
Double Date

Kai woke up to the annoying buzzing of his alarm, normally this would irritate a person. Not today. Nothing could put him in a bad mood, he was going to have the best day and he knew it.
The brown haired boy merrily hopped out of bed and his iPod speakers. He danced his way through his daily morning routine and even sang along a bit. Soon enough he all dressed and ready to go in a slightly loose black tee, a pair of fitting jeans, and some suspenders to accentuate himself even more.
He looked at the clock and it was only 8, he wasn’t set to go out until 10. What was he gonna do for 2 hours? Kai flopped onto his couch and exhaled heavily through his mouth, he probably should have taken his time getting ready. He soon grew bored of repeatedly flipping through channels, when he knew perfectly well only childish cartoons were only so early in the morning.

The young dancer found himself wandering into his bathroom and adjusting his hair.

“Aish.....I’m just messing it up even more...” Kai stopped fiddling with his hair and trudged back out.

The reason for his excitement was the fact that he had a breakfast date today, well a double date to be more exact. He realized that one of his fellow companions was probably up and ready as well.


Kai grabbed a light coat and stepped out into the fresh morning sun. He squinted as he neared the desired persons house. The closer he got, the more movement he saw inside.


“Of course he’s awake.” Kai smirked as he turned up the path and lightly knocked on the door.

A distressed Luhan appeared in front of him.

“Kai, thank god you’re here. Which shirt should I wear; this one or this one?” Luhan held up two shirts to him as Kai slipped his shoes off and further entered the small apartment. Just as he was about to answer, the doe eyed boy interrupted once again.

“Or should I wear a dress shirt? Is a T-shirt too informal?” Luhan rummaged through the large pile of clothes he had spread out onto his couch.

Kai chuckled a bit.

“I’m wearing a t-shirt aren’t I? I’m sure you’ll be fine, and besides a dress shirt is a bit too dressy just for breakfast right?”

“I guess you’re right, but I’m just so nervous.” Luhan threw himself onto his couch, not caring if he sat on and wrinkled all his clothes.


“Why are you so on edge, it’s not like it’s your first date. You’ve been going out with Sehun for a couple weeks now.”

“I’m always like this, what did you expect?” Luhan threw his head back and examined his ceiling

“Are you worried he won’t like you unless you’re all perfect?” Kai pondered.

The chestnut haired boy sighed a little.

“I dunno, I guess deep down I do think that, even though I know I shouldn’t.”

Kai stood and pulled Luhan to his feet.


“Come on, let’s get you dressed.”

The two dove through the mountains of clothes Tao had racked up for Luhan. Everytime an outfit was suggested, it was always too dressy or too lazy or too preppy, or something. Nothing seemed to satisfy the pair.

After a good hour of searching they finally dug up a simple pairing of a graphic tee, jeans, and a varsity sweater. Kai sent Luhan off to get dressed and fix himself up a bit more as he cleaned up the gargantuan pile of clothes lying around. As he threw the last of the mess onto Luhan’s bed, who would kill him for it later, there came a casual knock on the door.

“Where’s Luhan?” Sehun asked as he scanned the apartment.

“He’ll be out soon, but you’re here early.” Kai reacquainted himself with the couch as Sehun chose to stand awkwardly. He fidgeted as he constantly would look down the hall for some sign of the doe boy.

“Calm down, he’s just doing some last minute things.” Kai patted the spot on the couch next to him.

Normally Sehun would be extremely cautious, in case he tried something. However, today he absent mindedly took the seat on the lumpy furniture and conversed with his former enemy.


Kai had been crushing on Sehun all the time, and everyone knew it. That is until Luhan came into the picture, when Sehun humiliated the dark skinned boy, he thought that was the last of him. Who knew a mere matter of days later the same hard headed boy would seek the forgiveness of the new couple. Now, Kai was a good friend to the both of them and he says it was fate that day when he stormed off and met what he called “the love of his life”.

“So, today’s your first official date with Kyungsoo right?” Sehun pondered.

“Yeah, so don’t blow it for me.” Kai pointed an accusing finger at the blonde boy.

“I won’t, I know how much this means to you.”

“You’ve been talking about going out with him for almost two weeks now.” Luhan entered the room all fresh and ready.

Sehun stood and hugged his boyfriend.

This display of affection used to churn Kai’s stomach, but now he couldn’t care less. He was going on a date with Kyungsoo today!

He looked at the clock and it was barely 9:30 and even though the diner where they were scheduled to meet was only a few minutes away, he wanted to get there now.

“Okay, okay, enough with all the gross couple stuff. Let’s go, let’s go.” He ushered the inseparable two out the door.

“Relax, we still have half an hour.” Sehun began to protest, wanting to spend more alone time with Luhan. However, Luhan placed a hand onto his beloved’s shoulder. He knew what Kai was feeling and didn’t mind getting to the diner a bit early.

The trio made their down the block with minimal conversation. The closer they got to the destined meeting place, the more Kai’s stomach became unsettled. When they reached the family friendly little store, Luhan and Sehun walked right in.

“You coming?” Sehun asked, holding the door open for Kai who had stopped outside.

“Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute.” Sehun shrugged and proceeded to catch up to Luhan.

Kai knew he was all worried for nothing. It wasn’t a fancy date, it was just causal and he was with other friends. Unfortunately, no matter what he told himself, he couldn’t seem to calm his nerves. The dancer leaned his back up against a wall of the restaurant and kept his head low. He took a few deep breaths and when he finally thought he was calm enough to go in he lifted his head up. He almost had a heart attack at the sight of Kyungsoo staring at him.

“Are you alright?” Kyungsoo asked with a sparkle of worry in his eyes.

“Yeah, I’m fine, I just had a small headache.” Kai actually managed to form an intelligible sentence.

“Okay, I thought you were in pain or something.” The shorter smiled in relief.

“Don’t worry about me.” On that note Kai pulled open the door and gestured for Kyungsoo to enter first.

Greetings were exchanged and soon the four took a seat and began looking over their menus. A young female waitress brought them over and blushed at a table full of such good looking boys.
Sehun was the first speak.

“Did you see that?” He contained his giggles.

“See what?” Luhan asked looking up from his menu.

“The waitress, she was practically drooling over us.”

Kai smirked and glanced over at her. Sure enough there she was staring, when she noticed the quartet looking over at her, she quickly picked up a stray rag and blindly wiped the glass counter.

They all quietly laughed at her sad situation, considering they were all gay.

Not 10 minutes later the same girl came over again.

“May I take your order?” She asked hesitantly, looking down at her notepad.
All of them placed their orders and the waitress wasted no time running back to the kitchen.

Luhan struck up a conversation for everyone. “So, it’s summer now. Any plans?”

“Like what?” Kyungsoo asked innocently.

“I dunno, my friends Kris and Tao are going to Canada.”

“Ooooh~” Sehun and Kai said in unison.

Kyungsoo looked around confused as to why it was such a big deal.

“They’re a couple.” Luhan explained, noticing Kyungsoo’s confused expression.  

“Ohhhh, so are they going to....ya know?” Somehow asking that made the big eyed boy seem more childish than he already did.

“No.No.No.No.No. They’re going to meet Kris’ parents, he’s from Canada.” The Chinese boy cleared up the misunderstanding.

“Ahh.” All three said.
“That’s sweet.” Kyungsoo added.

At that last remark, their waitress returned with a large tray of their orders.

“Looks great.” Kai said and dug in.

Throughout the meal, the conversations continued but were interrupted by moments of eating. Luhan and Sehun were always the ones to start talking, Kai was too nervous, and Kyungsoo had just met them. Everytime they tried to redirect the conversation to Kai and try and get him to talk to Kyungsoo, it failed miserably. He would stutter viciously and make it awkward for everyone. The couple winced at his repeated failures.
Unfortunately, they had all finished their meals and sat there afterwards long enough. It was time to leave and nothing had gone well for Kai and Kyungsoo. They all stepped outside and just as they were about to part ways Luhan piped up.

“Wait, why don’t we go to that park down the street?” He looked at Sehun, hoping he would understand his idea.

“Yeah, let’s go.” Sehun led the way, realizing what Luhan had planned.

Kai and Kyungsoo shared a glance and Kai just shrugged. They followed them anyway. Once they reached the park they went to the center where the fountain was. It was fairly early in the morning, so the park was filled with children. They were all in the playground area of the park though, so the rest was practically empty.

“Why don’t we all make a wish?” Luhan suggested pulling four quarters out of his pocket and handing one to everyone.

“You have to close your eyes though.” Luhan added as he stood in front of the fountain.

The rest followed suit and closed their eyes. Luhan peeked his eyes open to see everyone else had theirs closed. He nudged Sehun and gestured to another direction. He nodded and they snuck off to some other part of the park.

Kai and Kyungsoo threw their coins in at nearly the same moment, once they heard the plunk of the metal hitting the water, they opened their eyes. They were alone.

“Damn those two.” Kai cursed under his breath.

“Where’d they go?”Kyungsoo began looking around.

“You know those love birds, they probably wanted some privacy.” The dancer tried to brush it off.

“Oh.” The two awkwardly sat next to each other on the edge of the fountain.

“So, how’d you meet those two?” Kyungsoo asked side glancing at Kai.

“Ummm, it’s a long story, it’s not that important anyway.” He ended the conversation abruptly.

“You know, I should get going then.” Kyungsoo stood and so did Kai.

“Wait, where are you going?” He asked desperately.

“If you’re just gonna keep ending our conversations I might as well go home.” The shorter slumped his shoulders and turned around.

Kai grabbed his shoulder and turned him back around.

“Sorry.” Was all he could say.

“Why can’t you just talk to me?” Kyungsoo crossed his arms.

“I’m sorry. I’m just so.....nervous.” He sat back down and Kyungsoo did too.


“Isn’t it obvious? I have a crush on you.” Kai looked down at his hands.

“Then do something about it.” Kyungsoo stared at Kai as he slowly looked up.

“What?” He asked.

“You heard me. You think you’re the only one who has a crush on me?” Kyungsoo crossed his legs, cockily.

“Yes.” Kai said looking up.

“Damn, I thought that would work.”
Kai looked the older straight in the eye. Kyungsoo kept avoiding him and tried to look away. Kai pointed an accusing finger at him.

“You like me too don’t you.” He smirked.

“No.” Kyungsoo pouted, obviously lying.
Kai turned his face to he was looking right at him. He took the leap and leaned in for a sweet innocent kiss, they did take their sweet time pulling away though.

“Hey, that was my wish.” Kyungsoo gestured to the fountain behind him.
Kai just chuckled and leaned in a second time.


Hope you all enjoyed this fluffy one shot :) And sorry it took so long to put up.

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Chapter 1: Awwwww. That was so adorable^^
Chapter 1: awwwww
like it so much ;)
dragonmafia #4
Chapter 1: AWWWEIEEEEEEER SO CUTE>_< really love the ending dude!
Chapter 1: So cuteeeeeeeee (。♥‿♥。)
Chapter 1: Awwww so sweet <3
That was really cute! <3