Chapter 26

Jacket Fortune

Jieun's P.O.V


Suho's so strange lately. He always sweats everytime he's close to me. He also always attract me. Actually what had just happened to him? Seems like he loves me back.... Ah no Jieun. Don't hope too much. I'm drowning into my own thoughts until someone taps my shoulder.

"Jieun-ah, it's almost 5. Get ready, we're going soon." Suho warms me with his smile. So I wake up from the sofa, and pack everything up. Then when I'm about to walk outside, Suho hugs me from behind, holds both of my hands, and kisses the top of my head. I would like to stay like this, for the rest of my life. "Let's go, princess." "How? My bags are still on the table." I look at him. "I'll take them for you, don't worry. Everything's served for you" Then we laugh together. I open the door, and he follows me.

(just skip how they arrive home, okay?)


Now I'm lying on my bed -yeah actually it's not my bed, I'm living with Suho- comfortably. I really miss this bed. "Happy, princess?" I jump because I'm shocked. "Ya! Why do you like to interrupt my resting time?" He laughs, "dinner time, dear. Let's cook." I tilt my head. "Cook? Why don't we just buy some-" I laugh because of his pouting face. "we better cook. I'm hungry. Besides, the foods outside aren't good for your health. Understand?" I wake up, "alright, alright." But when I'm about to step on the floor, he carries me, bridal style. "Wha-" "Ssshh, just keep silent. Your body hasn't fit enough, so I'm scared if you're not getting used to the floor's -uh, I mean, this room's floor tile are cold." he stutters. I can only laugh. "What are you saying, Suho-ya?" he places me on a chair, and wears the room sandals to both of my feet. "You have to keep warm. I'll also wear those." I sigh.


"Don't pour the oil too much! You'll burn them!" He's trying to please me, but I'm not pleased at all. I'm tired because I have to shout at him and give instructions to him. He doesn't allow me to cook, so I'm just watching him cook. Looks like he's trying his best, but he can't. "Ta-dah! It's done!" he let out a sigh of satisfication. He also takes the rice for us to eat. I take his food and taste it. "It's too oily, but it tastes good." I give him two thumbs. "Are you sure? Doesn't that taste awkward?" I shook my head. "At least it does have taste. Not like the hospital. ing plain." he caresses my cheeks. And this crazy feelings come back! And my heart beats faster than usual. Stop it, Jieun! You're eating with him right now..


Suho's P.O.V


Dinner has done! We wash the plates together. Jieun gladly ate the food I cooked. I try to get her attention, so I poke her cheeks with my wet fingers. "You're so naughty, Suho!" she pokes me back with her fingers. It's such a pleasure to make her smile and laugh like this. I love to see her smile and to hear her laughing voice. Furthermore, she laughs because of me.

After all the kitchen-activity, we're heading to the park where we usually come to. We take a seat and seeing the night sky. "It's so dark, Suho-ya." She looks at me, then to the sky. Duh, my heartbeats are increasing their speed! Argh, I hate this situation so much. I can't say any words to her.

Then , I feel tonight's the right time to tell her what I'm feeling right now. Shall I propose it to her? Now?

How if she refuses you? How if she loves another boy? How if she hates you, Junmyeon? I mentally argue to myself. I'm so stupid. I'm stupid because I've wasted so many good times with her. She's the only girl I love, then shall I? I'm hesitant. But I try to melt this cold atmosphere between us. I put my arm over her shoulder, she smiles and she looks at me.

Her eyes are sparkling, brighter than the stars. Her smile is so heart-melting for me. Her hair is always beautiful, however she styles it. Her scent is so familiar to me. Her voice is just like my daily drug. I can't live without hearing her voice. Her cute actions, also her cute reaction. Ah, everything about her are always perfect.

She hugs my arm at all of a sudden. "I'm cold." so hurrily I take off my jacket and place it on her shoulder. "Thank you. But aren't you cold?" I shake my head. "This night isn't as cold as usual." she tilts her head. "Why?" "Uhm, because I'm with someone who warms up my day." she smiles shyly. I place a kiss on her forehead. God, I wish I can stop the time. I would like to be in this position with her, forever.

I look at her, and then our eyes accidentally meet. I'm freezing at that time, but I don't realize if my body is going closer to hers. My head tilts automatically, and my lips are touching hers. I feel the most warmth on her lips. Jieun's smiling between our kiss. Then both of us are staring at each other.

Maybe it's time to start. Let's go! Be a man! You're not mommy's boy anymore, Junmyeon!

I try to cheer myself up. I let out a sigh. I've just realized, of how cold it is. Even my breath turns into smokes.

I take a deep breath, and then I face her. I'm ready. Ready of being hurt, ready for being rejected.

"Jieun-ah." she looks again at me after looking to the sky. "Yeah? What happened, Suho?" "I have to tell you something." she's listening seriously. I take a deep breath again, and then exhale it out.

"The first time I saw you, I thought you were my first love. And after 8 years we meet again, I feel those feelings are coming back, so..." I clear my throat.

"I love you, Jieun-ah."

I love you. I really love you.

Please, accept my love, Jieun-ah.

I love you from my deepest heart. I've locked my heart onto yours.

Please, accept me as your lover.



Jieun's P.O.V


Oh Jesus, am I dreaming right now? He's saying that he loves me! Please, if it's just my dream, someone please wake me up!

"Hey," I feel he's holding both of my hands, kneeling in front of me. "Do you love me? I love you." He repeats the sentences. "Please accept my love. I want you to be my first and last love." He looks deeply at me. "You know, I like to see you smile at me, I like to see you're laughing because of me, and I love to be beside you. So I can protect you from the danger out there." he smiles to me, then he holds my left cheek, caresses it gently.

"Will you be mine?"



A/N : HEYHOOOOOOO AUTHOR'S COMING BACK AGAIN!! *dancing to EXO's Growl* *no one gets amused* *crying*.

I've posted another chapter!!!!!!!! What do you hope for the next chapter, my beloved readers??

I hope Jieun accepts Suho's love. Do you???? OF COURSE YOU DO!!

PLEASE GIVE ME SUPPORTS ALSO COMMENTS BELOW ^____^ or else I won't update forever! *pouts*


Okay then, enjoy!

absolutefangirl signs out! Annyeong ^^

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beby95 #1
Chapter 41: Your story is great
I like it
Chapter 41: WAH DAEBAEK
Chapter 40: What the.......Taemin?! I should have known he was still bad.......
Pls update soon~~~
Chapter 39: TaeU<3<3<3
And does Chanyeol like Jieun?!?!
Chapter 39: Is taemin have a crush to jieun?
It's getting interseting... update soon... :)
xxw00uxx #7
Chapter 38: I love your story author . Update soon . I'll be waiting . :)
Chapter 38: who is she
Chapter 38: TaeU~~~~~~~
Pls update soon!!!
I can't wait to read the next chapter^^
Chapter 36: i didnt even know what is the reason of Taemin's plan..