Hell Like Summer Tutoring


When it comes to school stuff, no one can beat Yoon Haneul, she has the lowest scores in her class. Never has she reached top 10  in her class. When her exams are coming up and her scores come home. Her mom decides to do something to help her. But does it really help her? Will it distract her? What will happen to her friendships?


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Yoon Haneul

Yoon Haneul

Her birthday is June 21, she is currently 17.She has dark brown hair. She isn't like more girls out there. She's not the smartest, not the prettiest , and not the more lady-like girl out there. She enjoys playing video games, wearing gymshorts , and loves to annoy people. She is very cheerful around others and is very out-going.





Xi Luhan

Xi Luhan

His birthday is April 20, he is currently 17. He has light pink hair. He's not the most social guy in the world. He tends to keep to himself and stay out of others' lives, and care for his own. He came to korea when he was 11 and has gotten use to the korean culture. He is chinese. Though, he is quiet, he is very loved for his charming prince-like features and soft voice. He is very kind towards others.




Yoon Yiyoung

Yoon Yiyoung

Her birthday is July 27, she is currently 4 years old. She is a cute bubbly girl who enjoy reading and looking at books. She is the youngest child in her family. She is very loved by her parents and her older sister Haneul is constantly compared towards her. She looks up to her older sister and has made her sister her role model.



Oh Sehun

Oh Sehun

His birthday is April 12. He's 17 years old. He is Haneul cloest guy friend. He's quite popular and very social compared to most others students. He is the youngest in his little group. EXO-K. He enjoys playing sports and going to the beach and hanging out with his family. He is fully korean and he has light blonde hair.









Please no copying.

If there is another story out there

that is similar to this, it's just a coincidence.




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Chapter 5: Author-nim ~ Please update T.T I want to read them /pouting/
sazuka #2
Chapter 5: cute lulu........

update soon

and more ^^
Chapter 5: Luhan is veryyyyy cuteeeee >.<
Chapter 5: Wow. Extremely straightforward, but I like her attitude. Update soon~
theexoticbacon #5
Chapter 5: Love how Luhan just said hi! And, to me, Haneul's very likable.
manlyteabubbles #6
Chapter 5: She's so straight forward... But, that makes the story funny! :P Update soon please! ^ ^
sazuka #8
Chapter 4: I want him became my tutor to... I will be very very love it........

update more author nim.................................
JenniferHan #9
Chapter 4: eeeek luhann! hess a cutieeee!!
Chapter 4: I know it!! Luhan is the tutor!! Kkk~