Chapter 2

The Blue Bubble, Bubble Tea Shop





                                   ~Closing Time~



"Alright everyone time to clean up!" Kris yelled, everyone one wooped and cheered because they could finally leave. The 'kid' with the baby face walked up to Kris smiling "Um, hi my names, Luhan. I'm a friend of Sehun, your cousin right? Anyways, I was wondering if I could help I'd feel guilty just sitting there while you guys were cleaning..." Luhan bit his lip, looking down letting his honey colored hair fall over his eyes a little. Then, he looked up with that same look, Kris just stood there for a while, before he coughed awkwardly and replied back to him "Um, yes. Also nice to meet you Luhan, my name's Kris." 

Luhan smiled, "Nice to me you too, oh and sorry this is Kyungsoo." Another adorable boy came up to Kris. "Oh hey, I know Dyo~" Kyungsoo smiled, "Hey, Krease!" Kris laughed at his ridiculous nick name "Thanks for helping." they both nodded and went to help some one out. 

Kris sighed and watched Luhan help Sehun clean the couters and stack the cups in the kitchen. "Luhan's cute, isn't he?" Kris groaned, now was not the time for this.

"What do you want , Kai?" Kai laughed, "Just wanted to bother you a little... say hyung, you don't like Luhan hyung, do you? I mean it was obvious who you were staring at earlier." Kris blushed and looked away, "Shut up."    

Kai laughed and yelled "Aha! I knew it!" then he continued ",you do like Lu-" Kris slapped his hands over Kai's mouth and dragged him into the storage room.




                                 ~Mean While~ 



"You think he finally snapped and is going to kill Kai?"  Xiumin asked his boyfriend,Tao, who just sat there with his arms around his waist. "No, Kris-ge wouldn't do that.... in public." Xiumin laughed, "Yah don't say that even though it might be true." They both laughed this time. Tao's laughter died down and he said, "Whew, not my problem anyways." Xiumin snorted, before the evil couple burst out into a fit of giggle ,then loud laughter. 

"He'll be doing me a favor by getting rid of my brat of a brother anyway." Xiumin added, making Tao laugh even more, until his sides started hurting and he had to let go of Xiumin who fell on his , but laughed anyway. (A/N: Gosh, I'm just loving Taomin right nao!)

                             ~Back to Kai & Kris~




"Listen you can not tell anyone or I will kill you, and you and I both know I will find a way to kill you without  anyone noticing and marry Sehun off to a billionare." he paused and added , and we also both know, I will enjoy it very much." 

Kai swallowed audibly, "Okay, okay, I get it! I won't tell I swear." Kris smiled "Really?" Kai laughed "Really" 

Kris ran out of the room yelling 'woohoo' , Kai walked out and shook his head laughing and yelling, "That doesn't mean I won't tease you about it, hyung!" Kris smiled and skipped into the employees room yelling, "I DON'T CARE!"

Sehun came up to Kai and stared at Kris weirdly, "What the hell was that?" Kai hushed him and shook his head kissing him on the lips softly before leading him to his car to do God knows what. "Yah, you're our ride home! Don't go having !" Tao yelled picking up Xiumin who squirmed in his grip, Kyungsoo went to Chen, Lay and Suho and they all left to their car.

"Hyung you're taking us home, right?!" Chanyeol shouted to Kris who had already picked up his car keys and jacket and was ready to go. "Yup!" he replied then added, "So hurry up!" the 'Baekyeol' couple raced each other to Kris' car. Kris shook his head and chuckled at their childish behavior. 

Kris locked up and turned around to meet the pair of chocolate brown orbs that secretly made him melt inside and his heart do summersaults, "Um, K-Kris?" Kris looked down at the smaller male with doe eyes "Yes?" Luhan fiddled with his fingers, "U-um, I was supposed to go with Kyungsooand Chen home, but they left and uh, Iive with Kyungsoo and Lay... and I need a ride home could you please-" Kris smile and cut him off "Of course!" Kris dragged Luhan to his car, when their hands touched electricity shot up both their arms.

"Here you can sit with me in the front." Kris opened the dooor for Luhan. Luhan blushed and mumbled "Thank you"  to him. Kris closed the door and went to sit in the drivers seat. "Are you guys staying over like everyone else or ....?" Kris asked to the cuddling duo in the back. 

"Huh? Oh! Yep, what about you Luhannie? Lay and Kyungsoo won't be home, you should just hang out with us!" Baekhyun told Luhan in a overly-enthusiastic voice, "Um, s-sure? Where at though?" Baekhyun cheered, "At Kris' house! So you're coming right?"

Luhan hesistated a while before he looked at Kris who smiled and nodded, and replied with soft, but sure answer this time, "Yes." Eveeryone cheered, while Kris continued happily driving to his house.
















//shot, what have I done? 

Kris: I hate you, Lea.

Me: I love you too, //bites lip, .....wait you're not serious are you

Kris: yeah I am -_-

Me: Well FINE! 

Hope (who ever is reading or read this) enjoyed it... I'm posting the next chapter right away i think.... I need a poster T^T

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was going to update but it got deleted just now, I'm not in the mood though... *sigh* soon there will be two updates then next time... idk i might still though.


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YunaEunHee #1
Ikr, danger will be upon them when Krishan returns xD I'm way behind schedule b/c I had to practice a lot for a singing performance I did today so once I catch up with HW before friday, I'll decide when I can start getting ready to update, kay? Hope you don't mind waiting a little bit longer...
Chapter 4: awkward krishan is sweet~~ <333
lol! all the boys! XDD
ChooChooPanda #3
Chapter 4: New reader c: and omigosh. I have to admit your story is pretty ing awesome xD I'll be looking forward to your future updates~
Chapter 4: The SeKai scene TuT
Oh Chen, better prepare for your funeral if Kyungsoo caught you! XD
And you're welcome, lovely author!
Chapter 3: kris is so whipped mang pmsl cuties ;;
Chapter 3: Kris is so whipped xD
Chapter 3: lol! again the dragon struck by deer beauty!

Chapter 2: so cute lah luhan!
Chapter 2: so cute lah luhan!
Chapter 1: poor boss~lol!