Seoul, Korea

A Cinderella Story

A/N: i decided to continue the story despite the lack of subscribers. was bored out of my mind waiting. heehee. guess which kpop star i picked? ;D



1400hrs LAX :

'I'll miss you.' 

'Me too.'

You and your best friend, Scarlet, embrace one last time as the last call for your flight echoes through the departure hall. 

Her eyes and nose are tinged red as she surpresses her tears. You also try to quell the rising lump in your throat as you are uncertain when you can visit her again once you have left. 

Turning away, you hand your passport to the immigration officer when you hear and anguish wail behind you and as you turn around, a figure hurtles towards you and pulls you into a crushing hug. 

Despite your shock, your lips are tugged into a smile as you witness your friend's overly melodramatic personality surface. Around the both of you, people are glancing over with questioning looks as she sobs into your shoulder. 

'It's okay babe, we can still Skype and Facebook and stuff. I promise you'll hear from me so often you'll get sick of me.' You say as you attempt to pry yourself from her vice grip. 

'Really? *sniff* Promise?'

She lifts up her pinky and i hook it with mine. 






3 days later Incheon, Seoul

You look around your apartment in Seoul. 

It is tiny compared to the suburban, picket-fenced home you lived in back in the US. 

Being densely populated, most residents in Seoul live in similar apartments. You like how cosy it is and the close proximity of the apartment to the train station and other shops. It is also close to your new school, National University of Korea (fictional), where you major in the English Language. 

That is the only course you can study due to your limited Korean. 

School starts in spring so for now, you have 2 months of freedom. 

You log into your computer at 8pm sharp, hoping to see him online at the usual time.


You wait for an hour, randomly surfing the net but his icon is still that morose shade of grey, indicating his absence from the Net. 


A conversation window pops up and you feel a sense of excitement only to see it is Scarlet on Windows Messenger. 



You've completely forgotten the time difference between Seoul and USA! When you chat with him at midnight in US, it is the midday for him! Laughing at your own silliness, you sign out of the forum chat and talk to your BFF on messenger. 



That night as you head to bed, you set an alarm for you to wake up at 6am so that you can chat with him online.

As you drift off into a deep slumber, you wonder: what is he doing up so early everyday?? 





A/N: i dont like my chapters to be too long~ i'll reveal who is the kpop star next chapter~ STAY TUNED! 

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I love cinderella story so this could be good but I was hoping it was a completed story
Chapter 14: I know it has been too long but if you see this please update! thanks
PaRRaP #3
Chapter 14: This so far is really good! I hope you update soon!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D
Chapter 14: update!!!!
Yeners #5
Chapter 14: OMO!! Please Update Soon!!
BigBang_VIP #6
Ahhh new reader!! Please update soon!! <333
Hehe youngbae is too cute to get angry with for long.
Aigooo, oppa, wae ireoni? <br />
Update soon ne?!<br />
~Ri Yeonnie-ah
Wae is youngbae being sooo poopish...?...cant wait to read more ^^
skyl_YB #10
waaaahhhhhhh!!!!<br />
YOUNGBAE you're such an !!<br />
anyways i love this fic!!<br />
kudos to the writer!<br />
update soon please thanks..^^