
A Day in the Life of the Wu's

Word count: 608 words 

Six months into their marriage, Zitao brings up the idea of having children while cuddling on the bed with Kris. The older nearly chokes on nothing at the sudden suggestion but not long after, they decided to adopt their first child.

After months of applications and paperwork, an eight month-old Kim Minseok was assigned to them. Zitao took to motherhood almost naturally; changing diapers, making the formula, taking care of Minseok, he did it all with barely a struggle. The same could not be said for Kris, however. He was the definition of every awkward parent; he panicked every time Minseok cried, could barely change a diaper without breaking a sweat and often made the formula either too hot or too cold.

Despite all the challenges, however, Zitao and Kris could find themselves loving parenthood a lot. With each milestone Minseok hits, joy erupt from the couple as they showered the baby with kisses all over.

On their first day with Minseok, Kris knew that Zitao would be the over-obsessed parent. That night, he found Zitao feeding Minseok while droplets of tears fell from his eyes.

He’s like an angel, Zitao had told him.

Kris chuckles at his overly emotional spouse.

Let’s have 500 of them.

Kris vehemently denies his request.

Zitao negotiates to a ten and Kris stops trying because he knows Zitao won’t relent.

However, Zitao finds Kris waking up in the middle of the night to check up on Minseok on several occasions but he doesn’t say anything; he wasn’t the only one putty around little Minseok’s hands.

After several weeks of crying (both by Minseok and Zitao but for entirely different reasons), Zitao slumps onto bed and rolls himself in the thick duvet.

I think one is enough for us.

Kris agrees wholeheartedly.

Minseok calls Zitao mama for the first time since they adopted him.

Zitao squeals and calls for Kris excitedly. He hugs Minseok and kisses him all over his face. Zitao declares that he wants ten children.

Minseokkie is growing up too fast, he reasons.

Kris tries to tell Zitao to take it slow; he wouldn’t want their home to be like a childcare centre instead. He changes his mind almost immediately when Minseok tilts his head and mumbles a papa.

Six months after adopting Minseok, Zhang Yixing was the new addition to their growing family. Minseok and Yixing were relatively calm babies that did not give Zitao and Kris that much of a trouble. They gave Zitao the impression of babies not being as bratty as other parents may have described.

Zitao finds out the truth with the addition of Luhan. Little Luhan was a devil hiding behind an innocent face. Luhan and Minseok loved playing ball and the latter had a mini soccer ball given to him on his first birthday.

The problem came when Luhan wanted to play with the ball but Minseok wouldn’t give it to him. Zitao found a crying Minseok with two tiny teeth marks on his arm and Luhan sitting at a corner rolling Minseok’s soccer ball around.

Zitao obviously knew who had bitten Minseok because Minseok has more than two teeth and Yixing had none.

The children in the household gradually increased while the couple’s alone time decreased. It’s hard to find a babysitter willing to take care of ten boys that play fight on a regular basis like little puppies.

The couple doesn’t regret having ten children, nonetheless. There might not be a day where the house would be quiet but as laughter (or sometimes tears) fills the house, it exudes a homey aura and the couple can only feel nothing but happiness.

Thinking of making a tumblr, should I? Sigh, I should stop playing flappy bird...


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I won't comment on anything. Believe in him, as I do. This story will continue on despite everything, have hope.


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leeleeloveskpop #1
Chapter 15: awww so cute
Chapter 15: Oh my god this is soo damn cute!!!!❤❤❤❤☺
Chapter 15: That was cute... Hahahahahah its hard to imagine hows kris face handling those 2 mess maker.. Lol hahh
cristhiish #4
Chapter 15: Sghsie I love this fic is co cute <3
Chapter 15: Hahahahaha sekai are insufferable but cute
leeleeloveskpop #6
Chapter 15: omg these are so so cute I hope you update soon
Chapter 15: Awwww....stupid even handle those two brat.,.hahahah
Chapter 15: Ugh this is the best thanks so much for the update. Poor daddy kris dealing with bratty Sehun and Kai lol.
maikamv #9
Please continue! I love this so much :c I hope you can <33
Chapter 6: So this kris thing happened.... I'm devastated so I read this fic and then the next thing I thought was "how rich are they that they can afford to take care of 10 kids?!" and "what the hell is kris's job anyway? it's like barney from HIMYM all over again"