Winter Memories

Erika Sawajiri's The Seasons of Memories

Erika Sawajiri's "The Seasons of Memories" ; Winter Memories

I'm going home, after the hard day at my work, I decided to walk to the cherryblossom's street. It's the second week of the winter season, the air is cold as ice. The brittle snow that i'm walking is about five inches from the street floor. The snow covers the top of cherryblossom trees, falling leaves of it causes a pinkish white effect at the street. Every step i take is like remembering the same view fourtheen years ago.

Fourtheen years ago, the same winter season.I was about to fall from the cherryblossom's tree top after climbing up to get the kitty. "Erika! Be careful!", Ryo said. "I'm gonna get the kitty!", i shout grabbing the kitty and going to fall, luckily I fell from the bushes full of snow. So i didn't have any injuries at all.I was nine years old that time. Cheerful, energetic, healthy and sometimes ANNOYING.. I usually do things that little boys do, like climbing up the tree.

"Look Ryo! i got the kitty!". Ryo, his my childhood friend. His my opposite, he's a shy boy, negative thinker but nevertheless his good, smart and kind. Both our families are close, so we're always together hanging out here. At the Cherryblossom's street.

After we got the kitty, i buy some bread to eat. And then we seat on the bench under the cherryblossom's tree with the kitty."Ahm, Erika.", Ryo said."Yes?", i answered while feeding the kitty."I have something for you, here."A paper crane. A pink paper crane with white cherryblossoms design on it. I smiled when i saw that on his little hand. And when he gave it to me, i bowed my head and cry. I thought maybe i was just so happy that moment.

"Kawaii ne!", i said."Erika? Why are you crying?", he asked.After that i think she's still hungry. The kitty, cause she's toughing'dinidilaan' my hand. And then suddenly Ryo kissed my cheek, I was shocked and my tears are stop falling. I looked at Ryo, i think he wants to comfort me. And when he smiled i know, he doesn't want me to cry.Feeling the comfort and love, i smiled.At the middle of the cheeryblossom's street, at the bench under the pink leaves and snow that simultaniously falling down. Our loved for each other develops and stayed unlit now.

I open the door of our apartment, the lights are off. I click the switch for the lights. And when i saw the whole living room, our walls has a pink wallpaper with some white shade cherryblossoms and a lot of paper cranes everywhere. My husband walk towards me having on his hand a pink paper crane with white cheeryblossoms design on it."Happy Anniversary!", he said then kiss me on my cheek. Like he use to do when we we're little.I hug him tight and cry then said,"I love you, Ryo!".

Qoute : "Soulmate, for every person, there is someone who will be with us forever."

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what-is-this #1
Chapter 2: nice one there