(Onew) Space

Help! I've Switched Bodies with a KPOP Star!

It was so weird to walk down the street and not be rushed from all sides by people, girls, demanded all sorts of things. They just walked past Onew like he was nothing. It was nice, but Onew still had an unconscious desire to go find a pair of sunglasses and a hat, due to the fact that he had to do it every single day of his life since his debut in SHINee. It was just a primitive act now, and to not have either/or was like missing a limb.


“You don’t need them,” he muttered to himself. “Nobody knows who you are.”


Nobody knows who you are, he thought. Now there's something to think about. Even though he was rushing to find Ara, there was a pleasure bubbling inside of him that he only slightly didn't notice. He could actually breathe; intake oxygen, run around, wave his arms around-- He had personal space, and this baffled him, as well as amazed him. It was uplifting; fans constantly surrounding an idol was one of the most troubling things... He felt weightless, surprisingly enough.


Coming to a crosswalk, he stopped, waiting for the light to change. He glanced around a little and unintentionally made eye contact with some guy a short ways away who, too, was waiting for the light. The other male smirked at him, eyeing him up and down. Onew quickly turned away, eyes wide.


What in the- he stopped himself; the light turned and he walked quickly across the street. That had to have been among the oddest things to happen to him. Why would a guy smile like that at him?


Oh wait… Onew felt like smacking himself in the head.




Girl body. Of course that guy would stare at him like that, the ert. Onew looked over his shoulder and threw a glare at the boy, before he continued walking.


Of course, people didn’t know who was actually in this body; all they saw was a college-aged girl walking down the street and heading for SM Entertainment. Speaking of which, he was only about a block from SM Entertainment by now. Only a few more minutes until…Onew didn't know. He doubted that they would just let him see... Himself. The chances of him even getting past the line of security right at the front of the building was one in a trillion, and if they heard what had happened, if he told them his story, he'd be sent to the nearest mental institution in a blink of an eye.


That being said, what were the chances of Ara showing up at SM the exact moment he did?


He admitted that it was pretty slim.


And even if she did…


He did...


Whichever;  would he even be able to talk to her/him? Would he even have a chance?


The chances slimmed even more. He sighed in aggravation.


It wasn’t like he could tell them he was the Lee Jinki a.k.a. Onew of SHINee, and that he’d switched bodies with a fan.


He snorted at that, seeing the blog posts already:


Crazed Fan Believes She’s Onew!


Fangirl Still Tripping After Last Night’s Concert.


Then again, the question of why was he even worrying about this so much crossed his mind.


This was his chance to start over, get away from the stress, to live a normal life, like a normal person...




That was why. Did she want this? Onew stopped and thought for a moment. This was his wish, wasn't it? Did he unintentionally put an innocent girl into his hectic life? But then again, he knew how many fans were dying to get an inside scoop at the idol life. She seemed like a dedicated fan... Maybe she did want this, after all.


But even if she did, she had no idea what she was in for. Onew outwardly winced at the thought, feeling a sudden wave of fatigue pull at his body.


Just then, his stomach decided to tell him that it didn’t appreciate not being fed yet. Onew sighed and glanced around, spotting a café across the street from SM Entertainment. He quickly dug into Ara’s purse and pulled her wallet out, biting the inside of his cheek while doing so.


Was this right? This was her wallet, with her money in it.


Onew frowned; but he was her…


And she was him… Onew let out a frustrated sigh, as well as a growl.


It was all so confusing!


Finally, he told himself to it up and buy himself breakfast.


They were either stuck like this, in which case her stuff was his and vice-versa, or they’d straighten things out and he’d pay back what he’d taken. Time would only tell.


There was a short line when he got inside. Onew moved to the back of the line and stood there. As a couple of minutes passed, he began to feel antsy and unconsciously started hopping around in the balls of him feet and glancing out the front window.


“Couldn’t get enough of them last night, huh?”


The voice startled Onew. He jerked around to see another guy who’d sidled up next to him. This one wasn’t staring at him like the other one had. Instead he stood casually, one hand in a pant’s pocket, the other holding a cup of coffee. His suit jacket was ed and he gave off an air of self-importance. He probably worked in the building next door since Onew hadn’t met this man before... Ever.


Someone who looked to be a business associate was standing a couple of feet away, also with a coffee cup. He seemed bored as he played with his phone. Onew had the feeling, from where he didn’t know, that this was a regular occurrence with them. It wasn't a good feeling; Onew felt unease tug at the pit of his gut.


This must be another reflex of some sort. Ara must not like these people.


“You know that’s where SHINee shows up right?” the stranger stated matter-of-factly.


“Yeah,” Onew nodded.


“I guess you really are a hardcore fan, huh?”


“Something like that,” Onew replied sheepishly, before looking down. He tried to disconnect with them; he wanted the other guy to go away. Thankfully the other seemed to get the hint and left, partner in tow. Onew breathed a sigh of relief and realized that he was next. He quickly ordered himself a bagel and coffee, paying for it with a bit of guilt.


But hey... He had to eat.


His order came up and he picked a table by the window, so if or when Ara showed up, he could make a quick escape and hopefully be able to talk to her, even for a minute. Just a minute was all he needed, to make sure she was okay...


He was about a third of the way through his meal when he spotted who he swore was Jonghyun; Onew did a double-take, before gasping.


It was Jonghyun, and from the way he was walking, he was obviously very annoyed at something or someone.


Me. Onew automatically thought of himself. Who or what else would the other member be angry at? Jonghyun was rarely ever upset, let alone angry, and the only reason he was angry lately was because of him.


But if he's angry at me, as he has been, then he must have taken his anger out on Ara. Onew had a sinking feeling that things had not gone well this morning. Oh god, what did Ara do?


What did she have to do? Onew sighed. Anything Onew did lately set Jonghyun off like a bomb. He debated going out there, but decided against it.


What point would it serve? None; he'd look like a fan attacking the lead singer of SHINee.


In fact, talking to Jonghyun, or even letting Jonghyun see him with "Onew" might just make things worse for Ara.






~*~Author/Co-Author's Note~*~

Hello~! And greetings so soon! ^o^

I'm giving a HUGE thank you to BigBangontheBlockB for this chapter; holy crap, you wrote so much so fast, and this chapter is fantastic :O *bows 360 degrees*

So we hope you enjoyed this chapter, and we'll see you soon! ^^ -ArtisticSeoul


BigBangontheBlockB - I feel bad for having so much fun with this chapter and tormenting Onew ^_^

(bad coauthor, go sit in the corner!)


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Oh god, I accidentally forgot to hide an unfinished chapter and the fic updated itself. >< Sorry for the false alarm guys. :(


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Ooof i stumbled upon this and I’m highkey excited to check this out!
Chapter 38: Woot! It ended well :D The ending is so adorable. Absolutely loved it ^^
leemaknae93 #3
Chapter 38: OH MY GOD you didn't just ended it like that!??? We barely seen onra moments!!! How!! Could!! You!!!!!!!!
Chapter 38: OH MY GOSH. I love it, yet... I'm sad... Both because it ended and you're not here to reply me anymore... D':
Amylie #5
Chapter 38: Thanks for the story! I really like it. They're both together in the end. It's a good ending. Thanks again! I really enjoy reading it.
Totally07Asian13 #6
Chapter 38: Oh what a cute, adorable, and freaking fluffy ending! I love this story and I like how it has a good ending. Anyways a wonderful read and a lovable story. I'll always love it.
Isalovestaemin #7
Tomboy84 #8
Chapter 38: Superb ending! I really loved this fic! It's sad your leaving butI guess you have to.
Chapter 38: Omg that ending chapter was seriously the cutest thing I loved it! Thankyou so much to the both of you for writing this fanfic! It's a shame you'll be leaving but we understand :) ~
Chapter 38: OMG such amazing ending! It's sad that you won't be writing anymore~ your a really good author :/ oh well I'll respect your decisions :P ^^