(First One-Shot)


You're a wealthy girl studying at a middle rated school. People envied you a lot because you're the only rich girl at the school and thats because your father is the Principal, Mr.Bang. You're a cold-hearted girl. You never talk much with people around. Your free times filled with you singing , dancing , playing piano or guitar.. you even wrote songs. But everything changed when a new boy came to your school. He got a really cute face. Cuter than anyone in the school. For the first time in your life, you fall for someone. You didn't just fall for his cuteness, after a few months, he was the second person who would always went to the studio , dancing room where you always went. You fall for his talent! His voice.. his moves the way he dance. He always makes your heart fluttered everytime you watch him dancing or singing. 
After a few months...
" Yahh!!! " you cried as you fall to the floor. You were just peeking Jimin's dancing when suddenly a group of boys bumped behind you makes you fall. " OH! Sorry noona! " a boy, looks really young pulled your hand makes you stand up again and start bowing in apologize. " You didnt said a word and just focusing on fixing your uniform. Footsteps heared toward you and the boys. " What are you guys doing here? And WHY are you here Nara ? " you turned toward Jimin and starts backing off till your back hit V. " Let's eat!!! Jin hyung bought us chickens!! " Suga said as he dragged all of the boys include you to the middle of the dance room and make all of you sit. You're starting to feel uncomfortable so you decided to get out. You stand up about to leave but someone hold your wrist. " Sit. Don't make them dissapointed " Jin said while looking straight at you. You gave a deep sigh and sat back. You guys starts eating together. Everyone was talking and chatting except you. Of course, you don't really like talking with people. Your mind was somewhere else. Not in the room. You were thinking....
" Hello there " you were busy studying at the library alone when someone intrupted you. it was Jimin. " Umm.. Hi " you didn't look at him and just focus on the book you were reading.
" Can i sit beside you? " 
" mmm.. " Jimin sat beside you. He moved the chair a lil bit closer to you and took a peek at the book you're reading.
" What are you doing? " 
" What are you reading? " his chin laid on his hands. looking at you.
" Not your business and could you please shut up? Im reading here? " you turned to face him. Good news or bad? you KISSED him. ACCIDENTALLY. You didn't know he's face were so close with yours. Yours eyes widened in shocked. But Jimin, he looks calmed. He smiled in the kiss. You feel irritated quickly cut it off. 
" What the hell? " 
" Not my fault " both his hands up . " I was just looking at your book " 
" So its my fault?! Why the hell your face so close!! Are you blind? You could just see from bit a far. " without waiting for his respond. you close the book, stand up and leave him.
In the class. Unfortunately you sat beside him. You feel so uncomfortable. You can even feel his eyes glaring at you the whole history class. ~Its his first time here. Why he looks so calm? Why did he approach me ? and... he .. stole.. my first kiss~ You though. Your mind werent in place too. You cant stop touching your lips. Jimin saw it, well of course. You can heard him giggled a bit. you turned a bit at him and gave a death stare. He didn't look startled or scared or anything. He then write something on a paper and gave you. you opened it up.
" Name is Jimin. Sorry about before. Just forget about it hmm? Lets be friend! :] " 
you turned to him and gave him a disgusted look. he wrote something again.
" Whats your name? You don't want to be friend with me? :( " 
~No no no... I would LOVE too~ you though. You want to wrote back something to him but before you could write on the paper. The school bell rang makes you startled. Class ended. everyone starts getting out from the class. You canceled about replying and start packing your stuff. Just as you stand up he grab your wrist. " want to grab lunch with me ? Im still new here " he pouted. You let out a sigh and nodded. " Cool! Lets go~ So where's the cafeteria? " 
" my hand.. first " You said while look at your wrist. " Oh s-sorry " he let go of you. " Lets go " you walk out first and he followed beside you. All eyes were lock on you both. YOU never walk with someone before. that makes ppl curious. " Gosh cant they just shut up.. " you mumbled while walking toward your locker . " lemme put these first. Wait or just go? " you turn to Jimin. " I'll wait. " while you were putting stuff. " Why everyone were giving you weird expression? There's nothing wrong with you. Or is there something wrong with me? " he asked. You closed your locker and walk toward the cafeteria. " Just ignore them " 
-At Cafeteria- 
"HYUUUUUUUUUUUUNG!!" a boy ran toward Jimin. " Oh? You're with Nara noona? " he looks at you then back at Jimin. " Oh so her name is Nara huh? " he faced you. " Lets eat with my friends? " " Seriously? No! " you said and just walk off. " She's really like that. A cold-hearted noona! " he shrug then continues " Yet she got the cutest face. I want to be friend with her though " he pouted. " Lets make her be friend with us? " Jimin said . " Oh? How? " " Let's talk with others ~ Im sure they wanna help too! " " Okay! Its so good to have you around again hyung! " " HAHAHA yeah i know you guys miss me~" 
-End of school- 
" Make sure you finished it in a week. I'll be checking your progress everyday. " Ms.Kim your english teacher and also your homeroom teacher said. " You guys can go home now. Class dismiss. Oh! Except for Jimin and Nara " You both walk toward MsKim. " Nara.. could you take him around school for a while? or you could do it tomorrow.. choice? " " If he's willing to get home late im fine " Ms.Kim turned her face toward Jimin. " Im good with it~ " " Okay. Tell him the whole thing about the school. Can you? " " Yea sure omma.. i mean Ms.Kim " Yup. Ms.Kim is your mom. " Aww.. cutey~ " she pinched your cheek. you went blushed. Jimin giggled beside you. " Stop it mom. Not cute at all. " " Fine! Go now you both. " your mom pouted. you walk outside first followed by Jimin. " NARA-yah!! Do you need me to fetch yah later? {eng} " " Nahh, I'll just walk home {eng} " " Aye~ " 
So spend about 4 hours walking around the school showing him the pool, science laboratory, gymnasium, football field, dance room, studio and more. It was 6PM now. Exact on the time, you both were standing at the school gate. " And thats all. " " Woah... I didn't knew it was this big. " " Got all the info? i wont repeat again. " " Got it! " " Im going home now. Bye. " you walk off. While you were walking you can feel someone following you. You stopped and the person behind you bumped on your back. You turned and it was Jimin. with his other friends behind and beside him. " What are you guys doing? " Jimin scratch his back neck and   innocently said " Company you back home? " you look at his back. he's friend were punching and pulling each other. " Friends? " " umm yeah. They really like that. we're like that" he smiled sheepishly. you sighed and continued walking. so as them. Once you arrived at your apartment. " Oh!! Noona! This is cool! We can go to school and back home together!! " " What?! " you half yelled makes Jungkook startled. " Sorry.. what do you mean? " " Hehe. we lived here " point at a door just beside your apartment door. " w-wha-t? you guys live together? Not with parents? " "uh uh~ " a guy wearing shade replied. you stared at them for a while then went to your door to unlocked it. " Sooooooo~ Lets go to school together? " Jungkook hang his hand on ur shoulder. you shrug. " 8AM. exact. " " Yay!! " you leggo of his hand and went inside. 
Even though your parents are around. You didn't live with them. You wanted to live alone and work. You will sleep at your house only on saturday and sunday. 
End flashback# 
next day.. and the next day you will always walk at back home from school together with the boys. Theres a time where you really wanted to ask why their group name is BTS and why some of them got so unique nickname and doesnt use their real name. But you still arent close enough to ask them. Its been months now. You know their secrets that have been kept among them. They were actually a trainee in a company named Big Hit. They havent debut yet. They given times to studies for a while and improve their singing and dance. 
Today was the last day. For you. Tomorrow they'll leave the school for a while cuz they 'll be debut . song called No More Dream. Your long though got interrupted by V. he kept poking your cheek. " Yah! " you shrug. " what were you thinking? you were smiling then shrug then turned into freaky expression. " he said laughing " What the? " you look around and they already finish eating and cleaning. even your hands were cleaned too. Guess you were really in deep though. " We called your names so many time till we though you were sleeping while eyes opened " Jin . " Noona. what were you thinking? " jungkook. " umm.. nothing. " you stand up to leave but then.. something makes you embarrassed. Your tummy were grumbling loudly. They all laugh. You got shy and covered your face with your palms. " Lets go get some food for you to eat! We're hungry too waiting for you to wake up from your daydreaming. " RapMon. 
So you guys went to a nearby noodle shop. You ate them slowly. you cant stop thinking that your only friends that you got at school gonna leave you. plus they gonna be an idol soon. They wont get any chances to hang out with you then. tears start flowing through your cheeks. You rub your tears with your back palm and keep on eating. But your tears couldnt stop. They boys then realized it. Jimin who were seating beside you pulled your noodles away. " Gimme back. Im hungry " you said while looking down at the tables. still crying. " Are you ... crying? " Suga. " N-no I-im n-not.. " you stuttered. Jin at your other side lift your chin. he look you into the eyes. you gave him your disgusted look and looked away. " Something you wanna say WHY you're crying? " Jin. " Not here. " you replied. rubbing of your tears. " Lets go to back to apartment. " RapMon. And you guys walk back in silence. except for J-Hope and Jungkook. They were babbling and something while walking. Reached at the apartment. Not at yours but them. They all entered except for you who just standing at the doors. " Why're you just standing there? " V. " I'll just say it here. " Then they started walking toward you. " No! Just stay there. " " What's wrong with you Nara? Who made you be a cold hearted girl again?! " Jin.
" Ani. No one. I-i just.. " You take a deep breathe and " Im just upset that you guys gonna leave me. You guys know i dont have any friends at school except for you guys. You guys gonna leave me and became an idol. I know we wont get a chance to talk and chat anymore. You guys gonna get very busy with stuff idols do. Yet you guys still gonna go. Im hurt. I hate all of you!!! " you stomped and stormed out from their apartment. " Woah! " RapMon. " Didnt know she cared us this much. " Jin. " Aww.. What to do? Did we upset her? " Jungkook. " I'll go talk with her. " Jimin said to the boys and walk out from the room. He took a peek at the your door hole. But it was dark. So he went outside the building. Looking around. No where to be found. He then ran toward a nearby park. Not there. He searched everywhere. Then he remembered. "School" . He ran fastly to the school. Search every room. Just as he passed the dance room. He heard your voice. Crying. He took a peek. You were at the corner. Lights off. crying. he then entered slowly. he sat beside you. he gets nearer and hug you to his embrace. you were startled. you look at him then starts to cried more. you let him hug you and you cried on his chest.
 " D-dont.. l-leave.. " 
" I wont leave you. We wont leave you. Arent you happy that we're gonna become an idol? You get to be friend with an idol! " 
" NO!! No no no.. im not.. you will be apart from.. you guys will.. forget me someday... " 
" What are you saying? Of course we wont! You were such a great friends to us! And... you're more than a friends to me. " 
you stopped crying. you rub your tears and look at him. " What do- you mean? " 
he positioned himself laying his back to the wall. grab you by your tummy and make you turned and laid on top of him. he hugs you tightly. His head laid on your shoulder. 
" I love you. I love you Nara. I don't know how to express my feelings toward you. i felt in love with you before we kissed. You're beautiful to me. You're cute. Talented. You're just perfect to me. I don't care if you're cold to me. I still love you for who you are. I won't leave you. I wont forget. Neither of us will. I'll make sure we get free time to be with you. Plus, your apartment are just near with us. You can come by. when i become an idol, i will still wont forget about you. i will tell the whole world that you're mine. You're the only one i have my eyes on. I.." 
you turned your head a bit and kissed him on the cheek.  he got shocked . you turned yourself facing him. " You arent lying? Those words. Arent lies? The first words. Tell me again if it true. " you said looking down at the floor. he lift up your chin and gave you the sweetest smile. " I lub you. I lub you. I lub you. I would tell you those words everyday. " he replied cutely.
Tears of happiness (LOL xD) starts flowing through your cheeks. " i . . love .. you ... -" Before you could finished.. he cupped both your cheeks and kissed you. He didnt close his eyes. His eyes were locked with your shocking eyes. he smiled in the kiss. his hands around your waist. pulling you nearer. Your face calmed. he then closed his eyes. makes you closed yours too. suddenly the kiss become desperate. he was kissing you passionately. deeply. your lips starts to get a part and his tongue starts to crawling like a snake inside your mouth. You kissed him back. the kiss doesnt last for long till you broke it. You were barely breathing. so is he. He then pull you to his embrace. resting your head on his chest. you can hear his hearts beating. " Only for you. " he said as he gave a peck on your lips.

END~ xD Omg.. lol Are you dying? Please don't ! anyway, sorry for my bad grammar >< and english. Love to those who subscribe and read!! ^^ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


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