Free Falling For You


With a bratty jerk like Oh Sehun, you never know what to think or expect. What even defines what is more than being just friends because Sehun was the exception...or was he? Because there was no way Oh Sehun could like you. A boy who could have every girl in the world bowing at his feet, you included. No way it was impossible, more so than you being able to fly. So what's a girl to do when late night phone calls, suspicious friend requests from Sehun's friends, knocking hands, subconscious skinship, and blushing words point to the impossible? Learn how to fly.


Woooooo I'm back with another Megan-written fic that I once again stole from her to beta-edit because I have nothing better to do except fill college forms. Plus I have no idea what's up with Fated Flight 2 /Go bother Megan to write!/ However I promise you a fic full of feels that is anything but cliche after I edit and add details properly. Per usual I've included some snippets: 

"Juhee, it's not nice to call me scenery." 

"Calm down, and stop using my full name. Juhee just tell me how much you weigh!"
"OH SEHUN THAT'S A TRIVIAL QUESTION" She was cut off when Sehun crashed into her maneuvering to hold her bride style.

Curiouser and curiouser ;)

DISCLAIMER: The editing of this fic belongs to me. The plot, the ideas, the characters do not belong to me.  Any similiarities to other fanfics on this site are mere coincidence.

Enjoy your summer vacation and those college freshmen like Megan and I...good luck with your first year preparations!~

Juhee /& Megan

P.S. Anyone want to make us a poster or any suggestions on graphic shops/artists we should use?


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Huhuhu this is so cute!
hi author-nim! i'm the new reader in town! XD i know you're done with this fanfic but... i made you a poster! it's not that nice but hope you like it :)
0hSarahh #3
Chapter 2: Update ok.
aanngg #4
Chapter 1: Update soon!! I found this very interesting:))