Chapter Four

Will You Be Alright ?
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Author's POV :


   " Wait, what?!?!! " Taeyeon screamed. Eyes widened, jaw dropped. Luhan nodded and continued driving, just like nothing happened. Taeyeon unbuckled her seatbelt and tried to open the door, but luckily it's locked. Luhan pressed the break paddle and stopped his car at the side of the road.


" Are you crazy?! How can you just want to jump off from the car like that, Kim Taeyeon! " Luhan scolded.


   " You motherf*cker, open the ing door! " She shouted as she kep punching Luhan's arm, causing the older one to whince in pain.


" Stop it, will you?? " Taeyeon ignored Luhan's words and pinched his arm. Luhan grabbed Taeyeon's hands tightly and stared at her with unreadable expression. " Listen here.. Please, I really need your help this once. If you agree to help me, I promise that I will give everything that you want. Just.. help me! This is the first time I begged to a girl, but I got no choice.. Please, Taeyeon? " Luhan pleaded. Taeyeon yanked her arms away and crossed it.


   " Ain't nobody got ing time for that. " She answered coldly. Luhan sighed and leaned in onto the car seat.


" Please, Taeyeon. I need you help. Like really really need it! "


   " You know what, I don't give a single about your problems. Now when I say it nicely to open the door, you better open the door. " Taeyeon said harshly.


" I see humans, but no humanity. " Luhan muttered. " Why is it so hard for you to help me? It's not like you're helping me for free. I'll give you everything that you want. EVERYTHING, and I meant that. " Luhan said with full of sincerity. Taeyeon fell silence hearing Luhan's words. Am I too cruel? Am I too heartless? She looked down and frowned a bit. Deep inside, she felt a pity for Luhan. ' Should I help him? It's okay, Taeyeon. Just this once. Break your ing ego, will you? ' Taeyeon took a deep breath and looked at the frowning Luhan.


   " What is it? " She finally gave up. Luhan sighed in relief and flashed a very big grin.


" Are you serious that you want to help me? " He asked back in disbelief. Taeyeon rolled her eyes and crossed her legs.


   " Better be quick, before I change my mind. " She threatened. Luhan moved a bit forwards to Taeyeon's seat and reached out his left hand to open the dashboard drawer. He took out an A4 sized envelope before handing it to Taeyeon. Taeyeon accepted it and cocked her eyebrows. " What is it? "


" Read it first. " Luhan ordered. Taeyeon teared the envelope and pulled out the papers, revealing half of the first page. Upon reading the first sentence of the paper, she immediately throwed it on the car's floor and looked at Luhan with ' Wtf-are-you-kidding-me' face.


   " Hahahah. " She laughed synically. " Are you ing kidding me? What the is this? "


" I'm serious. Let's get married. " Luhan casually proposed with a sweet smile on his face. Dumbfounded. Shocked. Speechless and flabbergasted. That's how Taeyeon was. She was too shock to even translate what was happening. After a few minutes staying in the statue position, Taeyeon finally get back to her sense. She thought the letter was just a joke.


   " Are you ing crazy?! You think marriage is just a simple thing like cooking a cup of ramen with hot water? What's in your mind, ? Listen up, if you think you can play me.. then you're ing wrong. I'm not that stupid to play along with your sh*tty game. Just go yourself! " Taeyeon cursed, looking at Luhan angrily with her chest pumped up and down in a rapid state.


" Please, Taeyeon. Read the agreements first. I promise, it won't hurm your daily life at all! " Luhan said, raising up his palm in the air. Taeyeon smirked and tried to open the door for the nth times, but as expected.. it's still locked.


   " Open the door! I said open the ing door!! " Taeyeon screamed her lungs out. Luhan shook his head and took the envelope back.


" Read this first, will you? And after this, I promise I will open the door for you. Well, if you still don't want to agree with this. " Taeyeon angrily snatched the envelope away from Luhan and and took out the white papers from it. She flipped the pages and read it one by one.


 Kim Taeyeon and Xi Luhan's Wedding Contract


This marriage will be a secret. Only our family are allowed to know about this. This contract will only lasts for two years. As soon as you graduated, we will get divorced immediately. You can choose wether to stay with me or live by your own. Living place is not provided. The payment for your act will be 1 million won a month. This contract is a secret. Please act nicely infront of my parents. We definitely can't fall in love with each other!


Taeyeon read all of the agreements and bit her lips. 1 million a month? That's crazy! But looking at the condition, looks like Luhan was right. It won't harm her life at all. Just the status will changed. It's still a secret, though. Maybe this is not that bad. She will not fall in love with him. That's definitely. And with that 1 million in one month, she can quit the job at the club. Moving to a new apartment, buying a new car and eating delicious foods. Right, this is my chance to change my ing messy life!


   " Are you sure about the payment? " Taeyeon asked, smirking. Luhan chuckled and nodded. He knew it, Taeyeon is that kind of girl who will do anything as long as it's about money.


" Yep. Or do you want more? " He tested. Taeyeon raised her eyebrows.


   " Can I? " Luhan shrugged.


" Depends on how well your act. "


   " And this marriage is a secret, right? " She asked again for comformation.


" Absolutely. This marriage will be hold at China. No medias are allowed. " Luhan reassured.


   " Fine, then. I'm in. But I think we need to add one more condition in the contract. "


" What is it? "


   " No intefering

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indiranovia #1
Chapter 5: update soon authornim^^
Vyha652 #2
Chapter 6: Please update soon
canttaochthis #3
Chapter 6: i really wish you would update again..
Exoshidaeloves #4
Chapter 5: Update soon pleasee :(
Chapter 6: luhan is so gentleman here awwww
Chapter 5: yuhuuuu LuTae <3
well I don't know what to say this perfectly awesome :3
lutae_exoshidae #7
SonExostan97 #8
Chapter 2: Naughty Luhan. Ngeee...
inditae #9
Chapter 6: UPDATEEEEEEE!!!