

“Freedom!” Soojin cheered as she exited the classroom. She had finished her last exam and was feeling pretty good with how it went. Most of the questions were on dissociative disorders, and she had way more knowledge on the topic than what she read in books. It proved useful during the test.

“Why was that test so hard?” Her friend grumbled as she stepped beside Soojin.

“It was alright,” Soojin laughed. Jae always complained about the exams but did really well anyway. “Are you really going on a trip to Paris after graduation?”

Jae’s expression changed from dread to excitement. “Yeah! Graduation gift from my folks. I just can’t wait! Hyunshik’s even coming with me.”

“Do I hear wedding bells already?” Soojin joked, then caught a guy standing by the University gate. “Oh look who’s here,” she turned Jae towards the gate and gave her a little nudge. “You go on ahead.”

Jae laughed and hugged her friend. “See you on graduation!”

Soojin waved. “You know my address. I’ll be waiting for the wedding invitation!”

She watched as Jae ran up to her boyfriend and gave him a hug. Soojin felt a twitch of envy in her stomach, but shrugged it off as she turned to go to her bus stop.

“Jinnie!” Soojin turned to face the source of the familiar voice.

“Hakyeon! I’m free!” She waved and ran over to him.

He pulled her into a hug. “Congratulations!”

She pulled away laughing, then steeled herself as she caught sight of someone standing behind Hakyeon. “Taekwoon!”

The quiet boy smiled at her as she approached him, throwing her arms around his neck. He gave her a pat on the back then pulled her away from his body. “Soojin,” was all he said.

“I can’t believe you’re here!” Soojin beamed at him. “I heard you won the Thailand tournament. Congratulations! And your hair’s long!” She tugged on his ponytail.

A shy smile was Taekwoon’s only response. Soojin didn’t mind. She was used to the introvert already. And to think travelling so much and meeting a lot people should have pulled you out of your shell, she thought, watching her friend’s face.

Hakyeon pulled her out her thoughts. “Hop into the car, guys. Wonsik’s gonna freak if we’re late.”


“Yeah, it’ll be a mini reunion. So come on!” Hakyeon opened the car door for her.

The three left for a familiar restaurant in the middle of town. It wasn’t a large and fancy restaurant, but it had a very sentimental meaning for the group. They’d spent most of their celebrations in that restaurant – from birthdays to graduations and recitals.

Soojin took in the sight of the restaurant’s interior as they entered. There were a few people at the tables here and there, and a soft warm light filled the wide room. Hakyeon waved at the manager when they walked in. They were so familiar to the place that most of the staff knew them as well. The manager approached them by the door.

“Well, it certainly has been a while, Hakyeon, Soojin – and is this Taekwoon? I saw your game last weekend! You played really well! Quite the MVP, too,” the manager shook each of their hands, lingering a bit with Taekwoon.

Taekwoon bowed his head to hide his face. “Thank you.”

The manager laughed. “Still the shy kid I met years ago. Come on then. The others are already at your table. I swear Wonsik’s gonna throw a fit if you delay any longer.”

Hakyeon laughed. “We better not keep him waiting, then. Thanks, Mr. Kim!” He led the way to their usual table towards the back of the restaurant. Three boys sat at the table chatting. The youngest of them looked up and waved as they approached.

“Noona! Hyungs!” Sanghyuk called.

A boy with platinum blond hair turned to face them in his seat, a scowl on his face. Hakyeon pushed his shoulder before taking a seat across from him. Soojin sat beside Hakyeon, while Taekwoon followed and sat across from Wonsik, whose scowl had turned into an expression of surprise at seeing the introvert.

“Hyung! You’re back!” The third boy said, brushing his fringe aside.

“Did you meet any pretty girls in Thailand?” Wonsik prodded, apparently over his initial shock.

“Why? You planning to go there to pick up girls, Wonsik?” Hakyeon cut in, throwing a crumpled napkin at the other’s face.

“Just asking,” Wonsik made a face.

“He probably ran out of girls at their Uni already,” Sanghyuk laughed but quickly ducked as the napkin flew his way. “Noona!”

Soojin rolled her eyes. “Are you sure you guys are in college already?”

“Yep.” Wonsik fixed his gaze on her, a smirk on his lips. “And we’re lovin’ it!”

“What is this, some fast food commercial?” Soojin retorted. She and Wonsik often ended up bickering like this, but that didn’t mean they were mad at each other or anything. They both just had a way with words that they liked to practice with one another.

Hakyeon cut the practice short this time, though. “I don’t know about you guys, but I am hungry. Since we’re all here, let’s order something, alright?”

Soojin looked at her friends as they went through the menu. I wish we really were all here. A menu appeared in front of her, snapping her out of her reverie. She looked up to see Taekwoon with his eyebrow raised at her. She gave him a soft smile and told Hakyeon her order without looking at the menu.

“Why do you always order the same thing?” Hongbin asked her.

She smiled sweetly. “It’s my favorite. I don’t particularly change my tastes every so often.”

“Touché,” Hongbin laughed. He and Wonsik were known playboys. They didn’t really do it to hurt girls or whatnot, though. According to them, that is. If anything, they were actually charming more girls rather than hurting them. The two weren’t really into committing yet, just more into attracting. Soojin hoped they’d find the ones that would convince them otherwise.

Hakyeon leaned forward and addressed the youngest. “So, Hyukkie. You have a performance tomorrow?”

The college freshman nodded. “Yeah. It’s our year-end evaluation.”

“Shouldn’t you be practicing, then?” Wonsik asked.

“I’ll be going to the studio right after this. Hakyeon hyung lent me the keys.”

“That’s generous of him,” Soojin rolled her eyes at her best friend, and he looked back at her with a smile on his own face.

Hongbin’s loud cough broke their connection. “So, Jinnie. You’re finally graduating, huh?”

“I finally get my freedom!” She laughed.

“Speaking of freedom,” Hakyeon began. “Taekwoonie here will also be free for a while. So we’ve planned a trip.”

Soojin turned to the silent man beside her. “Really? You’re coming on a trip with us?”

“We ALL are, Soojin. Right after your graduation. It’s to celebrate!” Hakyeon said, giving her a sideways hug.

Soojin laughed, her excitement making her all bubbly. “This is gonna be so fun! Where are we going?”

"It's a surprise. Just get ready to leave after graduation day." Hakyeon winked.

Soojin pouted but got over it as soon as their food arrived. The group continued to chat as they ate, trying to catch up on each other's activities since the last time they'd all gathered together. It was almost three years ago; just before the two eldest graduated. Jaehwan had been acting all weird and had gotten into heated arguments with everyone - including Soojin. It wasn’t long after he was diagnosed that he disappeared from his dorm and stopped attending classes. He rejected any attempts to contact him until they understood to leave him alone, not knowing whatever actually happened to him.

After Jaehwan left, the group didn't meet up anymore. Even for Hakyeon and Taekwoon's graduation day. Wonsik and Hongbin had spent even more time with girls or going out drinking with some guys in their school. Taekwoon disappeared for training and tournaments with a professional soccer team and only kept in touch with Hakyeon and Soojin every now and then. Hakyeon opened his studio and taught dance. Hyuk and Soojin focused on school. They had somehow broken apart. Soojin watched her friends joke with one another, not really listening. She wished Jaehwan was with them. Everything would have been perfect.

"Soojin," she didn't realize that Taekwoon had been nudging her all along, trying to catch her attention.

"Ah, sorry, Taekwoon. I wasn't paying attention. What was it?" He handed her a napkin. She stared it, then at him.

"You have spaghetti sauce on your chin."

"Oh," Soojin giggled and wiped her chin with the napkin. "Thank you for bothering to use a full sentence to tell me," she teased. Taekwoon looked away and went back to finishing his food. Soojin focused on the conversation in front of her.

"... Really talented," Hakyeon was saying. "Their moves just flow so smoothly, even when freestyling. You should practice more to achieve that, Hyukkie."

Hyuk nodded at his hyung's advice. "I'll try to get all my moves down tonight. Are you gonna drop by the studio later, hyung?"

"Yeah, I think I will. Maybe I can help you out or something."

“Cool!” Sanghyuk stood. "So. I gotta go practice. I'll see you guys tomorrow if you're watching the performance."

Soojin protested. "Do you really have to go NOW?"

The younger boy laughed. "Yeah. I do NOT want to make a fool of myself tomorrow. We'll see a lot of each other on our trip, noona. Don't worry."

"Speaking of fools," Wonsik began, glancing at Hongbin. "We fools gotta get going, too. A guy in our class is holding a party and needs us to keep the girls around." They said their goodbyes and the three left.

Hakyeon turned to Taekwoon and Soojin. "I'll drive you two home."

They said goodbye to Mr. Kim and left. Hakyeon drove to Taekwoon's new condo first. Soojin got off with him and gave him a hug.

"See you tomorrow!"

Taekwoon patted her back. "Good night."

Soojin waved and took his place in the passenger's seat. Hakyeon honked before taking off.

"Why do you always give Taekwoon hugs? You rarely hugged me and Jaehwan!" Hakyeon pouted.

"Geez, Hakyeon. Sometimes I wonder if you really did finish college." Soojin rolled her eyes. "Taekwoon doesn't communicate easily through words, so actions are better to use with him."

"So now that you're graduating, you're using all that psych knowledge to make excuses, huh?"

Soojin laughed and tried to suppress a yawn. "Should I just say that he's more huggable, then?"

The car stopped as they reached a red light. Hakyeon looked at Soojin with narrowed eyes. She stuck her tongue out at him. “Stop acting jealous.”

“I’m not acting,” Hakyeon mumbled, driving on. Soojin watched him with amused eyes. You are just so precious, aren’t you?

Soojin couldn't remember when she started falling for her best friend. In fact, she didn't even know when it began. All she knew was that when she realized she had those feelings, Hakyeon was already deeply in love with another girl. Soojin found no courage to tell him her own feelings. The two drifted apart as Hakyeon spent more and more time with the girl that soon became his girlfriend, while Soojin buried herself under mountains of books. But now here they were again, years later, once again the good friends they had been. Hakyeon had broken up with the girl a little over a year ago, but Soojin still couldn't bring herself to tell him. It was cowardice, but she was also pretty happy with how they were now. Besides, he had no idea what had happened in the time they lost contact, and she couldn’t imagine telling him, either.

The car once again came to a stop. They had arrived at Soojin's apartment building. Soojin gathered her things and was about to step out, but was stopped. Hakyeon held her wrist.

"You're finally graduating," Hakyeon said softly. His eyes matched the tone of his voice as he gazed into Soojin's. Her heart thumped against her chest, and she found she was holding her breath.

Soojin coughed and forced a smile, as she turned away, hoping that the loud beating was only in her ears. “Yeah, I am. Now, I need to rest before I die of exhaustion before I even make it to graduation day.”

Hakyeon’s grip only tightened. Soojin sighed and turned to face him. The crazy Hakyeon being serious like this meant that there was something going on.

“Okay, spill it. What’s going on?”

It was Hakyeon’s turn to avert his eyes as he forced a chuckle. “Nothing…”

“You’re serious,” Soojin pressed. “You’re never serious.”

Hakyeon laughed, this time more fully but still softly. “I was just thinking of how time is flying by so quickly. I remember the day we met just like it was yesterday. You were so young and shy back then, but now... Here you are. All grown up.”

Soojin poked her tongue out, trying to joke to calm her heart. “Don’t forget that you’re much older than I am, Hakyeon.”

“Ouch,” Hakyeon made a face and let go of Soojin’s wrist. “Fine go and have some sleep. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at five, alright?”

“Alright, alright.” Soojin gathered her things and moved to exit the car, but was once again stopped by Hakyeon.

“Soojin,” he said. The tired girl turned to him, an exasperated look on her face.

“What now?”

Soojin’s voice caught in as Hakyeon’s body blocked her view and his lips brushed across her forehead. “Good night,” he added, smiling lightly at her.

Soojin frowned, her heart thumping even more wildly than before. “Uh, okay. Good night!” She got out and grabbed her books, rushing into her building without looking back. She had no idea what brought on her friend’s weird actions. Sure, they weren’t ever shy with skinship, but this was new.

Adrenaline pumped through the girl’s veins as she allowed herself to drop onto her bed. Whatever drowsiness she felt just moments ago was gone as she allowed what happened to replay in her mind over and over again. Something was up with that guy, and she was determined to find out.




None of the images I've been using are mine. Credit goes to those who've put in the effort to make them, although I don't really know who they are. Sorry! >.<

Anyway, to those who've read what I have so far, thank you for taking the time to do so! *waves at the subscribers I didn't think I'd get* I hope you like the story~~ It's gone through a lot of changes in the plot, but I've pretty much got everything down, now. XP

It's my exam week now, so I can't write as much (but lookie here, an update! >.<" I'm supposed to be studying microbiology naaaooo~)

Oh, btw! Everything's a bit light hearted at this point, but this was based off of hyde, so... yeah.

I'll do my best to update soon! 많이 기대해주세요!

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04/20/14 It's an "update" XD Happy Easter, everyone!


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Chapter 10: Oh my~ I think this is Jaehwan! He might do something bad to Hongbin >.<
Chapter 5: oohhh nice cliffhanger! I love it! <3
i am so in love with this fic(and of course vixx); u ;
Chapter 5: tbh, i kinda screamed which made my parents came out to my room. At last! You you youuuu.. updated! yeayy!~
Chapter 4: Good job!~
Yeoreumimnida #6
Chapter 4: akjsdlasdjalk keep it up^^
Yeoreumimnida #7
Chapter 3: its getting really good! update soon^^ and good luck~
Chapter 2: Uwaaahhh~ Awesome! I'm starting to like this story. *claps* I'm going to support you! Update soon author-nim. Fighting! *fist pump*