Park Sister

Friends, No Matter What.

Dara and I began to discuss our plan for the next school year we both wanted to be popular. We had been friends in and out of school. Most importantly we both had each other. We had been best friends since 1st year high school. Sometimes we just looked at each other was thinking about. But we wanted to do more during our stay in high school. We wanted to be known.

Our plan came to reality when our school was organizing a dance group and new dancers were needed “This is it” said Dara. We registered at once as members. Dara and I spent most of our free time, especially during weekends, learning all the dance steps. We watched the latest dance steps on TV shows and slept with dance steps in our mind. We worked hard because we wanted to realize our plan.

“We’re ready for the audition, Bom.” Dara said

“I know the steps inside and out, but I feel I’m going to fail. You didn’t think I’d feel this nervous, did you?”

“You’ll do great” Dara said and flashed a reassuring smile. “We both will”.

We were both waiting to find out if our skills are good enough to be part of the group we had a week to wait until the names of the accepted members will be posted on the bulletin board.

“Well, I suppose we should get some homework done before they post the new members. I’ll get started in our reading assignment” Our project was to take a position on an issue and write about in the form of an editorial.

At school the following week, we were very anxiously huddling in front of the bulletin board. Dara’s name was on the list. I could not believe that my name was not listed. I realize I did not make it.

On the next few days, I did not have any time at all with Dara. Most of the time, I spent my time working on a reading assignment. And Dara spent much of her time rehearsing with the group. It was as if my best friend had become an entirely different person.

We still talked over the phone, but somehow it was not the same. Like, yesterday she said she would wait for me in the library, but she did not show up. I found out that she was practicing the whole afternoon. “We have a presentation on Monday”, she said over the phone. “I’ve been practicing really hard because I don’t want to let the group down. I’m having so much fun with the group”.

“That’s fine for you and your new friends”, I said sarcastically”. “Is that all the matters to you? What about me?

“Come on Bom, be honest. You didn’t really want to be a dancer anyway. You complained every time we practiced. It’s just not your thing”.

I was not able to say anything. Dancing is not my thing, but it was something we were going to do together.

“You know what Bom, I’m kind of hurt too. I tried to be understanding when you did not make it to the group by not talking about it too much, but you didn’t even congratulate me or anything”.

At school the following morning, a group of students from the other sections approached me in the school canteen.

“Oh, there’s Bom! Bom, we like your article very much congratulations!” yelled the students who were passing by, as they wagged their school magazines.

“Congratulations Bom, You’ve made it!” Somebody said at my back. Tears welled on my cheeks, while Dara embraced me. We smiled at each other reassuring us that were not angry with each other anymore.

All day long students, including our teachers, congratulated me on my article.

“You know what, your articles will be entry to the national finals for the search for Young Writers” said our adviser.

“See you’re better than me” Dara said.

“Ani, were both good” Bom replied.


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2ne14ever #1
@iheartushinee: miss u tooo....
@anne Imissyou :*
mine2love #3
cool! update soon!