Epilogue (REQUESTED)

Reunite Us


Your phone? You flip it open. It's your friend.

Hows korea goin?

You smile, shift in your seat, and press "REPLY".

Its going good. Hows it back home? You type back. Sehun looks over your shoulder, staring at your fingers typing away on the nine-number keyboard. He wraps his arms over your shoulders, him standing and you sitting on the couch in EXO-K's dorm. You look up at him, about to ask what he wants, but you stop yourself when you see his expression. He's staring at your cell phone in that signature look of his: eyebrows slightly furrowed, lips pressed together.

"You need a new phone." He mutters into your ear.

You turn back to the screen. "No way." 

He leans closer towards your face. "Why not? If it's money or something, I can pay for it."

You turn your head just a little to look in his eyes. He's just an inch away from your face. "No, I don't want you to pay for everything for me. And besides, this has all our messages and call history on it..." As you say the last part, your voice fades quieter and quieter. He chuckles, pressing his soft lips onto your hair.

"Sentimental much?" He leans in a little more and pecks your cheek. "How cute."

You feel yourself blush a little, but you scowl instead to cover it up. "Yeah, well..." Well nothing. It's true. Your phone is old and starting to bug. In all honesty, you do need a new phone. But you're still reluctant to give up on all the files of texts saved on your current device. You sigh in defeat. "Maybe later, okay?"

"Sure." He smiles and hugs you tighter. You feel a rush of happiness when you realize that smile of his is yours and you push yourself off the couch to kiss him on the lips, short and sweet.



"C'mon. Let's go today." Sehun takes a seat on the couch next to you.

"Huh?" You look up from your book. The dorm is alive right now, from D.O cooking dinner in the open kitchen to your right, to Kai and Chanyeol playing video games on the tv in front of you, to Suho and Baekhyun just casually conversing on the bar stools next to the kitchen counter. You like to visit the dorms at these times, when everyone was out and about. When it wasn't quiet (Kai and Chanyeol's occasional outbursts), when it wasn't senseless (the delicious aromas of food wafting towards you from D.O's cooking), when it wasn't boring (Suho sometimes turns around to ask you for your opinion). You stare at your boyfriend (the word still makes your heart skip a beat) with a questioning look.

"Let's go get you a new phone." He puts an arm around your shoulders. Baekhyun and Suho look up from their conversation.

"You're getting a new phone?" Baekhyun asks. You nod, hesitantly.

"But isn't that phone how you met Sehun?" Suho pipes up.

You nod again, this time feeling a little warmth in your cheeks. "B-but it's not like I'm getting a new number or anything."

Without even looking back, Kai says, "Well that's good. Too lazy to type in a new number for my contacts." He turns around and gives you a grin. Instantly, you stick your tongue out at him.

"So?" Sehun says, trying to get back on topic. 

"Um..." You're not sure what to say. "I guess...we could...." 

His expression lights up. "Alright, let's go!" And after getting a coat, your current phone, and wallet, the two of you head out. Before closing the door, you hear Chanyeol yell out, "Have fun, lovebirds!"



You stare at the brand new phone in your left hand, and your now-old phone in your right. "Well, this is certainly...different." You say, trying to give Sehun some commentary. He chuckles and wraps his arm around your shoulders again. You got the same kind he has, just because he wanted to match. You shove the new phone into your left pocket, and hand the old one to Sehun, who has his hand out, ready to take it. 

"Now what?" You look up at him. But he isn't looking back at you, he's staring off into the distance. 

"Want to get some bubble tea?" He asks, perking up.

You giggle. "Alright." You two walk some way, the night settling around you. The city feels alive; lights in the buildings, cars everywhere. The two of you walk into a cafe and he orders the bubble tea. 

"I'll be right back." He walks into a hallway on the other side of the cafe, near the back, presumably to head to the bathroom. He comes back a few seconds later, settling down into the chair across from you with a smug smile, resting his chin on his hands. So he hadn't gone to the bathroom. 

You want to ask him what he went off to do, but your left pocket vibrates. Then a weird combination of beeps. You frown. You'll have to change that later. Sehun had helped you put your old SIM card into the new phone back at the store, so everything was already set up. Contacts, location, time, date, etc. But that wasn't the problem. You wondered, who would text you immediately after you got your new phone? You unlock the screen, click on the text with a small smile, which grew into a full-on blushing grin after you read it.

Sehun: No matter what, we'll always be connected. Together. So have fun with it. I love you.

You look up at Sehun, hiding your grin with your hands. "Sentimental much?" You ask, voice muffled by your hands.

He stands up, leans over the table and gives you a kiss. "I love you," He says onto your lips. "And now I'll always have a way to tell you that."

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Chapter 1: awwwwwww xD
Chapter 1: haha Texting incident...even I talk to a guy who I haven't met till now xD
Next month it will be a year~
Still no scope of meeting xD
Anywyas back to story...Sehun sshi kyeopta~ ♥♥