〔ポセイドン要素 !〕 ⁽Poseidon element !⁾— apply now


ポセイドン要素 !
Imagine a club full of hot, shirtless, wet guys. Yes, that does look good right? More than good to the point of pure bliss upon seeing these boys. What's the sad face for, sweetie? Oh, right, you remembered: these boys are practically untouchable; just like the soccer team, the cheerleaders, boy's lacrosse and track team. You'll be lucky enough if these mermaid-like creatures push you aside; showing that they are aware of your presence. Let's break this down nice and easy for you, honey; they don't care too much about anything else outside of their precious pool. They've spent most of their lives in the water and they aren't about to give that up for just about anyone.
Within the club is a strong sense of brotherhood. Besides all of them loving the pool, they're practically family. A friendship seemingly impermeable by others. Now, that pool of theirs is not just like any other pool; you have to be acknowledged as more than an outsider and stranger to the boys just to dip your body in the pool. There are only six females ( very much envied by the club's fan girls ) that are lucky enough to be involved in the boys' lives. These ladies deal with guys who act like they're long lost mermaids of the sea and having swimming as their only way of life.


one please subscribe if interested
TWO no bashing of anykind. you should know that already
THREE we will be choosing six girls; selfish authors will be in the story and taking two exo members
FOUR model marie broenner and fujii lena are taken along with the adorable baozi and derpyeol.
FIVE we have not decided on a deadline yet so take your time on the application
SIX there will be plotlines and so please try to make your character correspond to what the plotline suggests.
SeVEN exo love interests only along with only asian models / uhljjangs
eIGHT password is the anime that this story it is inspired by. hint: look at the pictures throughout the story and application. if you know, just tell us in the application under 'password'
NINE have fun guys! 





OMG, so glad to be collabing with Weixing, >_<. Much to say but I'll leave that for the up coming chapters ^^



Hey guys, it's weixing again. I know, i should really stop making stories or being involved in them but it's actually my coping method right now. i just broke up with my boyfriend and trust me, it's not fun right now and so writing is actually my coping method along with stuffing my face. I don't know why i'm being like this when i'm the one who ended it. Though it was the hardest thing I had to do...I really am taking it a bit rough but i've got friends supporting me and saying they'll take me out to find more boys and I'm just there feeling pure guilt. I really didn't want to do it but I needed to. I couldn't be in the relationship because i wasn't happy and I deserve to be happy right? I'm sorry for ranting right here but I needed to. I just feel guilt but I got friends and my lovely kpop boys to get through this. Chanyeol's lovely face has been helping me to the point where i've gone crazy enough to talk to the picture on my itouch about how i'm feeling and . Putting my turmoil and my insanity aside, I am beyond excited for this and ohmygosh please just kill me cause I just love this idea and I'm glad that I'm a part of creating it! Hope you guys are interested and thinking about applying!



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this anime
and exo
shirtless boys
you certainly know how to attract ually frustrated fangirls
oh my
me me me
i am interested~
and the description is perf. they're basically aquaual.