
Caught By Love

 Yoona’s POV

“When I was young, I imagined working in a coffee shop” said Kiseop looking around the shop, like it’s the first time he’s got into a coffee shop


“Really?” I asked not believing him


Why? Because look, he is just too good to be working in this kind of places, a Demi God like him should be working in an office… to be a boss! Not here, serving people with his mighty presence!


“You don’t believe me?” He asked amused


I reached for the counter of the shop then I looked at him. Oh God! Thank you for this day… his presence here is a gift from heaven! I’m sure about that


“I believe you, I just…” I tripped on my words, how can I say it properly in front of him?


“Because you’re too good to be serving people”, replied Yuri coming from the staff room with my apron in her hand


“I’m too good?” Asked Kiseop confused


Yuri handed me the apron


“Yes you’re too good, the ones like you don’t belong here” Yuri paused for a second to look at me and then back at Kiseop “You belong in an office, were you command people, not being commanded by people”


And that’s why Yuri is my best friend! She speaks exactly what’s on my mind! I don’t know if I already said this but I remember thinking that maybe Yuri is my long lost sister... because we share the same thoughts and the same interests as well


“Don’t you agree with me Yoona?” Asked Yuri waking me up from my trance


“I always agree with you Yul” I replied smiling putting my apron on


“But I always wanted to talk to different kinds of people” said Kiseop with sadness in his voice


Don’t be sad! I thought to myself looking at him, if you want, you can always talk to me


He smiled, that carefree smile that made me like him even more.


“So what do you want to do sir?” I smiled looking at Kiseop


Kiseop bit his lower lip. Oh God! Kill me now! This is too much! He looks really cute! And suddenly I got a kick from Yuri, she probably knew what I was thinking about


“I want to work here for tonight, I want to experience how it like to serve people like what you two are doing” replied Kiseop shocking both me and Yuri


“Are you serious?” Yuri and I asked in unison


Kiseop looked at us with his cute face


“Yes” he replied with happiness in his voice, like a child


“Well Yoona, take him to the staff room” said Yuri smiling at me


“What?!” I protested “You do it!”


Oh my god! I can’t be alone inside a room with Kiseop! My thoughts suddenly lingered to a certain grey eyed guy… remembering the scene in the South Tower and in his mansion not noticing that the both of them are looking at me worriedly, Yuri and Kiseop


“Are you okay?” Asked Kiseop worriedly


“Oh, yeah, I’m fine… just having a flashback” I replied smiling



“You will just get him the apron Yoona, what were you thinking? And what’s with the flashback you were having?” Asked Yuri eying me suspiciously


“No-nothing” I replied


And to avoid the suspecting eyes of my best friend, I looked at Kiseop to find him looking at us kind of smiling


“Come on Kiseop” I pouted walking towards the staff room, eager to leave Yuri


Kiseop followed me, when we entered the room… I think it’s gotten smaller, and hotter. Don’t know why but I can hear my own heartbeat getting faster, above normal for sure


“Aish! What am I thinking?!”


“What are you thinking?” Asked Kiseop suddenly


Oh no! I said it aloud again!


I turned around to find him towering me, his warmth radiating from his body, his minty scent caught me off guard. I swallowed looking at him


“Yoona” he said walking closer


Oh God! His voice is heavenly!


Suddenly, he touched my cheek with his hand


“W-Wh-Why?” I asked almost shaking from his touch


“Why are you turning red? He asked “are you sick?”


Oh no! I’m blushing!


I stepped back breaking the touch


“No! it’s hot here that’s why” I replied awkwardly walking towards the cabinet where the apron is. I took it and turned around, to find him looking at me, smiling to himself


“Why are you smiling?” I asked suspiciously


But before he could even answer, a knock on the door was heard


“Yah you too! Why are you taking so long? Get out already1 we have customers waiting!” said Yuri


“Here, put this on” I said handing him the red apron


I walked past him but I froze when he spoke


“You look cute Yoona, I find you very attractive”


Kai’s POV

I saw the owner of the shop while me and Jaejoong were walking towards the entrance of the coffee shop. What’s his name again? I think it’s Mr. Chu? Is that right?


“Hello” I said stopping on my track


Jaejoong bumped into my back


“Aish! What the hell Kai?” said Jaejoong in his childish tone


“Shut up” I hissed at him “I have a business here”


Mr. Chu turned and looked at me


“I’m Kim Jongin” I said offering my hand


His eyes and mouth went wide


Yeah right, you must know my father, an owner of a small business like this usually looks up to my father


“It’s my pleasure meeting you” replied Mr. Chu shaking my hand furiously


I nodded looking at him


“I’m Mr. Choi by the way” he said still looking at me


Ah, so it’s Mr. Choi not Mr. Chu! Bloody names!


“Do you need anything? A coffee? A business proposal maybe? Say it, I will gladly help you” he said with so much hope in his voice


What should I say? That I want to cage Yoona in my hands? To not let her escape from my grasp until I get what I want from her?


“I want to make a business proposal with you Mr. Choi” I replied looking intently at the face of the old man


Mr. Choi’s eyes suddenly shone up


“What? You will waste your money in this small shop?” Hissed Jaejoong


“For the second time and the last time Jaejoong, shut your mouth up, you’re not helping!” I hissed back


“Arasso, arasso” replied Jaejoong in a defeated tone


“Let’s go inside, we can talk there more comfortably” said Mr. Choi pointing at his small shop


“Alright” I replied smiling


Victory is near, I told myself as we walked towards the entrance of the shop


I noticed that a crowd was following us inside now, but Jaejoong and I are already used to be followed by a crowd… it’s always like this, but I don’t blame them, I’m a very good looking guy, no one can resist my charm


Yoona resisted so many times already. Yelled someone inside my head


“Of course not, she’s just hard to get” I replied


“Kai, who are you talking to?” Asked Jaejoong confusedly


“Myself” I replied with an airy tone


Jaejoong gave me the what-the-hell-look and I gave him the I-am-the-boss-here look


When we entered the shop, girls were already flocking the counter, probably because of Kiseop but where is he? The only one I can see is the skinny girl (Jaejoong type of girls) standing in front of the staff room


Mr. Choi lead us towards the largest table in the shop


“Please have a seat Jongin-ssi and…?” Asked Mr. Choi looking at Jaejoong


“Kim Jaejoong” replied Jaejoong smiling like a child


Mr. Choi’s eyes went wide again but when he saw the waiting and coming customers, he smiled even more


“You brought luck to my shop, Jongin-ssi and Jaejoong-ssi, wait here, I hope you visit here regularly, I will get you the best coffee I can offer” said Mr. Choi walking towards the counter


“I wonder who are the ones good in bed from those girl following us” said Jaejoong eyeing the girls in the shop


I didn’t reply him, I was searching for Yoona and Kiseop when I saw them coming out from the staff room. They are both wearing an apron


Yoona is blushing? I asked myself looking at her, and why is Kiseop smiling? Why is he wearing an apron as well? I looked at Yoona once again, she looks, I don’t know, she’s not that beautiful but I’m attracted to her, her doe eyes, her cute face, her talking back to me, her fighting back to my every word and action… she’s the only girl who dares to do that


“Hey Kai look at that girl” said Jaejoong pointing at the skinny girl “she looks cute right?”


I snorted, I told you, that Yoona’s friend is Jaejoong type of girl, skinny, cute and innocent


“Yeah” I replied “but Yoona is much better”


“Yeah, because you like her!” retorted Jaejoong


“I don’t like her, I just want her!” I replied still looking at her when suddenly, our gazes met


She looks shocked but I just smirked at her


I know that Kiseop has already seen us, but he’s not showing any signs of recoginition… he is looking at Yoona, like that look I’m giving her. Could it be that Kiseop really likes this girl? Or is he just using her to forget his first love?


Mr. Choi came back with two huge cups of coffee, designed with his shop’s sign


“So what will the proposal be Jongin-ssi?” Asked Mr. Choi eager of what I will offer


I straightened up looking at Mr. Choi then cleared my throat


“I want Yoona” I said looking at him


Is that a business proposal? Or what? I don’t really know, my sister is the one handing the business while I’m still studying in high school, but soon enough, I’ll take over the family business


“Yoona? Oh, so it was really you who called last night?” Asked Mr. Choi in confusion


“Yes, it was me” I replied “so what do you say?”


Mr. Choi straightened up, looking at Yoona behind the counter. I noticed that Kiseop and Yoona’s friend are the ones who are serving the customers.


“I don’t know Jongin-ssi, Yoona is my best crew here in the shop, so I doubt I will give her up without any terms or conditions” replied Mr. Choi


Your best crew? You only have two! I told myself smiling at the old man


“Alright” I said looking at the old man “In Yoona’s every absence, I will pay for you double her salary and every time she’s with me, I will be sending some of my best crew to help you here in your…” I looked around the shop wondering what’s the proper way to say the real things about his poor designed shop “in your welcoming and cozy shop”


“Deal” said Mr. Choi giving his hand to me


“Deal” I replied accepting and shaking his hand


I like this man already! So straight forward.


“Victory Kai!” hissed Jaejoong beside me


Yoona’s POV

I’m so nervous looking at my boss talking with that grey eyed idiot. What are they talking about? Why is my boss smiling like that? Jaejoong is smiking and whispering something to Kai and that idiot Kai, is he smiling to himself?


“Hey” I heard someone in front of me


I turned around to find a girl standing in front of the counter


“Oh, sorry, what do you want?” I asked her


“Is there any vacant seats?” she asked looking at Kiseop, then at Jajeoong and Kai


I sighed then pouted “I’m sorry but as you see, the shop is really packed this evening” I replied politely


The girl looked at me, tucking his lips together


“Do you know them?” Asked the girl with a nervous smile


“Who?” I replied even though I know who she’s talking about


“Those three hot guys” she replied glancing again at Kiseop taking notes, at Jaejoong eying Yuri (Oh no this can’t be good!) and at Kai eying me with his cold grey eyes, “wait, is he looking at me or at you?”


“Oh, probably you” I smiled at her then looked away


Why am I looking away? He doesn’t own this shop! Mr. Choi owns it! He can’t control me in others territory!


“It’s you he wants right?” Asked the girl smiling at me


Okay, this girl is getting on my nerves


“What? Of course not!” I protested


The girl is still smiling at me, waiting for me to admit it, but there’s no way in the seven kingdoms of Westeros (I love that book by the way) will I admit that Kai is really haunting me, not only in Shinhwa but in my dreams too!


“I will give you an advice, resist the charms of guys like these!” I said looking at Kai and Jaejoong talking to each other… but where’s Mr. Choi?


“Like who?” Asked the girl


This is too much! I suddenly burst out, I can’t take it anymore! I can’t hide my hate towards Kai! Maybe it’s not hate but he’s really annoying me!


“This guy over there is Kim Jongin! The most annoying guy ever, like really the most annoying ever! He is the most dangerous among his other three peers, he will take something from you (although I really don’t know what is it that Kai wants from me!). Believe me he’s not worth it!”


I looked back at the girl to find her looking at me in amusement


“I will gladly give him that” she said dreamily


“Neh?” I asked confusedly


“The thing you’re talking about” she replied smiling slyly


I looked at her in shock but I never got the chance to reply her because I noticed that there’s someone beside me clearing their throat


“I hope I’m not interrupting your girly gossips” said a familiar voice


“Oh not at all” I replied not looking at the man


“Yes” replied the man, “because from now on you will be working not only for me”


What the hell?! I told myself as I looked at the man


Oh my god! It’s Mr. Choi!


“Hello Yoona, nice seeing that you’re finally back” said Mr. Choi raising an eyebrow


“Hello Mr. Choi” I bowed smiling, waiting for the judgment


Am I going to be fired? Oh god please no! this job helps not only me but my family too! Please please please!


“You’re not going to be fired yet” said Mr. Choi as if he can read my thoughts “but from now on, you will work not only for me”


Oh god! Thank you! I’m not fired yet! My head is screaming in happiness


“Thank you!” I said bowing “I promise you I will never be absent again! Well, I will just if an accident happen” I said smiling awkwardly


“Didn’t you hear me?” Asked Mr. Choi in an irritated tone


“Neh? What is it?” I asked confusedly


Did I hear him wrong? Am I fired?


“I said you’re not fired yet, but from now on, you will work not only for me” replied Mr. Choi



‘What?” I asked getting nervous all of the sudden


What if it’s Kai? What will I do?


“You will work also for Mr. Kim Jongin, I heard you still owe him something athough I don’t know what is it” said Mr. Choi


“You don’t need to know, Mr. Choi” I replied smiling coldly when I suddenly heard that icy voice again


When I looked in front of the counter, Kai is standing there and the girl I was talking to a while ago is already gone


“You’re coming with me tonight” said Kai


“NO WAY!” I shouted stepping back, building my courage to talk back to him, everything he says, I must resist it, I must fight back!


“Yoona will stay here” I heard another familiar voice “She’s not going anywhere tonight”


When Kai turned around, he found Kiseop standing behind him with the notebook of the orders in his hands


“Whose rule is that Kiseop?” Asked Kai in a deadly tone but at the same time with his cocky voice and looks


Oh no! This can’t be good! A fight is looming in!


“It’s the rule of the business cycle Kai, you should know about that too” replied Kiseop matching the deadly tone of Kai “a business only got one head, not two, so you can only follow one”


Kai smirked


“I know that well Kiseop, you don’t need to remind me, or have you forgot whose son am I?” replied Kai boasting about his father who is idolized by the business men in the country


Kiseop smirked back, a rare sight from a gentle and a Demi god like him


“I know well who you are Kai, but you are the son, not the father, there’s a difference” replied Kiseop smiling coldly


Everyone in the coffee shop has fallen silent, looking at the tension building between the two best friends


I should stop this before it goes farther! I’m afraid of the ending of this! I don’t want anyone to get hurt and I feel like it’s all my fault…


“Stop this, please” I said staring at the ground with my voice falling me


“You’re coming with me Yoona!” said Kai not really looking at me like he’s giving an order


“No Yoona! Don’t go!” retorted Kiseop


Even Mr. Choi is silent at the moment and when I looked at Yuri standing beside Jaejoong, she’s looking at me with uncertainty. Should I go with Kai? Or stay here with Kiseop?


Oh god please help me! I closed my eyes weighing the moment then I suddenly snapped my eyes opened


Now I know what I should do


“I’m sorry” I said looking into his eyes


Into that eyes that always captivates me









To that chocolate colored eyes


“I’m sorry Kiseop, but I will go with this grey eyed idiot” I said still staring at the ground and when I took a glance at Kai, he’s smiling, smiling like a child who has just been given his favorite candy


Smile of victory


Kai took my hand, leading me out of the coffee shop, taking me to a place where I don’t know, but I hope that I made the right choice, I hope that it was right leaving the one I love behind…


Hello my lovely readers! How are you?

It’s been a while right? Minaheyo ><

Hope you’re enjoying this fic so far ^^

Stay tuned & wait for the future updates ^^



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I'm back! Chapter 9 is ready ^^ And sorry for the late update >


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Chapter 10: Yehey I want to read more
hope you update soon
Chapter 8: yes yes i agree with ALostFAWNS lol
Chapter 8: give a hint about kiseop first love? *i bet she look like yoona phisicly/attitude

kai..*do anything for what he have owned..
#cough yoona cough..

*hope for more and long update
Chapter 7: yay lol know im really curious to what will happen
Chapter 7: i smell yuljae scene..hohoho.

ohh..jeleousy kai begine..
the irony is..
when kiseop at side yoona,yoona more calm than with kai..

i love your storyy..
hope more update.fighting!!
Chapter 6: update soon im wondering what will happen to yoona.. and i know where you got the idea for this story from to ;)
novamp #8
Update soon please
Chapter 4: please update soon >< !!!
^^ fighting !!
haemia #10
i love this story <3 update soon !! ^^