Slipping Under

Slipping Under

alternatively titled: sekai making out every time they meet




The first time Sehun meets Kai is when his friends drag him out for drinks because they all barely passed their entrance exams. They’re all under age, especially Sehun, but no one seems to care enough to stop and ask them how old they are, and they don’t argue. Kris shoves Sehun onto a barstool before he goes to find Lu Han so he can get everyone free drinks. Sehun sighs, but he can’t hear it over the loud bass of the obnoxious music blasting through the speakers positioned all around the club. Suddenly there’s a drink in front of him, clear, the glass holding it sweating from the cold-hot contrast of the ice and the room’s slowly rising temperature.

Sehun looks up to see someone, probably around his age, sitting on the barstool next to him, confident smirk settled perfectly on his pretty lips.

“It’s on me,” the boy nearly shouts, trying to be heard over the noise of the club, nodding casually to the drink in front of Sehun.

Sehun knows that he probably shouldn’t accept a clear, foreign drink from a stranger in a bar (no matter how good looking said stranger is), but he finds himself doing it anyway, downing the shot in one go. He squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his hair until the bitter taste and trail of fire down his throat subside a bit.

“I’m Kai,” Now the stranger is close, leaning over to talk into Sehun’s ear, his breath hot on the shell of Sehun’s ear. Sehun brushes it off as best he can, concluding that it’s easier for them to talk like this because of how loud their surroundings are.

“Sehun,” Sehun replies while the stranger -- Kai -- is still close.

The smirk on Kai’s lips grows, and Sehun would daresay it’s almost a smile, but there’s something in the tilt of the other’s lips that leads Sehun to believe that Kai isn’t up to any good.

He finds himself not caring, especially when Kai grabs his wrist and pulls him outside the club, Kris and Lu Han and a fun night out forgotten, replaced with the sensation of Kai’s calloused yet smooth fingers burning into his wrist, right where his blood is pulsing through his veins. It’s a delicious contrast to the cool night air now surrounding them, and Sehun feels himself beginning to sweat like the glass of who-knows-what Kai had offered him only minutes ago.

Before Sehun can as much a speak, he finds himself up against the east wall of the club, rough brick scraping and snagging on the soft fabric of his shirt. Kai’s hands are doing the same to his front, fingers catching on what Sehun feels like is every thread of his sanity as his hands move up and down, teasing and taunting with every motion.

That smirk is still there, and Sehun can make out the feral look in Kai’s eyes, even in the dim lighting of the alleyway they’re tucked into.

Kai’s breath wafts over Sehun’s senses, the scent of barely-there alcohol and something much more potent on the tip of his tongue. Sehun would know because now Kai is kissing him, hands no longer teasing, but taking, dancing their way up Sehun’s torso, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.

Sehun shivers, and it has nothing to do with the chilly breeze that ruffles his hair.

Kai pulls away and breathes heavily, chest heaving completely out of sync with Sehun’s own shallow breathing. There’s only a small smirk on his plush, red lips now, but it’s no less dangerous than before.

Sehun’s vision is swimming, and his tongue feels heavy. He keeps his hands fisted in Kai’s shirt, not sure what will happen if he lets go; he’s afraid he might either float away or be pulled under the concrete streets if he does so.

“I think I like you, Sehun,” Kai whispers, voice low and raspy, completely the opposite of what he sounded like in the club.

Sehun doesn’t remember telling Kai his name, but then again he doesn’t really remember how he got pulled into a dark alleyway and managed to get kissed senseless by a handsome stranger he just met ten minutes ago either.

Sehun nods dumbly, then mumbles a “Me too,” and hopes Kai understands. He quite likes Kai, too, considering the only thing he knows about him is his name, how amazing he is with his mouth, and that smirk. It’s wicked and menacing, but Sehun finds it addicting above everything else. Everything about Kai is addicting, and Sehun thinks he could forego the alcohol for quite a while if he had Kai’s lips instead.

Sehun doesn’t know how he ends up back in the club, music now a dull thudding in the back of his mind, the bass no longer shaking his sternum with each beat. He thinks he hears Kris’ voice amongst the thick, flat music swirling somewhere in his head, but he only manages to catch the words “wasted” and “home.”

Sehun wakes up in the morning with the worst headache of his life, one that feels more like a migraine than anything. It persists, even after he’s taken two doses of aspirin, and even the faintest bit of light makes it worse. He decides that he will never go out clubbing with Kris again, even if that means turning down free drinks. With the way his head is pounding, he doesn’t want anything to do with the club scene for a while.


The second time Sehun meets Kai, they’re both on summer vacation in a small beachside town right on the ocean. Sehun spots a boy, probably around his age, sitting on a half torn down concrete wall, a skateboard perched between slightly open legs as he stares to his right, watching the waves crash against the shore.

The din of the sea is background noise to Sehun who, for some unknown reason, stops also and walks up to the boy. They’ve never met, as far as Sehun can remember, but there’s something that makes his foot connect with the sand-sprinkled road and skid to a halt beside his own skateboard upon seeing plush lips and dark, tousled hair.

“I’m Sehun.”

“I know.”

Sehun is confused because how can he know who he is when they’ve never met before? But all of these questions and thoughts immediately fade away as soon as Kai fists a hand in the front of Sehun’s already wrinkled t-shirt and drags him forward, crushing their lips together in a messy, open-mouthed kiss that leaves Sehun breathless for many reasons. Kai’s tongue curls around his own and Sehun tastes something more than saltwater, something familiar that Sehun can’t quite figure out. But he doesn’t think about it for long because now Kai’s hands are on his waist, under his shirt and rubbing not-so-soothing circles into his hipbones. Sehun moans when Kai squeezes his hips, the other drinking in all of the little noises Sehun makes.

Sehun can feel him smirk.

Sehun wakes up in his hotel room, dazed and confused, tongue heavy and head pulsing with a dull ache that he’s felt before. This time, though, he doesn’t recall having any alcohol whatsoever.


It’s only when they meet for the third time that Sehun recognizes Kai. Soft, full lips and a tantalizing smirk that has “kiss me” written all over it are things Sehun has grown to know, even in his dreams.

Kai’s smirk is just as deadly as Sehun so often remembers, but he doesn’t let it scare him off.

“I’m Sehun,” Sehun offers his hand, opting to make the first move this time and see how many words he can get out of Kai before he’s at the mercy of the other’s lips and tongue, and can’t even remember his own name.

“I know,” Kai returns, and this situation is all too familiar, except this time Kai takes the hand held out to him instead of Sehun’s shirt collar.

“And you’re Kai,” Sehun says.

Kai’s eyes widen the slightest bit, and Sehun wouldn’t have caught it if he hadn’t been looking for it. A smirk of his own makes its way onto his thinner, pink lips. It draws Kai’s attention, but he remains nonchalant and seemingly uncaring, as per usual.

“I am,” Kai finally says, slowly, letting his eyes catch the motion of Sehun wetting his lips before they flicker back up to Sehun’s eyes.

Sehun’s smirk grows, but falters when Kai takes step forward. They’re on a random street on a less traveled road that would take Sehun to his apartment. He doesn’t know how he met Kai here, what Kai’s purpose of being here even is, but he can’t bring himself to wonder or even care. He just knows that he has Kai in front of him, and whenever Kai is in front of him, he knows he’s going to get lost in, get high on something that isn’t, but should be, illegal.

Sehun’s vision is wavering, and there’s two Kai’s in front of him, but he can’t tell which one is the actual one, so he s blindly in front of himself so he doesn’t fall because his world is currently spinning, and he feels dizzy.

Strong arms brace his own, and Sehun holds on for dear life, afraid he might fall to his death if he doesn’t.

Kai’s voice is deep, fanning over the side of his face as he speaks. “I’ve got you, don’t worry,” Sehun believes him, despite the lilt of his words and the smirk hiding behind every word.

There’s a soft, warm pressure on his lips, and before everything falls into darkness, Sehun faintly thinks that Kai is just as potent this way, too.

Sehun wakes up, but this time he’s not alone. There’s someone else beside him, in his bed with him, just as as he is, and Sehun shivers yet blushes at things he can’t even remember happening.

Kai looks much less menacing while sleeping, but there’s a pull in his cheeks, a set in his jaw that makes sirens go off in Sehun’s head. He ignores them.

He presses his lips to Kai’s, not caring that the other is still asleep. Kai doesn’t seem to mind either, stirring immediately and kissing back with just as much fervor as he had the first time he kissed Sehun. Sehun hums, enjoying the pleasure that through his veins like fire, crawling down the ladder of his ribs until he feels it all settle in his gut. He gasps when Kai’s hand brushes a bit too high on his thigh, drawing an endless circle in the same spot over and over, driving Sehun mad.

Everything Kai does makes him jittery but relaxed, tense but at ease. He wants to push Kai away, yet hold him as close as possible, and he has no idea why. Kai makes him feel the most amazing he’s ever felt, yet Sehun feels a tiredness creeping into his bones as each moment passes. He chalks it up to exhaustion and not enough coffee. Kai, though, seems to take it all in stride, never out of breath or missing a beat while Sehun struggles to bring oxygen into his lungs and sense to his mind.


From then on, Sehun always knows Kai when he sees him, if only because of the way his lips curve and eyes flash when he catches sight of Sehun. He doesn’t think about Kai any other time of day except when he’s sleeping, but when they meet, there’s an itch under Sehun’s skin and a voice in the back of his head telling him that he needs Kai.

They meet again when Sehun’s on his way home from work.

“I’m Sehun.”

“I know.”

“And you’re Kai.”

“I am.”

Sehun still doesn’t remember telling Kai his name.


Every time Kai kisses him, Sehun feels like he’s on fire. There’s a trail burning down his throat, racing through his blood, pulsing in his head. The pressure and heat make him feel light-headed every time, but it’s nothing compared to the pleasure coursing right alongside the fire as Kai slides his lips against Sehun’s again, tilting his head farther to the right. Sehun can’t feel his fingers, the digits tingling for a short amount of time then going numb, useless as they claw desperately at Kai’s back.

And every time Kai pulls away, Sehun feels faint, his thoughts muddled, and it’s not just from the lack of oxygen. Kai is always there to catch him, steadying him with strong arms that do nothing to relieve Sehun of his fever. But he’s there, like an anchor, and Sehun is grateful.

There’s just something about being around Kai, in his very presence, that’s heady and enticing, drawing Sehun in until there’s no space left between them, Kai’s very essence the only thing Sehun is aware of. It wraps around him like a noose, and takes his breath away almost the same.

Sehun sometimes thinks that Kai isn’t good for him, that it isn’t natural to lose consciousness just because someone touches you, but forgets even the idea of danger when Kai wraps a hand around the back of his neck and pulls him in closer, closer, closer.


The last time they meet is at night, and Sehun has no idea where he is. The surrounding roads and buildings spark no familiarity in his brain, and Sehun starts to wonder if he’s even still in Korea. He looks to his right, and decides he’ll head toward the blinding lights of a city, maybe find a phone and call Kris to come pick him up and--

There’s Kai. He’s leaning against a concrete wall that separates a neighborhood from the rest of civilization, dark clothes bleeding into the even darker night around him. Only a faraway street lamp casts the slightest bit of yellow light on his face, highlighting his high cheekbones and straight nose.

Sehun doesn’t know how, but he ends up in front of Kai, his feet having taken him toward the other without consent from his mind.

“I’m Sehun,” he blurts out, the words familiar yet new on his tongue. He doesn’t know why he says it; Kai knows who he is, and he knows Kai. Maybe. He’s not really sure anymore, vision already swimming slightly. He puts a hand on the wall to steady himself.

“I know,” Kai smirks, that oh so familiar gesture that still makes Sehun weak in the knees.

“And you’re Kai,” Sehun isn’t really sure why he’s speaking now because Kai is getting closer, and Sehun is torn between leaning against the wall and clutching onto Kai so he doesn’t fall over.

He doesn’t have to choose when Kai pushes him against the wall, holding Sehun up with steady hands and a knee between his legs. “I am.”

Kai’s lips on his own are soft, much more gentle than Sehun ever remembers. He traces his tongue along the seam of Sehun’s lips, slowly and deliberately into his mouth like he’s memorizing the way Sehun’s tongue slides against his own.

Sehun feels like he can’t keep up, like Kai is the air right from his lungs even though he's going slower than usual, and he’s desperately trying to breathe in oxygen that isn’t there. There’s something heavy and thick in place of the fire now, weighing his feet down, but making his head feel light all the same. His fingers slowly uncurl from the death grip they’d had on Kai’s shirt a moment before, numb and cold now. He slumps against the wall, and if not for Kai’s hands on his sides and knee between his legs, he’d be on the ground.

Kai pulls away and shifts his leg, pulling a groan out of Sehun’s throat despite how parched he feels. Sehun doesn’t have to open his eyes to know that Kai is smirking now, his lips curving perfectly.

But as soon as he does, black edges in around Sehun’s vision, the image in front of him, Kai’s face, lips, eyes, grows dimmer and dimmer as the seconds tick by for what seem like hours. He closes his eyes again so that he doesn’t have to see it all fade away. At least he can imagine what’s in front of him.

“Kai...” Sehun tries to speak, but he’s not sure he’s even talking, lips tingling in strange way, tongue like lead in his mouth. He doesn’t hear his own words, but he hears something else, something much more frightening.

Kai laughs. “I liked you, Sehun.”

Everything is dark.






idek you can shoot me now if you want. i just got an idea from the video at like 2 AM and wrote a majority of it then.

also this is how i write without writing aren't you impressed


edit 7/10

WELP. LOOKS LIKE NO ONE GETS IT SO FAR. sorry guise this was, like i said written at 2-3 AM so it is incoherent and probably doesn't flow or fit together very well. my apologies OTL

i may or may not rewrite this, it just depends on how much free time i have /sigh

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Chapter 1: After rereading this and reading Anterograde Tomorrow this morning, I realized how similar those two are. Like how Sehun never really remembers Kai and when he says "Your Kai." it reminds of the scene when Kyungsoo knows Jongin is there to write by reading his notes. Well I guess it kind of is LOL.
Chapter 1: Oh my god, you're freaking killing me. I am so confused.
Chapter 1: why i feel that kai is some kind of drug? XD, like a real drug that makes sehun allucinate? XDD
Chapter 1: So, for every time they were together, Kai fed on Sehun's soul? Until there was nothing left? And Kai has some kind of charm that makes Sehun lose his memory. Or at least parts of it. This was really good, though sad in a way. Good work!
Chapter 1: Wait, why liked?
Chapter 1: I'll be crying~ Kai and Sehun!!
Chapter 1: Wait! Why is Kai fading?