The Flower Girl

The Flower Girl

The Flower Girl was nearly a blank page, not of personality, she had quite the shining character but her mind was like a notebook which was scribbled on with secrets and hushed confessions from people, more often than not strangers.

She absorbed your words, rethought them, curled and reshaped them, smoothed them out and folded them back in the crevices of her little library; she was not one to judge, she only listened and she listened very well.

The strange thing about the Flower Girl was her title; she did not work in a flower shop, she knew nothing about flowers or how to take care of them, evident of the absence of plants in her little vacant bar. They called her the Flower Girl because of the flower shop next to her lonely, depressing business; it seemed more charming then Bar Girl but it also seemed to fit her more, the more you watered her with secrets, the more she bloomed.

It was a process that had been seen hundreds of times and yet the Flower Girl was a mystery to most anyone. She walked in, stayed and listened and served, walked out. Even her name was a secret.

Despite the enigmatic nature of the Flower Girl, she had managed to show up on the radars of twelve different boys occupied with the problems of the world; the Flower Girl did her job and emptied them of their problems, serving them good beer to fill them back up again as they slurred out enigmas and riddles in the pure silence of the bar, with only the soft flowing music of Frank Sinatra from the jukebox and the perked ears of an otherwise silent being keeping them company.


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