Don't Buy Anymore Toys!

EXO with Kids

Kim Junmyeon aka Suho

(Fool - Juniel feat. Yonghwa of CN Blue)


Another one. Another doll sat on each of Ahri's daughters' beds. She sighed as she put the rest of her daughters' toys on their beeds. She then walked to her son's room. He had a new Pokemon stuffed animal too. She sighed as she placed it on the pillow.

"Mr.Kim Junmyeon is going to get it from me..." She mumbled as she semi stomped out of ther room. This day, she'd gotten out of work early to clean the house before her loving husband brought their kids home. Suho was a busy man and the kids would love to have him pick them up. 

"Yeobo~ I'm home~" Suho's voice rang throughout the house. Ahri just continued making dinner for everyone as she heard all the kids run in.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Daddy bought us icecream!" Leo, their one and only son, squealed happily.


The couple adopted him when he was three and raised him as one of their own. 

"Icecream?!" Ahri exclaimed.

"Yes!" Her daughters, Lauren and Dayoung, squealed.


Dayoung was Suho and Ahri's own child and Lauren was a child of their friends that had passed away. 

"Who said you could have icecream before dinner?" Ahri said sternly.

"Daddy!" Leo said. Suho sheepishly rubbed his nape as Ahri glared at him. 

"Now now kids go play. Dinner will be ready soon. Daddy has to talk to mommy okay?" Suho said to the kids who happily skipped away. Suho then turned to Ahri who crossed her arms. 

"Kim Junmyeon. New toys? Icecream before dinner? Please stop spoiling the kids," Ahri said as she stirred some vegetables in a pan. Ahri knew Suho comes from a rich family and has lots of money but she didn't like it when he spent it too much on her or the kids.

"I know. I'm sorry," Suho said as he hugged her waist. She quickly swatted his arms off her waist. 

"If you're sorry, then tomorrow ,when you take care of them all day while I go meet up with some old friends, you promise not to buy them anything?" Ahri said as she turned around. Suho nodded obediently. Ahri smiled a bit before giving Suho the cold shoulder again.


"I'm going now! Don't spoil the kids!" Ahri said as she gave a quick peck to Suho's lips and ran out the door. Suho waved at her.

"Eww," Leo said as he rubbed his eyes.

"Oh you're awake?" Suho said as he hesitantly picked Leo up. Truthfully Suho only spoiled the kids because sometimes they got out of hand. 

"Daddy I'm hungry," Leo whined. Suho nodded and put him on the counter in the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Icecream!" Suho chuckled.

"I can't give you icecream!"

"W-Why not?" Leo made a pouty face. "Lauren and Dayoung want some too." 

"Yeah daddy we want some too!" Lauren said as she dragged a sleepy Dayoung in the kitchen.

"Well even if you want icecream, there isn't any left..." Suho said as he closed the fridge. 

"Let's go buy some!" Dayoung said. All the kids nodded while Suho rubbed his nape. 

"But your mother said no so everyone's getting cereal okay?" Suho said as he chuckled hesitantly. Dayoung's eyes then started to water. "No no don't cry..." Dayoung burst into tears and following her lead the other two did the same. Suho picked the crying Dayoung up and patted the other two's heads. After at least ten minutes of crying, Suho broke. "Okay! We'll go to the mall and spend all the day there just DON'T TELL YOUR MOMMY." All the kids immediately stopped crying and grinned. 


After the breakfast incident, Suho didn't want anymore crying so the whole day they played in the kids play place at the mall, toy shopping (not big toys) and going to the park.

"Now remember: Hide your toys. Your mother must NOT find them," Suho said as he put Leo's new toy in Leo's jacket. They all nodded and strut into the house. 

"Hey! You're home!" Ahri said as they walked in the door. 

"Hi mommy! We had such a great time! We we-" Dayoung started but Lauren covered . Lauren smiled and the two girls scurried to their rooms. 

"Leo! Give mommy a hug!" Ahri said as she spread out her arms. Leo shook his head and rushed to run to his room but Ahri wrapped her arms around him quickly. Out came a toy action figure from his jacket. Ahri picked it up. "Hey where'd you get this?"

"Daddy gave it to me!" Leo said as he pointed at Suho. Ahri glared at Suho and he grinned nervously. Suho then rushed to his daughters' room and knocked on their doors. 

"Lauren! Dayoung! Can daddy sleep over at your room tonight?" 


Surprisingly the song kinda fits Suho's relationship with the kids. Sorry for the short story :( I'm kinda tired so it's kinda bad bleh. I promise to do better! I hoped you liked it anyways :) 

Say bye bye to Joonmoney XD


Next is the deer Luhan :)


*not my gifs*

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Chapter 7: Ahahahaha, Xingxing is so cute XD
welwitscia_geranium #2
when the moment I imagine the scenarios .. the feels of a fangirl :)
Chapter 6: ohmigosh is daddy yixing next???
suhween #4
Chapter 6: wow, classic asian accent i no understand da engrish. classic.
Chapter 1: I love it!! >o<
fermanabe #6
Woow, I loved all the stories *~* keke update soon, pleeeeease!! Bye~~
yaniane #7
Chapter 5: Kris'drawing...XDDDD
kima #8
Chapter 5: This story was so funny..
I can imagine Kris's panic expression..
Lol chanyeol as tinkerbell x)

These stories are sooooo cute *-*
Chapter 1: can't wait for the next chapter~