Not So Bad


Who knew walking alone into a little coffee shop would make you enjoy people a little more. 


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Chapter 1: This is really nice.. I remember a story I wrote a few years back but its a yesung/oc this is quite similar..

Anyway, I like the overall feel of the story and how well written it was.

Great work
Chapter 1: OMGOSH. You make my days... ;_;
Your stories are always so cute/sweet/reality-like/angsty/Idontevenknowwhatimsayinganymore... T___T

But either way, they're simple (not in a bad way) and I love reading them <3

P.S. Do you have an account somewhere else? Like quotev? Or just somewhere else in general where you post stories? I don't visit here that often anymore so... T_T I don't want to miss out?
Wow, such a cute story ♥