Study Buddy

Study Buddy

You laid lethargically on your bed while attempting to review pages and pages of material for your Anatomy midterm tomorrow. The time was approximately 2:00 A.M and being the procrastinator that you are, you waited until the last, possible moment to cram all 25 chapters. The amount of stress you had to withstand was unbearable. In fact, you couldn’t remember how many times within the night that you ended up vigorously flailing your arms and legs, whining how much you hated your life.

Stress not only consumed your mentality but was also present on your physical appearance. This was one of the reasons why you couldn’t bear to look at yourself in the mirror. With your weary eyes, dark eye circles and poor posture, it was a safe to say that you resembled a large panda that had just woken from a long slumber. Your study attire consisted of some sweatpants and a plain, white t-shirt. As for your hair, you tied it up into a messy bun (without bothering to comb it).

The clock kept ticking and you could feel your eyes drooping with every minute. Maybe hearing someone’s voice might help keep you awake. As if on cue, you heard the subtle jingle of keys and the front door opening. From the dark shadows of the corridor emerged a tall, young man who was dressed in a casual attire, yet managed to look stunningly gorgeous. He casually leaned against the crème walls with a smirk on his face. His mocha, brown almond-shaped eyes were dazzling enough to allure all the women in the world.

He was dashing.

He was charming.

And most importantly, he was all yours.

“Oppa! What are you doing here?” you exclaimed sitting upright on the bed while simultaneously trying to fix your appearance.

“Is that anyway to greet your awesome boyfriend?” Kyuhyun asked smugly. He casually tossed his keys on the bedside table while walking towards you and ruffled your hair.

“Oppa, what the hell?” you whined, “I already look like slob!” He chuckled and took a seat next to you. “What are you doing here anyway?”

“Well, I was just walking back to the dorms after practice when the ajumma next door called me claiming that she heard loud wailing and cries coming from your bedroom window.” You lowered your head in embarrassment. “So I decided to pay you a visit.”

“She must have heard someone else.”

“She also mentioned that it sounded like a cross between a hormonal pterodactyl and a hungry hippo,” Kyuhyun continued completely disregarding what you just said.

“Aish! I said it wasn’t me!”

“Well someone is a bit moody today,” he accused, raising his brow. Hmm . . . sudden outbursts, highly emotional, and overly sensitive? Suddenly, a thought entered his mind and he slowly started to back off awkwardly, “Umm. . . your’re not like . . . um . . . is it that time of month?”

You rolled your eyes and smacked him with a pillow. “Aniyo! I am just stressed for my Anatomy midterm tomorrow!”

A sly smirk formed upon Kyuhyun’s lips as he leaned closer towards you. “Anatomy?” he whispered huskily causing a shiver to run up your spine, “oh baby, I can teach you all about that.” He gripped your waist tightly and in one swift movement, he pulled you towards him so you were sitting on his lap. Your eyes widened and your heart raced as if you were a defenseless prey hiding from its prowling predator.

“What are you – “

You were cut short as he placed his finger on your lips. He shook his head disapprovingly and whispered seductively in your ear, “No talking while your teacher is trying to teach, sweetheart.”

It didn’t even take one minute and already he had enchanted you with his captivating spell.  At times like these, you mentally cursed yourself for giving this man the key to your apartment. There was no way you could get anything done!

He tenderly slid his finger across your lips and traced the side of your face. “First we have the mandible,” he said softly and then placed a chaste kiss on your jawbone.  You felt yourself quiver from the sudden sensation. You realized Kyuhyun had noticed your shudder as well when you felt him smiling into the kiss, fueling his pride even further.

He then lifted your chin slightly, treating you as if you were the most fragile thing on Earth. Soon after, he then traced his finger below your neck and then made his way to your shoulder. He leaned forward while simultaneously placing your back gently upon the firm mattress. As soon as he sensed you were at ease, he placed two hands on the side of your face while towering over your petite body. While lowering himself, you felt his soft hands interlace with your own. “Next, we have one of my most favorite features about you, the clavicle,” he whispered, while you earned another quick kiss from him on your collar bone. You squealed when you felt his lips cheekily nip your skin.

“And now, the sternum,” he stated kissing you just below the neck, “Would you like me to continue down each rib?”

Oh no he doesn’t! You have had enough of him messing around with you! Even though it was extremely difficult, you couldn’t let this man take control over you . . . well at least, not now.

You swiftly squirmed through his grasp and managed to break free from his arms. “AISH! I can’t study like this! Oppa, why are you such a ert?”

“Please, my intentions were purely for educational purposes,” he laughed, “Doesn’t the teacher deserve an award for his services?” He pointed to his lips.

You scoffed and sat upright and tossed your book at him. “We will see if you are even worthy of receiving an ‘award’ after I get the results of my exam back! Now go play Starcraft or something and let me study in peace!”

Kyuhyun chuckled and lazily moved towards the headrest. He laid back against the fluffy pillows while repetitively tossing a rubber ball into the air. After a while, he seemed to get bored with all the silence that he started talking about his day. You, of course, paid no attention whatsoever.

“. . . and then he had the nerve to say that I wasn’t the best looking member! ME! CHO KYUHYUN! Can you believe that? Who in the world has the audacity to deny me my good looks? Man, that Ryeowook! He is so damn lucky he could act cute while drunk or else I would have – “

He paused when he noticed you remained motionless the whole time. After realizing his words were not being acknowledged, he scoffed and began bouncing the small ball on your back. You swiftly turned around and gave him a glare. Kyuhyun, being Kyuhyun, simply shrugged in response. Just as he was about to throw the ball once more, your cat-like reflexes sprang into action. You swiftly turned around and caught the ball within your palm before it could touch your back. Kyuhyun raised his brow.

“Damn baby, never knew you had reflexes like that. Maybe you should play against me in Starcraft.”

“I thought I told you to stop bothering me!” you gritted through your teeth. Kyuhyun chuckled and slowly crawled towards you. He gently wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you towards his torso. You sighed. For the first time that day, you actually felt relaxed. As you lay upon his chest, you could hear his steady heartbeat. Snuggling against his body warmth helped calm your nerves and alleviate your stress.

“I don’t know why you are stressing so much over this. You are generally good in Anatomy,” Kyuhyun whispered while slowly running his fingers through your hair.

“I just feel so paranoid that my professor is going to ask something that I don’t about.”

“You will do fine. You know why?”

You shook your head. He tightened his arms around your body. “Because I know my girlfriend. Through the past three years I have known her, she is the most beautiful, most determined, most hard working and most brilliant girl I have ever met in my entire life. I can honestly say that I am the luckiest man in the world.”

“Oppa . . . “ you stated a bit touched by his words. He rarely ever says anything as sentimental as this.

“Don’t stress alright?”

You nodded.

“Good. Now, oppa is tired so throw all those books off the bed and don’t keep me waiting!” You chuckled. There was the real Kyuhyun you knew and loved.

2 weeks later . . .

“Oppa!” you squealed throwing your arms around his neck as he hoisted you into the air.

“What do I owe this warm welcome?” he laughed as he tightly embraced you. You slowly drew back and pulled out the sheet of paper from your right hand.

“Ta-dah!” you exclaimed, “I got a B+ on my Exam! You were right Oppa! I was worrying too much!”

“Of course I was right,” Kyuhyun stated matter-of-factly, “And do you know why?”

You shook your head.

“Because I am Cho Kyuhyun and I am always right!”

You rolled your eyes and then grinned at the red grade mark on your paper. You felt so proud and accomplished that you were able to do well on such a difficult test. Your attention then flew back to your boyfriend, who you were constantly snapping at the day you were cramming for the exam. Immediately, you grew disheartened since high emotions contributed to you taking out your anger on the person you loved the most. Of course, you didn’t mean to do it but it still hurt since you unleashed your stress on a person who was only trying to help you. You definitely had to pay him back right?

“Oppa,” you said shyly, breaking the silence, “Would you like your ‘award’ for helping me?”

Kyuhyun raised his brow. “Seriously? Pabo-yah! You only got a B+. Why would you give me an award for something like that?”

You pouted. “But I thought you were proud of me!”

Kyuhyun chuckled and lifted you off the ground until you were eye-level with him. “I am proud of you, silly girl! Each and every day. I am so amazed by the extent of dedication you pour into all your classes just so you could live your dream.” You smiled at his kind words. “Just don’t procrastinate again, understand?”

“Ne,” you replied with a pout. He cutely pecked your nose and hugged you once more.


“Hmm?” you replied melting into his passionate embrace.

“Since this was only the midterm, would you like my help in preparing for the final?”

You immediately pulled back and gave him a “are you seriously kidding me” look. “What?”

He grinned mischievously and picked you up bridal style. “Why don’t we focus on the inferior regions this time? And don’t worry, by the time we are done I will make you will ace your final.”

Before you could utter another word, he silenced you with a deep, heated kiss and locked your bedroom door.


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Chapter 1: Wow!! How many girls here would turn that lesson down??? I know I would not. ;)
Chapter 1: 'Why don't we focus on your internal region this time? ... " Seriously this is the scientific way to do it! hahahahahahahaha! <3
fyekay918 #3
Chapter 1: Gah the Kyu feelzzzz~
Snarky #4
Chapter 1: awww i want that anatomy lesson with kyu~~
Chapter 1: Hi!! A new reader here!! Thanks for this so funny fic!! I also want a teacher like him, kejekekekekeje. ^_^
Momoi15 #6
Chapter 1: AMAZING *A*
Chapter 1: So sweet. =) an amazing scenario it was. :D
Chapter 1: Ohhh Kyuuu....... Let me live!!!! XD