
How Many Secrets Do You Have???


“AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!Omo Mianhe..” I immediately turn around. ‘Oh My Gosh, Oh My Gosh, Oh My Gosh did I just freaking see her freaking  half ? I should have freaking knock. Oh My Gosh, Is this freaking real? What is this? Why is it that my heart is beating fast? Calm down Choi Sooyoung, Calm down.’

“Soo, It’s ok, you can faced me now.” She said so I did

“y-yahh you’re just on your bra and underwear!” ’but somehow I like seeing like that’

“Hey, relax, stop being an OA”

“Are you not ashamed?”

“Were both women why will I be ashamed, wait are you blushing?”

“Of course not” ‘Am I

“This isn’t your first time to see a woman like this.”

“Yes! I mean no! Of course not!” ‘

“By the way, c..c..can can you please w..wear some clothes first” ‘I can’t concentrate, why should you be that hot? ‘

“hahaha ok ok “ ‘she went to her closet and wear her short and a oversized shirt’

“ahhhmmm where are the girls” She said

“They went at the park”

“Then why did you come back?”

“Because I want to talk to you.”

“About what?”

“You know what I’m talking about Hyo?

“Soo, change the topic, I’m not comfortable about this.”

“Why? We’ve been living together for 5 years and you’re still not comfortable? Don’t you trust us Hyo?”

“I trust you but...?”

“But what?”



“I’m not ready ok.. I’m not ready to talk about it” ‘Her eyes become watery, It must be a big problem’

“Why? Please tell me.” I insisted.

‘The room was filled with silence. I look deeply on her eyes, for me to know what she really feels. I think she’s about to cry but her expression is blank and I couldn’t read what’s on her mind. Is she really trying to hide it?’

“Because I don’t want to be pitied and you might look down on me.” Tears are now flowing through her cheeks

“Is that how you know us?”


No One’s POV

“Is that how you know us?”

They were both shocked and wondered who it was. Actually, it was Sunny and the other girls were just right behind her. The girls decided to get back to their room because the people are starting to recognize the few minutes after Sooyoung left them.

Hyoyeon don’t know want to do now; she thinks the situation is getting worse. She couldn’t speak, it’s like there is something that blocking for her to speak.

“Unnie, we are here to cheer you up when you’re your feeling down, to help you when you’re in trouble, to comfort you and not to make feel burden and make your life miserable. Were sisters right?” Seo walk towards her and hugged her. Hyo hugged her back.

“Im...s-sorry.” Hyo said between sobs.

“Ok I’ll tell you everything now.” All the girls nodded and gathered inside the room. They sit on top of the bed. Hyo calmed herself so that the girls would understand what she’s saying.”

“Ok, *she took a deep breath* it is not true that my family died in a plane crash.” She started.

“What???” the girls said in unison. They were shocked as Hyoyeon expected.

“When I was 5, my parents got separated. After few years my mother got married again, so I have a new father but he is not a good person. He’s hurting us behind our mother’s back. My sister, the oldest among us escape, then me and my brother decided to escape from our parents too “That’s bad unnie, you shouldn’t have done that.” Seo’s face was filled with disappointment.

“If we didn’t do that, maybe I’m not here with you.” They nodded as a sign that they agree.

“Then we went to America, my brother worked, for us to live. But he didn’t tell me what his work was. I don’t how but, It was easy for him to get money. When I’m asking him about it, he just tells that me I should be thankful that we have money.

 He enrolled me in a private school in US, it wasn’t that hard for me to live there because I already know how to speak English. When I got to high school, I met 8 different kind of person, we have different culture and personality but we have the same passion. And that is dance. We even built a group and called it TRM. At first, we have a conflict of being with each other but our passion for dance swept it away..........”

“Wait is TRM means?” Tiff cut her and asked.

“It means The Royal Majesties” she answered

“ohhhhwwws..” the girls laughed.

“Hey, don’t underestimate us, we were the undefeatable group during our time even when we were in college. No one can match us ExD crew or Extreme Dance Crew” Hyo proudly said

“And who are they?” Yuri asked

“Our sunbaes. One of them became my mentor...” then suddenly, Hyo’s face become sad.

“Then one day. It was near my birthday, he bought a ford car for me. It was beautiful, after I signed the papers for the car, I followed him outside *sigh*. When I was on my way...... I-I saw car that bumped my brother *sobs*.... and a man went out of the car and killed my.....my brother. And until now we don’t know who the criminals were. That moment..........always appear on my dreams,  that’s why I always go out for you not to see me sad like this” Hyoyeon is now crying hard, Sooyoung was the first one to hug her and rubbed her back to comfort her. Then the other girls went next. They also cried, they feel sorry for Hyoyeon, for what she have experience. They feel dumb for not understanding Hyoyeon.

“Hyo I’m sorry, I should have understood you, I should have talk to you before this happens, before we snubbed and left you a while ago. I’m a bad leader. Forgive me.” Tae said.

“No, don’t be sorry, I should be the one to apologize. I should have told you this before I acted weird. Sorry guys.” Hyo said.


After the confrontation, the girls went back to normal. They stayed at the living room, chatting, playing, and watching then after that, they decided to discuss where they will spend their vacation.

Taeyeon: “So, where are you planning to spend your vacation?” she started.

Sooyoung: “Who wants to go with me in Boracay? Raise your hands” but no one raised their hands.

Yuri: “Soo, we already went there.”

Sooyoung: “But it’s beautiful there.” She used her aegyo.

Tiffany: “Think another place.”

Hyoyeon: “What about the Underground River in Palawan, it is still in the

Philippines. I heard that place already belong to the 7 wonders on the world.” she suggested.

Taeyeon: “Yeah, that a good idea. So, let’s go to Palawan?”

All girls: “Yeahhhhhhh..”

Jessica: “Wait.” All the girls looked at her. “I also want to taste their ice cream in Bicol”

Sunny: Jess we can just buy ice cream in Palawan”

Jessica: “No, their ice cream is different, they have spicy and vegetable flavours of an ice cream. I read it on the internet and the writer says that it’s delicious. So many people commented on it and they said that it’s really delicious.

Seohyun: “I like that unnie, healthy ice cream.. yumm yumm”

Jessica: “I knew you would like it.  So wanna try?”


They all agreed especially Yoona and Sooyoung

Sneak Peak::

Hyoyeon heard some slow footsteps coming to her so she turns around. As she turns around a guy was trying to stab her, but luckily she was alert enough to evade it.

Hyo:”who sent you?”

The guy was not responding.

Hyo:”who!!!?” she yelled

Guy:” I don’t know.!”

She heard that people are starting to come near their place so she hurriedly ran back to their suite.

 hello. so here's my new update, I kinda' change the way I wirte the story in the end and also for the next chapters that I will be making if it's ok..

I also want to say thank you for those subscribe in my story.... it means a lot to me..

am I getting OA right now?    yes I am.. sorry..

anyway, just enjoy the story and please wite your comments below.. :))

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Chapter 4: ...wait ...SOOO NOOO HYOZELO?? *pouts*
aidanazuha #3
Chapter 1: This story is interesting.Update soon. :-)