No! You can't hurt her

Love between friends

Yoona POV

That's really depressing today :( No birthday cake , card just some post in Facebook saying Happy Birthday…

I sit on my comfort chair and then log on to my Facebook!!

Siwon online too and he said hi to me…

"Hi, Yoona."


"Has anyone ask you to go to our last year prom yet?"


"no too same here alone …"

"don't worry, you so handsome surely someone will go with you." I type while thinking of Yuri

"I want to ask you the serious question,okay?"

"Ya, sure!"

"Remember our prefect and librarians camp? We secretly sneak out of our dorm at night and go ghost hunting right? 

"Ya, I remember! And we got lost in the 'jungle' till the next morning."

"I…I…from that day …I…had f…all for you."

"what?" I was shock, I mean it can't be , he should at least have a feeling that Yuri like him?? He knew I am her best friend too? How can he?Without noticing, my tears fall…

"I am not lying! Im YoonA, saranghae."

"You should know that someone else's like you right?"

"ya, I know Yuri!"

"And you know that I am her best friend right?So how can you treat us like this??? You are so close to her and she told me you even whispered "Saranghae Yuri" to her! How can you?

"I said your name but she accidentally heard it as Yuri!" I love you, yoona! Can you go with me to the prom?"

"I am sorry I won't ! I can't hurt Yuri! Just go with her and don't bother me" To me you are nothing!" I type this as my heart scattered into billion of pieces and no one could ever fix it back

No one ......

"Fine!" He said

Siwon POV

"Fine!" I said as I smash my table hardly! How can she be like this? I was so angry and I smash down all my things !!

how can she be like this? Alright, since this is what she want? Fine I will ask Yuri

"Hey,Yuri! Did anyone ask you for this year farewell?"

"no , oppa."


"Saranghae too…I have a crush on you oppa! I don't believe you too!!"

"Ya" I can't believe what I had done…seriously, anger can make you do whatever you hate! Aish! What should I do?

"Oppa, lets meet tomorrow at 12pm in Love Bird Park okay?"


"can we celebrated our first date, please"


"lets call YoonA and Kyuhyun together…"

"No, ermmm…we should be together right we should be alone ..." I think I can't let yoona know this !!no no no… I must think of something ...Aish! Since yoona doesn't like me then maybe I should like Yuri. I believe as time goes by …I will fall for her…

"Okay,oppa!I am gonna tell everyone this good news!"

"Alright!" I just don't care about yoona now …Yoona Yoona Yoona Aish! Not Yuri Yuri Yuri YoonA aah!!  Yoona no Yuri …

Should give Kyuhyun a call?

i told Kyuhyun everything and he said…

"Bro, just follow your mind. Anyways bye I am going to the cinema with Seobaby!"Wait, you wanna join with Yuri?"

"No, thanks ! Enjoy 'l

" That's too bad don't worry I will enjoy with my Seobaby, don't worry!l

"You this evil child!" And he end the call…

Haiz…I will date Yuri just date 


Yuri and Siwon are dating for the next half year and yoona just try to forgot him. she felt happy when her best friend and him are happy. She has a diary and she wrote all her feelings and her goal is to forgot Siwon in a year…however, Siwon still can't forget yoona but he doesn't want to Hurt Yuri too…

Kekekek next chapter stay alive !





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novamp #1
Please make it YÓonwon
YoonWonShipper #2
Chapter 1: It's kind of short for the next chapter !! Sorry I tried to make it short cause I scared you guys will be bored of reading too much descriptive kind of fanfic…Sorey