Chapter 9: Yuma guy again

crazy little good looking boy.

I waited for about less than an hour... As I watch these teens have their faces and dresses fixed, I really am fantasized by it, since it is also my first time to be in a dressing room and see it personally. Of course I've already experienced being fixed by professionals or whatsoever make up artists back in our place... But this feeling is like, "Whoah" and like encouraging me to go for this job in the future...

Yah I'm day dreaming again.... I came back into myself when Yamada's standing right in front of me. I look at him from head to toe.. It feels like, he's completely different person when it comes to concerts... It just feels like because I really am not aware of his private life..

Our eyes met and I felt like my heart's a bit pounding so I turned my head to forget that feeling... He brought his face near mine....I can feel his breath then he just laugh..

"Eh? You're falling in love with me now?" he said with a teasing voice.

"As if!" I said in English, same as my tone every time I say it back in the Philippines.

"Yamada-kun! You guys shall go to stage now..." one of the staffs said.

Of course I'm relieve since I hate him doing makes me feel.......tense.


I was startled after I heard that loud cheering voice of them... I look towards them and there they're doing something like "Hompiyang" in our country... Like when playing, we're doing that to determine the protagonist or something like "out". But to them, it's not a play...but they do it to cheer up themselves...

Yah I know my part...I should go to the audiences' chairs and watch them from afar.

I went out of the room...without thinking, I'm walking down the corridor..without knowing which way should I take.

"URGH! This place is too cozy! I don't know where's that damn way." I said while scratching my head.

I was about to give up when I notice someone's leaning against the wall. Yah he's familiar and feels like I saw him before.

Meanwhile, Yamada's a bit nervous since it's his first time performing in front of Suzuki... He just realized that she already left when he's self-rehearsing. From the backstage, he's peeking to the audience and looks for her. Then that's the time he realized that it's her first time here. He planned on running towards the door and look for Suzuki. Unfortunately, Chinen blocked him.

"Yuma said he's on his way here on the backstage.. I bet she's with him." Chinen said.

He clenched his fist.

Back to me.... Yah it's the Yuma guy, handkerchief boy, tree monkey.. Ha ha. That's his names I made since I've already known him for some time now.

"So you're lost?" he said and about to laugh.

Embarrassed, I nodded slowly.

He told me the way and he said that he's also in his way to the audiences so he went with me. While walking, he told me many things about Yamada's career and also others' career. He doesn't talk much about himself and since this is my first time talking to him directly and seriously, I really have no clue about him.

"You really resembles her...." Yuma murmured without the intention of telling me.

"What? And who?" I asked out of curiosity... Of course I would be interested because maybe I can use that "her" against Yamada.

"Ah... Oh.... I said.. It's Yamada's first time inviting such a clumsy girl." he said changing the topic.

It really is obvious that he changed it to get rid of the topic.I'm curious about his last sentence, "It's his first time bringing such a clumsy girl.". Is it because it's his first time bring ing a girl or just that he brings so many girls here but the kind of more ladylike than me. Urgh maybe he won't answer it if I ask him....... But maybe I should try.

"What do you mean?" I asked after spacing out.

"It's his first time.... Because it's prohibited for us.. Things like bringing or having girlfriends." Yuma answered.

"He He...... EH?! I'm not his girlfriend! NEVER!" I shouted. Yah I was a bit flattered at first but when I realized that what he said is bringing their girlfriends, I was really shocked!

"Ha Ha... You're so cute!" he said and he pinched my chicks.

Eh? He has this side? Ha Ha

"Let me see your ticket." he said and I open up my mini bag and took out the ticket.

"Here." I said giving the ticket.

"Eh? So V.I.P? Yamada gave it nee?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Let's go!" Yuma said and pulled me to the stadium's direction. 

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cant wait for your next update~!
no__im_asian #2
kawanie #4
Love your story!!! i'v just been introduced to Jpop, and Hey Say Jump, and i find your story very amusing can't wait 4 you to write more ^.^
One main prob.:<br />
I don't know how to express their FEELINGS! O-M!<br />
Ahh.. Thanks for subscribing ! hehehe
its great as always :)<br />
<br />
its great jeje <br />
<br />
great job
xNadsxKitex #8
Too Good. >.<<br />
Update soooon!! :DD<br />