Trust Me, I Love You


Yeon Hee always had trouble trusting people after her parents abandoned her when she was 8 years old. But there was one guy who changed all of that and his name was Zhang Yixing. He had transferred to her school from China while they were in 5th grade. He ended up leaving her in 6th grade to go back to China and she had lost trust in people again. What will happen when he comes back? Will she trust him? Will he crawl his way back in her heart?




Shin Yeonhee

  • 17 years old
  • Loves to dance and sing
  • Has no trust in people
  • Kind of a loner
  • Used to like Yixing but she's not sure now


Zhang Yixing (Lay)

  • 17 years old
  • Loves to dance and sing
  • Very friendly
  • Had a crush on Yeonhee and still does
  • In a popular group called EXO



Top (Left to right): Kris, Tao, Kai, Lay, Sehun, Chanyeol

Bottom (Left to right): Chen, Xiumin, Luhan, Suho, D.O, Baekhyun

Hi Everyone! This Is My First Story So I'm Sorry If It's Terrible /.\ I'll Try My Best To Update Frequently ^.^ I Don't Own Any Of The Pictures Used And I Made Up The Plot Myself So If It's Similar To Anyone Elses, It Wasn't Intended.

I Rewrote The First Chapter Of My Story! Please Reread It!(:


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Chapter 3: I wonder why Yixing doesn't recognize her. I mean, aren't there any resemblances or is he just trying to play dumb or did something happen to him. Hmm..

Anw,thanks for updating ^
goziLay #2
Chapter 2: please update author-nim!!!!
key2391 #3
Please update I'm justb dieing to know what happen c:
key2391 #4
Chapter 1: Wow good job author nim
Chapter 1: Hi! I've encountered your story today, and i think it is fantastic! I'll wait for your updates!
key2391 #6
Chapter 1: Hey this is good keep updated ing I can't wait to see what this story leads too c: