little green monster

Angry puppy

*Jonghyun pov*

'Am I jealous?'

This thought has been going through my head ever since the pool party. I hate the way he was clinging on to Ji Hoon or the way that guy was holding my Key. 

Right now I'm walking to his dance practice. Since the showcase is coming up, all parts of the Fine Arts departments are busy getting ready and since the dance department is mixed in with other groups they have to practice longer.

I get to the building and check the time. They usually be done by now but I can still hear music. I go inside and follow the sounds. I walk into the room then just stop. 

Key is in the middle of the room dancing to 'Beautiful Dream' By Beyonce. The way he was moving his hip had everyone hypnotized, including me. Soon a guy named JoKwon and a girl came and started dancing too. The girl and JoKwon started battling but she lost and the other turn his way to Key.

It was both funny and y to watch them like that.

When they stopped everyone cheered for them. They bowed and everyone stated to pack up and go. Some people said 'hey' to me as they walk by. No one but Key and Ji Hoon were left in the room. The cat boy picked up his bag then ran to me and gave me a quick kiss.

"Hey Jjongie!" I smile. "Hey babe."

"Hey Jonghyun." I give him a wave. "Hey JI Hoon."

We walk out the building. The other two was walking in front of me and I was trailing behind them.

"Hey pup, what are you doing tomorrow?", Key turns his head and asks.

"Nothing why?" They stop walking.

"Me, Joon and Ji over here are going to the movies. Wanna come?"

"Sure" He gives a shout of happiness making me and the other boy laugh.

We continued walking, talking about what movie to see when an unwanted voice yelled out my name. 'This is going to get bad.'

"Jonghyun oppa!" Sooyung ran and gave me a hug, which I quickly broke away from. She pouts at me then turns to the others. 

"Oh hi Key.", she says with a little wave. He doesn't say anything, just glares at her. She then looks at Ji Hoon and give him a flirty smile.

"Kibum, who is your friend?", she ask, trying to be cute.

Key crosses his arms and narrows his eyes at her. "His name is Ji Hoon and he isn't interested in what you're selling." She looks offended and says,

"Kimmie you can't keep all the guys to yourself, but then again you are the one to hop around to different guys."

Ok now she has went to far.

"What did you say?" Key asks. His pupils has turns into slits and his ears and tail are standing straight up. His nails are getting sharper and you could hear low growling coming from him.

She smirks at him. "You heard me Kimmie."

She's dead.

Key jumps at her but I managed to catch him around the waist. He gripped my shoulder and I could still feel him growling. Sooyung jumps back with a yelp.

"Yah oppa he tried to hurt me~"

"What the hell did you expect! Now what do you want?" I just wanted to let my kitty go and let him get her.

Her ears flattens on her head. "The teacher wants to see you again about your song. He said you have to pick another one because its already been picked by another student." I sigh.

'Of course'.

I set Key down but keep my arms around around him. "I'll meet you back at the dorms ok?" He gives Sooyung another glare but nods. I was only able to give a peck on the lips before I was pulled away.

She had grabbed my wrist and was dragging me away. I looked back and saw the others walking away with the taller's one arm around the shorter's one shoulder. I wanted to go back and push them apart but this girl had a strong grip on my wrist.

No one pov

The other two watched as the girl pulled Jonghyun away. 

"That !", Key said angrily.

"You know that she wants to lose you're cool right? You shouldn't even worry about her. She's nothing compared to you." JI Hoon was trying to calm the other down.

Key took in a deep breath and relaxed his shoulders. 

"I know, she just gets on my nerves and pisses me off."

The taller boy put his arm around the other. "Come on and lets go to that coffee shop you always talk about. The one with the six blondes."

Key smiles and they walk off, unaware of the eyes that was watching them.

This update took longer than I wanted it too but I got it done. Also

I start college Monday! DX

But on another side I told my crush how I felt about him. He never really said how he felt but it was ok because we are still friends so it all worked out. yay

And if you haven't seen the video of Key dancing to 'Beautiful Dream' then you need to its funny but at same I was like 'THAT !' lol

So that's all for now (sorry for the short chapter)

ja ne


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Chapter 2: i liked it so far.its good
Chapter 2: Omg i died at "the coffe shop with the six blondes" XD My Baby feels!
Chapter 2: Great chapter! I love how you made Key almost jumped her that would have been funny! I also saw that video of Key dancing Sweet Dreams I love it! ^_^ P.S. Good for you and your crush also good luck in college.
Chapter 1: I think this is a great story so far! I can't wait for the next chapter! ^_^ Also sorry about your crush moving away :(