I'll be yours Ft. Yoon Eunhye

` ace o' s p a d e s ♠

I'll be your


look into my eyes and i'll let you see everything


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I wanted to play around, so I ended up with this. Somewhat of a re-make of the previous one, but it;s still meh OTL. I had to fix a few things after transfering it into AFF, and things are wonky. Especially the picture, but I'm not sure how much of that is just me and how much of it is actually the coding.

I also did another code, but I can't even fix it at all. I have no idea what to do with it, but I like it OTL




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Chapter 4: Hey, can I use this one? It's beautiful! ^^~
Chapter 6: lol. I'm not much of a newbie, but wth is floats? :( I only use margins. tho. is that like a margin too? :O

/slapped for being stupid/
Chapter 6: hi! can I please use this :)
Chapter 8: May I please use this one bby?
It looks beautiful
Chapter 8: OMf-
Can I use this? ; ;
Chapter 6: You go girl! These are very good for a start! ^^ Keep up the great works!