Warming up

That Person

Thinking about the failure date she had with her Hershey’s Angel, Taeyeon didn’t even notice that she was now in front of Soo’s café. As the glass door of the elegantly and classy decorated café was pushed open accompanied by the crisp jingles of bells tied to the handles of the glass door, Taeyeon’s nostrils were welcomed by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, pastries and cakes.


Still the same fragrance,’ Taeyeon thought to herself.


Tiffany who was busy wiping the tables, straightened her back and greeted the customer happily, “Welcome to Soo’s Café!” she said before bowing. She raised her eyebrows when she heard some melodies giggles. Looking up, she saw Taeyeon standing in front of her; looking at her while smiling.


“Hi, Tiffany-ssi. I never knew you work here,” Taeyeon greeted her before walking casually to the corner of the café, where the seats have more privacy.


“Ah yeah, I just started today. Yuri’s friend, Sooyoung gave me job here,” Tiffany answered following her closely. “Can I take your order?”


Taeyeon beamed, “Yeah sure, I would like a cup of Americano. Less sugar please.”


Tiffany jotted down the order before went back to the counter to prepare Taeyeon’s order.


Taeyeon looked around the café, the café is unusually quiet; there were only a couple two tables away from her; since Soo’s café is quite popular for its delicious caffeine beverages and mouth-watering home-made cakes, she finds it weird to have so little patrons. She glanced at the counter, searching for a certain tall skinny figure but failed to. She looked around once again before letting out a deep sigh, unable to fight the overwhelming rush of nostalgia; Taeyeon lowered her guard and let her past memories replay in her mind vividly like they just happened the day before. But, it wasn’t long before a husky voice decided to break her trance.


It has been quite a while since Taeyeon last step foot into this café. She would have patron here more often if not for the fact that her last heartbreak happened right in this café, her best friend’s café. It does pain Taeyeon to think back about that failed relationship. But she can’t escape this café forever right? She would have to step foot into her best friend’s café again one fine day and it happened to be this day.


“Here’s your order, Taeyeon-ssi.” Tiffany put her order on the table expertly before giving an adorable eye-smile towards Taeyeon.


That eye-smile again…Why is it affecting me?


“Thank you, by the way where is Sooyoung?”


“Oh, Sooyoung went to run some errands. Y-You know Sooyoung?” Tiffany tilted her head. Seeing Tiffany’s confused gesture made Taeyeon chuckled, “Yeah I know her, she is my friend from junior high school.”


“Waiter, bill please.” The couple at the other table called, cutting their conversation.


“Ah, excuse me Taeyeon-ssi.” Tiffany smiled before serving the couple. After the couple leave, the café became quieter, but Taeyeon preferred this surrounding, it’s easier for her to focus on her novel.


Tiffany was cleaning up the dirty plates at the previous table when she took notice of her favourite English novel that was in Taeyeon’s hands. “OMG!! IS that ‘Twilight’?!” she gushed before walking to Taeyeon excitedly. Taeyeon raised her eyebrows before nodding slowly, “Yeah.”


“I love Twilight! Edward is charming in there. Oh, I admire their relationship. True love never dies…” Tiffany said excitedly.


“Oh, I don’t know, I just started to read, if you notice.” Taeyeon said while flipping across the pages.


“Trust me; you’ll love it, Tae!”


“Tae?” Taeyeon raised her eyebrows hearing the pet name Tiffany gave her. Tiffany stopped her excited trait and frowned slightly, “I’m sorry, if you feel uncomfortable, Taeyeon-ssi…”


Taeyeon waved quickly before smiling warmly, “I didn’t say that I don’t like it right? I’m just taken aback, but I like it! Call me Tae then, I’ll call you Fany. It’s okay right?”


Tiffany flashed her infamous smiled before nodded happily, “I’m happy we got closer, Tae. I thought you dislike me for the first time we met, you’re quiet.”


“I’m quiet type, I’m sorry for my behaviour back then; I don’t usually warm up with people at first meetings.” Taeyeon explained before taking a sip at her Americano.


“It’s okay… At least, we’re okay now. I’m also happy when we have the same interest.” Tiffany uttered while looking at the ‘Twilight’ novel.


Before Taeyeon could reply, the café’s telephone rang, so, Tiffany excused herself to pick up the call. After 2 minutes, Tiffany came back; “I think I need to close the café alone…Sooyoung’s stuck in the heavy traffic. Besides, storm expected to be coming. So, we need to close early today.” Tiffany said while pouting.


So adorable…’ Taeyeon thought before stood up, “I’ll help you. Besides, we basically live together, let’s walk home together.” Taeyeon offered make Tiffany smiled again, “Thanks, Tae! I owe you one!”


Tiffany settled everything in the kitchen, while Taeyeon arranged all the chairs and table.


“We’re done.” Tiffany said while clapping silently. “Thanks to you, Tae, If not I don’t think I can done all this in such short time.”


Taeyeon just gave a warm smile before grabbing her bag, “We should go now, it’s dark outside, we need to hurry.”


Even though, they have warmed-up with each other in the café, there were tinge of awkward in the air when they walked beside each other to the apartment.


Taeyeon cleared to chase the awkwardness away, “Since we have the same interest, next time let’s go to library with each other, maybe you can recommend me good books?”


Tiffany beamed happily, “I’m pleased to do that, Tae.”


Without them realizing, they have reached the front door of apartment. The shared apartment’s door opened with the jingles of keys and a turn on the door knob. The apartment was pitch dark. Apparently, Tiffany’s grandmother still wasn’t home from her work. Tiffany’s grandmother is working as a dishwasher at a nearby restaurant to earn extra money so that Taeyeon, Yuri and Tiffany wouldn’t have to work so hard. Tiffany’s grandma was firm on her decision even though Yuri and Taeyeon tried persuading her to just rest at home.


“You should shower first." Taeyeon said before entering her room.


Taeyeon flopped on her bed, and closed her eyes. She needs some time to herself to lock up the memories that flooded her mind earlier on.


Suddenly, a streak of lightning split the dark and gloomy sky into two followed by the loud threatening sounds of thunder erupting through the quiet night. A storm was coming. Taeyeon could only stand up reluctantly and close all opened window so that the apartment would not be flooded.


Just before Taeyeon’s hands could even reach the last window, a scream echoed through the whole house as the lights and electricity went off.


With another deafening scream from the bathroom, Taeyeon rushed towards the bathroom to check if Tiffany was alright but the scene that welcomed her got her into a state of shock as her jaws dropped all the way, touching the ground. She was welcomed by a half dressed Tiffany. Even with the lack of light, Taeyeon still can see the outline of Tiffany’s wonderful body. As Taeyeon turn her back to Tiffany so that Tiffany could get herself dressed, a shaky voice broke the awkward silence, “Please don’t leave me in the dark,” Tiffany begged.


“I wasn’t going to leave you, I was just trying to give your privacy to dress up,” Taeyeon took a few steps forward, a little further away from Tiffany and out of the bathroom. Leaving the door open, Tiffany dressed herself up before running towards Taeyeon and engulfing Taeyeon into her embrace as another deafening thunder erupted once again, in the dark and quiet night.


Taeyeon awkwardly patted Tiffany’s back since she is not an affectionate person; she will cringe if someone initiates skinship with her.


“Please don’t leave me, Tae…” Taeyeon heard Tiffany’s husky whisper on the crook of her neck. Hearing Tiffany almost pleading voice make Taeyeon’s heart twinge a little. She tightened the hugged, “I will never leave you, Fany…Don’t worry…”


After the storm have calmed down a little bit, Taeyeon went to the electricity box to turn on the power; of course with Tiffany clinging onto her. Taeyeon let out a disappointment sighed when the power didn’t return even after she flicked the power button a few times.






“I guess, we need to stay in dark for awhile…”


Tiffany looked up, “Why?”


“I think the power box was affected by the lightning just now.” Taeyeon said calmly before pulling Tiffany to the couch.


“Let just sit here while we wait for Yuri to call the electrician.” Taeyeon mumbled before resting her back on the fluffy couch. Tiffany sat slowly beside her, “I admire you, Tae.”


Taeyeon chuckled, “Why?”


“Because-” Tiffany’s words was being cut by her yawning. Taeyeon looked at Tiffany, “Rest here first. I will go and get you blanket. It will be cold tonight.”


Before Taeyeon could stand up, Tiffany grasped her arm, “Please just stay here. You said you won’t leave me right…?”


Even without seeing Tiffany’s expression, Taeyeon can imagine Tiffany’s pouting face. She let out small laugh before sitting back on the couch, “But don’t me blame if you get sick tomorrow.”


“Why should I blame you, Tae?” Tiffany slowly close her heavy eyelids, There was a silence for a few minutes before it was broken by Tiffany, “I admired you because you are so calm in any situation…” Tiffany talked with her sleepy voice.


“And…you…look…strong…and…dependable…Taeyeon…” Tiffany said with a sluggish voice before dropping her head slowly on Taeyeon’s left shoulder. “Are you sleeping on me, Fany?” Taeyeon said with a playful voice but when there’s no reply from Tiffany her smile dropped.


“I’m not strong, Fany. I pretended to be strong…” Taeyeon whispered before her lone tear escaped from her eyes.





Hey guys, sorry for a late update,

We have been busy with homeworks and assignments.

I have just finished my exam last week, so freedom?

Anyways, enjoy and please share your thoughts of our story =)

p/s: Upvote too! Since I have been broken-heart comfort me with upvotes okay? ;~;



Hey, my dear readers!

I'm very sorry for this late update. We were both caught up by homework and assignments...

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this update as/although it was mainly TaeNy~

Don't be shy about leaving a comment, it is and will always be greatly welcomed~

I personally prefer comments more though~

- Jismusicfy

Write to Express, Not to Impress



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Yay! Finally a poster! 29/7/13


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Chapter 7: Que sad me hubiera gustado leerlo hasta llegar a un final, se veía prometedor... una buena obra
Chapter 2: Eso no puede ser lloranding e.e
Chapter 1: Ya quiero massssss
Chapter 7: i cant wait for the update :( i hope youll update it soon.

Chapter 7: Im a new reader here and i will wait for update authorsssss..... Yulsic ftw.....
Chapter 7: Goodluck with your exam !! Dont comeback if you guy fail :p jk hehe
Dont stress yourself to much, relax and calm will help you through the hard time.
We wait for your return, just dont take years to comeback lol
CoffeeMillk #7
Chapter 7: I shall wait for you authors :>
And good luck to all your exams ~!
Chapter 7: It's okay
Patiently waiting is my ability ;D
Hmmm I dont know if I should comment or not coz I might sound rude to you author but hope you guys understand :(.
First I would want to say goodluck with your study and stay healthy since both of you get sick very easy hehe dont stay up to late, if you guy are tired from school just rest up dont have to update fast coz your readers will always be here :) we not going anywhere! Stay healthy and strong so you guys can give us more good fic ^-^.
Ok here I go (dont get mad ok :( .) I like both you guys so get the wrong idea ok (your ff lol )
Since I remember your saying author , that make got the courage to express what I want to say hehe
Somehow the story dont get into me *yet* something is missing and I dont know what...I finish reading just then but I got no feeling toward the story :( I really want to find the missing piece so I will continue reading on hope you guys will help me :) will support you all the way ^-^
Ps sorry for my rude comment, I wont reply anymore
Peace :)
CoffeeMillk #10
Chapter 6: Woohoo, Taeny! :D
I'm now really curious about Tae's past. Who is that person that broke poor Taeyeon's heart? (♯`∧´)
I'm hoping for a Yulsic chapter next.. :3

Thanks for the update lovely authors!