter Bee to sign and hand the important packages that were addressed to Town Officials.

After a week of his training, Sunggyu came back after the first delivery by himself, looking beyond tired but held a shining new crystal necklace in his hand, shoving it onto Woohyun’s neck. The other one broke after long time without a Myrrh’s touch and the small size made the process faster.
“Keep this on at all times, since you are the only non-demon here.” He recalled Sunggyu ordering to him. And no, he hasn’t taken it off since.

Woohyun wondered many times where Sunggyu must have been that day while he ran. Was he in Tierabia? Or Widal? Maybe Paradam again, even the Providence was a possibility. No, what if he crossed the Sounds Ocean toward the South East Islands? The Letter Bee could be anywhere: sleeping with a caravan, hitching a ride, on a boat, hiking in the mountains; handing a letter or package, meeting people, or walking home.

And every time Sunggyu returned, he’d be first greeted by a hug from Sungjong, then a slap greeting from Hoya, and then barraged with questions by Woohyun. They would make dinner in the field, the spot of dirt where the fire stood and cooked whatever Hoya had bought at the market. Snacking on fruits that Sunggyu brought home.

Home. Woohyun called this dingy little house his home now and he was quite fine with it. It wasn’t as roomy as his room back in the palace, but it was comforting. He learned not to touch the piano in the living room, a long nagging rant from Sunggyu, to clean whenever he used something, and to cook with what he had with the open fire.  He laughed at the witty jokes from Hoya, finally understanding some of the talk he said about the Sections and gotten a little witty himself. Sunggyu said it was annoying, but with a smile, so he kept doing it. Even throwing some of those hearts he’d do with his mother at a parade.

Woohyun and Sunggyu still weren’t on the best of terms, Woohyun still messing up every now and then. But Sunggyu would give up faster, not beating him up as the first option and would make the poor guy run for another 20 minutes. Woohyun knew Sunggyu was a nice guy, all the villagers said they’d trust Woohyun since Sunggyu did.

Even a month later, he won some real trust from the villagers for being himself, some were still weary. Besides all that, Woohyun loved it the most when Sunggyu comes home and tells him what he did on the delivery or where he went. It was like reading a journal from a caravan but better since it was from a live voice. Sunggyu had a light voice, and a slight lisp would slip out once and a while when Woohyun got him mad. He really liked it when the Fox would be tired from the day, saying the story in a low volume before falling asleep.

Life was getting better, he wasn’t really thinking about what he’s lost. He has a new family now, a rag-tag unit of demons, but very funny, charming, and huggable group of friends.



Another 4 months later


Woohyun sat comfortably under the same large tree in the field as Hoya replenished his necklace with a tiny touch of Myrrh Sunggyu gave him earlier. The fox came back from his 12th delivery run since Woohyun started this training and was more tired than any other delivery he’s seen yet. Might have been because he went all the way to Shella on the long boat trip.

Woohyun’s training upped a bit after the second month, lifting large rocks as weights and climbing trees. He really doubted Sungjong did any of this and he was right. The younger cat said that the rock throwing was purely only for Woohyun, he recited from Sunggyu. But everything else he did do. Letter Bees needed to be quick for deliveries, lasting stamina to get them through the long treks and hikes. Running when they encounter too strong demons or find a Myrrh tree by accident and defeating a tough guardian of it to get a drop.

The Clavat sometimes wonders where Sunggyu gets these touches of Myrrh for his crystal. Was it from another caravan or did he find a drop of it? He couldn’t picture the fox defeating some ten ton monster and collecting Myrrh.

But to boast, Woohyun had become much stronger than he was when he arrived. He was taller than Sunnggyu before, yes, but it wasn’t intimidating like now since he has muscle on him now. Lean from running, but slightly buff from the rock lifting, Woohyun looked much more of a worthy opponent.

“The things training does to you,” he heard Hoya sigh.

Opening his eyes, he laughed, “What do you mean? Am I not your fluffy prince anymore?”

Hoya gave him a weird look, “Ew, you were never mine. If anything I think you sold your soul to Sunggyu now.”

“What?” Woohyun shook his head, “I did not sell my soul to that fox.”

“But you did,” Hoya smirked and it made him frown, “I see the looks you give him when he returns home. It practically screams ‘Oh, Oppa notice me!~’”

Growling, he stood up as the laughing cat ran away back into the house, Woohyun chasing after him. They ran through the doors, remembering to take off their shoes and close the door carefully while in their chase.

“You can’t catch me!” Hoya taunted as he jumped over the counter and began up the stairs, “I’m too fast for you!”

Woohyun climbed the stairs quickly, “Today you’re gunna get it!”

As they landed in the their room, now having two beds in there for the both of them. Woohyun messed up Hoya’s hair while the other messed his up, both laughing until a familiar shadow casted over the both of them.

“You woke him up!” Woohyun whispered.

“No you did!”

Sunggyu glared, making them gulp, “Care to tell me why there are two idiots on the floor, ruining my sleep?”

Sunggyu slept rather shallowly, easily woken up by any noise if he just slipped into slumber, or about to get out of it. In the middle was pretty normal. They looked at each other and nervously looked away. The fox sighed, saying they were both children in the age of eighteen. Making the mood less serious as it just was. He held out a hand to the both of them, bringing them back to their feet and pushing them downstairs.

“Since you’ve already taken the liberty to wake me up… Woohyun, how about a battle?”



It was the fifth time that they spared since Woohyun started this ‘I’m going to become stronger than stupid Sunggyu’ training.

The first one was an utter embarrassment, Sunggyu completely dominating the battle. The second, the fox controlled the flow of the entire duel. The other times were the same. Though Sunggyu never used the lance again and only used his bow since. 

He was determined. This time he would come out on top and Sunggyu be the one laying on the ground at the end. He was already snickering at the end result, getting a better hold of his bronze blade. Sunggyu refused to give him an upgrade, saying to stick with the basics since he’s so far below.

Across from him was the same Fox; as always nonchalantly leaning on one leg, yawning while stretching his neck out a little. On his waist was a maple patterned steel sword.

That’s new. Wonder if he got it in Shella…

“If you’re done checking me out, we can begin anytime Woohyun!” Sunggyu yelled smirking.

He scoffed, “As if I would check your old out!”

That was a lie; Sunggyu was the best eye candy in this village. Sure, that one Selkie merchant was hot, but Sunggyu still somehow topped his list. Minus his nagging and powerful kicks, he was a hot babe. The only action he’s gotten these past months, no; his entire life, was his own hand. He flirted with many women, but never went past making out.

“I’m not old!” Sunggyu clicked his tongue, “Since you’re so hot headed today, you shoot first.”

Woohyun laughed at his temporary mentor’s choice. He clearly remembered he took the first hit last time. He concluded that Sunggyu was thinking to end this fast, looking as if he’s doing this for his own reason; not to help Woohyun.

Tch, he’s playing with me again.

He took all the pleasure in implementing the first strike. Slightly motioning onto his toes, bouncing to get a rhythm, he controlled his breathing like Hoya told him and began. Running fast forward and gave a precise stab toward his opponent’s stomach. But Sunggyu, being the tease he always was, waited to the last second before jumping and was going to land on his sword; a move he had done countless times before and it always threw Woohyun off. But this time, he moved the blade to the side, making Sunggyu land on grass once again; a bit surprised.

He smirked before letting the momentum take his blade back at Sunggyu, making the fox draw his sword to block.

“Seems like you finally learned something,” Sunggyu said, holding the blade in place and pressing his power against Woohyun.

He continued putting pressure on his side, “Of course. Sungjong was not very forgiving when it came to sparing.”

The demon leaned closer with a suspicious twinkle in his eye; nose almost touching Woohyun’s as he looked up and whispered, “But not enough to over throw me.”

The steel glowed a nice white before bursting in electricity and Sunggyu took a step back, twisting. Woohyun held is sword across his chest to block but didn’t expect the other to twist low and under his block; sending a bolt of lightning up, nearly burning his nose as he stumbled back.

The fox came back in front of him, too sudden for Woohyun to react fast enough, and he was pushed to the ground. Falling into the same grass like always and a smirking Sunggyu above him. 

Sunggyu brought the sword up to his face, looking satisfied and smiling, “Seems to work fine. I’ll have to thank him next time.”

“Oh, so not fair!” Woohyun whined as Sunggyu stopped the electricity from his sword, sheathing it. “You can’t just whip out in magic all of the sudden!”

“Who said I couldn’t?” the fox yawned, “You can’t tell your enemy not to do something. Makes you a coward.”

The ex-prince stabbed his sword into the ground, “Where’d you get it?”

“Aren’t we supposed to spar with fists now, not story time?” Sunggyu raised his brow. Usually Woohyun would come at him without a weapon by now since he lost with the sword, and he’d drop his as well; engaging into a fist fight.

“Yeah,” Woohyun normally stated, not at all disturbed by the change of flow, “But then you whipped out that shiny thing and I’m interested. It’s obviously from your trip to Shella. Tell me!”

Sunggyu sighed at the child called Woohyun. Walking over to sit with him and tell about his journey to the country’s most Magic based city. He had his eyes closed and didn’t notice Woohyun smirking. As he walked closer, he opened his eyes to see a very content little Clavat who smiled up at him. It was really weird, and Sunggyu had a bad feeling.

Proven right when Woohyun grabbed his arm and pulled him to the grass as well, landing on top of the stupid guy. The Clavat was laughing like a mad man, yelling “I did it!” repeatedly and got on Sunggyu nerves.

He punched the Woohyun’s chest, clearly unhappy, “Yah, that’s a dirty and cowardly move!”

But the other put his arms around Sunggyu’s waist, “You said that you can’t tell your opponent not to do something! I finally got you to the ground, I win!”

Sunggyu felt pretty embarrassed about losing by such an unflashy way. He had hoped Woohyun would defeat him in a proper battle, actually making the feat of hitting the sword out of Sunggyu’s hand. He wasn’t good with them anyways. But this was worse. He felt his cheeks heat up as blood rushed to his face, hitting the stupid man’s chest once more.

“Idiot! Let me go now, I’m still your senior!”

Woohyun smirked at his red face, “Aww, Hyung. Are you embarrassed? It’s ok, you should be!”

He felt a vein pop on his head, glaring, “You better let me go right now before I knee you in the balls.”

“Not until you say something nice to me. Praise me hyung!” Woohyun the child whined.

Sunggyu rolled his eyes. Such a stupid prince.
They were the only people who remembered that indeed there was a prince in Little Petal. Must have been because they were together the night Woohyun popped into the forest. He wasn’t entirely sure, but it seemed like the only explanation right now.

“Sunggyu? Are you checking me out now?”

He wacked Woohyun’s head, getting another whine, “I am not, you stupid tree. Now let me go.”

“Nu-uh. Not until you say something good.”

He furrowed his brows, trying to come up with an appropriate praise. Not wanting to sound to endearing or cliché.

While he was thinking, Woohyun let one of his hands up and poked Sunggyu’s nose, “Hyung, you know you’re really cute pouting and thinking like that.”

The fox sputtered, pushing himself off the other’s body, “I do not pout!” he shouted as he did the exact thing he said he doesn’t, “Woohyun, nice job with your cowardly cheating; now I have work to do.”

He watched, rolling onto his stomach as Sunggyu picked himself up. Muttering while heading to the office and Woohyun smiled to himself.

Such a cute fox.



“Hyung, you still didn’t tell me how you got that sword.”

Sunggyu’s brow twitched as he heard Woohyun ask the same question as earlier, making him remember his sorry defeat. It was such a dirty way to win, and Sunggyu wanted to not count it; but it did. He sighed.

Sungjong poked the sword that still was on his side, “Yeah, Sunggyu-hyung, you never use swords. Why the sudden change?”

They were currently outside, cooking up a dinner for the long day. He was still tired from the trip back, but figured he’d sleep once everyone else would. They already took baths; he took his usual spot beside the waterfall. Liking how he smelled like strawberries now and not ugly sweat from the trip.

Woohyun had bought his own soap, making some babble about Sunggyu being girly about having strawberry soap. But he scoffed, the scent was nice and Woohyun wasn’t any better; buying a blue soap bar that smelled like cotton candy.

“Ah, this?” finally getting to the question in hand, he touched the smooth surface of the sheath engraved with small maple leaves and a smile came onto his face. “I got this from a friend in Shella. He’s a great magician, though a bit silly.”

Hoya flipped another fish on the fire, “A friend in Shella? A Yuke?”

“Yep.” Sunggyu confirmed, “But he’s an odd one. He doesn’t like to wear the helmets since his mother is a Clavat. He’s just like any other person; he doesn’t have those fuzzy hands.” Sunggyu laughed, “He crafted this for me, since I went so far out just to personally deliver and take his items. The steel is merged and powered by a Thunder Magicite; allowing lightning magic use anytime. I find it quite convenient.”

Sungjong clapped, “A mage and blacksmith? Jeez, how much time do people in Shella have?”

Hoya whistled, “A lot I guess, seeing they came up with a way to merge Magicites into blades.”

“Oh no, my friend is the only one who can do this. It’s our secret that this exists. I tested it on Woohyun and it works like a charm,” Sunggyu smiled.

Woohyun sat confused about this talk about Sunggyu’s ‘friend’. The guy gave him a sword that could implement magic and it has Sunggyu actually smiling. He bit his cheek in jealously, wanting to somehow be the reason Sunggyu smiles. It happens for rarely in Woohyun’s view, since the older man was always nagging him, counseling him, teaching, or sparring.

“Who’s this friend of yours?” Woohyun sneered, taking a fish from Hoya.

Sunggyu blinked as he also received a nicely cooked fish and then smirked, “Well look at this, I think Woohyun-ah is jealous of my friend.”

“Tch, why would I ever be?” taking a large bite out of the fish.

“Haha, he is! What a child!” Sunggyu laughed, nudging Sungjong, who also laughed. He even heard Hoya chuckle once or twice.

“Yah, what’s so wrong with worrying? I mean, Sunggyu practically goes across the country in a couple of weeks and anything can happen!” Woohyun defending himself but it was useless as his friends laughed it out. He found himself smiling too.



After that night, Sunggyu and Sungjong left for a delivery run, leaving Woohyun and Hoya to hold down the fort while they were gone. Woohyun continued his training either by himself or with Hoya.

It was about five days since their departure, and he was doing well keeping up with routine. Though yesterday he thought he saw something move in the shadows when he was running back to the house. The shadow was behind the tree line, but he couldn’t tell. He thought nothing of it; convincing himself it was a deer.

Today, he was running back to the house when he felt something hurting in his chest. Dismissing it as just pain from running, he bent down beside the water’s edge after finishing; rinsing his face and dabbing the sweat off.

But as he walked home, the pain spread, making it hard to breath. By the time he reached home, stumbling in front of Hoya, he finally fell, clutching his chest. He heard his friend’s faint yelling about what was wrong, but couldn’t find his voice.



The next time he opened his eyes, he was back in his bed, Hoya sleeping soundly to his left. He sat up, but felt something warm on his stomach. He looked down to shockingly find Sunggyu resting his arms on him, head in them and sleeping as well. Touching his forehead, a damp towel fell off and saw a bucket of water beside the bed.

What the hell happened? Why is Sunggyu home?

The fox shifted, eyes fluttering and it made Woohyun’s heart feel lighter. Sunggyu looked around, rubbing his eyes.

“The hell-? Woohyun what are you doing up already? You should be resting,” he whispered.

Woohyun laughed quietly, feeling brave and patting Sunggyu’s hair, “What are you doing in my bed?”

“You…” the other seemed to be too sleepy to process what he was doing and leaned into his hand, “Stupid Woohyun was being stupid, and didn’t get the message of the demon lurking around here… Me and Sungjong ran back knowing you were gunna be stupid. And here he is, Woohyun had a little demon’s crud in his chest because he was stupid.”

He chuckled more when Sunggyu kept muttering how stupid he was, his soft hair as the fox laid his head back on his side, “How was I cured then?” he asked dearly.

“I…” Sunggyu yawned cutely, “Sunggyu can use cure since there’s a Cure Magicite in his earring, and another Magicite of Clear in the other…He thinks ahead.”

Woohyun thought it was ten times more adorable when Sunggyu referred himself in third person, snuggling for more sleep, “Is that so?”

“Yeah, Dongwoo gave them to me…” he saw Sunggyu slipping between being with him and dreamland, muttering slower now, “Now shut up stupid Woohyun. I wanna sleep…”

Hearing a foreign name, he felt the jealousy rise again in his stomach, petting Sunggyu to sleep, “Then sleep, my fox. Woohyun will be fine in the morning.”

He watched Sunggyu finally submit into slumber, still petting his hair. Looking out the window, he saw all the stars clearly and the moon was bright and round.

Ah, I think I’ve fallen…



“We gotta leave.”

Woohyun snapped his head up at Sunggyu’s declaration. They were in the backyard, same place on the logs where they eat all their meals. Sunggyu had left early in the morning, Hoya told him. Returning with breakfast, they found Sungjong dabbing the Fox’s forehead with a wet towel and a couple of bloodied ones on the side. Now they were just sitting. It was all normal until the Letter Bee broke the peace.

“W-what?” Sungjong stumbled for words as he fought to swallow his bread, “Hyung, why? What’s wrong?”

Sunggyu grumbled, biting another piece of his own bread, “I killed the demon that stalked and hurt Woohyun earlier,”

Hoya narrowed his eyes, “So you woke up early just to hunt him down?”

“Of course. No one hurts my family without my order,” he replied in a monotone voice, “But that’s not the problem.”

Woohyun finished up his bread, “Then why? Are we in danger?”

Sunggyu glared at him, his mood foul for some reason, “It’s you, idiot.” Poking his chest, the fox stared at him, “Seems like that witch you said cursed you isn’t just enjoying the show, she’s adding to it.”

Sungjong, clearly unhappy, stood up in distress, “No way! I’m not leaving because some old hag holds a grudge against this guy! Why would she anyways? He’s a total nitwit!” Looking at Woohyun, he growled in annoyance, “What the heck did you do anyways?!”

Hoya grabbed his brother, pulling him down carefully back onto the log, “He didn’t do anything. In those two years living in the Rose Palace, Woohyun’s been going through the same thing every day. I put him in place.”

Woohyun coughed, thinking he knew the reason, “Yeah, in your line of sight I was.”

Sunggyu stared at him, his eyebrow twitching a little, “This fool,” he hissed, “Made out with the witch’s daughter, and then left her in the middle of a park after a date.”
The fox set his gaze strong, making Woohyun nervously smile, “And to top it off, he didn’t even know the girl’s name. Obviously making a witch angry for breaking her daughter’s heart. Not to mention the lady was older than Woohyun.”

Everyone glared at him, and he forced out a couple of laughs, “Oh yeah… that…” he quickly turned to Sunggyu, “How’d you find out?”

“That ugly demon told me in his dying breath, controlled and sent by that witch. Bloody ironic, it was her way of sending a letter to me.” The fox sighed, rubbing his temples, “We gotta go. Our little Woohyun here is dying as we speak.”

“What?!” both Hoya and Sungjong stood up, Hoya searching Woohyun until finding on his chest was a tattooed clock, the small hand pressed to where One would be and the minute hand to Six. “The hell is this?” Hoya raged.

“That is Woohyun’s time limit, placed on by the oh-so-nice demon he was stalked by. It didn’t show up until I tried to use Clear on him. The pain is gone for now, but I’ll have to replenish the magic every day” Sunggyu explained, “The delivery service will be on hold for a while; I already sent word to the Bunny Squad in Tierabia. Let’s hope that they will cover our routes up north at least.”

Sunggyu was talking about a letter by Winged Dragons. They were hard to tame, considering they were the height of a human, incredibly rare in the wild. Only a delivery services seemed to need them, the Providence too scared about any demon, and others just not caring about them. It was forbidden by law to shoot them down, as they carried important and urgent letters to other delivery services; usually SOS on a delivery that went wrong or just wanting to talk about how business was in their area.

The fox hadn’t tamed it, it was his father’s. The man had ventured out to one of the islands in the South East Isle and brought it back when it was still young. It only trusted Sunggyu, as it grew up with him, hating everyone else. It had shiny red scales across its back, a white snout and underbelly.  Long whiskers in the front and magnificent wings.

Sunggyu doesn’t use the dragon often, letting it freely fly and play where ever. But in certain times Woohyun saw him use a special whistle, and the dragon without fail would come flying back in about an hour later.

“Where are we heading?” Sungjong sighed, his tone serious, “And how much time do we have?”

Sunggyu stood up too, patting whatever dust off his pants, “Sungjong, Hoya, fill four messenger bags of the remaining letters and packages if they’re light. I’ll make a notice on our bulletin board that services are closed for now, and a sign on the door. Come back to the house when you’re done. Woohyun, go rest.”
He started walking to the house, but stopped and looked back at them, “We’re heading to Shella.”



 Woohyun stared at the clock back in his room with the little mirror, scared. He touched the hour hand.

Am I going to die like this? A time limit?

He heard the front door open and close, sighing and hauled himself off the bed to join the other’s downstairs. Hoya was talking to Sungjong quietly, waving to him when he caught his view.

“Woohyun, how do you feel?” Sungjong asked.

“Fine, like nothing’s wrong at all,” he sighed.

“Your mood is wrong,” Hoya pointed out, “Don’t worry. Sunggyu probably has something up his sleeve. He said no one dies unless he orders it.”

Woohyun looked away to outside the window. It’s not me I’m worried for.

His thumb grazed over his other wrist, frowning.

I’m worried what I’m going to lose again…



Sunggyu came back about thirty minutes later, holding two heavy uniforms and a basket of strawberries.

“I thought we just got replacement uniforms?” Sungjong inquired at his place on the couch.

Sunggyu shook his head, calling over Woohyun and Hoya, “These are for you two.” He set the stuff on the table, “Don’t get me wrong. I had these ordered before this happened. It was already on my mind.”

Hoya widened his eyes while looking at the new uniform; Woohyun just staring at Sunggyu.

The Clavat shook his head, “But I’m nowhere near as strong as you guys. I’ll just be a burden, really, I can just stay here and-“

The Letter Bee shot his hand out, grabbing his collar again, “No. You’re not dying under my watch. Don’t take this lightly, Woohyun. A life isn’t something to joke around. I only kill with a purpose and knowing why I did it. Whether it has a conscience or not, it’s important. A life is the ultimate blessing, and we’re lucky to be living in happiness.”

Woohyun looked down, “Everything is getting worse because of me… I don’t think that this is a sign to keep living anymore.”

Sunggyu looked absolutely livid at Woohyun’s words, “It’s just a damn messing with your life over a petty break up. I think this is a perfectly good reason to show her that you’re much more than some stupid flirt.”
Hitting the other’s knees, Woohyun buckled to the floor kneeling, “You are under my order now, that’s why you’re still alive. I am your reason for living. Your goal is to become strong enough to properly fight me, not end your life over some stupid prank! Don’t think of this as a choice, you never had one. As I said, only I can order your death. No one else. Even if you try to kill yourself, I will be there to stop you.”

“You can’t control the flow of life, Sunggyu.” Woohyun whispered, “I can always die of some unknown factor, there’s no way you can stop that.”

The fox sneered, “Watch me.”



Sungjong sighed as the two tried on the perfectly fitting uniform, looking good. “Woohyun, I haven’t seen anyone who’s made Sunggyu curse as much as he does around you. You just make him mad every time, huh?”

He laughed, checking himself in the black uniform and cap, “I guess I just pull the right strings.”

Hoya slapped him, also looking quite attractive in the black cloth, “You mean the wrong strings, idiot.”

“How come everyone still calls me an idiot or stupid? I got better! It’s been five months!” He whined.

Sungjong smiled as he leaned on the doorframe, “Yeah you’ve changed. Changed for Sunggyu-hyung alright.”

“Not you too!” Woohyun huffed, fixing the collar again. “Look I’m not interested in that controlling, power-strong, somehow always pale and squishy Letter Bee that always leaves me at this house stuck with you two.”

Hoya smirked, moving to the side of the door with Sungjong, “Someone’s not happy about not having his daily dose of ‘Sunggyu’ available.”

“I guess we’re not enough to suffice,” Sungjong added.

Woohyun strangled his hair, “For the last time, I am not in love!”

The brothers exchanged a look, their smirks growing. “We never said you were in love, Woohyun. But I guess you are actually,” Hoya pointed out, running downstairs with Sungjong.

He wanted to pull his hair out in frustration, those two just getting on his nerves every time Sunggyu was mentioned. Why was that fox such an important topic to talk to him about? It was obvious that they hated each other. Or at least just thought of the other as a rival.


Oh great I’m doubting myself now.

He took once last look at the clock tatoo, before heading down the stairs. He thought why Sunggyu wanted to go to Shella, why he was wearing this uniform, and why not go to Tierabia. Despite being cold and half covered in snow, Tierabia had the best healers and hot springs.

His mind flashed to last night, the adorable Sunggyu who slept beside him and his soft hair. The half-asleep talk and pale skin. Shaking his head, Woohyun slapped his cheeks.

I’m not in love…

But when Sunggyu popped up in front of him, asking if he was alright and saying they were leaving clad in his own uniform, his mind lost its logic; staring at the fox. The other had a new long, white scarf adorned on his neck and he guessed it was for differentiating that he was the Leader. It made his hair look fuller and skin fair.

Sunggyu lifted his brow at him but Woohyun laughed at him awkwardly, hurriedly putting his new boots on and slipped out the door.




Sunggyu adjusted the strap across him, holding the less-heavy-than-usual bag, not use to the lightened load. Spreading the letters out to each person made the carry smaller, and thus, easier to carry. He was surprised when he hadn’t heard a complaint from Woohyun as they walked further on the path, toward the river.

He wasn’t sure if the boat would be running on the Jargon River since he last heard a rumor that it going off toward the Sounds Sea. The Jargon River was the largest in Little Petal, stretching far from Tierabia though Lyvriè; breaking off into two and one heading toward south east, exiting through the Sounds Sea. The other line continued west; going into the top of Paradam, skimming the outskirts of the Providence, and finally ending in Widal’s Lake of Remembrance.

 He carried his newly crafted silver straight lance on his back and the maple blade on his waist. He didn’t know what troubles they’d meet, last time he met some crazy jumping troll, and he didn’t want anyone getting hurt. He had enough on his mind, Woohyun possibly dying under his watch.

He had gotten new weapons from the blacksmith for them all. Sungjong equipped with obsidian knives that cut through air and a silver dagger. Hoya had on strengthened purple leather gloves. He had dyed them purple himself; a strange but fitting color. And finally, he gave Woohyun a wicked new steel sword. The blade had a blueish gray hue and was a to get the blacksmith of Tipa to make. But somehow he persuaded; losing a good amount on seven bottles of wine and had it made for Woohyun.

Being weaponless was not ok, especially now in the wild. He looked at Sungjong and Hoya, silently walking in the back while Woohyun right behind him held the chalice. He saw a string from Stupid Woohyun’s neck and smiled to himself as he turned back to the front, happy that the guy at least listened to something he said.

After about a forty minute walk, they finally neared the river. Sunggyu smelled the air for anything; and signaled the other’s to follow. They reached a house on the bank of the river. The same jutting crystal smack in the middle of the river and a dock on shore with a large boat beside it.

“Back so soon, Sunggyu? I thought that trip to Shella last week made you nauseous enough for the next year!” a voice from above shouted, and his friends looked around for the source. Sunggyu laughed and pointed up for them.

In the air was a man with wings, wearing goggles and a lanky body.

“You know who that is?” Hoya asked Sungjong.

“It’s Sunggyu’s friend,” The cat giggled back to his brother, “He’s an inventor.”

Woohyun watched as Sunggyu stepped out onto the dock, calling, “Hey, are you sure those wings are safe now?”

“Yes!” a call above said, “Obviously this is going to make huge sales and transportation will have a whole new meaning!”

“I wouldn’t be too sure!”

As if on cue, one of the man’s wings suddenly broke off and he fell into the river. Sputtering as he rose back to the surface for a breath. Sunggyu sighed and let his hand out for him to grab as the other swam toward the dock and hauled him onto the dock.  His red hair and clothes drenched but he didn’t seem to mind. A black eye patch covering his left eye, goggles around his neck.

The man panted before laughing a little and shaking a handshake with Sunggyu and then following up with a small bro-hug. “What’s up, Foxy Gyu! Back for another ride?”

“Yeah,” Sunggyu scratched the back of his neck, “I’ve got more business in Shella, something popped up. We’ll need a full speed trip over there. Can you do it?”

The inventor tapped his chin, “Of course! Though I’ll have to charge you extra for this. Gotta make some living.”

“Name your price, I’ll pay. We need to get there fast.” Sunggyu took out his pouch, ready to give him.

They walked up behind them, watching the exchange. The man brightened, “For every man, 1,000 gill.”

“Alright.” They heard Sunggyu say immediately and hand the man the gold. The other man laughed.



“So what are your names, young ones?”

After the payment, they jumped on the ship and the man had them sailing in ten minutes. He went into his cabin to change out of the wet clothes though. Stepping out with his red hair up by a green bandana and a forest green open long sleeved shirt that exposed his collar bones. His legs were covered by black jeans and brown leather boots adorned his feet.  He bounded over to Hoya and Woohyun, looking at the new faces.

Hoya bowed, “I am Lee Howon, but I like to go by Hoya. Thank you for allowing us to travel by your ship.”

“And I am Nam Woohyun,” the Clavat bowed, “Thanks for having me on board.”

The red haired man laughed again, “Oh its fine! Sunggyu seemed like he got into some weird or something,” they glanced over the fox that was leaning over the back of his ship and Sungjong with a glass of water beside him.
“I’m Lavi, this ship’s inventing human captain! Anyone who’s a friend of Sunggyu is a friend of mine. Nice to have you both on board, Letter Bees!”

It was the first time Woohyun heard someone call him something other than a prince. And strangely, it felt a lot better. He had been training the last five months just to beat Sunggyu, but it was also training for becoming a Letter Bee. He wondered if Sunggyu had planned this. If he did, he’d have to go thank him. The ‘Letter Bee’ title seemed fitting and he liked it.

“What’s the eye patch for?” Woohyun found himself asking and Hoya jabbed his side, saying that it was rude.

Lavi waved it off, a free spirit, “Oh this is a secret,” and blew a kiss toward Woohyun before heading back to the wheel.

“What a weird guy,” Hoya said, “But I guess everyone around Sunggyu isn’t too normal.”

But Woohyun uttered something different than what Hoya was expecting and started laughing at him.

“If that guy blew kisses to Sunggyu, I’ll have to beat that with my own cuteness tenfold!”



Night had fallen, and the tailwind was giving them an advantage on the water, skimming distances faster and with Lavi’s skilled steering, they were already a little over the border in Paradam now. They had to hold onto the chalice and some piece of crystal when they crossed the border. It wasn’t a miasma stream, but it was thicker and strong on the borders of the river; the only part you can get through a section without going through a miasma stream. It was still dangerous though, needing a couple of fueled crystals to defend.

Sunggyu sighed, leaning over the front of the ship now, admiring the night’s sky. He wasn’t too good with ships, or being on the deep water. It made him feel terrible and he’d usually puke was he was on too long. Now he felt better, the night’s cool breeze comforting him.

Everyone was asleep besides him. He wanted to have some alone time. Woohyun’s life was in his hands, and he didn’t even know if Dongwoo could fix this. Sure he was a great magician, but healer? It wasn’t as if he was a white mage, those were in Tierabia. He sighed, maybe he should have taken them to the North; but it seemed wrong.

I just have a feeling Dongwoo will be needed for this. Woohyun, hold on if I’m wrong!

He jumped when a hand found his way to his shoulder, and turned around to find Lavi.

“Ah jeez, don’t scare me like that,” Sunggyu breathed out.

Lavi slapped his back, “Scared-y fox,” he leaned on the front of the boat too and started a conversation, “I’m glad you have some new friends. Sungjong is nice, but I’m relieved you’ve allowed more people around you.”

Sunggyu snorted, “Says the guy who practically lives alone.”

“No, Allen and Yuu come by to visit sometimes! Lenalee is currently busy at the Providence, and I’ve got Tyki!” Lavi pouted.

“Don’t make that face, you’re not cute,” Sunggyu grimaced. “How are Allen and Kanda?”

“Oh they’re great! I can practically smell the off them every time they visit. Tyki says Yuu has some crazy for bath ,” Lavi laughed.

“Ugh, I don’t need to know their lives. How about you? I see Tyki is again in Paradam?”

Lavi shook his head, “Nah, he was in the house.”

“Wait shouldn’t you have said goodbye to him?” Sunggyu worried, or nagged.

The inventor shook his head again, “He knows I only leave without a word if it’s you I’m sailing for. He doesn’t mind.”

The Leader Letter Bee sighed at his friend, “You’re gunna get killed in bed later. I’m sure.”

“Whatever,” the red head shrugged, “I don’t mind. Hot steamy seems the best these days.”

“God, don’t say those things around me.” Sunggyu covered his ears playfully.

Then they laughed together, light and Sunggyu almost forgot his worries until Lavi asked, “So what’s with you and Woohyun? I can practically feel the ual frustration off that Clavat.”

Sunggyu frowned at the wink that was sent his way, pushing Lavi’s face away from his, “He’s my rival. Training under my wing until he can knock me to the ground in a proper battle and remove that spell casted on him.”

Lavi scoffed, “Yeah, that’s why you gave him a place to live, trained him, and made him into a Letter Bee. All for a battle, huh? I totally get it,”

Sunggyu raised his brow, “Are you implying I’m lying?”

“I’m saying you got yourself delusional,” cupping Sunggyu’s face into his hands, he took a good look at him, “Nice skin, soft hair… Totally uke. You’re in denial.”

Sunggyu slapped him off, “No, I’m not. We are just friends.”

“’Just friends my . You’re so infatuated with him that you can’t let him go or die, right?”

Lavi’s comment hit his heart straight on, and all he could muster up was a half-hearted glare and rosy cheeks. Making the captain laugh and point, saying ‘Such a cutie!’ at him.

“Just shut up,” he muttered, still smiling and turned in for the night.



As morning rolled around, Woohyun found himself hauling supplies up from the storage and onto the deck toward the kitchen. He was in charge of food and rations; sometimes helping out with sails if he was called to.

Sungjong was on the top, looking out for any demons in the air or water ahead. Hoya, the main strength, would tie down ropes of the sails or anything else. Mostly with Woohyun though. Lavi manned the wheel, smiling at them. Woohyun liked him; Lavi was a guy that made the mood light and happy.

He wiped the sweat from his head and blew some air out as he finished bringing up the last barrel of water. Stepping out of the kitchen, he climbed up the short stairs to the back.

Lavi eyed him weirdly, then breaking out with a smile, “Looking for your Leader?”

“Yeah,” Woohyun walked over to him, “Have you see him?”

Lavi laughed, lazily shifting his weight onto one leg and hand on the wheel holding it steady, “After puking his guts out, I think he’d be resting still. Boats really aren’t his thing.”

He put his hands on his hips, pouting, “He should’ve told us. Maybe could have gotten some tea or something to ease his stomach.”

“Sunggyu hates the medicine and tea is kind of expensive right now,” Lavi waved at him, “He isn’t the type to spend his money willingly.”

Woohyun gave him a look, but Lavi knew what his words were. Slinging his other hand over Woohyun’s shoulders, he brought the guy over to his sides.

Lavi patted his shoulder, “Don’t worry. He said it was urgent and I know he only spends right away if it’s something important.” Smirking, the inventor shook him a couple times, “Snatching away my Gyu’s heart? Sneaky bastard!”

“What? No!” Woohyun wiggled out of the hold, “He’s my number one rival! I’m going to one day push him to the ground through sheer strength, and show him I’m not just an idiot!” Holding his fist up and had a determined face on.

Lavi nodded, “Yeah, I see. You mean he’s number one in your heart; can’t wait for the day when you push him onto a bed and him senseless, lastly showing him that you’re always an idiot for love?”

The red head snickered as Woohyun made inhumane sounds and covered his ears, “What are you saying?!” his cheeks were red and Lavi seemed satisfied on what he just created. Woohyun started down the stairs, grumbling, “How can Sunggyu listen to that kind of talk?”

The truth is that he doesn’t.

Following Woohyun with his eyes, he watched as the other disappeared into the kitchen again, chuckling to himself.

Seems like I’ve found a bud of a flower.



“Sorry Sunggyu, I couldn’t make it.”

He furrowed his brows, not liking the familiar blurred shape on the ground, lying limp.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t stay long enough to fulfill our promise.”

What? Woohyun? Hey don’t lay there. Stand up!

His voice didn’t work, and he was knelt beside the body; watching as the life slipped away from the dark haired man.

“I’m sorry that you have to see this. But I’m glad my last moments are with you.”

Sunggyu shook his head. Woohyun was being stupid like always. How could he be dying? It was Sunggyu defending him. He was under Sunggyu’s care, this isn’t possible.

Yah! Sit back up and tell me that you’re just joking. Tell me you’re just being the idiot like you are!

“Haha, Hyung you have a weird face right now. Are you sad that I’m leaving?”

Woohyun, you’re being stupid! Just stop this and let’s go home, huh? Let’s go back.

He saw the other’s head shake, blood spreading on the floor.

“My time is almost up.” He felt a hand on his cheek and looked through what he discovered were tears in his eyes.

“Sunggyu… I love you.”

He grasped the hand and felt sorrow rake through his body as the hand went limp and eyes closed. A scream ripping, no, burning through his throat.



Sunggyu awoke gasping for a breath as he felt his stomach churn and he hurried off his bed, opening the door to the deck with a bang as he rushed to the side of the ship; hurling out whatever he had in his stomach.

That was one hell of a nightmare…

Taking out a hankie, he wiped his mouth and dug into his pocket for a mint. He stood, calming his stomach before snapping his eyes open and searching the deck.


He ran up the stairs, looking left and right. Lavi called him over.

“Have you seen Woohyun?” he said hurriedly.

Lavi shook his head, “Seeing how you just emptied your stomach on the side of my ship there, why?”

Sunggyu coughed, “N-no reason. I just need to check up on him.”

“Kitchen’s your best bet.” He motioned with his head.

“Yeah, ok Lavi. Thanks” and rushed over to the door, opening it to find all three of his messengers sitting at the table with some sort of liquid drink in their hands.

“Oh, Hyung, what’s up?” Sungjong asked with crossed legs.

Hoya looked at him with concern, “You don’t look too good.”

Then finally his eyes settled onto Woohyun, who just said, “Sup.”

Sup? I have a horrific nightmare of you dying under my watch, and all I get to calm my nerves is a sup?

“Nam Woohyun! You !” he cried and slammed the door, leaving inside three very confused people.

He ran back to his quarters, blocking the door with his staff so it wouldn’t open, and buried his face into his pillow. Letting out frustrations by kicking. He calmed down after a few minutes; taking deep breaths and taking the pillow into his hands, hugging it.

My worries are for a fool! 



Thanks for reading. 

Just a reminder, our other story is taking a short break, so you can follow this one while we sort things out over there. 
I, will just be here... writing... i don't know. lol

Woohyun's gunna die! All the spoilers. 

Lavi, if you haven't figured out, is actually a character from D. Gray-man. Sorry for putting anime in here, but i couldn't think of a better person. 
He's a very good character. 

I hope you enjoyed! I like reading your comments, it helps with plot developement. haha. 

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theres a sequel to Whose Existence Vanished peeps. just saying. do some work, its on my profile. thanks!


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gyutheleader891 24 streak #1
Chapter 7: it's crazy how good this story is <33
DaniaOthk #2
Chapter 7: One of my favorites forever🤧💕 thiswas amazing💕
DaniaOthk #3
Chapter 6: I loved this 😭😭🤧🤧💕💕💕
Woohyun returns to Sunggyu💕
DaniaOthk #4
Chapter 4: I really really love this💕💕💕
DaniaOthk #5
Chapter 1: I'm excited and yes, Sungkyu is really cute🥰💕
694 streak #6
Chapter 7: so beautiful ❤️
Chapter 7: Oh my god this is a very well written story! how come i just crossed this?? how you write the settings in all details, the plot and its development, the adventures with all those fights but also humours, everything is perfect! I love it very much. Can’t wait to read the sequel! Thank you for writing and sharing it with us!!<3
Chapter 7: It was nice😭
Chapter 7: re read again this masterpiece! i just couldn't get enough this is really one of the most beautiful woogyu fanfics ever ^~^
This story was written beautifully authornim, I really like it a lot! Thank you so much for writing <3