Too Close

Behind that Smile

Nami/Hana's Pov

"Don't lie to me, I know when you're lying." he said and I blinked rapidly….he is getting too close…..

"You know…you should… really…buy a…punching bag." I said with fear. He immediately took a step back and realized what he was doing, he leaned on the opposite wall of the room with his hands behind his back, which was still at close proximity since it was a very small room…..somehow this room seems to get smaller by the minute….

"I'm sorry" he said without looking at me. "No, I'm sorry I didn't mean to….laugh…at you. ahem" I admitted but he didn't respond.

Suho's Pov

 "I didn't mean it in a bad way i just…" She tried to explain what didn't really needed to. "I know" I interrupted her….What is wrong with me, why do i always do this to her…."I'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you" I apologized again….."You might kill me for saying this but…If you really want to punch someone…why don't you punch Kris" Her comment took me by surprise….what is she saying? …."What" I was confused…"Just don't break his face." She smiled. …How does she know? …"What do you mean?" I wanted to know what she was thinking. "Tell him you're having a hard time and that you need his help. Is it that hard?" she advised me. "You don't want to make it harder for him and everybody else, so you take in all the weight. It still frustrates you how he doesn't step up to help, but that is also your fault for not letting him know. You always pretend you're fine so your members have no idea. They can't help you if they don't know, dummy. They aren't as smart as i am." She smiled at her own joke  …..She is right…I looked up and gazed at her….why are you helping me, don't you have bigger problems yourself? ..How come you aren't telling us so we can help you…

"Hana…" I looked directly into her eyes and leaned closer. Her eyes were sparkling and without noticing I was getting closer and closer. She tried to step back but the wall behind her prevented it. "Sorry, that was none of my business. Okay, you can punch me now " She closed her eyes and turned her head to the side as if waiting to get slapped. I laughed and said, "I'm not going to hit you. I told you before. Thank you Hana." I spoke sincerely. She looked so embarrassed she didn't know what to say. "….Chicken! Yes, we need to buy chicken, hurry!" She walked around me and stormed out of the room. I followed her.


Chanyeol's Pov

I felt really bad, I was really expecting a comeback, but what made me more disappointed in myself is that actually I was angry at Kai for getting hurt, I blamed him when he isn't even at fault. He works even harder than I do. Why do i feel like this, I'm a horrible person…The other members don't understand because I never said anything to Kai, thankfully. He must be feeling really bad, and here I am sulking over much less reasons…"I'm starting to feel really uncomfortable with you like this Chanyeol" Chen spoke but I ignored him. I saw Lay walk over to the stereo to plug in his iPod. "Rei, do you know this song?" Lay told her as he started dancing to it. Rei only watched him and then said "You're doing it wrong, its like this.." She showed Lay the correct dance steps. I couldn't help but to look up, but with my face still leaning on my knees. Rei started teaching him the entire song….As expected, Rei is the best…..

Baekhyun's Pov

"Woah, Tao was right. Look at Chanyeol now" Chen made me notice since I was too busy watching Rei. "One more time" Lay said as he replayed the song, they both danced with full power now. I was awestruck and I think Chen was too…."She's so….good." I told Chen.


Tao's Pov

Luckily Kai didn't hit me as we dragged him here. He has his own crutches but we figured it would be faster if we helped him walk. He didn't want to come at first but then Kyungsoo used his awesome reasoning skills and made him agree. Kyungsoo carried the crutches while Xiumin and me helped him walk on each of his side. "Wait, stop" Kyungsoo said as he was opening the door to the practice room. "Rei is dancing." All of us crowded around the window to see her. "Woah look at her go!" Xiumin whispered."So Chanyeol wasn't exaggerating after all, I though he was just saying it because he likes.." "SHHH Tao, I'm trying to watch" Kai shushed me and looked at her with interest. Kai smiled as he watched her dance. "You said she was entering a competition?" Kai asked and Xiumin nodded. Kai smiled once again. ….Don't fall in love with her Kai, I'm shipping her with someone else….I rolled my eyes but no one noticed.

We where about to enter when we saw Sehun, Luhan, and Kris approach us. "KRIS HYUNG!" I hadn't seen Kris around. "Nice of you to join us mystery man" Kyungsoo said mockingly. Kris placed his hand on Kai's back and asked him, "How are you feeling?" …."It doesn't hurt that much now, with the cast on." Kai explained. "Where is Hana? Didn't you go together?" Xiumin asked them. "She went to find Suho" Sehun replied. "Wasn't he out with his family." I asked them. "No, he lied apparently. He was hiding sulking by himself. We need to talk about that later guys." Luhan let us know. I noticed Kris' expression darkened so I tried to cheer him up with my aegyo. "Let's go in then" Xiumin opened the door and we all got welcomed.

Suho's Pov

"I told you I'm paying!" Hana argued. "Do you know how many guys there are, and how much they eat? Let me pay for it don't waste your money." I wanted to pay for it. "No! It's not wasting money, besides I told them I would buy." she said. "Just tell them it was you who bought it and i'll pay for it." I insisted. "NO! that is lying!" …She made me chuckle…why is she always so serious about food?….."Why are you so stubborn?" I asked her, "If you want you can pay for your own chicken, i'll pay for everyone else." she ignored my question…."You can be so childish sometimes" I accused. "What kind of chicken do they like?" She asked but I was still hurt by her comment earlier "Why should I tell you, I'm only buying my own chicken." She scoffed when she heard my reply.  "You are surprisingly childish yourself." she accused me back. "Fine, you don't have to tell me, I know they eat everything as long as its chicken." Hana said as she ordered. "I like garlic chicken" i told Hana as she was looking over the menu to order. "It doesn't matter what you like." She said coldly.

"Why are you so mean all of a sudden?" I pouted, but when she turned to look at me, it caused her to crack up. "Suho…was that a pout? You do aegyo too?" She was making fun of me…."Aigoo so cute." She stopped laughing and smiled sweetly making me blush. "Okay, you can pay for some of it, I don't have enough anyway." she confessed. I was still blushing so I half yelled "Just go sit over there, I'll order" I pointed towards the table. "GO!" I demanded until she obeyed. She was actually embarrassed that she didn't have enough money to pay….I never met anyone like this…


Beakhyun's Pov

"Chanyeol, where are you going?" I asked him. "I'm getting my laptop, I suddenly have an idea. I'll be right back" He told us and ran out of the room. "He is back to Chanyeol" Chen nodded. "I TOLD YOU IT WAS BECAUSE…" "TAO! Go grab some napkins and utensils from the cafeteria" Luhan interrupted Tao, "Yes, Hyung." he obeyed. I heard the door opened so I turned to see who it was. "Suho Hyung!" You're here" I greeted him. Him and Hana were carrying the boxes of chicken. Suho smiled and told us to help him set up. Kris then went up to help them serve the drinks for everyone, they didn't really speak which was weird, but Suho thanked him for his help. Kris Hyung is too quiet sometimes.

Chanyeol then appeared with his laptop speaking loudly again, "SO, I thought it would be too boring to just have one song performed, so how about we make a completely original mix, we can even mash up some beats." He suggested. "Woah thats actually a good idea" I told them. "What do you think Rei" I asked her directly. "I like it" she nodded. "Lets get to work" Chanyeol said while everyone else grabbed some chicken and discussed ideas "Guys" Kai called. "Which songs do you want to add?" Chen was curious. "I think the one we danced just now was good, we could add a part of that." Lay suggested. "Guys!" Kai was still calling. "Yes that definitely has to be in there" Chanyeol and everyone else was too focused on his laptop. "GUYS!!!" We noticed Kai was being ignored. We all turned to him when his voice got loud enough, "IS NO ONE GOING TO BRING ME CHICKEN?! I CANT MOVE VERY MUCH YOU KNOW!" He started panting from all that yelling. "Omo, I'm sorry Kai here you go" we finally gave him some chicken.

"Way to get ignored" Tao mocked Kai which resulted in Kai angrily taking the chicken out of Tao's hand to eat it himself. "Yah! KAI! That's mine" Tao argued. "Not anymore" Kai said as he ate all the chicken. I rolled my eyes at their childish behavior.

That day we completed two great things; we finished all the chicken, and the mix Chanyeol made was done. Now all that needed to be done was come out with some dance steps and concept. "Let's meet here tomorrow then" I suggested and looked towards Suho for approval. "Don't be late" he smiled. Some of the guys left on their own and some helped carry Kai back to the dorm. Rei politely thanked everyone as they left.

Chanyeol's Pov

"Chanyeol…" I heard Rei call for me when I was about to leave. "Thank you" She smiled…..she she she never really smiles like this…"Are you sure you liked the mix? I I ...can change it if you want" I asked trying not to sound too flustered. "Its perfect. See you tomorrow." She said while looking straight at me….Oh god….what is this…."Okay, Bye" I said awkwardly and ran away.

Nami/Hana's Pov

"I told you I could take the trash by myself" I told Suho after he followed me outside. Everyone has already gone back to their dorms but I offered to take out the trash. He ignored my complaint. We dropped all the trash and went back towards the dorms…."Thank you, for buying us the chicken" I told him. "You're welcome" Suho smiled. "No hard feelings right?" I told him concerned he had taken my jokes from earlier offensively. "No. I should be the one thanking you" he turned serious and looked at me straight in the eyes….why is he doing that again?…he tried to lean closer but I distanced myself from him. "Why are you running away?' he teased. "I'm not." I defended. "lies" ….can he really always tell when I'm lying?….He started to walk again, leaving me to walk behind him. "Don't you dare run away." He spoke seriously this time….Why is he saying this…

"I will find you and drag you back" he continued….I was confused by his sudden words. "Where is your dorm?" He asked but I was still too puzzled by what he said to didn't pay attention…"Hello?" he turned around and got close to my face again causing me to jump back in surprise. ".w..w..what?" I asked…..He is going to make my heart beat out of my chest one day if he keeps doing that…"I said. Where is your dorm?!" he repeated. "Oh its over there" I pointed and started walking in front of him to avoid him seeing me blush.

"Goodnight." He told me when we arrived at my dorm. "Night" I said quickly and closed the door. I peeped through the hole to see if he was still there. I noticed him smiling to himself for a few seconds before leaving….He is laughing at me…ah! so embarrassing….I hit my head with the door out of frustration before noticing Rei was staring at me from her bed. She didn't say anything and waited for me to change and get into bed. "Hana…." Rei called me as soon as I turned off the lights to sleep. "..are you….okay?" She asked me with a caring tone in her voice.  "I am, why do you ask? Oh I hit myself with the door because it was hurting a little" I lied. ….."I don't mean that" she said……she couldn't have noticed, why is she asking me…"Oh, I'm okay" I repeated. "Goodnight." Rei said and we both went to sleep…No, I'm not okay. I have to disappear soon…

Suho's Pov

The next day I went over with the guys to the practice room to meet with Rei and Hana. "A hip hop concept would be best, it fits her." Baekhyun said. "Isn't that too common?" Kyungsoo added. "Not if we make her look fabulous." Tao also commented. "I wonder what type of dance the others are doing.." Hana thought out loud then she said "I got an idea! Baekhyun come with me" She stood up and dragged him out of the room leaving everyone in confusion….Where is she taking Baekhyun….why him…why not me....I was a bit …jealous?

Baekhyun's Pov

"Where are we going?" I asked her. "To spy on them" she smirked as she looked over the practice room windows quietly. "Ah so we are spies, how exciting!" We heard a voice behind us so we turned around shocked. "TAO?!" Hana and I exclaimed. "SHHH" he shushed us. "Why are you here?" I complained. "I wanted to join the fun" he said innocently. "Thats them, get down" Hana commanded. "I can't hear the music, damn you sound proof walls" I said but then Hana smirked again. "Thats why we are opening the door, move" she said and went over to the door and lightly turning the doorknob leaving a small gap open so that the sound would come out. "Genius" Tao whispered.

"It looks like some kind of girly dance" I said when i noticed them dancing to the music. "That's enough, let's go." Hana ordered us and we went back to our own room.

When we got back Suho was right by the door, "What were you doing?" he sounded annoyed…Why is he acting so strange?……"We went to…" "Its top secret!" Tao interrupted when I was about to explain. I looked at Hana and saw her smirk at him…Why is Suho acting like this?…is he glaring at me? what the hell did i do now…

Nami/Hana's Pov

"I think the hip hop concept will work, but you need to make yourself stand out from the rest as there will be others doing the same style." I spoke to Rei. "Girly hip hop image" Xiumin said and everyone looked at him. "Like the last SNSD concept!" Baekhyun exclaimed and everyone else nodded in approval. Rei didn't know what they were talking about so Chanyeol showed her an MV on his laptop. "That is…so much pink" Rei told him. "But it's pretty, you can't be wearing black Rei, you always wear black." I told her. "You will look pretty" Xiumin smiled.

"Kai!" I greeted him as he joined us. "Let's get to the dance, any ideas?" He got involved and started talking about it with Rei, all of us just listened and pretended we knew what they were talking about. I noticed Suho was sitting on the couch away from us, glaring at me for some reason….Whats wrong with you now…I thought. I had to meet Mr. Kang for lessons so I waved goodbye and told them i would meet with them later.

On my way there I heard my phone vibrating….Its my parents….I turned the phone off and continued walking…."Good afternoon Mr. Kang." I was happy to see him. "Why so cheerful today?" he asked. "Nothing special" I smiled. "Stop playing around Hana, you are slacking" He scolded me before we began the lesson.

Like that, the lesson ended for the week, he told me not to be late on Monday since I was late to every single Monday lesson we had….I will miss you Mr. Kang….There won't be a next Monday. It was Friday now and Rei only had tonight and tomorrow to practice, since the competition takes place on Sunday. We left her alone to practice on her own so she could concentrate.

I received another call from my parents again and picked up unwillingly. "Nami, I'm sure you already know, but the comeback was postposed. That gives you more time to get those songs. Consider yourself lucky, you better be working on it." My dad told me. "I got it" I hang up the phone without saying anything else…That is not going to happen dad…I'm sorry…I'll be home on Sunday.

On Saturday, the next day, I was walking along the hallways and noticed Kris leaning against a wall looking deep in thought. "Kris?" I stopped in front of him. He looked up waiting for me to say something else. "This is none of my business but…I hope you don't take it against Suho. He didn't mean to say that in a hurtful way." I told him referring to when we both heard Suho talking with the manager. "He is trying to protect you as well " I smiled…..This really isn't my business but i really want them to make up before i go….."I never knew he was having such a hard time. Seeing him exploding like that on the manager, I never seen him like that." Kris reflected….Kris isn't so bad after all…he just looks cold but he is caring…"Stop sulking tall guy, take him out for some soju and work it out together. He will be glad to go." I smiled and left.

"I'm not cutting my hair." I heard Rei as I entered our dorm. Baekhyun, Xiumin, and Tao were in our room. "But you HAVE to" They debated. "Hana, tell her!" Baek told me as soon as he saw me. "You don't have to cut the length, just the bangs and maybe add some color strands." I suggested and she seemed to agree. "Lets go to the Salon first thing tomorrow morning." Xiumin commanded then left. "SOMEONE is going to DIE after Rei gets her transformation…" Tao said faintly as he left the room. We ignored the comment, "Are you nervous?" I asked Rei. "I little" she answered. "You have to do good Rei, and always do well."….I will miss you too…"Thank you Hana" She smiled sweetly.

I still had the evening remaining so I went to the balcony hoping Suho would be there but he wasn't…it feels like I haven't seen him in forever…I didn't want to admit that I missed him. ….he is probably with Kris…..I closed my eyes while feeling the cool air.


Suho's Pov

"What's the occasion?" I asked Kris as we approached a food stand, it was late already so no people recognized us. "I'm sorry Suho, I really am. I had no idea the managers were this harsh on you." he told me as he served me a glass of soju. "It's okay Kris" I told him. "Now, if you would just stop saying everything is okay and tell me what exactly your feelings are, I would be able to be of better help." Kris told me seriously while I found it hard to respond. "If you hate it tell me, you can punch me too if you want." He spoke honestly. "All right, I will tell you everything. But serve me more soju first." I started to talk after drinking a few shots. Soon my head started to spin around the room so Kris had to help me walk back to the company….I think I…drank too much…

Kris took me straight to my dorm and then went to his own room which was next door. I didn't feel like sleeping yet so I went to....... I don't remember where….

Nami/Hana's Pov

"Wake up beautiful!" I felt someone pinch my nose. I had fallen asleep on the balcony. Suho…? He laughed, "You are really cute when you sleep did you know that?"…He smelled of alcohol….he is drunk…


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Chapter 15: Can you make seqeul ?
Chapter 15: Awhh this story was really cute! :') i liked it so much! :D x)
anneke329 #4
Chapter 7: "now how do I protect you?" dun dun dun dun... Oh what's going to happen? I'm so excited!
Luhanwife #5
Woah sounds interesting^^