★ the girls profile

The Zodiac Sisters ★ | wings ent |


★ girls



* please put your birthdate according to the zodiac range.
example, if you wish to be a taurus, pick a date between april 20 - may 20.
and your year will be 1992. your age will be determined by whether your bday is over or not.
so for taurus, april and may is already over so she will be 20. if its not over, she will be 19.

*we need 2 gemini. (a pair of twins!) 
so if anyone wants to apply both go ahead.
if you like, you can apply one and let someone else
be your twin. the faces will be the same or similar.

Aries:  Mar 21 - Apr 19 ★ Year 1992

Taurus:  Apr 20 - May 20 ★  Year 1992 

Gemini x2  May 21 - Jun 20 ★ 1993

Cancer:  Jun 21 - Jul 22 ★ 1993 

Leo:  Jul 23 - Aug 22 ★ Year 1993 

Virgo:  Aug 23 - Sep 22 ★ Year 1993

Libra:  Sep 23 - Oct 22 ★ Year 1993

Scorpio:  Oct 23 - Nov 21 ★ Year 1994

Sagittarius:  Nov 22 - Dec 21 ★ Year 1994

Capricorn:  Dec 22 - Jan 19 ★ Year 1995

Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18 ★ Year 1995

Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20 ★ Year 1996


★ positions



*please create your character according to the zodiac's personality.
there can be slight changes like add-ons and stuffs.
but i want you to keep the main personality of a zodiac.
example, a aries is a very 'leader' person. so do keep that.
the strengths and weaknesses can be edited into little talents or flaws.


★ aries
MARCH 21 — APRIL 19 (1992)

As the first sign of the zodiac, the presence of an Aries almost always
indicates the beginning of something energetic and boisterous. Not much
holds this sign back. They're eager, dynamic, quick, and competitive.
When it comes to getting the ball rolling, an Aries is the best.
Pioneering everything from work-related projects to parties with
friends, these folks go for the gusto.


Symbol : The Ram
Element : Fire
Colour : Red 

Chinese Zodiac : Dragon
Planet : Mars
Gem : Diamond
Strengths : courage, determination, self-confidence, enthusiasm.
Weaknesses : impatience, silly arguments, allowing fear to limit choices.



★ taurus
APRIL 20 — MAY 20 (1992)

Strong, dependable Taurus leads the way when it comes to reaping the
rewards of hard work. Lovers of everything that is fine and beautiful,
Taureans surround themselves with material gains. This is a sensual,
tactile sign. Touch is very important in everything from work to romance.
Stable and conservative, Taureans are among the most reliable of the zodiac.
While sometimes viewed as stubborn, this sign will plod along on a task
until the very end, ensuring that everything is up to standard. They're highly
creative and thoroughly enjoy making things with their own hands.


Symbol : The Bull
Element : Earth
Colour : Pink 

Chinese Zodiac : Snake
Planet : Venus
Gem : Emerald

Strengths : Dependable, patient, musical, practical.
Weaknesses : Stubborn, uncompromising, possessive.



★ gemini
MAY 21 — JUNE 20 (1993)

Versatility is a great keyword for this dual sign. Expressive and
quick-witted, the Gemini presents two distinctive sides to his or
her personality, and you can never be sure with which one
you're going to come face-to-face. On one hand, the Gemini can be
outgoing, flirtatious, communicative, and ready for fun, fun, fun.
Yet when the other twin is present, you can find this air sign contemplative,
serious, restless, and even indecisive. Both twins are able to adapt to
life's circumstances well, making them wonderful people to know. Things are
never boring when a Gemini is on the scene.


Symbol : The Twins
Element : Air
Colour : Green

Chinese Zodiac : Horse
Planet : Mercury
Gem : Agate

Strengths : Curiosity, ability to share ideas, adaptable, affectionate, kind.
Weaknesses : Scattering energy in too many places at once, fickle in love, nervous, short attention span.



★ cancer
JUNE 21 — JULY 22 (1993)

Deeply intuitive and sentimental, Cancer can be one of the most
challenging Zodiac signs to get to know. Emotion runs strong for
this sign, and when it comes to family and home, nothing is more important.
Sympathetic and empathetic, Cancerians are greatly attuned to those
around them. Devotion is the keyword for this sign, making them wonderfully
sensitive people to be around.


Symbol : The Crab
Element : Water
Colour : White/Silver

Chinese Zodiac : Goat
Planet : Moon
Gem : Pearls

Strengths : Compassion, emotional sensitivity, fierce protection of loved ones, tenacity.
Weaknesses : Manipulative, indirect conflict, clinging to the past, insecure, packrat.



★ leo
JULY 23 — AUGUST 22 (1993)

When the mighty Lion enters center stage, everyone notices.
This dramatic, creative, and outgoing sign has the keyword magnetism
for good reason. Fiery and self-assured, a Leo's charm can be almost impossible
to resist. Whether it's time spent with family and friends or efforts on the
job scene, a Leo is going to bring a lot to the table.


Symbol : The Lion
Element : Fire
Colour : Gold/Orange

Chinese Zodiac : Monkey
Planet : Sun
Gem : Ruby
Strengths : Warmth, humor, pride, joy, creativity, passion, generosity.

Weaknesses : Arrogance, stubbornness, inflexibility, self-centeredness, laziness.



★ virgo
AUGUST 23 — SEPTEMBER 22 (1993)

With an acute attention to detail, the Virgo is the sign in the zodiac
most dedicated to serving. Their deep sense of the humane leads
them to caregiving like no other, while their methodical approach to life
ensures that nothing is missed. The Virgo is often gentle and delicate,
preferring to step back and analyze before moving ahead.


Symbol : The
Element : Earth
Colour : Green/Brown

Chinese Zodiac : Rooster
Planet : Mercury
Gem : Sardonyx

Strengths : Practical, loyal, hardworking, analytical, kind.
Weaknesses : Worry, shyness, overly critical of self and others, all work and no play.



★ libra (taken)
SEPTEMBER 23 — OCTOBER 22 (1993)

"I balance" is the key phrase for this sign, and when it comes to
keeping everything on an even keel, a Libran will lead the pack.
Peace loving and judicial, this sign abhors being alone. Partnerships are very
important for the Libran, especially those on a personal level.
With their winning personalities and cooperative style,
they aren't apt to be alone for long!


Symbol : The Scales
Element : Air
Colour : Blue

Chinese Zodiac : Dog
Planet : Venus
Gem : Sapphire

Strengths : Social, fair-minded, cooperative, diplomatic, gracious.
Weaknesses : Indecisive, will carry a grudge, avoids confrontations, self-pity.



★ scorpio
OCTOBER 23 — NOVEMBER 21 (1994)

Beneath a controlled, cool exterior beats the heart of the deeply intense
Scorpio. Passionate, penetrating, and determined, this sign will
probe until they reach the truth. The Scorpio may not speak
volumes or show emotions readily, yet rest assured there's an enormous
amount of activity happening beneath the surface. Excellent leaders,
Scorpions are always aware. When it comes to resourcefulness,
this sign comes out ahead.


Symbol : The Scorpion
Element : Water
Colour : Dark Red/Black

Chinese Zodiac : Pig
Planet : Pluto/Mars
Gem : Opal

Strengths : Passionate, stubborn, resourceful, brave, a true friend.
Weaknesses : Jealous, distrusting, secretive, violent, caustic.



★ sagittarius
NOVEMBER 22 — DECEMBER 21 (1994)

Inquisitive and energetic, the Sagittarius is the traveler of the
Zodiac. Their philosophical, broad-minded approach to life motivates
them to wander far and wide in the search for the meaning of life.
Extroverted, optimistic, and enthusiastic, it can be almost impossible to
keep the Sagittarius down. They love change. In fact, change is 
essential for this sign to feel their best.


Symbol : The Archer
Element : Fire
Colour : Purple

Chinese Zodiac : Rat
Planet : Jupiter
Gem : Topaz

Strengths : Great sense of humor, idealistic, generous.
Weaknesses : Will say anything no matter how undiplomatic, promises more than can deliver, can be impatient to the point of rudeness.



★ capricorn
DECEMBER 22 — JANUARY 19 (1995)

When it comes to professionalism and traditional values, Capricorn
wins hands-down. This practical sign loves to tackle life in the most
conventional of ways, leaving no stone unturned. Considered the most
serious-minded of the signs, the Capricorn possesses an independence
that allows for considerable progress both personally and on the job.


Symbol : The Goat
Element : Earth
Colour : Brown

Chinese Zodiac : Ox
Planet : Saturn
Gem : Onyx

Strengths : Responsible, good managers, disciplined, self-control, dark sense of humor.
Weaknesses : Know-it-all, unforgiving, condescending, expecting the worst.



★ aquarius
JANUARY 20 — FEBUARY 18 (1995)

Aquarians present themselves in one of two ways. One on hand,
you’ll see someone who is shy, and quiet. On the other, an Aquarian can
be boisterous, eccentric, and energetic. Both are deep thinkers with a love of
helping others. Highly intellectual, this is a sign of fierce independence
that prizes intuition tempered with logic. Both personality types have an
uncanny ability to see both sides of an argument without prejudice,
making them excellent problem-solvers. While very much attuned to the energies
around them, Aquarians have a deep need to take time out alone and away
to rejuvenate themselves. The keyword for this sign is imagination. The Aquarian can
see a world of possibilities even when there appears to be none.


Symbol : The Water Bearer
Element : Air
Colour : Turquoise

Chinese Zodiac : Tiger
Planet : Saturn/Uranus
Gem : Turquoise

Strengths : Progressive, original, humanitarian, independent.
Weaknesses : Runs from emotional expression, uncompromising, temperamental, aloof.



★ pisces
FEBUARY 19 — MARCH 20 (1996)

"Understanding" is a most appropriate keyword for this gentle,
affectionate sign. Easygoing and generally accepting of
others around them, Pisceans are often found in the company of a variety
of different personalities. Their willingness to give of themselves emotionally
lends to an aura of quiet empathy. A Pisces is comforting to be around.
While not likely to be the leader, this sign's presence is strong and
vibrant in any cause they put their hearts into.


Symbol : The Fish
Element : Water
Colour : Sea-Green

Chinese Zodiac : Rabbit
Planet : Neptune/Jupiter
Gem : Moonstone

Strengths : Intuitive, compassionate, artistic, gentle, wise, musical.
Weaknesses : Can be a victim or martyr, fearful, overly trusting, sad, desire to escape reality.

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Chapter 3: Changed my singing twin~
Chapter 3: I have a question. >.<
I've finished my application! I hope everything is to your liking:
Chapter 2: Done with my app. I should have finished this long ago but school work was taking up most of my time.

Hope you like her ^_^
Waahh! I must apply!! I shall start tonight!!... Right after dance class. (:
Chapter 3: http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/597398

Ehehe, hope you find her okay.. XD I ran out of some ideas soo.. Yeah!
Chapter 3: http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/602110

Hope you consider her! ^^
Chapter 3: Done with my app hope you like her^^

I have a question. Where do you put your position?
Going to apply~! ^.^
But I may take longer than usual because I'm on a holiday right now.. T^T (limited internet time.. OTL)

Still, expect it at some time! :D