
Behind that Smile

Suho's Pov

Kris and I both went to the CEO's office without the others noticing. They were still partying in the practice room. We entered the building and greeted the CEO. He looked more stressed out than usual. Mr. Kang was also in the room, but he remained quiet. "What's going on?" Kris asked. "I just received a threat. Someone is against your comeback." the CEO told us….Oh no…what's happening…"Who?" Kris asked concerned. "I'm not going to tell you the details, that's confidential to the company. What I called you here for is to warn you for any suspicious activity. From now until you comeback do not talk to other people besides your members and assigned staff. No phone calls either. There might be people tracking your every move right now. I also asked all the staff to secure all demos and unreleased material. If you still have those with you get rid of them." Mr. Hyun explained. "Who would do this?" Kris still wanted answers. I did not say anything since  I already knew something…."Don't concern yourself with that and just be careful. You can go now." He dismissed us and we walked back.


Mr. Kang's Pov

After the kids left Hyun's office I asked him, "Are you sure its those loan sharks again? It has been a while." "Who else would it be, this is the same type of notes as last time." Hyun pulled out the note that he had found on his mail. It said, "Pay the interest or Exo's comeback is gone." "Didn't you pay them back?" I asked Hyun knowing his history with those loan sharks. He rubbed his forehead. "I did, I payed them every single cent back and with interest." he explained. "Then why again?" I had trouble understanding. "It's because of Manager Kim, remember he got fired? He borrowed money from those loan sharks to pay for his group's expenses after he spent all of the money he got from the company on himself. I'm assuming he never payed them back." Hyun told me. "He probably ran away." I thought out loud. "It's my fault. I knew he borrowed from them, I told him to pay with his own money after he confessed he spent it all on his family, I was angry and told him to sell his liver If he had to. That I wasn't going to pay a single cent from what he stole. It was obvious his only choice was to ask money from them. This isn't the only threat letter I received, I been getting a new one each week"  Hyun confessed.

"Why are you only telling about it now?" I scolded him. "Today was the first time Exo was mentioned so I had to do something."……"You can't pay them back can you? How much is the sum?" I asked. "An unreasonable amount, like last time." …I didn't know what to say to him anymore, Its a complicated situation. I sighed.

Suho's Pov

"Who do you think is doing this?" Kris asked me as we walked back to the practice room. …..Hana…I need to see you…where are you…."Suho?" Kris called my attention again. "I don't know Kris, I don't know" ….It's not Hana…
When we got back, most of the guys had already gone to sleep. Rei was also gone. "Hyung, help us bring Kai back. The others left." Beakhyun told me so I had no choice but to help. I looked around the room but Hana wasn't there…"Where is Hana?" I asked them while taking Kai back. "She's probably sleeping now, It's late." they told me but I still worried.

"Hyung, Can I ask you for a favor?" Kai told me when we were in his room. "Sure." I said. "Can you…uhhh help me get in the shower? I don't want to slip with my cast on." He told me. "Right now?" I said. "Yes, please." ……but I need to find Hana….I had no choice but to agree. After Kai was done it was already very late. Hana is probably asleep…she wouldn't be at the balcony at this hour….I need to find her tomorrow….Somehow I felt uneasy, and though I thought I wasn't going to be able to sleep, I was so tired after the long day that I drifted to sleep as soon as I closed my eyes.

Nami/Hana's Pov

I walked really slow until I got home. I rang the door bell and my mother opened the door, dad was also there. "Nami!" She was shocked. "Hi Mom." I said weakly and walked in the house while my mom only followed me with her eyes.  My dad was reading a newspaper on the couch so I went in very slowly and sat on the couch opposite to him with my head down. He put down his newspaper and stood up to stand in front of me. "Where are the songs?" he demanded. "I don't have them. I'm not going to do it." I said firmly. He extended his arm and slapped me so hard I fell off the couch into the floor. "Why Nami?" My mother asked, she was more calm than my father.

"I told you, they have nothing to do with this. Why do we have to hurt them? Dad, Can you think of something else?" …he interrupted me by yelling "ARE YOU MY DAUGHTER? DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I BEEN WORKING ON THIS? THE THEATS ALREADY STARTED, IM NOT BACKING OFF JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT TO HURT YOUR LITTLE FRIENDS" "Calm down honey" Mom tried to calm him down. "I CANT BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO THIS TO ME, YOU USELESS BRAT" He said furiously. "GO! I DONT WANT YOU IN THIS HOUSE" …."Where am i going to sleep?" I asked him. "I DONT CARE GO!" He pointed towards the door. I struggled to get up since I fell hard on the floor and hit the edge of the table when he hit me. I turned around once more while holding back my tears, "Dad, please..don't hurt them"…."I SAID OUT! You are not my daughter anymore."

I had no where to go so I just sat on the porch of the house. I cried for several minutes and then calmed down. As I looked at the sky I thought to myself……I miss them…I miss them already…I miss the company…I miss Rei…I miss Mr. Kang…I miss Exo….I miss…..Suho….I started to tear up again. I'm never going back…It never was my place to begin with, I don't belong with them. I never did…

Rei's Pov

Last night I was so tired i didn't even turn on the lights and went straight to bed. I didn't notice until this morning that Hana was missing. I assumed she went back to sleep since it was already late when she left and she looked tired….It's so early for her to be up…..I opened the closet to get ready but saw that her part was empty….Where is her stuff? …I went to the bathroom and to her drawers and everything was gone…She left?!…I looked around and found a note that had fallen in between the nightstand and the bed, luckily i saw it.  


You did very good on your competition, I'm very proud and happy for you.

When you read this note, I will be gone. For complicated reasons I had to go.This place was never really my place.

I will miss you and I'm sorry I never got to say goodbye properly.

Please take care of Exo for me, tell them I'm sorry as well for not saying anything.

I enjoyed the time I spent with all of you, I will never forget it.


……HANA!…I ran out the door to search for her. I went every single practice room and cafeteria…..did you really go? I went to Mr. Kang's room since she always had class with him Monday mornings. When I got there I saw Mr. Kang standing by the door looking lost. "Professor Kang" I bowed while still panting from running. "Have you seen Hana?" I asked him. "No. Do you know what this is about?" He extended his hand and showed me a note that said: Thank you Mr. Kang for all your kindness. I'm sorry I can't continue my lessons, I will miss you. "She disappeared this morning..or last night? I don't know" I was desperate. "I'll go see if the office knows anything, let me know if you see her or hear about her." He told me and left, also worried.

I went to Exo's practice room but they weren't there so I went to knock on their dorm. "Rei? What's wrong?" Xiumin asked as soon as he saw my worried expression. "Hana. Have you seen Hana?! I almost yelled. "Not since last night, why?" He asked as the others approached the door when they heard the commotion. "She left this! She's gone!" I showed them the note, but Suho snatched it before everyone else could read it. As soon as he finished reading it, he let go of the paper and stormed out of the room. "Gone…gone where?" the other guys tried to understand the situation.

Suho's Pov

The day I feared the most has come. She left. The only place I had hopes for was the balcony, I wanted her to be there waiting for me to tell me this was all a joke. When I arrived I pulled the door open so hard I almost break it. I looked under the stairs but nothing. She really Is gone….Why Hana?….I noticed something by the door, the place I usually sit. It was a small rubber ball with a smiley face on it. It had a post-it attached to it that said. "Its not exactly a punching bag but I heard if you squeeze it, it relieves stress. Use it well." ……Hana…don't…go….
I automatically formed a fist around the ball squeezing it really hard…..

Nami's Pov

The next morning I woke up to the sound of the front door opening, my father went to work very early. I had slept there all night. Luckily I didn't freeze since it wasn't that cold, and my mom brought me a blanket last night. "Come back in Nami" My mother said after my father had left the house. "Have you even eaten?" She made me breakfast but I was not able to eat much…..I'm not…hungry…."You never eat whenever you're worried. Your dad is just angry, he'll get over it soon."…..Thats not everything mom…."I'm going to convince him to let you sleep in the house tonight, you have bug bites all over you." She commented but I wasn't concerned about that.

"Nami…are you listening? It's fine, forget about that place already. Your father will not make you go back." She let out a sigh and continued to comment. "I don't know what got in you, but stop thinking about it." She told me. "I'm going to my room" I stood up and went to change and take a shower. Then I sat on my desk and rested my head on my arms….Sigh…What do I do now?….Now I'm starting to feel so out of place in here. I thought about everyone and everything that happened during my stay at the company. Slowly tears began to form again.

Later that evening I went out to take a walk outside. I visited the lake I liked to sit by, threw a few rocks and then headed towards my old working place, the ice-cream shop. "Nami! You're back! Sit down." My boss greeted me warmly. "What brings you in?" He sat down with me since he had no customers. "Something weird happened." I started to speak, he looked at me with interest. "There was never really a moment in my life, where I didn't feel like eating ice-cream. But now there is, why?"….."Nami….I'm starting to worry. What do you mean, you always want ice-cream, I even had to lock away my stock from you because you would eat it!" He said playfully. "Last time I had an ice-cream cone.... I was with someone." I explained but he wanted me to continue…."and that someone is…?" he said. "Someone I will never see again." I said in a sad tone. My old boss scratched his head and said slowly, "..Where…is this person?" He was probably thinking the worse. "He is not dead if that's what you're thinking" I assured him. "Oh well that is good….wait....could you possibly be in love, Nami? He said causing me to almost choke.

"What?! No….no." He looked at me suspiciously. "Your reaction is strange, are you sure?" he smirked…..That can't be… Me in love?  with who? Suho?….no…..I was struggling with my own mind. "You're thinking of him right now aren't you? Why don't you tell me about this boy?" My boss asked me. "No Im not. Nothing…." I crossed my arms. "There is nothing to tell…" I suddenly had a flashback of everything we did together. "Nami, this is the first time I've ever seen you upset like this. I really wish you find your way to happiness again." He spoke seriously. "Thank you Boss" I gave him a soft smile and waved goodbye.

Hyun's Pov

I was in my office going over some documents, feeling more stressed than ever because of the situation with Exo. Kang showed up as usual to ask me how everything is going. "I haven't had any new threats" I told him. "Also, I talked with Kai's doctor and he said he should recover in about three weeks as opposed to two. That just set back all the new schedules, the scheduling staff in charge quit today so I'm left to do it on my own." I complained to my old friend. "There is another problem." Kang told me…..More problems….sigh…."Hana is missing. I went over to the office to get her contact information but it turned out all her paperwork was falsified. The phone numbers were out of service and the address she provided was an abandoned residence, it's been that like that for years." He explained. "That is a shame Kang, I really liked her. There really is no way to get in contact?" I asked. "No." Kang assured.

Nami's Pov

"Nami, your dad is home. Just stay in your room and don't come out. He might kick you out again." My mother warmed me so I obeyed. I heard the voice of my father come in. My mom was making dinner for him and they started chatting. I walked out of my room and hid at the top of the stairs in order to hear what they were saying…..I need to know what he is planning on doing next….."Where is Nami?" he asked. "She's sleeping in her room. She is very sick with a fever so don't disturb her today." My mom lied. I didn't hear any response.

"So what are you planning on doing with that problem?" My mother was curious. "I'm still looking to hire someone to break in. They need to do it quick and smoothly, I still haven't found anyone." …"Like those gang people. I don't like those men, honey." ….."They are more experienced than us, it's our only choice." ….He still hasn't send anyone, I still have time to convince him not to…..

Suho's Pov

We had meeting with Rei and the members in the cafeteria. They are all down by Hana's disappearance. They had no idea that she was going to leave just like that. Except for me, I knew it was going to happened but never did anything about it. Maybe I could have prevented it, maybe I should have talked to her directly and tell her I knew all along. However, I thought that if I had told her I knew, she would have only distanced herself even more. Where do I find you now?..... I asked Mr. Kang earlier and he told me he had already gone looking for her but her contact information was "written wrong". Of course they were, everything must have been falsified. Her name is probably not even Hana…..sigh..I wonder what your real name is....….wait… ..I started to remember something….That night when I was drunk…...........Nami...…it's Nami!... She even told me her real name.

I now have a clue that nobody else has. I also remember that she told me she used to work at an ice-cream shop, so I snuck out to search for all local ice-cream shops and ask for her. I walked more than 6 blocks and got nothing…..I better continue tomorrow. I went back to the dorm. "I miss Hana" Baekhyun pouted while everyone else in the room nodded. "Why would she leave without even saying goodbye." Luhan told Baek……She didn't even say goodbye to me….."We were spy buddies." Tao also sulked. "Go to sleep guys, there is no use sulking." I told them. "Don't you miss her too?" Sehun suddenly asked me. "I do, but…" "You miss her more than all of us, don't you?" Baekhyun accused. "I…I..why do you ask?" I replied but Baekhyun only glared at me. "Anyways, go sleep. I'll be back later." I told them and left the room.

…Of course I miss her more than everybody else….she was special, at least to me. Nami did so much for all of us without asking for anything in return. She went out of her way to help me, and she put up with me and my angry mood swings and never once judged me for it. I said I was going to protect her and I will keep my promise. I was already at the balcony when I heard the door move.

"Hyung" Sehun said silently….What is he doing here?…"Can I come in?" He asked. "Sure..but..how did you know of this place?" I asked. "Hana came here looking for you once, but you were in the vocal room" he explained. "Hyung, are you having a hard time? You know you can tell us if you are or at least tell me, don't sulk here by yourself all the time." Sehun told me which made me smile. "Thank you Sehun" I wrapped my arm around his shoulder. "Do you like her?" Sehun asked bluntly which made my arm on his shoulder fall off. I didn't respond…"I'm assuming the other guy's also noticed but you acted different around her than other girl trainees. You glared at her, you smirked at her, you acted sarcastic, and sometimes you even blushed too, not to say you smiled different than usual. It was amusing to be honest." …"Yah when did I?" I complained but he looked at me in disbelief. "You punk" I accused. "You looked at her like this.." Sehun showed me an imitation of a loving gaze causing me to pull his ear…"Yah! Are you mocking your leader?" I complained and he laughed.

"Is there any way we can look for her?" He asked after a pause. Suddenly I felt someone else open the balcony door. "Hyung! Sehun? Why are you here?" Luhan came in suddenly. "Luhan knew too?" I asked Sehun and he nodded…"Hyung, Baekhyun told me something interesting." ….Now what…."He said you might like Hana." ….Aish… "Guys! Is this a secret ward?" I heard Tao's voice from behind….Damn another one…."I have something exciting to tell you! So, I was spying on Chanyeol and saw him watching Rei's video on the website. He made a ton of secret accounts so he could comment on the video. All he did was praise her and say a bunch of cheesy stuff. Isn't that CUTE?!" He smiled proudly. "He did?!" Luhan and Sehun laughed causing me to laugh too…."What are you all laughing about?" Yet another voice was heard at the door. "KRIS!!" Tao greeted him. ….Nami, what have you done to my secret place?…. "What is this place? I saw Tao come in so I followed him." He explained. "Oh I was following Luhan when he came in here" Tao added. "Yah! Were you spying on me too?" Luhan accused Tao. We all laughed together causing me to feel better that night. ….Being with my members when my mood is down is not so bad after all….

A week past with still no news from Nami. I have tried to sneak out every night to haunt for ice-ream shops but still no results. It's becoming harder now because the members are back to practicing everyday, Kai started walking without his crutches but he is still recovering. We also adjusted our dance routine to prevent Kai and the other members to get hurt again. Everything has been going well this week except we all feel like something is missing. Nami left so suddenly that the members are having trouble accepting it since she left without an explanation…..This has been harder than I thought...I really miss you Nami...Why am I like this? ...I wonder if you miss me too….


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Chapter 15: Can you make seqeul ?
Chapter 15: Awhh this story was really cute! :') i liked it so much! :D x)
anneke329 #4
Chapter 7: "now how do I protect you?" dun dun dun dun... Oh what's going to happen? I'm so excited!
Luhanwife #5
Woah sounds interesting^^