; six

Only You In My Arms


The next morning, Myungsoo picked me up from the apartment and greeted me with a deep kiss and a tight hug. Byunghun left early to start his investigation of his mysterious heart thief. I had to wake up early to make Byunghun's breakfast so me and Myungsoo were pretty much really early when we arrived at school. So, I was right. We are the only ones in our classroom. Sighing, we put our bags on our desk as Myungsoo held my hand. 
Myungsoo brought me to the small garden he showed me last time, where my favourite tree is planted at. We laid down again but this time, I snuggled closer to Myungsoo placing my hands on his chest. I could feel his heart beating really fast and I chuckled at it. He placed his hands under his head as he relaxed with me.
"My friend will be helping me to pack your things, if you don't mind." He my hair.
"It's okay. Who is your friend anyway?" I made invisible circles on his chest.
"Lee Howon. He is my cousin from St Andrews High School. He likes dancing and is really athletic." Myungsoo said.
St. Andrews? I could help Byunghun to search his crush but then, I had no informations. I had an idea and decided to joke with Myungsoo.
"Is he handsome?" I giggled. He faced me and looked at me weirdly.
"No. He is ugly and I am more handsome than him." He rolled his eyes. "You should be proud!"
"Does he has really hot 6 packed chocolate abs?" I asked him again while giggling. He was clearly annoyed. 
"Why are you asking me this! Your perfect hot handsome boyfriend is right over here!" He pouted. I giggled and pecked his pouted lips.
"I'm just kidding, honey. I think your abs are the best." I stuck out my tongue and touched his abs.
"You naughty baby girl." He turned me over so he was on top of me. I laughed and wrapped my arms around him. He was staring into my eyes and he slowly leaned closer. His lips brushed against mine and I closed my eyes as our tongue started to battle for dominance. I pulled him closer while our body grind each others. It was so hot that I almost moan. Myungsoo did grunted a few times. Our kiss became sloppy and dirty but our tongues were still rolling and dancing with each other. He sometimes tugged the side of my waist and slowly at the back of my thigh. When our saliva is full in our mouths, Myungsoo would and swallow them all.
"Mm, sweet as always." He mumbled as he chuckled. I blushed but he still continued to kiss me so passionately. His hands crawled up to my cheeks and he cupped them, pulling my head closer as he kissed me deeper with much ease. But we were interrupted by the loud annoying school bell.  He pulled away with a groan and checked his watch. He sighed loudly by looking at it.
"Is it time already?" I asked.
"Yeap." He sighed sadly and he stood up first before extending his hand for me. I gratefully took it and he helped me to stand up properly with his strength. 
"We should go to class now before Mrs Lee comes, or we'll get punished again." He chuckled and grabbed my hand. He pulled me along the busy hallway and we finally arrived at our class. Gladly, Mrs Lee hadn't came yet. Our asses are saved, for today. Myungsoo dragged me to our seats and he put our bags properly on our chairs instead of our desks. We chatted and I cringed a lot because of Myungsoo's super cheesy lines like 'Do you still remember my wallpaper in my phone? Well, you look like a beautiful angel.' 'Would you rather have me as what I am now or just be the cool and chic L.Kim? I bet you like this cheesy side of Kim Myungsoo huh? Of course, since my baby loves me like this!' 'Do you want me to make a another story like last night? Once upon a time, Kim Myungsoo met a really quiet girl but she has a hidden beauty inside. She is cold and mean but when he melts her, she became shy and cute. And also loud(which Myungsoo received a punch from me). But Myungsoo fell in love of the girl because she looks like an angel fallen from a sky. When they got together, Myungsoo loves his princess' lips the most as they let out his favourite three/four words and also her lips tastes sweet like honey whenever he tasted them. He wishes for his angel to stay beside him forever.' 'Jinri, why do you look so cute? You make me want to kiss you again.' 'JINRI YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD LIKE NOBODY ELSE!' 'Jinri, you have beautiful eyes. Will our baby end up like you?(Which Myungsoo earned another punch from me)'.
I should get used to it. Besides, he is right. I love it when he is like this, where he'll boast himself, or me or our relationship. He held my hand, intertwining them together and played with my fingers until Mrs Lee came in. She apologised that she was late because there had been a car accident. 
When school ended, Byunghun left first because I had to give my homeworks to my Science teacher, Mr Jung, while Myungsoo wanted to follow me. We were going to pick up his cousin anyway. As we arrived at the entrance of the St Andrews gate, Myungsoo called his cousin to come out to the gate. Myungsoo told me his cousin is really kind that he wanted to help us pack and move in to his penthouse. He also told me that he is really close to him since they are almost at the same age. Lee Howon who is a senior high school student, like us, and is 21 years old. Myungsoo told me that Howon entered school in a late age so that's why he is in high school now. 
While we were waiting for Myungsoo's cousin, I was staring outside at the gate. I was staring at the few students coming out of the gate, there were some couples who were standing together waiting for their rides come I guess. Don't they have shame in them? But then, I thought about Myungsoo. Ahah, I forgot I'm with Myungsoo now. Suddenly, a warm large hand grabbed my cold hand and I turned to see Myungsoo smiling at me. I smiled at him back. His other hand cupped my cheek, staring at my beauty.
"When can you ever get ugly?" He chuckled. "I just hope it doesn't happen."
"Hey, you should judge me in the inside, not the outside appearance." I frowned.
"I still love you because of your personality." He softly said. "Mean and fiesty yet shy and cute."
"I'm not that fiesty!" I stuck out my tongue.
"Well, sometimes. When you go raging or something." He laughed and I just frowned. He is totally a weird man. Where is the chic L? It's like he has an alter ego. One that has lame jokes and carefree and another that is way cool and filled with dark aura but in a very charming way.
He stopped laughing and suddenly raised his brows.
"Oh? There he is!" He exclaimed. I looked to where he pointed and I saw an attractive man that looks nothing the same like Myungsoo. He had a longer hair with a tanner skin, his eyes were slightly bigger than Myungsoo's, his brows thicker than Myungsoo's with his thin lips. He looks like a real dancer, with his tie loosened and blazer on his shoulder as he walks like a cool guy. I bet his personality is alike with Myungsoo. Howon was walking towards our car and he casually opened the back door. He slipped inside and smiled warmly at me.
"You must be my cousin's girlfriend." He said and I nodded.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Lee Howon, but most people call me Hoya as my dancer stage name." He introduced himself. He acts like an obedient kid.
"My name is Choi Jinri. Others call me Sulli." I politely smiled but then frowned as I noticed something. "Are your families entertainers or something? I mean, Hoya is a dancer and Myungsoo-"
"is Jinri's boyfriend. Nope, nothing is weird." Myungsoo cut me off as he grinned playfully.
"Stop cutting me, stupid!" I punched his arm.
"Typical Myungsoo." Hoya chuckled and shook his head. 
Myungsoo pecked my pouted lips and started to accelerate to my apartment. 
Me and Hoya chatted a lot about ourselves, which really made Myungsoo mad because I was focusing on Hoya, not him. At first, it was awkward of course. I started like 'Um so, where do you live?' then he was like 'oh, since my parents live in this neighbourhood i also followed them.' yeah, simple questions like that first and the we joke about something else like his hobby was of course, dancing. I like to dance too! So then we started talking about dancing and stuff. I asked him what dances does he likes. He told me he likes popping and hip hop dance. I also asked him where does he usually practise to dance and he answered he sometimes dance in his school's studio or in his room or in his house's dance studio which was specially built for him. But after school he always goes to the same dance studio my cousin, Cho Haera, owns. He said that he used to be one of their dance instructers but this year he needs to focus on his studies to finish his high school. I was really shocked and happy then we talked about Haera.
Myungsoo was absolutely jealous. Everytime he tried to get my attention, I would reply him with very short and blunt answers which seriously made him mad. I shouldn't have done it because he did a punishment to me-I will tell you guys later.
It took the whole night to pack all of my stuffs. I packed all of my under garments since it was my private stuffs of course. Myungsoo helped me pack my clothes including my dresses, blouses, shorts, pants, uniforms, shoes and etc. Hoya kindly helped me pack my toothbrush, books and those kind of things into a big box. Byunghun hadn't arrived which was weird, it's almost 11 p.m. and he still hasn't returned. The three of us were all very tired so I made them a quick supper. We ate with so much ease as we tried to relax for a bit. Finally, Byunghun arrived when I heard a ding! and the sound of a door closing.
"Jinri, I'm back! Sorry, I forgot to tell you that I was at the sal-" He dropped his jaws when he entered the kitchen. I was confused. Why is he so shocked?
Hoya, being polite as he is, greeted and introduced himself to Byunghun. Byunghun just nodded and didn't say anything. I chuckled and helped that hopeless idiot.
"This is Lee Byunghun. People call him L.Joe. He is an old man but he is short." I scoffed and patted Byunghun's shoulder. He frowned at me and I just laughed. Then I realised something. He dyed his hair, again. But this time, he chose a natural style- really dark brown colour and made his hair straight with bangs facing to his left.
"You changed your hair again? Tsk, you are like a girl." I snickered at him and he glared at me.
"So? But this looks better right?" He asked us. I just shrugged at him.
"I think you look good in everything, so don't stress out that much." I stuck out my tongue at him. He stuck out his tongue to me too but when he faced Hoya, he suddenly became an obedient kid and very unusual. 
"It's late now, I have to leave." Hoya suddenly announced.
"Oh, right. Thank you for helping me pack!" I said and bowed.
"It's okay. I think I should get along with my soon to be cousin in law, huh?" He chuckled and I blushed.
"Well, it's really nice to meet you both, Sulli and um L.Joe." he added.
"You too. Maybe if we have a free time, we should go to Haera's studio soon." I smiled and he nodded.
"You got my number right? Just call me if you need anything, or if Myungsoo deserves a punch." He laughed and Myungsoo glared at him. Hoya raised his hands up and chuckled as he leaves the apartment.
After Hoya left, Byunghun looked at me and gave me a signal which I think I understand it. It's either 'we need to talk, sooner or later' or 'i need your help to plan my next hair'. Then, he ran off to his room.
So, Myungsoo and I were left in the kitchen. I turned to face him slowly and gave a small smile. He just looked at me blankly. Damn, I think he is really mad that I have more interest in his cousin. He hadn't talk a single word to me since he came here. I frowned and held his hand which was on the table.
"Myungsoo ah, are you angry at me?" I slowly asked him but his hand pulled away from my grip. I felt like my heart has fallen off a cliff.
"No, why would I be? My girlfriend was completely ignoring me and she likes my cousin. Nope, I'm not mad at all." He stubbornly state with a bit sarcasm in his voice.
"Yah, when did I say that I like your cousin? I only like him as a friend." I frowned.
"Well, your eyes tell me everything." He crossed his arms. I chuckled and stood up from my seat to sit on his lap and I wrapped my arms around his neck for support.
"Look, did I say any confessiom to him? No, I didn't." I scoffed.
"You did. You said 'Oh, I like your moves!" when Howon showed you a dance move!"
"Not that kind of confession, silly!" I flicked his forehead and he pouted. "I meant for my feelings. I didn't right? I only love you, Myungsoo ah." I smiled sweetly at him.
"Fine. I forgive you but don't ignore me!" He sighed and I nodded cutely at him. "But you deserve a punishment, babe." He smirked at me.
I raised my eyebrows in confusion and the next thing I knew I was thrown off to my bed with Myungsoo smirking on top of me.
Stack of boxes were piled up at the corner of my room so it was a bit messy.
Myungsoo, with his arms around me, leaned closer and closed the gap between us. Somehow, I smiled in our passionate kiss and I wrapped my arms around him to deepened the kiss more. One of his hands cupped my cheeks as I let him enter my mouth so his tongue would around my mouth, not missing any spot. I love it when we are kissing because I feel like I'm safe around him. My hands buried themselves in his hair and he suddenly the bottom of my lips as he bit it lightly. I tried to hide my moans but it just naturally came out by itself. I then started to his upper lip while he my bottom lip. So basically, we were each other's lips. After few minutes and all, he went down to my neck as he gave kisses to it. He and kissed, and kissed again and all I could do was to sigh in pleasure and panted. He lightly on my neck as he searches for my sweet spot. I shivered when he finally found my spot. He noticed it and on my spot harder to mark me his. And when he was done it, he went up to kiss my lips as if he never touched these lips of mine. His hands crawled on my body and he slowly ed my clothes without me noticing it. I realised it when the cold wind slapped against my skin when my top was thrown away by Myungsoo. To be honest, I feel weird telling this so I'll just skip some. 
Yes, after that we did undress ourselves but just as he was about to position himself infront of me I stopped him. I told him that it's too early and we should just stop until here. Myungsoo was a bit upset but I guessed I passed my punishment already. 
We rested on my bed, yup , as we hugged each other, my head on his chest while his chin was on my head. 
We didn't sleep yet but we kept the silence in the air.
"You have a very soft and pale white skin, Jinri." He mumbled and reached down to my collarbone to give it a sweet peck.
"You have a toned chest, Mister." I made invisible circles on his chest.
"Your lips are my chocolate, so sweet." Myungsoo said as he kissed my lips.
"Your tongue is an expert in my mouth." I smirked.
"You want it again?" He smirked at me back and he kissed me again but this time I opened my mouth, letting myself roll on his tongue and quickly it before pulling away. He chuckled and hugged me.
"You are so thin that I'm afraid I would break your bones soon enough." He frowned and held me tighter.
"I'm not easily broken. I am stronger than you think." I smiled softly as I touched his face. "You should trust me."
"I do trust you." He smiled at me. "And I do love you too." He pecked me again. I just smiled at him. 
For the rest of the night, we talked sweet things to each other and kissed a lot while hugging each other's bodies.
It's friday and the first thing that I saw when I woke up was someone's hard chest while at thebottom, I felt something poking me under but I decided to ignore it. I looked up and saw my boyfriend's godly sleeping face. I chuckled at the sight of it and pecked his plump lips, trying not to wake him up. But I failed. He fidgeted a bit and let out a low moan. He slowly opened his eyes and pulled me on top of him. He let out another moan when he felt my wet hood on his stomach. Well, we were .
"Good morning, beautiful." Myungsoo smiled at me and puckered his lips, wanting a morning kiss.
"Morning, honey." I giggled and kissed him. 
"What time do we have classes?" He asked me with his husky voice.
"At 9 a.m. It's.." I glanced at the clock. "7.45 a.m. now."
"Hm, what should we do huh?" He smirked at me and grabbed my waist.
"We should go shower and eat breakfast." I rolled my eyes.
"Oh? Shower together?" He smirked again.
"No, not together stupid!" I stuck out my tongue at him.
"We should shower together." He chuckled and pecked my lips. He kissed me and slowly went down as he gave butterfly kisses to them. I sighed in pleasure and I slowly started to grind my waist on his stomach. He continued to kiss me on the lips and I gasped when he suddenly grabbed my . This time, I let myself go down to his neck. I did not wait longer and his neck as I tried to find his sensitive spot. He grasped my tighter and I sensed that this was his spot. On that spot, I harder and successfully made a mark as I gave it a kiss. I pulled away and sat properly on his stomach.
"You said you want to shower together?" I raised my brows and slowly stood up from the bed. Myungsoo followed and carried me up to the bathroom with me, shrieking because of the sudden carry.
We had breakfast at a calm cafe with our uniforms readied already. Byunghun said he washed them already while we were doing our business in my room. Just to let you guys know, before we packed my stuffs Myungsoo wanted to stay at my place tonight so I lent him Byunghun's old clothes. I guess that since they all helped me pack, I can leave today. But last night, Byunghun wanted to talk with me so I'll just see him later. 
It was almost 8 and we are still at the cafe. I thought it was 8.40 when I stepped out of the bathroom with Myungsoo but I guess it only took 10 minutes.
"Jinri, do you want some cupcakes? I don't think just a set of toast and a hot chocolate would fill you up." Myungsoo asked me but I just raised my eyebrows.
"What's a... cupcake?" I asked.
"W-What?" Myungsoo widened his eyes in disbelief. "You don't know a cupcake?"
I just bit my lips and nodded. Well, what do you expect from a ghostly figure girl who eats stupid vegetables everyday?
"Wait here. I'll buy some cupcakes that I like." Myungsoo chuckled at me and went off to buy some cupcakes.
So then I was left off alone. 
Let me tell you a story of what will happen if I were alone.
The cashier and some guy workers of the cafe were checking me out. I knew it because I could feel their stares. Was it because of my freaking short skirt?! Damn it, why can't the school give me another skirt?! that low budgets and stuff. Where is Myungsoo?
Then, some new high school students came to the cafe. They found me and they whistled at me. I tried my best to cover my exposed thighs but this skirt is just so short that if I pulled it down my underwear would be exposed too! They sit a few tables away from me so they could check me out. I tried to be careful not to expose and move as much as I can. Damn it, Myungsoo where are youuu?
A cute high school couple went in the cafe next. The boy saw me and he smirked at me. I was at the urge to puke. But the girl was too oblivious to notice. The couple bought some drinks and sat next to the high school boys who was still staring at me. The boy sat on a seat so that he could still stare at me and also so he could still care for his girlfriend. I could feel that all of them are staring at either my crossed legs or my chest. Ugh, seriously Kim Myungsoo where the hell are you? It's been 15 minutes.
Lastly, some juniors came to me. They asked me my name and phone number and I, being nice to my juniors at school, gave them. They told me that they will sometimes see me in school. That's when Myungsoo finally came with a box of cupcakes in his hands. 
He saw the juniors and yelled, "Scram!". I almost burst out of laughter when I saw his face.
"Why did you give them your name and number?" He raised his brows. I just shrugged. 
But then I immdiately stood and hugged him tightly, relieved that he was here. Myungsoo, who was shocked, just simply hugged me back with his free arm around my waist almost touching my . I could sense the staring of flirt boys died because they were disappointed I was taken already. 
"Where have you been, idiot!" I pouted as we sat down and I automatically crossed my legs without knowing them following to stare at my legs.
"I saw a bakery shop nearby and I went to buy cupcakes, just like I said!" He smiled. He opened the boxes and I saw colorful cupcakes in it.
"It's really tasty! I know it can make you fat and all but you should try it!" He picked up a red cupcake with a yellow cream and a small red heart on it. "This is a red velvet cupcake. It's popular nowadays and it's really cheesy inside, like me, although it would be good if it's black." 
"I wouldn't eat it if it's black because it reminds me of Kim Myungsoo." I made a face and laughed while he pouted at me.
"Aww, my babe is so cute." I chuckled at him and grabbed the cupcake on his hands. I grabbed a spoon and tasted a bite of the cupcake. Well, it is really delicious and really cheesy like he said. But it melts deliciously in my mouth.
"Mmm~ it's good!" I said to him and gave him my eyesmile.
"Told you, beautiful." He chuckled and grabbed a black cupcake. "Next in line is oreo cheese cupcake."
I tasted it and it's similar to red velvet except this one has oreo. Myungsoo gave me more cupcakes and I think I'm full enough. The high school students still hadn't left as they were still waiting for me, I guess.
"Myungsoo ah." I stood up and called him. He looked at me questioningly. "Let's go to school now." I pecked his lips.
He nodded and stood up beside me. He put in the remaining cupcakes back in the box and carried them in one hand as his other hand grabbed my hand. He kissed me before we went out of the cafe and to his car. I seriously need to get used to his fast accelerating and his car's loud engine.
When we arrived, we quickly got off the car and ran to the Science Lab because we had biology. It's sad that we had to part each other because my lab partners were one of Byunghun's friends, Lee Chanhee, or what he likes to be called Chunji and a classmate of mine, Lee Gyeonghwan. I wish I had some smart girls as my partners but no, this teacher just picked randomly, ugh. These boys are dumb enough to know algebra. While my partners were Chunji and Gyeonghwan, guess who is Myungsoo's partners? Suzy Bae and Kim Hyojun. I'm glad Hyojun is with him but the fact Suzy is one of his partners, I can't accept it. Hyojun can just attract Myungsoo's attentiom since they are guys and well, guys do have their talks sometimes.
"How do you do this?" Chunji whined. We were doing an experiment about the parts of a frog.
"Is that the brain?' Gyeonghwan asked with his eyes widened. "I thought frogs don't have brains."
"Shut up and just let me do it." I hissed them away. 
I am one of the smartest people in class but I don't rank myself as first. I spent my childhood learning with Yoona's parents. They taught me and sometimes joke with me.
I did what I can do and I successfully helped them by answering their questions about the frog. What's so disgusting about it anyway? I love Biology because we can do such experiments like this!
I was writing down the answers on my sheet paper until I sensed someone standing infront of my table. I looked up and I saw Myungsoo smirking at me.
"Go back to your seat, idiot." I mumbled and continued to copy the answers from Chunji's sheet.
"But I'm so bored there. Hyojin is working with the frog thingy and Suzy is annoying to me." He pouted.
"How if Mr Jung saw you here?" I frowned but he just shrugged casually.
"Go back to your seat, silly. We have few more minutes until Biology ends and we can go back to class and sit together again, okay?" I said and he sighed as he sadly went back to his seat.
After we finished solving the problems about the frog, me, Chunji and Gyeonghwan started to chat with each other. Gyeonghwan was telling us his funny stories about him and his siblings. How I wish I have an older sibling. Gyeonghwan is a really humorous type of guy. He ain't that hot nor cute but what make girls like him was his playful side and lame jokes. Chunji is a cute guy. His face is like a baby; soft and white. Despite his short height and clumsiness, he still manages to make girls like him.
"Did you know that Suzy is finding a new prey in another school?" Chunji suddenly asked. I raised my eyebrows at him.
"I saw her yesterday in St. Andrews. She was acting pitiful when someone bumped into her. A guy found her and comforted her. As usual, with Suzy's amazing acting skills the guy didn't notice a thing about her." Chunji said carefully and glanced at Suzy's table to make sure she doesn't hear us.
"What the hell is she doing? Can't she find another better thing to do other than getting laid by strangers?" I snickered.
"Like a mosquito. Not enough pleasure, find more pleasure." Gyeonghwan smirked.
"I don't know." Chunji shrugged. "Some people say she is a e and some say she just does it as her hobby and she likes the pleasure under her."
I felt uncomfortable that we are reaching the most disturbing topic ever.
"How do you even feel how that thing enters us? Isn't it suppose to hurt?" I bit my lips.
"It does. Just imagine-" 
"The hell!" I cut Gyeonghwan off.
"-a raw long and thick meat entering your body. It hurts more than trying to get rid of a thick ." Gyeonghwan still continued.
"Ew, Hwan ah!" I made a face at him.
"It's true anyway. Girls will feel the pain while guys will have to suffer on how tight the girls' hoods are." Chunji shrugged.
"The hell, you erts! Have you guys even done it?!" I widened my eyes, My innocent ears!
"I did once. Guys don't even feel any pain unless that girl bites our ahem meat." Chunji said.
"I'm still clean!" Gyeonghwan raised his hands up, acting innocent.
"Ew, why are we even talking about this anyway!" I tried to change the subject.
"Tsk, this junk started it!" Gyeonghwan flicked Chunji's forehead. Honestly, Gyeonghwan's flicks are the deadliest ever. Chunji hissed out loud, almostcurse, and rubbed his forehead.
Soon after, Mr Jung finally dismissed us and I quickly packed my things as I rushed out of the smelly lab. Just as I took a few steps, Myungsoo almost made my heart dropped by rushing to my side.
"God dammit, Myungsoo! I thought I had a heart attack!" I punched his arms and hissed. I tried to walk faster back to my class, which was two blocks awayfrom the lab block, but Myungsoo was quicker. 
"Don't you miss me?" Myungsoo pouted as his arm s around my waist while the other one held his file along his pencil case.
"I did. Gyeonghwan and Chunji were being dirty s, I felt so uncomfortable." I pouted and leaned closer to his chest while we were walking to the next block we had to walk through in order to go to our classroom.
"Hm, but you will be doing it someday." He smirked and poked me lightly by my sides.
"W-What?" I raised my eyebrows. "I'm only planning it until I am married, so don't think about it until I'm already married!"
"And I thought you are a mean and has more knowledge than I have but no, you are so innocent like a baby!" He pinched my cheeks and I pulled away.
"No! It huuuurts!" I squeaked loudly as I rubbed my cheeks.
"You don't have that much of cheek fats, baby." He chuckled and kissed my precious cheeks.
"Can I have more on my lips?" I puckered my lips and giggled silently.
"Aww, see you do love my lips." He kissed my lips and I heard a shout at the back though I clearly knew who it was.
"Get a room, you two!" Gyeonghwan playfully shouted and a few laughters were heard. 
I blushed while looking down but Myungsoo proudly grinned and made us walk faster to class, afraid if we were late or whatsoever.
"You want ice cream, beautiful?" Myungsoo asked me as it was our lunch break.
"Yes, charming." I nodded.
"Well, I found a mochi shop nearby." He told me.
"Let's go then!" I chirped. "But let's just walk." I made a face, I don't want my heart to pound hard now.
As usual, we went to the back of the school and out from the small gate we would always use. We ran first so that no one saw us until we are out of the school grounds. We had to pass through St. Andrews to go in the city and shops. Myungsoo, like always, held my hand throughout the walk. Just as we were infront of St Andrews, we saw Suzy infront of the entrance. We stopped and tried to hid as we slowly tiptoed to spy. I went behind Myungsoo as he still held my hand. He suddenly squeezed my hand and I tried to peek what was she doing. When I found out, I could see Suzy liplocking with a guy outside the school's gate, just like what Chunji said. I silently frowned. Does Myungsoo still loves Suzy? Then why did he squeeze me like an arrow flew through his chest? I sighed mentally and thought, maybe he still doesn't love me.
I shook his shoulder lightly and gave a look that we should just go back to school. He seemed hesitant a bit but eventually agreed to. We hurriedly ran back to the small gate we went and went to our class. I felt betrayed and sad so I told Myungsoo that I'll be with Krystal and Hara, and he should hand out with his friends. Though he looks a bit disappointed that I won't be with him, I thought that he was just forcing himself to love me when he clearly still loves that Suzy. I gave a half hearted smile and ran off to my friends' usual table. They were all there; Krystal and her boyfriend, along with his friends, Hara and her boyfriend, Byunghun and Chunji. They were joking around and laughing, I missed them. I quietly approached their big table and Krystal noticed me.
"Jinri!" She chirped happily. I gave a small smile and waved. The others then greeted me and invited me to sit. Byunghun grinned cutely at me and patted an empty space beside him. I happily sat beside him and Chunji was also beside me.
"So?" Hara asked me teasingly. I raised my eyebrows confused.
"You're a couple with L Kim right?" Hara said. The others, except Krystal, Hara, Byunghun and Chunji, then stared at me in shock. I just shyly nodded my head.
"How is it to be his girlfriend?" Krystal asked me.
"It's just like you guys. Nothing special." I gave a small smile.
Krystal eyed me suspiciously and frowned.
"Well, you should invite him to sit here next time." Hara smiled at me and I just gave a small nod with a fake smile, hoping it would convince her that I'm fine with him or something. Then, they made jokes again especially done by Ricky and Niel, Byunghun's gang.
Byunghun knew me much more. He shrugged my side and I turned at him.
"What's wrong?" He whispered at me. I could feel that Krystal kept glancing at me.
"What do you mean? Nothing is wrong." I mumbled at him.
"I know you, Choi Jinri. What happened? Did Myungsoo do something?" Byunghun asked me. I sighed at him.
"Myungsoo and I saw Suzy kissing someone and he just suddenly squeezed my hand. I saw his eyes turned a bit sad and broken." I muttered sadly.
"I think he still loves her. He loves her while he just likes me. Love and like is different, Byunghun. I don't know what to do." I continued. Byunghun just sat there, staring at me.
"What.. Are you avoiding him now?" He asked and I nodded.
"I felt uncomfortable and uneasy with him now because I now know that his love for me is not sincere. What can I do? You know I hate talking about Suzy. He himself told me not to talk about her again so we can just focus on our relationships." I said.
"Just try to talk with him." He told me.
"But there will just be fights and more avoidings. It would also mean break up." I frowned.
"Don't think about that, Jinri. You guys could reconcile again. Yes, there will be fights I guess but you guys can make it up." He shrugged.
"Okay, fine. But how?" I raised my brows.
"Ask him straightforward."  
"Straightforward?" I frowned.
"Yes. You're going to move out today right?" He suddenly asked me and I nodded.
"Why? Miss me already?" I tried to joke.
"Tsk, yes of course." He chuckled. "Anyway, I think you should discuss that Suzy thingy in his car while you are on the way to our apartmen- wait, that'll cause an accident if Myungsoo went angry. Maybe after you finished putting the boxes in the car, you guys can discuss- wait but vases could be broken if something went wrong. God! What's the less trouble that could happen?!" Byunghun tried to help but, he failed.
"But then it'll be weird if you just unpacked your things in his house then IF you guys had a fight, you'll move back in our apartment.." He continued while frowning.
"I think we should stop now. You are making me more nervous and sad." I frowned at him.
"Oh, sorry." He chuckled and patted me. He gave me a comforting peck on my forehead and his eyes told me not to worry. I smiled at him then I remembered he wanted to talk with me.
"Byunghun ah, you wanted to talk with me last night?" I asked.
"Oh, right! You remember that Hoya dude?" He pointed out and I nodded. Then something clicked me.
"Is that him?! The nice guy from St. Andrews?" I widened my eyes.
"Yeap. Oh my god, I'm so glad Myungsoo is his cousin! This is like fate. He is so cool." He said dreamily.
"Ew, you're acting like a girl now." I shivered. He just chuckled at me.
"But he is really perfect, right? He is handsome, cool and kind." He said.
"He can dance too! And he can do sports really well. Wow, you are really good at picking someone." I poked Byunghun and he laughed.
"Anyway, do you want me to grab you some lunch?" He asked me and I nodded.
"You don't mind having some fried noodles?" He grinned and I just shrugged.
"Just buy me something, idiot. Hurry, I'm hungry!" I whined. He chuckled and went to buy my lunch. Then, I heard my phone had a beep.
baby, is something wrong? you are my best friend, jinnie. dont lie to me
okay fine.
i feel as if myungsoo still loves suzy.
why do you say so!
we saw suzy making out with someone and myungsoo just suddenly squeezed my hand. i saw his eyes turning sad and broken. 😔
Please don't tell this to Hara or anyone!
I'll handle this. I don't want more people to worry about my relationship.
I want them to see me as a strong girl who can stay forever by a flower boy eventhough it's hard to.
You too, krys. Don't worry about me, okay! 😌
it's okay, bby
I understand you.
I just want you to be happy. I'll be happy with any of your decisions okay.
You have me, and also Hara, to chat with! 😚
Thank you, bby. I love you 😘😘
I looked up to Krystal and she grinned at me. I also gave her a smile, signaling her that I'm okay.
When lunch was finished, it was time for the third subject before my classes all ends. I was worried a bit because Myungsoo was my seatmate. I should act normal then. Sigh... you should have told me in the first place, Myungsoo.
I came back with Krystal and Hara and I saw Myungsoo brightened up in his seat while he was talking with his friends. He waved at me and I just smiled. Hara hugged me before going to her seat while Krystal gave me a comforting pat on the shoulders as she gave me a warm smile.
"Hey, I missed you." He smiled at me as I approached my seat. His friends went back to do whatever they were doing.
"I missed you too." I nodded and saf on my seat.
"We're moving in today right?" He asked me and I nodded.
"Howon will help us bringing the boxes. Then, we could go eat dinner out, maybe with Howon since he helped us out a lot." He said and I nodded again. Then, Myungsoo noticed me being mute.
"Hey, is something wrong?" He asked me. "If it's about the ice cream, I'm sorry-"
"Nothing is wrong. I can get those ice creams anytime." I scoffed with sarcasm.
"Why are you being like this?" He frowned.
"What do you mean? This is me. The cold and mean Choi Sulli/Jinri." I said. "If you don't like me being like this, then you should've think better before you ask me to be your girlfriend."
"Why are you acting like this?" He ignored my statement and shook my arm.
"I told you, nothing happened. Now stop looking like a wimp and let me read my book." I hissed and took out my book from my bag.
"Can you just tell me if something happened!" He said frustratedly.
"Fine! If I really need to continue this, I need to confirm our trust and sincere because I can't accept it if it's not planted!" I finally blurted.
"What are you talking about! I am honest and sincere about everything!" He exclaimed and now people started staring at us.
"You know what, let's just discuss this later." I snickered and minutes after the teacher finally came as she started the lesson.
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Smily0 #1
Update soon!!!!!
Chapter 10: pls update it
Chapter 10: Kyungsoo lol XD haha
Thanks for the update author-nim~ :D
Btw, did I miss out Sungyeol in this fic?
I dont think I remembered what character he's playing.. :P
Ssulbias #4
Chapter 10: I guess Myungsoo will be a musician. I hope Myungsoo and Jinri wont be separated. Btw, nice chapter ^^
Ssulbias #5
Chapter 10: I guess Myungsoo will be musician. I hope Myungsoo and Jinri wont be separated. Btw, nice chapter ^^
Ssulbias #6
Chapter 9: I dont want Myungsoo to be an idol. It will be difficult for him and Sulli. Btw, Update soon .
Chapter 9: Wow that was a loooooooooooooooooooong chapter XD
And lmao Dongwoo "I can give you some of MY clothes" XD hahahahahahaha I can imagine Myungsoo in a skirt/pants thingy with colorful socks and weird snapback caps :P
Update soon author-nim :D
P.S. Absolutely LOVED the ;D
Wowww..... Update soon....^^
zangsia1 #9
Chapter 9: nice update authornim
Chapter 7: waaaaaaaaaaaa! MyungLi. i hope Myungsoo forget Suzy and live happily ever after with Sulli. i can't wait for your next update. i hope more MyungLi moments.

Myungsoo-ah, just forget Suzy! aish.
Can someone punch Myungsoo? kidding. I hope someone would come and make him jealous and make him realize that he love Sulli more than Suzy. hehehe