KPOP? What's that?

A Cinderella Story

2 Months Later: National University of Korea

It's your first day of school and you are dreading it. You've been plagued by insomnia leading up to the day and despite your eyebags being miraculously concealed under BB cream, your lack of enthusiam radiates through to those around you. 

'Sweetheart, you'll be able to make many new English-speaking friends!' Your mum says as she waits for the coffee machine to dispense her expresso. 

'The Koreans don't like me!' You wail. 'They think I'm weird!' 

You have been miserable the past two months. Having been fired from various jobs due to your inability to speak Korean, your co-workers also seem intimidated by you. 

'Baby, you're not weird. You're gorgeous! Your hair is naturally wavy and your blue eyes are beautiful! Many Koreans would kill to look like you!' Your mum reassures you as she gulps down the last drops of her espresso. 

'You say that just cause you're my mum.' You pout.

However you know your mum is right. Despite being half-Korean, you still look more Caucasian with your wavy, light brown hair and blue eyes. 

'Don't worry honey, love you!' Your mum yells as she dashes off to work, the front door slamming behind her. 

You did not tell your mum but you are mostly upset because he has not been online since you left US for Korea.

You have been logged into the forum, either on your iPhone or on your computer, every waking hour hoping to see him online. 

But he is no where to be seen.

You miss him terribly and your heart aches at every little thing that reminds him of you. Reading  and re-reading old conversations between you and him have been your sole source of comfort in his absence. 




As you reminisence about him, you realise that you have reached your new school. 

Fear and nervousness engulfs you once again and you can feel a hollowness in the pit of your stomach. 

Straightening your high-waisted jeans and Fall Out Boy shirt, you walk towards your first class in your latest pair of Dr. Martens. 

You enter your first class: English Literature, only to find that you are the only foreigner there, other than your teacher. 

'Psst! Hey! Did you catch what the professor just said?' 

You hear a voice next to your left and turn to find a beautiful Korean girl with a pleasant smile on her face. Her eyes were expertly lined with kohl pencil to accentuate their shape and her lips were a pretty shade of orange. Even with her black roots showing through her dyed blonde hair, she still looked stylish and chic. 

'Uh. Yeah.' You slide your notes over to her and smile.

'I'm ChaeRin by the way. But you can call me CL.' 

You introduce yourself to her and smile widely. Inside, you are squealing with joy:





After talking to her during the breaks, you find out that even though she was born in Korea, she has lived in almost every part of the world because of her dad's job as a researcher. 

'He's now in Alaska studying melting glaciers. But I'm old enough to live in Seoul on my own since my mum died when I was born.' She explains, shrugging her shoulders nonchalently. 

She explains that most of the people in this faculty know each other as they all come from the affiliated Korean International School, where all lessons are conducted in English. 

'Come on! Let's go to the cafeteria to grab some lunch!' 

She drags you by the arm and you are delighted as this is your first time eating lunch with someone else in Korea that is not your mum. 




As you approach the cafeteria, you can see a commotion going on. Girls are huddled outside,  whispering and clutching each other, pointing at something or someone. 

'OMO. what's going on? Let's check it out!'

CL drags me towards the mob and we tiptoe trying to see what is going on.

'뭐하는거야?' CL grabs a young girl who looks to still be in high school and asks her something in korean. 

'태양오빠왔어!' The girl squeals and points animatedly into the cafeteria. 

You look on puzzled. You did not understand what they just said. 

As CL hears the girl reply, you watch her lose her cool demeanor and she starts squealing like a five-year old. She jumps up and down grabs your hand. 

'OMG OMG! Taeyang oppa is back!' She squeals in a high-pitched voice that scares you. You think she has been possessed by that high school girl. 

'Uh... Who?' You question, mystified. 

She drops your arm and stares at you, dumbfounded. 

'You don't know who Taeyang is?! YOU DON'T KNOW HIM???' Her voice rises to yet another octave as you shake your head in response to her questions. 

'Ohgod. Babe, you need a lesson in Korean pop. Also known as KPOP.' She declares, shaking her head at your lack of such knowledge. 

'Let's go in. We are students here so we're authorized.' She stated, her poise recovered. 




Class was on-going for most students but since your class was cancelled, the cafeteria was almost empty. 

Still holding your hand, you and her head to the counter to order your food. 

'He's the one they're all squealing about.' She says, jerking her head in the direction of a few guys your age.

'Uh. Which one exactly?' You ask as they all look rather plain to you.

'The one with the faux hawk and white wifebeater.' She whisper urgently to you.

You manage to locate him and give him a once over. His tanned and chiseled face was rather cute and his arms looked very muscular. You nod to yourself.

Not bad...

Suddenly he looks up and his eyes lock onto yours. You gasp at the spark of electricity that seemed to course through you. Your heart seemed to stop beating and you forget to breathe. 

Then as if nothing happened, he looks back down and continues tapping away on his phone. 


You turn back to face CL. You can feel your face heat up and suddenly the cafeteria seems exceptionally stuffy. 

'Yo. You okay? You seem kinda flushed.' CL asks as she notes the look on your face.

You swallow.

'Yeah. Fine. Hungry. Haha.' You stutter sheepishly. 

'I know you think he's hot too.' She winks at you and grabs her tray, heading to a table near him. 

You follow her and curiousity gets the better of you as you peek at him again.

A burly guy next to him catches you peeking and gives you a death-glare that made you shrivel up inside.

During lunch, CL spills all the 411 on Taeyang.

Now you know that he's from 'the most awesome band in the world' called BigBang.

And that he is a year older than you but in the same course.

They recently embarked on a concert tour in Japan and released an album hence his absence from school. But their activities are not as hectic so now he is attending classes again.  

CL's phone rings shrilly in the middle of her reverie and she begins speaking rapid korean to whoever is on the line. 

You take your phone out too and see that there is a notification. 

Hey stranger ;) 


You are spazzing inside and fight to control from doing cartwheels around the cafeteria. You break into a wide grin and reply:

Where'd you go? ):

Sorry for my long hiatus. I was learning how to make sushi in Japan. :p

That's cute. ^^ Me want some!

Don't think the sushi will make it to US alive. :( 

You remember that he still does not know you are in Korea. You decide to break the news to him. 

I'M IN KOREA! ANNEONGHASAEYO OPPAAAA! been here for two months now! :D

You type excitedly into your phone. You look up to see CL gesturing at you. 

'I. GO. OUT. BE. RIGHT. BACK.' She mouths at you and points to her phone. You wave her away and look back at your phone. 

How do you like it here? :) Where are you? 

You decide to just go ahead and tell him your school and where you live. Maybe you would be able to meet him in real life. The thought of it excites you and you smile happily. 

I'm in Seoul! First-year major in English at NUK. my friend just ditched me in my school cafe. *bored* You? 

You hear a strangled sound and look up to see Taeyang choke on his drink. His friends pound his back as he struggles to clear his throat.

Even famous people have their embarrassing moments...

You smirk. 

Taeyang surveys the cafeteria once, then twice, then his piercing gaze lands on you. 
















A/N: oops. this was quite a long chapter. got carried away. ._. YAY! TAEYANG! what's he gonna do next? :O 

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I love cinderella story so this could be good but I was hoping it was a completed story
Chapter 14: I know it has been too long but if you see this please update! thanks
PaRRaP #3
Chapter 14: This so far is really good! I hope you update soon!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D
Chapter 14: update!!!!
Yeners #5
Chapter 14: OMO!! Please Update Soon!!
BigBang_VIP #6
Ahhh new reader!! Please update soon!! <333
Hehe youngbae is too cute to get angry with for long.
Aigooo, oppa, wae ireoni? <br />
Update soon ne?!<br />
~Ri Yeonnie-ah
Wae is youngbae being sooo poopish...?...cant wait to read more ^^
skyl_YB #10
waaaahhhhhhh!!!!<br />
YOUNGBAE you're such an !!<br />
anyways i love this fic!!<br />
kudos to the writer!<br />
update soon please thanks..^^