A Family of Our Own

A Family of Our Own


It was a year after they got back together, Kyuhyun knelled down on his knee and asked Hyukjae’s hands for marriage. It was sudden yet Hyukjae couldn’t be any happier than that. The taller male was proposing to him, on his hand there was a simple diamond ring that once belonged to Kyuhyun’s mother and as he nodded his head, it lingered perfectly on his finger. He choked in tears when Kyuhyun pulled him into a kiss. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, he said. Hyukjae cried like a baby.

They had experienced the high and low of a relationship but each day the fell for each other deeper, each day the bounds between them became stronger than before. Hyukjae felt blessed. He couldn’t ask for more and he was sure Kyuhyun was the only one that he needed to smile. He was sure that Kyuhyun was his everything and the taller male never failed to tell him that he held the same place in his heart. It was perfect.

Kyuhyun was always there with him, making him smile when all of the wedding preparation drained him to his core or just be there for him, hugging him tight and whispering how much he loved him. He was always smiling when Hyukjae turned him into his own sandbag, channeling all of his frustration to the taller male when unexpected things happened, Hyukjae got a kiss in return. I love you enough for you to hit me till eternity, he remembered Kyuhyun ragged one time and a jab landed on the taller male’s stomach.

Months of draining preparation was worth it, Hyukjae thought. It was worth it when he saw Joonmyun walked down the aisle with their wedding ring on the cushion that he held, when his mother shed a tear as she watched him stepped inside the chruch and when Kyuhyun took his hand, leading him to the platform where the pastor blessed the unbreakable bound that soon would tie them both. It even worth the pain that they experienced before when the old pastor finally announced him as spouses and let them seal the bound in a deep kiss.



Joonmyun’s laughter could be heard throughout the room. It was loud and alarming, Hyukjae chuckled as he looked at the little boy who was playing on the floor with his husband. The little boy was squealing when Kyuhyun tickled his middle and Hyukjae felt his heart flattered as he heard his husband’s laughter. He knew Joonmyun was more than capable to make his man smiled. Joonmyun always held a very special spot inside his husband’s heart.

It was a usual Saturday noon, both males were resting from all the hectic of their jobs and just enjoying the day with their beloved nephew. Just like another weekend, Joonmyun would be spending the days off with them and they couldn’t be any happier when the little boy’s laughter echoed through their apartment. A little noise wouldn’t harm them.

Joonmyun was playing with the game console that Hyukjae once bought him when he saw his uncle joined them in the living room with a tray of food on his hand. He beamed as his uncle called him for lunch and he heard Kyuhyun huffed when he launched himself on the tallest male’s lap. “You’re getting heavy, Joonmyun-ah.” His uncle Kyu said to him.

They shared a plate, the three of them. Hyukjae would feed him as he played with his Uncle Kyu and he couldn’t help but laugh when he saw Hyukjae also fed his husband. “Uncle Kyu is such a baby…” He mocked the tallest male, Kyuhyun stuck his tongue out in return.

They spent the whole day playing and it was amazing how all the exhaustion that the adluts felt before disappeared to the air. By the night, a smile appeared on both males face when they saw Joonmyun grinning in his sleep. It was indeed a good day.

As they settled on their own bed, both males showering each other with kisses and cuddled to each other. They couldn’t help but smile in content. “I had fun today.” Hyukjae said as he planted a kiss on Kyuhyun’s jawline and the taller male hummed in return. “What are you thinking?” He asked when the taller male didn’t utter a word at him.

“One of my colleagues told me to get a house.” Kyuhyun said. “You know, a real house. A big one.” He continued and Hyukjae creased one of his eyebrows in confusion.

“Why so sudden?” Hyukjae asked in confusion while Kyuhyun reasoned that his colleagues had bugging him with the subject for the whole week. “I thought this apartment is big enough for both of us.” Hyukjae said. “After all, we’re not home most of the times.”

“Yeah, but it somehow feel small when Joonmyun’s running around the room.” Kyuhyun commented. “A little more spaces won’t harm, right? Besides, it’ll be cramped if there are more people here.” The taller male continued and Hyukjae gasped at his statement. His pupil dilated as he pulled himself up so he could face his husband while the taller male sighed as he rested his back on the headboard of their bed.

“You want a kid.” Hyukjae stated as he eyed his husband who said nothing in return. “I’m right, right? You want a kid.”

“I never said that.” Kyuhyun said defensively, making the smaller male snorted. He knew his husband too well, he knew the taller male was lying.

“That’s true, but you’re implying it.” Hyukjae made his point and his husband sighed once more. Hyukjae showered him with kisses on his cheeks.

“Okay, Hyukjae… I want a family.” Kyuhyun said as he pulled the smaller male closer to him. “With you.” He added as he planted a kiss on Hyukjae’s crown, a boyish grin appeared on Hyukjae’s face.

“So you do want to have a kid.” Hyukjae stated once more and Kyuhyun smiled at him.

“Badly.” Kyuhyun said bluntly. “I always want to have a kid with you. Our own baby.” He continued and Hyukjae felt his heart flattered at his husband’s word.

“God, I love you.” The smaller male said before he sealed their lips into a sweet kiss. “Let’s have kid.” He whispered as he broke the kiss and he couldn’t help but melt when he heard Kyuhyun laughed.




Hyukjae wasn’t joking when he agreed to Kyuhyun’s wish to have a child and so does the taller male. Both males filed their request to be foster parents to the social service and looked for a new house once they told their families about their plan on adopting a kid. Everyone was ecstatic, they knew it was the perfect time to have an addition in their family.

It took them a month to find that perfect house that they could call their new house. It was a simple two storey house with a front and back yard that was enclosed by picket fences. A typical suburban house yet it felt perfect. It was their home.

Hyukjae was thrilled when they pull out the sale board by the front yard of the house and people from the moving company started to unloaded their belongings from the truck and placed it inside their house. He was beaming as they started to decorate the house. He chuckled when Kyuhyun insisted to decorate the nursery room on their own and they took their time as they planned the whole room.

They spent their weekends on the furniture store, picking out the best wall paint and carpet tiles for the room before they installed it on their own. Hyukjae admitted that Kyuhyun did most of the work but he was helping too. They painted the whole room with two colors, dividing the wall into two parts horizontally, they painted the upper part of the wall with light orange color and baby blue color for the lower part of the wall. The beige carpet tile that they installed matched the wall’s color well.

They placed a wooden crib near the window of the house and set a curtain that matched the wall’s color to the big window. They placed a drawer by one corner of the room and a matching changing table on its side, a wooden rocking chair was placed across the furniture, facing the baby crib. Hyukjae filled the room with toys and dolls while Kyuhyun glued hundreds of fiber optics stars to the ceiling and painted it over to conceal it by the daylight, he grinned as he saw them twinkling when he turned the light of the room off. It was twinkling like a real stars.

Both males were laying on the carpet as they finished decorating the room, Kyuhyun rested his body on a big teddy bear doll on the corner of the room while Hyukjae rested his weight on his husband’s body. “We did a great job.” Kyuhyun said as he found himself watching the stars on the ceiling and Hyukjae giggled in return.

“Yes, we do.” The smaller male said as he snuggled closer to his husband. “We make a pretty good team.”

“The best.” Kyuhyun said arrogantly, Hyukjae laughed in return.

“I could hear his cry already.” The smaller male said, imagining himself spending his time with their bundle of joy. He smiled at the image of their baby laughing and crying with them, he couldn’t wait to spoil him with all his might.

“It’ll sound perfect.” Kyuhyun whispered as he planted a kiss on Hyukjae’s crown, making the smaller man giggled at him.

“By now.” Hyukjae said, knowing his husband’s bad temper when someone messing with his own rest time. “Once he comes here and cry every night, you won’t feel the same anymore.” He continued. “You’ll be cursing because he disturbs your sleep.” And Kyuhyun just couldn’t stop himself from planting another kiss on Hyukjae’s face. The blunt statement from his spouse didn’t annoy him even a bit, Hyukjae knew him too well for their own good.

“I can’t wait…” The smaller male whispered excitedly.

Pity. Their baby never came.




The house was too big for the two of them and Hyukjae was crying at the coldness of the house. It doesn’t felt the same anymore. The house was empty, there was no baby’s cries or laugh. He heard nothing. It pained him to step inside the kid’s room, which right across their bedroom, only to see the room was empty and unoccupied. He just wanted to hold his baby.

“Baby…” He turned his body only to see his husband by the door frame. He looked tired and so does Hyukjae. He didn’t know what else he could do to bring their baby home. He was tired.

Hyukjae sobbed as he sought for Kyuhyun’s warmth and the taller male enveloped him in a hug as he told him that everything would be alright. No, it won’t. Hyukjae knew.

It took months for the social service to respond their request and Hyukjae couldn’t help but cry when the social service declined their request. It was unfair, he thought. The social service declined their request to adopt a child because both of them were males. There was no flaw that could cause them a big loss in the adoption requirements, expect the fact that they were bounded in a same- marriage. Hyukjae thought it was unfair.

They tried to do anything they could, filing their request to the court, against the government’s agency that declined their request and hired the best attorney they knew to win the case but it ended up with nothing. It was draining and tiring, Hyukjae couldn’t bring himself to come to one more trial only to see the judging eyes of the panel and the judge.

“I’m sorry.” He heard Kyuhyun whispered near his ear. “I’ll do my best and we’ll have a kid. I promise.” There was an obvious tint of guilt in his voice and Hyukjae was breaking.

“N-no…” Hyukjae whimpered in defeated and he could feel Kyuhyun tightened his hold on his body. “I-I.. can’t do this anymore.”

“Baby, I’m sorry.” Kyuhyun kept on repeating the same words over and over again. “I should have done better.”

“I just want to hold my baby.” He cried in pain when Kyuhyun planted a kiss on his crown. “W-why can’t we?” He asked in agony, Kyuhyun was lost at words.

When months almost turned into year, Hyukjae thought they should give up on trying.





She thought the world was being unfair and cruel so she blamed it for ruining her life. The world had it coming yet there was nothing she could do to clean up the mess that had been done. She was ruined and the world smirked as it watched her tearing apart in agony. World, after all was cruel and vicious, she should have known better.

She was nineteen, so dumb so pure, she was the perfect prey for the world to devour. She thought she was living her dream, she didn’t know she was only a step away from falling. The world looked so beautiful and mesmerizing, she was blinded. Everything was perfect, she saw and she was drowning in pure bliss of finally savoring the freedom. No more boundaries, no more restriction, it was the world and her only. It was so much better than her fantasies, everything felt so much better than her dreams. It was like the world was moving under her will, it was overwhelming.

Moving from one door to the other, she exclaimed in glee as she tasted the spree that world had offer, she didn’t know misery had been waiting for her by the last door. She had been warned, but she didn’t care. Opening the last door in front of her, misery finally introduced himself to her.

The floor was cold but she couldn’t feel anything as her body collapsed to it. Her legs gave up of supporting her weight and her body was shaking. This can’t be true… She thought, her pupil dilated in fear, trying hard to wake up from her dream, only to realize that it wasn’t a dream after all.

Even breathing became hard for her as her eyes wandered to the ceiling. Her eyes narrowed at the bright light that illuminated from the lamp, tears finally started to fall from her eyes. This can’t be true… She thought once again but who was she trying to fool. It was her third try, nothing changed and nothing ever will.

A womb was growing on her belly. She was nineteen, dumb and dirty… She was pregnant.


No one said a word at her but she could see their judging eyes as she rubbed on her belly. There was a human being inside, a baby that she thought would come years ahead, when she had enough of the fun and ready to settle down. She wasn’t ready… There was no way she was ready to raise this human being on her own.

Her mother said nothing when she told her about the baby, maybe it was her mother nature, but she thought her mother had already knew. Her mother didn’t ask her anything, she didn’t ask who was the father of her unborn baby. If only the middle aged woman asked, she would gladly tell her about that good for nothing man. That man who lured her and do her like a dog in heat. That good for nothing man that refused to take his responsibility for planting his seed inside her ova. That good for nothing man that pushed her away the moment he knew that he would soon be a father and left her with the duty of raising the fetus that soon would develop into a human being. She wasn’t ready…

No one questioned her when she decided to abort the unborn human being, not even her mother. She wasn’t ready to take the responsibility and she still had a bright future waiting for her. She wanted to believe there was more waiting for her and she was willing to sacrifice this unwanted child for taking that chances.

But, she could feel it growing inside her stomach, that little womb that probably as small as a nut, but it was growing. She felt it spring up… another human being that hoping to be part of the world. The womb was begging for her not to kill him. But her future was brighter without it. She knew she had to abort the baby. She couldn’t help herself but crying in guilt. She prayed because she was afraid to do one more unforgivable sin.





An angel… Hyukjae thought as he gazed at the girl in front of them. She was so beautiful and she looked glowing even when smile never appeared on her face. Hyukjae envied her growing tummy.

It occurred to him once, he wandered what would happen if only he was a girl. He probably would have given Kyuhyun they baby they desired so badly. He would be carrying the perfect mixture of the two of them, the baby that they made with love and hope, the apple of their eyes. It would be perfect, he thought. Hyukjae would get the change to feel the glow that every girl always wanted, the pure bliss that every woman experienced as they felt the growing human being inside their stomach. He would taste the nine months of battle with hormones and pain, the whole nine months of torture that would end with his victory as he heard the loud cry of his newborn. He could only imagine how amazing it would be.

Kyuhyun was tightening his hold on his middle as the girl introduced herself to them, her voice was shaky and tears were threatening to fall from her eyes. She was ashamed of what she did, it was only one time but she just couldn’t escape the consequences. She was afraid, because she knew she couldn’t raise the baby inside her belly on her own. She was young, she wasn’t ready.

She wanted to give up on carrying him, that what she told them. She wanted to abort the baby and Hyukjae felt a stab on his heart. There they were, begging to have a kid while she easily planned on getting rid of one. Irony, it was. The baby should be a blessing for her, yet she looked at it as if it was a burden for her.

Hyukjae turned his gaze to his husband who was sitting silently on his side, only to see his eyes blared with longing that matched his own. He felt Kyuhyun tightening his hold on his middle, silently calming his racing heart.

He turned his attention back to the girl in front of them, she was fidgeting on her seat. It was only an hour ago she knocked the door of their house, introducing herself as the relative of one of Kyuhyun’s colleagues now she was sobbing in front of them. Hyukjae could hear her silent scream of help.

“I don’t know what else I could do.” She whispered. “I can’t do one more sin.” She continued as she rubbed her belly gently. Hyukjae felt his heart bleed.

“Please carry the baby, at least until you give birth of him.” It was Kyuhyun who opened his mouth and Hyukjae felt his heart started to race at his husband’s statement. “We’ll adopt him once you give birth.” His husband continued, Hyukjae didn’t know what to feel.





Hyukjae knew he was happy as he saw Kyuhyun smiling at him but tears couldn’t stop falling from his eyes. He was insecure, he was afraid. Anxiety was running down on her nerves. “Y-you don’t want this?” Kyuhyun asked as he sensed Hyukjae’s insecurity, Hyukjae felt his heart bleed as he heard sorrow in Kyuhyun’s voice. He shook his head vigorously.

“Hyukjae, say something…” Kyuhyun whispered as he pulled him closer, Hyukjae finally broke down to tears.

“I-I don’t know what to say.” He sobbed as he buried his face on Kyuhyun’s shoulder. “I’m scared.” He continued as he felt Kyuhyun’s hand on his back. “What if something goes wrong?” He asked in anxiety as he pulled himself to look at his husband.

“Nothing will go wrong.” Kyuhyun assured him as he wiped the tears on his face. “We’re going to have a kid.” Kyuhyun said in pure bliss and Hyukjae let out a small laugh, tears kept falling from his eyes.

“Hey, stop crying.” Kyuhyun whispered as he wiped the trail of tears on Hyukjae’s cheek.

“I-I can’t believe this is happening.” Hyukjae said and Kyuhyun nodded his head as he laughed at him.

“This is really happening.” Kyuhyun stated. “We’re going to be parents.” Hyukjae felt his heart flattered as he saw that smile on Kyuhyun’s face. That smile that draw a parental happiness, he knew by then Kyuhyun would be a perfect dad.

They took their time on registering what was happening, it was big news, they knew, and they didn’t want to do anything stupid to ruin it. They tried to consult with people around them and they couldn’t help but smiling as everyone encouraged them to get going with the adoption. They learned that the adoption would be a lot easier for them because they were two willing party in their case. They were willing to adopt a baby, and a girl was willing to give them her baby.

They came into an agreement that Kyuhyun and Hyukjae would support the girl’s life as she carried the baby and they would get the rightful title as the baby’s parents once the baby was born. They were going to have a baby and she would get her life back. Everything was perfect already.





His body was shivering as he looked at the closed door in front of him, he was scared. The corridor was empty and cold, the smell of disinfectant that the hospital used started to make him dizzy. He made himself sat on the hospital bench as his legs gave up on supporting his weight, he looked down to his hand only to see it trembling so bad. He couldn’t even feel it.

“Hyukjae…” He heard a mere whisper calling his name and found his husband standing only steps away from him. Hyukjae could see that the taller male was as frightened as him and he couldn’t help to cry as he sought for his warmth. Crying on the arms of his husband, Hyukjae felt part of him died in a second.

“Baby, I’m here. It’s okay.” Kyuhyun whispered near his ear as he held him tight but Hyukjae shook his head in return, he knew it wasn’t okay. “We’ll get through this.” His husband whispered and Hyukjae fought hard to have faith on his husband. He just couldn’t.


“You look nervous.” She said as she saw him fidgeting on his seat and Hyukjae said nothing as he gazed at the girl on his side. He was on the edge of a nervous breakdown as the nurse made them wait on the hospital’s corridor and he couldn’t help but feeling anxious as he heard the clock kept on ticking. The whole waiting drew him closer to his edge, he couldn’t take it anymore.

“Can’t help it.” He said as he patted his own tight nervously, making the girl giggled at his ridiculous state but he could care less. If Kyuhyun was there, he would have calmed him down with his hugs and kisses but the tall man wasn’t there. The fact that he was alone without his husband scared him.

“Don’t be. It’s going to be fine.” She said as she offered him a smile which calmed him a bit. “It’s only a routine check-up.” She continued to assure him and Hyukjae nodded silently. It was his first time bringing her to the hospital for her pregnancy check up. It was natural for him to be nervous.

The doctor told them that the baby was growing just fine and healthy, Hyukjae felt the weight on his back disappeared in a snap. The young doctor told them that they could do an ultra-sound check up if they wanted to and Hyukjae wasted no time on requesting it, the girl said nothing in return.

She fidgeted a bit when the doctor poured a great amount of cold gel on her stomach but her body froze the moment she looked at her monitor near the bed, Hyukjae was no different. It was hard to notice but the doctor pointed on a small lump on the monitor and Hyukjae couldn’t help but grinning from ear to ear as the doctor told them that it was the fetus that was growing inside her stomach.

“So tiny…” Hyukjae whispered as he locked his gaze on the vision, tears threatened to come out from his eyes. It was so tiny but it was a human being… His baby.

“It is. But it’s growing and healthy.” The doctor said. “We’ll print the ultra-sound result for you.” He continued and Hyukjae nodded eagerly at him. He couldn’t wait to show the picture to Kyuhyun.


She was sleeping and Hyukjae lost count on how many hours the doctors had been keeping her on sleeping state. Hyukjae was scared. They made sure that she had the best doctors to attend her yet the anxiety never left their mind.

It was yesterday, she lost consciousness and fall from the stairs of her house. Her mother was crying as she called him and told Hyukjae that she had been taken to the emergency unit. Hyukjae was scared, for her and for his baby. It was supposed to be alright. It was only weeks away from her due date.

The doctor told them before that they were expecting a baby boy, a healthy and strong baby boy. Hyukjae remembered he and Kyuhyun had a little domestic on picking out their baby’s name. Kyuhyun was too stubborn and avaricious. Their baby would be taking Kyuhyun’s family name, he should let Hyukjae to pick his name. Hyukjae chuckled remembering their silly arguments.

Just an hour ago the doctor told them that the girl had an internal bleeding due to her accident but the doctors managed to stop it and their baby was fine. He should be fine. He was their strong baby… He would be just alright, just like Kyuhyun always told him.

It past midnight but sleep never came to him, Kyuhyun was nowhere in sight so he chose to look for the taller male. He wandered around the hospital but Kyuhyun was nowhere to be seen. He stopped in front of the hospital’s chapel and looked inside once he opened the door. He doubted that his husband would be inside because Kyuhyun was never a religious man. He was an independent man who believed in his own hard work. Both of them were Christian, but Kyuhyun never rely on God. He was the man who pushed himself to his limit and never stopped until he got what he wanted. Still, it won’t harm him if he try to look there.

He felt shivers running down his spine when his eyes met his husband’s back. He felt his heart thumped as he found the taller male all by himself inside the quiet chapel. Kyuhyun was knelling behind one of the pews and hang his head low in defeated. Hyukjae felt his body trembled as he found the taller male immersing himself in a hushed prayer.

He made his way to the taller male and knelled on his side, his heart was torn apart when his husband glanced at him in shock, fear was shown on his face and a trail of tear could be seen on his face. His hand reached up to caress his husband’s cheek and Kyuhyun closed his eyes in silent, enjoying the warmth that Hyukjae offered him.

“How’s she?” Kyuhyun asked as he opened his eyes once again, Hyukjae knew he was scared. Hyukjae felt the same.

“She’s fine.” Hyukjae said. “Our baby is fine too.” He continued and Kyuhyun sighed in relieve as he heard him.

“Thank God.” Kyuhyun said in whispers and another wave of shivers running down from Hyukjae’s head to toe.

“You were praying.” Hyukjae said as both of them settled on the pew, Kyuhyun lingered his hand on Hyukjae’s back. “You never pray.” He continued in whisper as he felt Kyuhyun rubbed his back.

“I don’t know what else I could do.” Kyuhyun said in defeated. “I’m powerless here, Hyukjae.” He continued. “I can’t make sure our baby will be okay, so does she. If praying could save them, I won’t think twice to do it.” Hyukjae cried as he heard Kyuhyun’s words. He sounded so desperate and scared. That wasn’t the strong and valiant man that he married. Kyuhyun was crushing and he was lost.

“I’m scared…” Hyukjae whispered as leaned closer to his husband.

“Me too.” He heard him clearly but at least Hyukjae had Kyuhyun around. Peace came to both of them as they kneeled once more and prayed.


Kicking… Hyukjae found his hand trembling as he felt the light kick on her stomach. It wasn’t hard but it was enough for him to feel. He could feel his baby kicking in her belly.

“It’s kicking…” He mumbled as he looked down to the girl’s stomach, it felt amazing. It was alive, healthy and it was kicking.

“It hurts.” The girl groaned a bit as she felt the constant kick, it was hard for her to bear with the contraction and the kicking.

“It’s a good sign, though…” Hyukjae said as he looked up to the girl and offered her a comforting smile. It was contagious, a smile appeared on the girl’s face.

“Yes, it is.” She whispered and settled herself on the couch, Hyukjae smiled when he saw Kyuhyun joined them on the room.

“Kyu, junior’s kicking.” He beamed in excitement and Kyuhyun chuckled at the nickname that Hyukjae gave to their baby.

“He is? Good then.” He said calmly as he settled on the couch, Hyukjae scoffed at his lack of response. The smaller male dragged him to sit near the girl and brought his hand to her belly. Almost automatically Kyuhyun pulled his hand back in surprise.

“It’s kicking.” Hyukjae chuckled as he saw Kyuhyun’s pupil dilated, the girl giggled as she saw Kyuhyun’s amused face.

“It’s our baby.” Hyukjae said as he settled himself on Kyuhyun’s lap and buried his face on his husband’s crock. He was so happy and he felt like bursting when he felt Kyuhyun kissed his hair. The girl smiled as she saw how happy they were. She smiled when she found Kyuhyun mouthed a silent gratitude at her.


She groaned a bit as she regained her consciousness, her mother cried the moment she opened her eyes. She saw Hyukjae cried in Kyuhyun’s arms as she asked her mother for water, the taller male watched her in worries and relieves.

It was her fault to wander around her house without anyone's company and ended up losing her consciousness and fell. She was too clumsy and she had endangered the life of the boy in her belly. She sobbed as she apologized to the couple. Guilt ate her up as she saw them smiled and told her that it was okay and they were happy that she was fine. They were angels, she thought.

After some days, the doctor told her that she was okay and she felt better. The doctor checked on the baby’s condition and told them that she might give birth of him sooner than her due date, Hyukjae smiled in joy, he couldn’t wait to meet his son. They asked her to stay in the hospital while they waited for the baby’s arrival.

Hyukjae spent his time at the hospital and dedicated himself to accompany the girl all the time. He brought her to walk around the hospital’s yard to speed up the labor and soothed her every time pain from contraction struck her. Kyuhyun came by the evening for dinner with them and brought Hyukjae home only to drive him back to the hospital by the next morning.

The sky was grey and the sun was nowhere to be seen but Hyukjae could care less as she heard the girl yelled in pain as another contraction came. It became unbearable for the girl, Hyukjae found himself pressing the panic button furiously.

A young nurse made their way to the room, followed by their doctor who told them that she was on the first stage of labor already. The doctor told them that her cervix was about 4cm dilated. Hyukjae was sweating in anxiety as he texted Kyuhyun to come to the hospital as soon as he could.

Kyuhyun rushed his way to her room and found her crying in pain, Hyukjae had been holding her hand all the time. He felt his heart started to race as Hyukjae told him that the doctor had checked on her for three times already and on his last visit, the young doctor told them that her cervix was about 8cm dilated. Only two centimeters more before her cervix dilated fully and she was ready to deliver the baby. Both males were anxious.

It was an hour letter when the doctor checked on her condition again, this time the girl shouts became louder and Hyukjae let her grip on his hand to ease her pain. “It’s fully dilated already, but the baby isn’t coming out.” He said and Hyukjae trembled at the news. “We’ll get you ready for caesarean section.” He said in final but the girl shook his head vigorously.

“I want to push…” She said in plea as she tried to bargain with the young doctor, only to face rejection in return.

“You’ll be fine.” Kyuhyun said once the girl looked up to him and Hyukjae held her hand tighter.

"But i want to push..."

"The baby's heartbeat is getting weak. It's safer to do the c-section, miss." No more bargain, it was final.





“How’s he?” She asked the moment she opened her eyes and found Hyukjae standing near her bed, she smiled when the slender man broke into tears and thanked her for giving birth of their baby. She knew she did the right thing as Hyukjae held her hand and cried in gratitude. She was happy that her son was fine.

“I can’t thank you enough.” Hyukjae said as he cried harder, the girl felt at ease as she saw him. His face was glowing with joy, the one that she knew she wouldn’t have. She loved her baby, but she knew Hyukjae and Kyuhyun would love him more. She was amazed by how calm and happy she was to give her baby to the couple. She was always sure that they would be the perfect parent for her son.

“I’m the one who should be thankful.” She said. “I was stupid and desperate. I know I do the right thing by letting you to adopt him.” She continued and another drop of tear fell from Hyukjae’s face. “You two are going to be great parents.”

“Thank you…” Hyukjae said one more time. “I-I Kyuhyun and me agreed that you should name him.” He said and the girl felt her heart flattered at the statement. “You’re his mother after all.” He continued and the girl smiled at him.





His steps were light and fast as he made his way to the baby ward, he stopped when he saw his husband standing by the big glass window of the ward. Kyuhyun smiled as he looked at their son through the glass and tapped the glass a bit, Hyukjae felt giddy as he saw him chuckling. He looked so happy, they were happy.

Kyuhyun turned his attention to him when he heard him stepping closer and as he opened his arms, Hyukjae launched himself to the taller male’s warmth. He squealed as Kyuhyun showered him with kisses and whispered that they were now parents.

He rested his body on Kyuhyun’s figure and turned his attention to their baby who was laying on his small bed inside the ward. A newborn’s bed always placed near the window, Hyukjae let out a happy tears as he saw him kicking the air even though his whole body was cocooned by a small blanket. His little eyes were lidded as he yawned and once it opened, he locked his gaze at them.

“Oh my god, he’s so beautiful.” Hyukjae gasped in awe while Kyuhyun laughed at him. He tapped the glass door again and their baby kicked his legs once more. “That’s our baby…” He said in disbelief as he kept on watching the little ones, Kyuhyun planted a kiss on his hair.

“Does junior has a name now?” Kyuhyun asked as he rubbed Hyukjae’s middle, the smaller male hummed in his touch.

“Kyungsoo.” Hyukjae said. “She said Kyungsoo.” The girl actually refused to give him a name. She wanted Hyukjae and Kyuhyun named him because they are his parents. Hyukjae pleaded her to give him a name but she shook her head and offered him her big smile. Kyuhyun didn’t need to know, Hyukjae thought as he smirked a bit in victory.

“Sounded like the name that you chose before.” Kyuhyun said and Hyukjae felt his mouth agape, he cursed on Kyuhyun’s strong memory.

“Don’t start, Cho Kyuhyun.” Hyukjae said and Kyuhyun chuckled as he sensed venom in his spouse’s voice. “It’s final.”

“Then Kyungsoo it is.” Kyuhyun said as he laughed at his fuming spouse, he chose to let this one go.




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Chapter 1: Oh my..they're going to be perfect parents...
I wish that girl won't come next to claim the baby
And the baby is kyungsoo...
i always thought of d.o to be kyuhyuk's baby...hihi
niajae0411 #2
Chapter 1: and.. Sequel please?? Hehehhehe
niajae0411 #3
Chapter 1: Ohmygodddd.... This just sooooo beautiful and perfect!!!!! Im crying while reading the last part when both kyuhyuk looking at their baby boy T.T .. So beautiful authornim.. Thank you :)
Indyie7 #4
Chapter 1: ownnn so cuteeee~
Thanks for sharing this fic~´ : D
analee592 #5
Chapter 1: Aaaaw....happy kyuhyuk... So cute... :-)
ChoLeeKH #6
Chapter 1: i like it ^_^
Chapter 1: etyqpougpaugapvnn kya kya kya...umma hyukkie and appa kyu..
awesomeeee awesomeeee...their bonding is beautifullll....
i love itttt....fan fan...where is your other update huhu huhu..
but do write other kyuhyuk story neeee ^^