Answered With a Kiss

Answered With a Kiss

Loud music was blasting out of several speakers placed around the club as people swayed their bodies to the rhythm. Taking a sip of whisky from her 7th glass, Taeyeon watched as people drown themselves in the heat of the dance floor, a way they found to momentarily free themselves from all their stress and numb all their pain. It didn’t matter how long it lasts, they were living in the moment. It was something she wanted but couldn’t afford to try, not in her position.

She was a workaholic. Work was her priority, it’s what her life revolved around. Though why she became one, she didn’t have much of a reason other than that she didn’t have a choice. Her life was planned out for her before she was even born and it is expected of her to follow through. It’s what she has always done, and always will do. Or so she thought.

She couldn’t even remember the last time she came to this place. It could’ve been weeks or months, actually, judging by how little time she spent outside the office, it could’ve even been years. Her friends made it a mission for them to get Taeyeon here today, to at least stop her from working on her birthday. Although Taeyeon didn’t find the need to celebrate a day where you’re a year closer to death, especially when she wished she was never born in the first place, she knew well enough that they were just caring for her. And so, after the endless persuasions, or what she rather calls, whining, they gave her the day before, she gave in.

The result is this, her, sitting and drinking alone, getting lost in her own train of thoughts after rejecting her friends’ invitations to dance the night away. Taeyeon doesn’t dance, she didn’t know how to. She was as stiff as the new young butler her grandfather hired a few days ago and that’s saying a lot. Dancing requires passion, and that was something Taeyeon was lacking.

“What are you doing here alone, beautiful?” A husky voice, lingering dangerously close to her, awakens her from her little world of unending thoughts. Her eyes widened in shock.  Taeyeon had intended to move away from the unannounced stranger but to no avail, her body, to her disappointment, was unresponsive. There was nothing she could do except wait for the stranger to move to her field of vision. Those few seconds felt like hours until slowly but surely, the stranger pulled back from her previous position beside Taeyeon’s face and stared at Taeyeon, waiting for her answer as she stood in front of her with the added distance.

‘I must’ve had too much whisky.’ Taeyeon thought as she stared right back at the stranger. The woman standing in front of her was gorgeous. Illumination from the colorful lights inside did little to brighten up the place, yet strangely, Taeyeon could see every detail of said stranger. ‘Maybe it’s the alcohol.’ She thought, as ironic as it was. From her long straight hair, beautifully sculptured face, curled eye lashes, round brown eyes, perfectly angled nose, red luscious lips, to her--.

“You’re not gonna give me an answer until you’re done checking me out, aren’t you?” The husky voice once again broke Taeyeon out of her trance. The thoughts she had earlier discarded, this was no hallucination. She saw a mischievous glint appearing in the stranger’s eyes before looking away, hiding her now flushed face. “It’s not what you think.” She denied whilst trying to remain calm and composed.

“Right, I’ll just pretend you didn’t drool over me earlier.” She teased.

Taeyeon’s plan of putting on a poker face while denying the stranger once again disintegrated as soon as she lifted her head. There was a change in the beautiful stranger’s eyes, now projecting something else that she couldn’t quite comprehend, in which to be honest, she wouldn’t mind finding out, as the stranger leaned closer and closer. Finally reaching her destination, she spoke, just above a whisper. “Dance with me.” Her voice alluring, her scent intoxicating and her invitation, though sounding more like a command, tempting.

Taeyeon didn’t know what took over her as she stood up and grabbed the girl along by the hand. She led them through the crowd and stopped when they were right at the middle of the dance floor. Letting go of her hand, Taeyeon turned to face her. The stranger was already moving, swaying, dancing to beat while she just stood there, frozen.

The stranger must have noticed how obviously stiff she was because the next thing she knew, a hand landed on her waist, making her sway with a gentle push. “Just let yourself go.” She heard her speak loud enough for her to hear over the deafening music. “How?” A simple question she thought she could never find the answer to.

They stopped, both had theirs eyes locked on one another.  The hand on her waist was lifted as it joined the other, making its way up only to stop and rest on Taeyeon’s shoulder. Shock was an understatement to what Taeyeon felt when a pair lips grazed her own.  She was kissing her. A girl was kissing her. The fact dawned at her and yet she didn’t mind. She was overwhelmed. By excitement? Anxiety? She didn’t know, she didn’t care. All she knows is that she wasn’t disgusted by the sudden action and had instead enjoyed it. Unconsciously she let her eyes shut, heightening all her other senses. After all the tugging and , Taeyeon finally responded, with as much passion and vigor she had just received, such of that she never knew she was capable of.

For the second time tonight, Taeyeon took initiative. She , asking for permission. And when it was granted, she explored. Her tongue ventured, leaving no surface undiscovered, drawing a map of it in her mind. Her hands followed suit, admiring the contours of the stranger’s body. The temperature around them seems to rise as heat emitted from their hot engaging lip lock session. It felt good, so good that she loathed the fact that they were in public and they needed to end it before it escalates into anything more than just kissing. She felt a smile form on the stranger’s lips as they part from each other. A sense of bliss washed over her as she leaned her forehead against hers.

“Like that.” The breathless stranger answered.

“Taeyeon.” She gave her name, waiting.

“Tiffany.” She replied, knowing,

“Thank you for answering.”

“My pleasure.”

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Kezziebitcrazy #1
Chapter 2: Please continueeeee
ynyltroiper #2
Chapter 2: Please continue this fic authorsii i really enjoyed reading it^^
AllenChi #3
Chapter 2: u hvnt updated??
Chapter 1: I enjoyed reading this.. Thank you! (:
chococinno #5
Chapter 1: It's well written. Beautiful. Love it!
Chapter 2: That was splendid!! It would've been nice if you've continue with this (^.^) Well, it was a nice read. Thank you!
Chapter 1: Nice fic I enjoyed reading it so much! ;) It's up to you whether you want to continue it or not,dear author. Please don't feel pressured to write because of us readers hehe. Btw, AFF writers usuallyput a 'one shot' in the tags and set it as completed to let us readers know it's a oneshot, just a heads up! :) Please write more thank you!
SooNaTaeNy #8
Chapter 2: this was great and I'd really love to read more :)
tipco09 #9
Chapter 2: Please continue with this story. Thanks.