Rewind That One Year Ago


A new fanfiction! Finally! It's been ages since I've been here. Kkkkk~ 

So I wrote a new story, (cuz I changed my fandom and now I'm in the mood to write it.)

Sorry if it's not finished either! Kkkkk~ But I promise i'll finish it!

Here's a playlist of the songs you should hear while you read: (Yea it's a sad story'-')

Katy Perry - The One that got away

Infinite - Paradise

Infinite - Only Tears

Bang Yongguk ft Yoseob/Daehyun - I Remember

Sistar 19 - Gone, Not Around Any Longer

Davichi - Be Warmed

Kara Jiyoung - Wanna Do

Kim Sung Gyu - 60 Seconds

AfterSchool - Timeless

Secret - Only U

Davichi - Don't Say Goodbye

KWill - Please Don't

Rainbow - To Me

Girls' Generation - Forever

EXO - Baby Don't Cry

BTOB - Irisistable Lips

TVXQ! - Duet

GNA - I Miss You Already

BEAST - Fiction

Big Bang - Tell Me Goodbye

2NE1 - Lonely



City lights. Gentle breeze of the wind. Classic music.

This night was a beautiful night, driving through Seoul in the new car my husband just bought. Yes, we were just married 6 months ago and he wanted to show me the night lights around Seoul.

Even though I often go at night, it hasn’t been more beautiful like this. In fact, this is the most beautiful night I had spent in Seoul. Maybe it’s because I spent it with him?

I don’t know.

Dongwoo. Jang Dongwoo is his name.

Every time I hear or say that name, it gives me shivers. He’s like the only person who can answer my questions and calm me down when I’m in a rage. (cause I’m a really sensitive person.) And I know this guy from I was still in high school. So yeah, we have alot in common.

“Where are we going next?” I asked.

“Well, where do you want to go?” he asked me back, giving me a small smile.

I wrinkled my nose while trying to think of a place that we haven’t visited tonight. “Hmm......”

“Hey, I know this place. There’s an empty land that I know. Wanna go?”

I raised my eyebrow. “An empty land?”

Dongwoo chuckled. “There’s actually nothing there but I’m sure it’s the perfect place to go star gazing. You do like star gazing right?”

I nodded. That was true. I love star gazing! It’s like you’re staring in one big mural in the sky above you and there’s like a million stars and all those other stuff up there that can’t be named one by one.

Dongwoo smiled. “Star gazing it is~” He drove us there not longer after I thought about star gazing.

When we got off the car, I looked around on the empty land. There was a small garden shed,  a wooden park bench and a medium sized water fountain that didn’t work anymore, with vines growing among it.

“You said this place was empty!” I complained, folding my arms on my chest.

“I can’t explain everything in detail, honey.” He teased.

I giggled and sat on the wooden bench. I looked up and gazed to the sky.


“What?” Dongwoo came over to me and sat down too.

“No stars.” I said, slumping to his shoulders.

Dongwoo put his arm around me and hugged me. “Don’t worry, the next time we come here, I’ll tell them to come.”

I snuggled in his hug. “You mean that?”

Dongwoo looked at me and gave me a small kiss on my forehead. “Promise you they will.”

I smiled and stood up, kinda startling him. “You know what?”


“This place does seem cool. When you look at it closely!” I started to go over the water fountain and found a frog sitting on it. “See? I found a frog. This place is cool!”

Dongwoo laughed. “What, you wanna move here? Hahaha.” He joked.

I looked at him immediatly when he said that. “That’s not such a bad idea. In fact, that’s amazing!”

Dongwoo stared at me. “Ya! Sung Jo Hee! You think I have the right amount of money to buy this land? It’s quite a big land-_-“

I sneered at him. “I’ll donate too! You think I don’t have money? I work too, you know!”

“Fine, fine. We’ll buy it! But you have to donate too, okay?” he finally agreed.

I gave him a thumbs up and grinned. “Sure thing~” I then continued to look around the vines some more. Then the frog started peeing on my hand. “YAAAA!!!!!”

Dongwoo just shook his head and dragged me back to the car. “Silly.”



A month later...



“I’m home.”

I rushed to the apartment door to greet Dongwoo.

“How’s your day?” I asked, taking his bag.

“Yeah...had some problems with the production manager, but I’m okay. How’s yours?”

“Tomorrow I’m going to the Chinese Embassy. Translating. AGAIN.” I sighed.

Dongwoo gave me a small smile. “I think this might cheer you up.” He gave me a peice of paper with alot of writings on it.

“Uh??” I raised an eyebrow, looking for an answer.

“I bought the land today.”


“You know......that land. The one you wanted so badly cuz it had a frog and a water fountain~” Dongwoo replied calmly, while taking off his tie.

“OH MY GOD! You bought it? But I thought I was supposed to.....”

Dongwoo put a finger on my lips. “Ssshhht! It’s a present okay? It’s being build right now. So we’ll move out from this apartment sooner.”

I smiled and gave him a big hug. “You little rebel!!!! Why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve helped with the money!”

“Nah, the owner gave me a fifty percent off cuz nobody wanted that land so he wanted to get rid of it fast. Our luck.” He explained, hugging me back.

Now I’m really feeling much better. Ah Jang Dongwoo, you always know what to do!



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hannica #1
Chapter 1: pls update i want to know wat happens next