Epilogue (REQUESTED)

Lucky Girl

You lean back against his chest, which was only covered by a thin, white button-up, and sigh happily. You can feels his muscles and abs as he wraps his arms around you, gently resting his hands on your shoulders. He places his chin on the crook of your neck and kisses your ear softly. His lips part a little and you can feel his breath on your ear. You breathe in his scent (he smells of cologne and sweat) and turn your head to look at him as lights flashed in the skies. He looks up at you. The loud popping sound from the fireworks above became muted once those mischievous eyes and cat lips were only centimeters away from your face. You lean forward to kiss your Jongdae -- yes, your -- as another firework explodes in the distance. 

The other members are in the dressing room, resting after another concert. You two? Well, you're cleverly hidden behind the curtains backstage, obscure from any staff walking by. Backstage has become your special place, a spot for you and Chen to bond after his amazing performances. You would watch from the sidelines as he'd kill those high notes and occasionally sneak glances at you, and then after stage, he'd walk up, hug you, and say, "My lips feel terribly dry after that."

Jongdae was an absolute tease when he wasn't a) singing or b) the cutest little thing in the world. He loved to get under your skin, until you were on the verge of irritation and a possible fit of anger, then sweet-talk you back to reality. He was a romantic at heart, though, and he had a thing for making your heart pound. On these kinds of days, you'd share a few kisses, head back to EXO's dorm, then eat some snacks and play video games with everyone. And sometimes, you even stayed over for a night. The rest of the members had gradually come to realize that your relationship with Chen wasn't one of his not-so-uncommon, somewhat-daily pranks, and they welcomed you into their life warmly. Of course, whenever Jongdae kisses you in front of the members at the dorms, at least one of them is ready with in hand, to throw at his face. (It was usually Chanyeol and Sehun, Chanyeol who was used to stopping Chen from going to far with his jokes and Sehun who kept saying he was "too young to see this".) You've been doing this kind of routine at the end of almost every concert they've had for the part twelve months, today marking the one-year anniversary since that day. You still have that text message saved on your phone, a reminder of the fact that your bias made a move on you

He pulled back his lips just the tiniest bit, only to ask you, "Do you want to back with everyone now?"

You smirk, thinking about finally beating Kai at the boys' latest favorite video game, and nod. You lean against his chest for a few seconds more, just to hear his heart beat, and he the back of your hand with his thumb. Then you stand up and a put a hand out for him. He takes it, pulls himself up, and gives you a peck on the cheek before shifting the curtains back just a little and check to see if the coast is clear. He gives you that cat-smile and guides you to the dressing room.

Your hand is on the doorknob (if you listen closely, you can even hear the others talking loudly to one another as they lazed about) when Jongdae suddenly stops you and turns you around to face him. He presses his hands on the door, next to your head, surrounding you. He's staring into your eyes, your heart rate quickens. A shiver runs down your spine. His eyes flicker to your collarbone and then his lips are on your neck, soft and slightly moist, leaving a trail of kisses up and down. 

"What is it?" You whisper, voice shaky. Your hands instinctively reach out and rest on his back, where you can feel his hardened muscles after years of training. 

"Happy one year." He whispers back, making you shiver once more. "And hopefully, many more years to come."

Your lips curve into a smile as he slides his mouth up your neck, your chin, finally stopping to meet with yours. You kiss him back. It's not overly passionate. It's not driven. It's not lighthearted. It's a sweet kiss, filled with the pure kind of love Jongdae and you have for each other. You let that warm feeling course through your veins. 

"I hope so too." You say into his lips. He pulls back and hugs you tight, his fingers tangling in your hair. The two of you, hand in hand, feeling as though you both now shared a special secret, walked into the dressing room to greet the others. And Chanyeol, already having prepared for this, promptly hit Jongdae in the face with a pillow.

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Chapter 2: Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet~ ^^ tnx Author-nim
allkpopluvr890 #2
Chapter 2: aaaggghhh that girl is so lucky!
ChiMarie #3
Chapter 1: Chen ~ can't I have your number too? >.< <3
InspiritHamster #4
Chapter 1: Omg omg omg ><' i think that girl is me :) lololo heheh
Chapter 1: Omg, im fangirling right nowwwww! Eeeeek
Chapter 1: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ ChenChen~
You Gentrollman ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 1: Omg omg omg omg omg i cant even... If only........ T-T im smiling like an idiot!! Cuteeeee~ cjgcgcgjffyfgjchfsgjkdyjsfhkdkyrdkhgfsydyeutthghcnbcfds finally a chen fic~ (one that doesnt involve action and ) thank you!!!