Sand Boy

#1 Imagine


Ricky imagine :
You went to a beach with your classmates for a trip. They all changed their cloth to something fits for swimming and surfing. Except you. Even tho you really like surfing with your boys classmate. You don't feel like so today. You were wearing hoody with shorts. Plus you dont even bring your swimming suit today. So you sat somewhere and starts playing with the sands. You went somewhere a bit far from where people hang out and plays. You started to filled up the sand into big mouintans. Then you fixed it. keep fixing and pile up some more. put waters. Till it looks exact like a teenage boy. Yup. You're a very talented girl in making stuff using sand and water. Just that. You were satisfied at your work. You were staring the sand boy. You didn't realize that people starts crowding up around you. Not just any people. Theres lots and lots of students. Mostly GIRLS. Finally you were out from your gazed by the girls chuckling and giggling. You look around they were looking at you with shocking or either amazed. you don't know. Btw its the first time that so many people crowding . Then you realized there's something black on top of your sand boy's head. You took a peek at the back. WITH THE MOST SHOCKING LOOK ON YOUR FACE, you almost shout when you saw Ricky standing behind the sand boy innocently. He were writing his name at the back of the sand boy. He then realized that you were staring at him. He turned to you and smiled sheepishly. " Mianhae.. Is it okay if i took a picture with this? " you just nodded. Ricky called out L.Joe's name and all the girls start squeling and yelling. The guards getting hard time to stop those angels. L.Joe then came. " What? " " Took a picture of me with this sand umm boy! Isnt this cool.. ? " ricky said as he gave L.Joe his phone. " Y-yeah it so cool.. " ricky went back to your sand boy. L.Joe wereabout to press the button but then Ricky walk toward you pulling you to his side. " You should take a picture with me! Whole people will know that you're talented! " he smiled then starts posing cutely. You still had your gazed on him. " Yah! Look at the camera not me. " "uh uh.. so-rry" you turn your head and smiled at the camera awkwardly. " Hana.. Dul .. set " Ricky kissed your cheek. YOUR EYES WIDENED. L.Joe got shocked too. Ricky walk toward L.Joe, grab his phone and gave to you. " Number. " he asked.

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