
F.B.I- Federal Inspector


It was no secret at SeonChan High that Kim Jongin, has a crush on his classmate Do Kyungsoo. And it was no secret that Kyungsoo, gets agitated by Jongin's dumb pick-up lines and constant harassing. But Kyungsoo actually, didn't dislike the compliments and pick-up lines and he didn't dislike Jongin. It was actually quite the opposite.
"Was that an earthquake? Or did you just rock my world?" It was Theatre class second hour, and Jongin was just starting his round of pick-up lines. A few of them were ok but.. they were mostly bad. But that's what makes them enjoyable... I think.
"It wasn't an earthquake, it was an explosion because your world doesn't exist anymore." Kyungsoo, oh kind Kyungsoo. What am I saying, he just seems to know all the anti pick-up lines.
"Well somebody seems to be in a good mood," Jongin said sarcastically. "Jongin, please be quiet! I'm trying to watch this performance!" Kyungsoo said in a loud whisper (if whispers can be loud).
"What performance? Seohwang is just pantomiming herself shopping," Jongin said pointing at the girl on 'stage' pretending to try on clothes. "Ok maybe I want to watch to point out where she messed up!"
"How do know if she messed up? It isn't real!"
"Shut it Kim!"
"Ooo, I love it when you to me. It's hot," Jongin said waggling his (bushy) eyebrows at Kyungsoo. "Ugh, your such a freak!"
"Only in bed." And with a wink shot at Kyungsoo, Jongin received a slap in face. "Ooo. Are you a sadist? 'Cause I could dig that!"
"You're such a masochist!"
"Only for you my love!" Jongin said while blowing air kisses at his love. "Don't talk to me," Kyungsoo said while giving Jongin 'the hand'.
There was a brief couple seconds of silence before, he started up again. 
"If I told you I was falling for you, would you catch me?" "No Jongin, I'd let you hit the ground." "So it's a yes?" Jongin said, wrapping his arm around Kyungsoo. And let's just say there was a facepalm, and Jongin's arm may or may not be fractured. Then the bell rang.
It was now after fifth hour, leading into lunch. And every lunch, Jongin chooses to sit by his one true love. By which Kyungsoo, is not amused. The pair just had gotten their food and sat down at the table with everyone else. By else I mean: Suho, Lay, Chen, Minseok and Sunhwa. 
"Hey Kyungsoo!" "Yes Jongin?"
"Did you know that, you're so sweet you'd put Hershey's out of business." Jongin said in an, overly dramatic yet seductive voice.
"Yes I did. Did you know you're so full of , you put crap to shame?" 
"Ooo girl, he told you!" Chen said snapping his fingers like a diva. "Don't be a Jongdae!" Minseok said giving him 'the look'. "Ok honey-poo! Yah! I'm sorry." Chen said as he snuggled towards Minseok giving him an 'innocent' smile, who am I kidding? That man is pure evil! "It's ok Chen," Minseok said patting his head awkwardly.
"Kyungie baby, your words they hurt me so." Jongin said as he bursted out in 'tears'.
"I'm glad."
"Hey Kyungsoo. Are you using the Confundus charm, or are you just naturally mind-blowing?"
"Wow Jongin, really? Do you even know where that's from?"
"I'm pretty sure it's from Harry Potter. Hey, it's pretty good am I right?"
"Eh. It's alright, some people might not know what you mean though. Isn't that right Yixing," Suho said. The forgetful unicorn, realized he was asked a question. "What?" "Never mind," Suho said with a smile as he reached over to give Yixing a kiss on the cheek.
"Kyungsoo-yah," Jongin said giving him a serious look.
"Do you have a map?"
"'Cause I'm lost in your eyes," Jongin said cutting off Kyungsoo.
A few awws were released (by Lay, Minseok and Sunhwa), and nod of appreciation from the 'men'.
"Aww, who'd you steal that one from?" Said Kyungsoo as he took a bite of his pizza.
"It's not stealing, I'm recycling baby." Jongin said before engulfing half of his pizza in a single bite. It was quiet after that because, they all wanted to finish their lunch before sixth hour. Then the bell rang, and they threw away their stuff as they made their way to sixth hour.
It was towards the end of seventh hour, when Jongin made his way towards Kyungsoo. "Hi, I'm Mr.Right. Someone said you were looking for me?" Jongin said in a sultry voice.
"Nope. No one here is looking for Mr.Wrong," Kyungsoo said giving Jongin a smile.
'You leave me no choice then Kyungsoo', Jongin thought to himself.
"Excuse me young man, FBI here." Jongin said as he flashed an air badge.
"FBI? Jongin, what the hell are you on?" Kyungsoo said, utterly confused.
"Yes FBI. Federal Inspector, I'm afraid your is too y. I'm gonna have to read it in Braille," Jongin said with a straight face.
"What the hell?"
"Oh come on! That one was great, you have to admit it." Said Jongin with a grin planted onto his face.
"Fine! I guess that one was a little clever," Kyungsoo told Jongin. He didn't want to admit his defeat.
"See! I knew you'd find one, that would be deemed as clever." Jongin yelled, as a huge grin found its way onto his face. It kinda seemed creepy, sort of like a Chanyeol smile.
And Kyungsoo could feel a smile break onto his face as well. Then the bell ringed, class dismissed. Kyungsoo walked to his locker, with a certain Kim Jongin trailing not too far behind. As soon as Kyungsoo opened his locker, Jongin spoke. 
"Kyungsoo-hyung, I really do like you. D-do you want to go out this Saturday?" Jongin asked, as his true self showed. A boy filled with doubt and uncertainty on what his crush might say.
"No? That's ok- wait what?" Jongin asked shocked that Kyungsoo actually said yes.
"I said sure."
"You're not messing with me right? 'Cause I can understand." 
"I mean it Jongin," Kyungsoo said with utmost sincerity, "Let's figure out the details tomorrow. Can't wait for Saturday." Kyungsoo said with a smile, as he reached over and pecked Jongin on the cheek. "Bye!"
Jongin stood there, his heart racing as he touched his left cheek. A wolfish grin grew on his face, and he chased after Kyungsoo. "Honey wait up!"
And Kyungsoo just smiled. It may seem like he doesn't like Jongin but he does. He just kinda grows on you, like some kind of fungus or disease. One that just won't go away.
Hey my y pearls! I hoped you liked it? 
Don't you love those terrible pick-up lines? I had the map one used on me, when I was in the sixth grade by 3 eighth graders. I now hate that line *nods*
Anyways has a bad pick up line been used on you? Comment below on the ones that were used on you, or your favorite bad pick up line? Or your favorite anti pick-up line 😂
My favorite bad pick up line is:  "Are your parents bakers? Because you got some nice buns~" 
My favorite anti pick up line is:
"Where have you been all my life?"
Answer- Hiding from you 😂
I hoped you enjoyed it! I love you pearls!
P.S.- Did you see the ninja Sulay and Chemin?
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Chapter 1: "He just kinda grows on you, like some kind of fungus or disease. One that won't go away." That line had me rolling :D ya hear that Kai, kyungsoo compared you to fungi, fungi Kai ~ there's a ring to it ^ uu ^
linping44 #2
Chapter 1: Omg, this is just.
Pure brilliant.
So cute yet so cheesy, exactly my kind of pizza c':
jisova #3
Chapter 1: i just wish you turn this into sequel and make it longer..its super cute tho
Chapter 1: This is so cute I died XD
AeChaPark #5
Chapter 1: So lovely. the smile on my face never leaves ever since i started to the end xDD kekeke love it!
Dalliance #6
Chapter 1: Wow, Jongin did gave the worst pick up lines a guy could give. I guess I learned something new now.
The end is sweet. Very nice. :3
And yes, I did saw the ninja couples. Jongdae is my bias but that side of him cracked me up (a lot) and aaaw, Yixing is just so precious ;_;
Very well done, author!
Chapter 1: Ohh this was funny!! I hate pick up lines, I've never received one though, guys haven been very blunt to me which is not good either xDD
Chapter 1: oh, i like this fic...
good job...
and i really hope you will write another fic like this and of course with many chapters hehehe...

thanks for writing and sharing